.NET Tools (from codetools)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  110

AskEMBLY Linker

al sources optionsThe Assembly Linker generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or more files that are either modules or resource files. A module is a Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) file that does not have an assembly manifest.

ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool


When multiple versions of the .NET Framework are executing side-by-side on a single computer, the ASP.NET ISAPI version mapped to an ASP.NET application determines which version of the common language runtime is used for the application. The ASP. NET IIS Registration tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) allows an administrator or installation program to easily update the script maps for an ASP.NET application to point to the ASP.NET ISAPI version associated with the tool. The tool can also be used to display the Status of All Installed Versions of ASP. Net, Register The ASP.NET VERSION COUPLED WITH TOOL, CREATE Client-Script Director, and Perform Other Configuration Operations.

Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer

Aximp [options] {file.dll | file.ocx} The ActiveX Control Importer Converts Type Definitions I com Type Library for An ActiveX Control Into A Windows Forms Control.

Windows Forms can only host Windows Forms controls - that is, classes that are derived from System.Windows.Forms.Control Aximp.exe generates a wrapper class for an ActiveX control that can be hosted on a Windows Form This allows you to use.. The Same Design-Time Support and Programming Methodology Applicable To Other Windows Forms Controls.

To host the ActiveX control, you must generate a wrapper control that derives from System.Windows.Forms.AxHost. This wrapper control contains an instance of the underlying ActiveX control. It knows how to communicate with the ActiveX control, but it appears as a Windows Forms Control. This Generated Control Hosts The ActiveX Control and Exposes ITS Properties, Methods, And Events As Those of The Generated Control.code Access Security Policy Tool


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Software Publisher Certificate TEST TOOL


The Software Publisher Certificate Test tool creates a Software Publisher's Certificate (SPC) from one or more X.509 certificates. Cert2spc.exe is for test purposes only. You can obtain a valid SPC from a Certification Authority such as VeriSign or Thawte.

Certificate Manager Tool

CERTMGR [/ add | / del | / put] [options] [/ s [/ r registryLocation] [SourceStoreName] [/ s [/ r registryLocation] DestinationStoreName]

The Certificate Manager Tool Manages Certificates, Certificate Trust Lists (CTLS), And Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).

Certificate Verification Tool

Chktrust [/ q] [/ v] SignedFile

The Certificate Verification Tool Checks The Validity of a File Signed with an Authenticode Certificate.

Runtime Debugger

Cordbg [Program Arguments]] [OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS]

The Runtime Debugger helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services. The source code for Cordbg.exe is being shipped as a sample .. application Developers can examine the code to learn how to use the debugging services Currently, you can only use Cordbg.exe to debug managed code; there is no support for debugging unmanaged code.Web Services Discovery Tool

Disco [options] URL




The Assembly Binding Log Viewer displays details for failed assembly binds. This information helps you diagnose why the .NET Framework can not locate an assembly at run time. These failures are usually the result of an assembly deployed to the wrong location or a mismatch in version numbers OR CULTURES. The Common Language Runtime's Failure To Locate An AssistMbly Typically Shows Up as a type.

Global Assembly Cache Tool

Gacutil [optionn | assemblypath | assemblylistfile]


MSIL Disassembler

ildasm [options] [pefilename] [options]

The MSIL Disassembler is a companion tool to the MSIL Assembler (Ilasm.exe). Ildasm.exe takes a portable executable (PE) file that contains Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) code and creates a text file suitable as input to Ilasm.exe.


installutil [/ uninstall] [option [...]] assemblyname] [option [...]] assemblynameThe Installer tool allows you to install and uninstall server resources by executing the installer components in a specified assembly. This tool works in conjunction with Classes in the system.configuration.install namespace.

License Compiler

LC / Target: Targetpe / Complist: filename [/ outdir: path] / i: modules [/ noLogo] [/ v]


Certificate Creation Tool

Makecert [options] OutputCertificateFile

The Certificate Creation tool generates X.509 certificates for testing purposes only. It creates a public and private key pair for digital signatures and stores it in a certificate file. This tool also associates the key pair with a specified publisher's name and creates an X. 509 certificate that binds a user- specified name to the public part of the key pair. Makecert.exe includes basic and extended options. Basic options are those most commonly used to create a certificate. Extended options provide more flexibility.

Management strongly Typed Class Generator


The Management Strongly Typed Class Generator enables you to quickly generate an early-bound managed class for a specified Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class. The generated class simplifies the code you must write to access an instance of the WMI class.

Policy Migration


The Migration Policy Tool Provides The Capability of Migrating Policy Between Two Compatible Versions of The .NET Framework.

.NET Framework Configuration Tool


The .NET Framework Configuration tool is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that allows you to manage and configure assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache, adjust code access security policy, and adjust remoting services.Common Language Runtime Minidump Tool

MscordMP [options] / PID processid / out outputfile

The Common Language Runtime Minidump tool creates a file containing information that is useful for analyzing system problems in the runtime. This tool is invoked just before the Microsoft Dr. Watson tool (Drwatson.exe) when Microsoft Visual Studio wants to upload a minidump.

Native image generator

NGen [options] [askMBLYNAME | AssemblyPath]

The Native Image Generator creates a native image from a managed assembly and installs it into the native image cache on the local computer. The native image cache is a reserved area of ​​the global assembly cache. Once you create a native image for an assembly, the runtime automatically uses that native image each time it runs the assembly. You do not have to perform any additional procedures to cause the runtime to use a native image. Running Ngen.exe on an assembly allows the assembly to load and execute faster, because it RESTORES CODE AND DATA STRUCTURES from The Native Image Cache Rather Than Generating Them Dynamical.

Permissions View Tool

Permview [/ output filename] [/ decl] manifestfile

The Permissions View tool is used to view the minimal, optional, and refused permission sets requested by an assembly. Optionally, you can use Permview.exe to view all declarative security used by an assembly.

Peverify Tool

Peverify filename [/ md] [/ il] / break = maxErrorcount] [/ hResult] [/ ignore = hex.code] / ignore = @ responsefile] [/ unique] [/ quiet]

The PEVerify tool helps developers who generate Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) (such as compiler writers, script engine developers, and so on) to determine whether their MSIL code and associated metadata meet type safety requirements. Some compilers generate verifiably type-safe code only if you avoid using certain language constructs. If, as a developer, you are using such a compiler, you may want to verify that you have not compromised the type safety of your code. In this situation, you can run the PEVerify tool on your files to check the MSIL and metadata.The Assembly Registration tool reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently. Once a class is registered, any COM client can use IT As Though The Class Were A COM COM COM COM COM CLASS. The class is registered online. INSTANCES of classes forin the assemin cannot be create from until the Y Are actually registered.

Assembly Registration Tool

Regasm assemblyfile [options]

The Assembly Registration tool reads the metadata within an assembly and adds the necessary entries to the registry, which allows COM clients to create .NET Framework classes transparently. Once a class is registered, any COM client can use it as though the class were a COM Class. The class is registered online. instances of classes with the assemin cannot be create from com untenil the aactually register.

.NET SERVICES Installation Tool

Regsvcs [/ c | / fc | / u] [/ tlb: type ibraryfile] [/ extlb] [/ reconfig] [/ componly] [/ appname: ApplicationName] [/ NOLOGO] [/quiet]assemblyfile.dll

The .NET Services Installation Tool Performs The Following Actions: loading and registers an assembly.

Generates, Registers, And Installs a Type Library Into a Specified COM 1.0 Application.

Configures Services That You Have Added Programmatically To your class.

Resource File Generator

ResGen [/ compile] filename.extension [outputfilename.extension] [...]

The Resource File Generator converts .txt files and .resx (XML-based resource format) files to common language runtime binary .resources files that can be embedded in a runtime binary executable or compiled into satellite assemblies. For information about deploying and retrieving .resources Files, see resources in Applications.

Resgen.exe Performs The Following Conversions:

Converts .txt files to .resources or .resx files.

Converts .resources files to text or .resx files.

Converts .resx files to text or.resources files.

Secutil Tool

SECUTIL [-ARRAY | -HEX] [-cmode | -vbmode] {-strongname | -x509certificate} filename

The Secutil Tool Extracts Strong Name Information or the public key for an X.509 certificate from an assembly and communicates this information Into a format That Can Be Incorporated Into Code.

Set Registry Tool

SetReg [-q] [choice # {true | false} ...]

The Set Registry tool allows you to change the registry settings for public key cryptography. These keys, called the Software Publishing State Keys, control the behavior of the certificate verification process. After Setreg.exe completes the requested action, it displays the current values ​​of The Software Publishing State Keys.

Assembly Cache Viewer

SHFusion.dllthe assembly cache viewer is a windows shell extension That allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the global assembly cache sale Windows explorer.file signing tool

Signcode [options] FileName | AssemblyName

The File Signing tool signs a portable executable (PE) file (.dll or .exe file) with an Authenticode digital signature. You can sign either an assembly or an individual file contained in a multifile assembly. If you are distributing an assembly, you Signing any options launches a wizard at the ass.

Strong name Tool

Sn [-quiet] [option [parameter (s)]]]]]]

The Strong Name Tool Helps Sign. Sn.exe provides Options for key management, signature generation, and signature verification.


SOAPSUDS {-URL: Schemaurl | -types: type1, assemblyname [, servicendpoint] [; type2, assemblyname] [...] | -IS: schemafile | -ia: askEMBLY} [options]

THE SOAPSUDS TOOL HELPS You Compile Client Applications That Communicate with XML Web Services Using A Technique Called Remoting. Soapsuds.exe Performs The Following Functions:

IT Creates XML Schemas Describing Services Exposed in A Common Language Runtime Assembly.

IT Creates Runtime Assemblies to Access Services Described by XML Schemas. A Schema Definition Can Be Dynamical File or It Can Be Dynamical Downloaded from The Internet.

Isolated Storage Tool

Storeadm [/ List] [/ remove] [/ roaming] [/ quiet]

The ISOLATED Storage Tool Lists or removes all existing stores for the current user.

Type Library Exporter

TLBEXP AssemblyName [/ out: file] [/ noLogo] [/ Silent] [/ verbose]

THE TYPE LIBRARY EXPORTER GENERATES A TYPE LIBRARY That Describes The Types Defined in A Common Language Runtime Assembly.type Library Importrtlbimp

TLBFile [options]

The Type Library Importer converts the type definitions found within a COM type library into equivalent definitions in a common language runtime assembly. The output of Tlbimp.exe is a binary file (an assembly) that contains runtime metadata for the types defined within the original type Library. You can Examine This File with Tools Such as ildasm.exe.

Windows Forms Class Viewer

WinCV [options]

The Windows Forms Class Viewer allows you to quickly look up information about a class or series of classes, based on a search pattern. The class viewer displays information by reflecting on the type using the common language runtime reflection API.

Windows Forms Resource Editor

WinRES Resourcefile

The Windows Forms Resource Editor is a visual layout tool that helps localization experts localize Windows Forms forms. The .resx or .resources files that are used as input to Winres.exe can be created using a visual design environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio .NET For Information On Deploying Resources In .NET Framework Applications, See Resources In Applications.

Web Services Description Language Tool

WSDL [Options] {URL | PATH}

The Web Services Description Language Tool GeneRates Code for XML Web Services and XML Web Service Clients from WSDL Contract Files, XSD Schemas, and .discomap Discovery Documents.

XML Schema Definition Tool

XSD file.xdr [/ outputdir: Directory] xsd file.xml [/ outputdir: Directory] xsd file.xsd {/ classes | / dataset} [/ element: element] [/ language: language] [/ namespace: namespace] [/ Namespace: namespace] [ / outputdir: directory] [uRI: uri] xsd {file.dll | file.exe} [/ outputdir: directory] [/ type: typename [...]] The XML Schema Definition tool generates XML schema or common language runtime classes From xdr, xml, and xsd files, or from classes in a runtime assembly.


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