Basic Algorithm (3) (Pascal) ZZ

zhaozj2021-02-16  123

16. Find algorithms

Folding half lookup

Function Binsearch (K: KeyType): Integer;

Var Low, HIG, MID: Inteder


Low: = 1; HIG: = N;

MID: = (low HIG) DIV 2;

While (a [mid] .key <> k) and (low <= HIG) DO Begin

IF a [MID] .key> K Then Hig: = MID-1

Else Low: = MID 1;

MID: = (low HIG) DIV 2;


If low> hig kil: = 0;

Binsearch: = MID;


Tree look

Binary Sort Tree: The value of each node is greater than the value of its left sub-tree, which is less than the value of its right tree.

Look up

Function Treesrh (K: KeyType): Pointer;



q: = root;

While (q <> nil) and (q ^ .key <> K) DO


Else Q: = Q ^ .right;

Treesrh: = q;


17. KMP algorithm

18. greedy

* Meeting questions

(1) N An event has a start time and an end time, only one event is only in one activity, and the maximum number of activities is satisfied.

Solution: Sort by the end time of each activity, the top priority is satisfied.

(2) The meeting room has the least free time.

(3) Every customer has a wish to pay for maximum profit.

(4) Conference rooms in total R, iile I need to use I meeting rooms, the cost is the same, and ask for maximum profit.

Appendix 1 Common Skills

1. Bring a median

N (N is not more than 100 natural numbers), and the natural number of Mongolia in my country has N (X1, Y1), P2 (X2, Y2), ... pn (xn, yn), corresponding to Weight Wi, now You are asked to find a point P (XP, YP) ​​on the savanna, so that the P point to any point PI is the sum of the sum of the accumulation of the Wi and Wi.

Institutional D = W1 * D1 W2 * D2 ... WI * DI ... WN * DN has a minimum

Conclusion: The two directions of X and Y is solved by the median, and converted to one-dimensional.

Set the best point P to point K, then point K satisfaction:

If W is the sum of the sum of the rolling distance of the remaining points, then

SiGema (i = 1 to k-1) wi * di <= W / 2

SiGema (i = k 1 to n) Wi * di <= W / 2

At the same time, the point K of the above two is satisfied is the median.

2. Ask the maximum and the continuous sequence in a sequence


Maxsum: = - maxlongint;

SUM: = 0;

For i: = 1 to n Do Begin


If SUM> MaxSum the Maxsum: = SUM;

If SUM <0 THEN SUM: = 0;


Writeln (MaxSum);



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