JavaScript Advanced Applications: Manipulate Documents with DOM Technology

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  111

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We know that if you use the DHTML object model to manipulate the content of the document, you must understand the special properties and methods of the relevant document elements. Because there are many elements of the document, there are many corresponding properties and methods. In order to achieve a function, the developers have to query many data. However, there is a DOM technology, everything becomes simple, and the properties and methods of manipulating documents have an element-independent feature, which allows us to operate document content in the same steps. Undoubtedly, DOM technology provides the most convenient means for developers to operate documents at the subject level.

This article is a comprehensive introduction to how to use the DOM attributes and methods in JavaScript and manipulate documents.

Use Data, NodeValue, and SRC properties

The DOM provides two properties to modify the text node, they are DATA and NODEVALE. The two properties implementation is the same, the syntax is: = "new value" or object.nodevaule = "new value", where Object represents the text item node in the page. If you modify the content of the graphic file, the syntax is: Object.src = "new value", where the Object represents the IMG tag node in the page. Let's take a look at the example below:

DOM Demo </ title> </ head> <body id = "body"> this is the document body <p id = "p1node"> this is paragraph 1. </ P> < P id = "p2node"> this is paragraph 2. </ P> <p id = "p3node"> this is paragraph 3. <img id = "imgnode" src = "myexam.gif"> this text backs the Image < Table ID = "Tablenode"> <tr> <TD BGColor = Yellow> This Is Row 1, Cell 1 </ TD> <TD BGColor = Orange> this Is Row 1, Cell 2 </ TD> </ TR> <TR > <TD BGCOLOR = Red> This Is Row 2, Cell 1 </ TD> <TD BGColor = Magenta> This Is Row 2, Cell 2 </ TD> </ TR> <TR> <TD BGColor = LightGreen> this IS Row 3, Cell 1 </ TD> <TD BGCOLOR = BEIGE> This Is Row 3, Cell 2 </ TD> <P> </ Table> </ P> <p id = "p4node"> this is paragraph 4 . </ P> <script language = "javascript"> <! - alert ("page initial status" "/ n / n" "bodynode.firstchild.nodevalue =" bodynode.firstchild.nodeValue "/ n " " = " " / n "); bodyNode.firstChild.nodeValue =" This is the new document body, set by the nodeValue property "; p3Node.childNodes [1] .src = "myexam2.gif"; Alert ("After modifying the page content " " / n / n " " bodynode.firstchild.nodevalue = " bodyue " / n " " = " " / n " " P3Node.childNodes [1] .SRC = " </p> <p>P3Node.childNodes [1] .src); // -> </ script> </ body> </ html> The above code first displays the initial content of the page and the relevant attribute value of the node p1node, then the first to the node Bodynode The NodeValue property of a child node is assigned to modify its text content, and the contents of the node P3Node's second child node (that is, IMG tag) is assigned to modify the contents of the graphic. 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