Make the following contents (such as: create_csv.sql), then execute in SQLPLUS, output data to the specified file.
- Number of characters per row, Max Value IS 999
Set Linesize 800
- This parameter sets the number of rows output per page, including TTILE (head title), BTITLE, Column (column header) and blank line. n = 0 means not generating a new page
- Settings
--COL UserName Format A4
--Col A Format 999, 999, 999
- The title of each column (including text and underscore) is displayed on the results report. Prohibited output column header
Set heading off
- At the end of the query, the number of records of the query results are given. Prohibit display of the last row count feedback
Set feedback off
- When executing a command file, whether the command itself is displayed on the screen
Set echo off
Set Termout Off
- Empty extra spaces, such as: LineSize is too long
Set trimout on
Set trimspool on
- Production data command
Spool E: /output/scott_spool_emp.csv;
SELECT Empno || ',' || Ename || ',' || Job || ',' || Mgr || ',' || || || || Sal from EMP
Spool OFF;