N more technical website links

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  97

The network is boundless, which is the wonderful website is what you think is more exciting? Take it out to share with you http://www.microsoft.com/china (Microsoft Chinese website, there is Microsoft's latest event, the latest introduction) http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn (Microsoft Chinese MSDN) http : //www.microsoft.com/China/community/developer/default.mspx (Microsoft China Community Technical Resources, Most of the MVPS "http://www.microsoft.com/china/msdn/events/webcasts /webcasts.mspx (MSDN Microsoft development tips series network lecture, hand handle teaching you how to do, you can download the previous video) http://msdn.microsoft.com/ (English MSDN, the largest repository, English) http: // Www.dotNetwire.com/ (Net more .NET technical article, English) http://www.w3.org/ (if you want to do Web Application, this website is important to see, English) http: //www.google.com (even if you forget the above website, don't forget this website) http://www.codeproject.com/http://www.dotnetjunkies.comHttp:/www.asp .nethttp: //www.dotnet creates your own visual web HTML editor http://www.syszedu.net/jiang/dragon/1752.htm China Source Center provides download URL: www.cncode.com Backup Station, Www.codecn.net how to determine if the image field in SQL Server is a null value http://expert.9cbs.net/expert/topic/1525/1525806.xml js: About Document.execCommand () Function Available Parameters HTTP : //cache.baidu.com/c? Word = Execcommand & URL = HTTP% 3A // WWW% 2EOURDIY% INET / INFO% 5FDetail% 2EASP% 3FINFOID% 3D18 & B = 4 & user = deadLinkHttp: //www.regexlib.com/ Regular expression Http://blog.joycode.com/ Bo Hall, in Face is the boss some examples and books download website http://www.fawcette.com/china/xmlfile.aspx?id=311 Address: http://chs.gotdotnet.com/quickStart/ Description: This site is Microsoft Quick Start Website for .NET technology, we don't have to install the quick start sample program in .NET Framework, see this example directly on the Internet. *********************************************************** ** Name: Microsoft official .NET guidance site address: http://www.gotdotNet.com/ Description: The above site is a sub-site in this site, this site provides Microsoft .NET official information, and has a lot of users Source code, control download, Microsoft .NET development group people also often publish some guidance articles at this site.

*********************************************************** ** Name: SourceForge Address: http://www.sourceforge.net Description: The world's largest Open Source project online website, there are thousands of large Open Source projects in .NET, including SharpDevelop, NDOC, Mono Wait, release the latest source code information at this site. *********************************************************** ** Name: CodeProject Address: http://www.codeproject.com Description: Many unofficial small and medium-sized sample sources and articles, quite comprehensive, basically we want to find . *********************************************************** ** Name: Fabrice's Weblog Address: http://dotNetWeblogs.com/fmarguerie/story/4139.aspx Description: This is a weblog-form online log site, regular update, including .NET related tools, obfusons, and anti-compilation Various information, etc., very worth collecting. *********************************************************** ** Name: Address: http://www.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/translate.aspx Description: C # Translate to VB.NET, provide a text box, put your C # source code, you can help you Translated into VB.NET syntax. Recommenders: Take a little ************************************************************************ ****** Name: Csharphelp Address: http://www.csharphelp.com Description: Professional C # Language Online Help Site, mainly providing technical articles in C # language. It is very professional.

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