JS code triggers event function list

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  109

OnAbort triggers when the user interrupts the download image.

Onactivate triggers when the object is set to active elements.

The document printed by the onfterprint object is triggered immediately after printing or printing a preview.

ONAFTERUPDATE Triggered on the data binding object when the associated object in the data source object is successfully updated.

Onbeforeactivate objects are set to trigger immediately before the current element.

OnBeforeCopy Triggered in the source object before the central area is copied to the system clipboard.

OnbeforeCUT is triggered in the source object before the district is removed from the document.

OnBeForeDeactivate is triggered immediately before ActiveElement changes from the current object to the parent document other object.

OnBeForeEdITFOCUS is included in the editable element to enter the user interface activation state or editable container to change the control.

OnBeForePaste triggered on the target object before selecting the area from the system clipboard to the document.

The associated document of the OnBeforePrint object is printed or printed before the object is triggered on an object.

OnBeforeunload will trigger before the page will be uninstalled.

OnBeForeUpdate triggered on the data binding object before successfully updating the associated object in the data source object.

Onblur triggered when the object lost input focus.

Onbounce When the BEHAVIOR property of the Marquee object is set to "Alternate" and the contents of the subtitles are triggered when the subtitles arrive.

OnCellChange triggers data change in the data provider.

Onchange triggers when the content of the object or the selection area changes.

OnClick triggers when the user uses the left mouse button.

OnContextMenu triggered when the user right-click the client area to open the context menu.

OnControlselect is triggered when the user will make a control to select a control.

ONCOPY Triggered on the source element when the user copys the object or selection zone, which is added to the system clipboard.

Oncut Triggered on the source element when the object or selected region is deleted from the document and added to the system clipboard.

OnDataavailable triggers whenever the data of the data source object of asynchronous transmission data arrives.

OnDataSetChange triggered when the data set corresponding to the data source object changes.

OnDataSetComplete trigger indicates that all data of the data source object is available.

OnDBLClick triggers when a user doubles the object.

ONDEACTIVATE When ActiveElement changes from the current object to the parent document other object.

OnDRAG continuously triggers on the source object when dragging operation.

OnDragend Triggered on the source object when the user releases the mouse after the drag operation is completed.

OnDragenter triggered on the target element when the user drags the object to a legal drag target.

OnDragleave triggered on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of the mouse out of the legally drag target during the drag operation.

OnDragover continues to trigger on the target element when the user drags the object to the legal drag target.

OnDragStart Triggered on the source object when the user starts to drag text to select the region or selected objects.

OnDrop triggers on the target object when the mouse button is released during the drag operation.

OneRror triggered when an error occurred during load.

OneRrorUpdate updates the associated data in the data source object to trigger on the data binding object.

OnfilterChange triggers when the visible filter changes status or complete conversion.

Onfinish triggered when the subtitle cycle is completed.

ONFOCUS is triggered when the object gets focus.

ONFOCUSIN triggers before the element will be set to the focus.

OnFocusout immediately triggered on the current focus element after moving focus to other elements.

Onhelp Triggered when the user presses the F1 button when the browser is current window.

OnkeyDown triggers when the user presses the keyboard button.

OnKeyPress triggers when the user presses the literal key.

ONKEYUP triggers when the user releases the keyboard button.

OnLayoutComplete When printing or printing preview layout is completed with content from the source document, the prior LayoutRect object is triggered.

OnLoad trigches immediately after the browser completes the load.

Onlosecapture triggered when the object loses mouse capture.

OnMouseDown triggers when the user uses any mouse buttons to click on the object. ONMOUSEENTER Triggers when the user moves the mouse pointer to the object.

OnMouseLeave triggers when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object boundary.

OnMousemove triggers when the user brighnted the mouse over object.

OnMouseout triggers when the user moves the mouse pointer out of the object boundary.

OnMouseOver triggers the user moves the mouse pointer to the object.

OnMouseU is triggered when the user releases the mouse button when the mouse is on the object.

OnMouseWheel triggers when the mouse wheel button is rotated.

OnMove triggers when the object moves.

OnMovend triggers when the object is stopped.

OnMoveStart triggers when the object starts moving.

OnPaste triggered the data when the user pasted the data to transmit data from the system clipboard to the document.

OnPropertyChange triggers when an object change occurs on an object.

OnReadyStateChange triggers when the object status changes.

OnReset triggers when the user resets the form.

OnResize triggers when the size of the object will change.

OnResizeend triggers when the user changes the size of the object in the symbol selected.

OnResizStart Triggers when the user starts changing the control of the object in the selection area.

Onrowener trigger indicates that the current line has changed in the data source, there is a new data value available on the object.

Onrowexit Triggers before the data source control changes.

OnRowsDelete is triggered when the row will be deleted from the recordset.

OnrowsInserted is triggered after inserting a new line in the current recordset.

OnScroll triggers when the user scrolls the scroll bar of the object.

ONSELECT is triggered when the currently selected region changes.

OnSelectionChange triggers when the status of the document changes.

The OnseTartStart object will be triggered when you are selected.

OnStart triggers at each cycle of Marquee object.

OnStop triggers when the user clicks on the stop button or leaves the web page.

OnSubmit is triggered when the form will be submitted.

ONUNLOAD triggers immediately before the object is uninstalled.


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