Win2000 error code and prompt

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  94

1 MessageTable


0, "status_wait_0"

1, "status_wait_1"

2, "status_wait_2"

3, "status_wait_3"

63, "status_wait_63"

128, "status_abandoned_wait_0"

191, "status_abandoned_wait_63"

192, "status_user_apc"

256, "status_kernel_apc"

257, "status_alete"

258, "status_timeout"

259, "The request has not been completed."

260, "Because the file name generates a symbolic link, you need to re-run the analysis operation by the object manager."

261, "Enumerate the return value of the API means having more information in subsequent calls."

262, "means that all reference privileges are not assigned ./n, for example, all privileges can be disabled without having to know if the privilege has been assigned."

263, "Not explained some information."

264, "Complete an open / create operation in the OPLock interrupt."

265, "The file system has been loaded into the new volume."

266, "This successful level state points out that the transaction status already exists in the registry sub-directory tree, / N but before transaction confirmation has been terminated. Now confirmation. Rxact is returned. "

267, "indicates that the remission request generated by the closing handle has been completed."

268, "indicates that a prompt change request is completed and the information does not pass back the callback party ./n The call now needs to enumerate the file to find changes."

269, "{No quota} / n This account does not set the limitations of the system quota."

270, "{Main Transmission Connection Error} / n Try to connect to remote server% HS on major transport, but no success ./N The computer can be connected to the secondary transfer."

272, "page error is a transmission error."

273, "Page error is a request 0 error."

274, "The page error is the request 0 error."

275, "page error is a request 0 error."

276, "You can read it from the secondary storage device to make up for page errors."

277, "Lock the cache page when operating."

278, "The page file has crash dumps."

279, "All 0 in the specified buffer contains"

280, "Because the file name generates a symbolic link, you need to re-run the analysis operation by the object manager."

281. "The device has completed" query stop ", and its resource requirements have been changed."

288, "Converter has converted these resources to universal space, should not run more conversion."

289, "Directory Services) Evaluate Group membership because it cannot contact global catalogs."

65537, "The debugging process has handled an exception"

65538, "Debugging procedure continues to run"

1073741824, "{Object exists} / n Try to create an object that exists."

1073741825, "{Termination thread} / n Temporary thread when the thread is terminated. When the thread is continued, the end is canceled."

1073741826, "{Working Group Range Error} / N Attempts to set the minimum or maximum range allowed by the working group."

1073741827, "{Image Relocation} / N Unable to map the image file in the image file. The image file must be made locally." 1073741828, "This level of information indicates a subdiological tree transaction of a particular registry. The processing status does not exist and must be created. "

1073741829, "{Segment load} / n A Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) is loading, uninstalling or moving an MS-DOS or WIN16 program area image ./n generates an exception to load, uninstall in these 16-bit regions Or track symbols and interrupt points. "

1073741830, "{Local Session Keys} / n Local RPC Connection Request User Session Keys. This session button returns a single value and the unique value of this connection."

1073741831, "{Invalid Current Directory} / n process cannot be switched to the start of the current directory% HS. / N Select" OK "to set the current directory to% HS, or select" Cancel "exit."

1073741832, "{Complete serial IOCTL} / n to complete the serial I / O operation by another write to complete the serial I / O operation ./n (ioctl_serial_xoff_counter arrived at 0.)"

1073741833, "{Registry Fault Recovery} / N must use records or another backup to restore files containing system registry data ./N recovery success."

1073741834, "{Redundancy Read} / n To complete the read request, the NT fault tolerance file system must successfully read the requested data from the redundant backup ./n This operation has been completed, due to the fault tolerance of the file system A part of the volume failed, / n could not reassign the failed area of ​​the device. "

1073741835, "{Redundancy write} / n To complete the write request, the NT fault tolerant file system must successfully write a redundant backup ./n This operation has been completed, and a part of the fault tolerance volume of the file system, / N cannot be reassigned to reassign the failed area of ​​the device. "

1073741836, "{Serial IOCTL Transfer Timeout} / n arrived to the transfer timeout expiration and end serial I / O operation ./n (ioctl_serial_xoff_counter has not reached 0.)"

1073741837, "{Password is too complex} / nwindows password is too complex to convert into a LAN Manager password ./N returned LAN Manager password is an empty string."

1073741838, "{Machine type mismatch} / n image file% HS is invalid, but it is valid for another machine type. Select" OK "to continue, or" cancel "makes the load DLL failed."

1073741839, "{The received partial data} / n network has transferred some data to the customer. The rest of the data will be transmitted later."

1073741840, "{The received data} / n network transmission back data to the customer and marked the transmitted system."

1073741841, "{The received part of the received partial data} / n network transmission has been transferred to the data to the customer and marks the data sent by the remote system. The rest of the data is transmitted later."

1073741842, "{TDI event completed} / NTDI Description has been successfully completed."

1073741843, "{TDI event has not been completed} / NTDI Description Enters the waiting state."

1073741844, "Check the file system on the% WZ"

1073741845, "{deadly application exit} / n% HS"

1073741846, "A predefined handle references the specified registry key."

1073741847, "{Unlocking" / n page Lock protection status Change to "Do not access" and unlock the page from memory and procedure. "

1073741848, "% HS"

1073741849, "{page lock} / n to lock the page is locked."

1073741850, "Pophang application:% 1:% 2" 1073741851, "status_already_win32"

1073741852, "Win32 X86" used by the abnormal state code used by the simulation subsystem. "

1073741853, "WIN32 X86" Available Amomi-State Code used. "

1073741854, "WIN32 X86" Available Abnormal State Code used by the Simulation Subsystem. "

1073741855, "WIN32 X86" The abnormal state code used by the simulation subsystem. "

1073741856, "WIN32 X86" used by the abnormal state code used by the simulation subsystem. "

1073741857, "WIN32 X86" The abnormal state code used by the simulated subsystem. "

1073741858, "Win32 X86" Available Abnormal State Code used by the Simulation Subsystem. "

1073741859, "{Machine type mismatch} / N image file% HS is invalid, but it is valid for another machine type."

1073741860, "Execute a turnover, there is no thread that can be run."

1073741861, "Timer API reducing flag is ignored."

1073741862, "The programs have been delayed by these resources to its parent"

1073741863, "Equipment"% HS "detected a CardBus card in its slot, but the firmware on the system does not allow the CardBus controller to run in CardBus mode. / N This operating system only accepts 16 on this controller Bit (R2) PC card. "

1073741864, "WIN32 X86" The abnormal state code used by the simulation subsystem. "

1073741865, "The CPU in this multiprocessor system is not all in the same revision level. To use all the processors in the operating system, you will limit the lowest functionality in the system. If this system has problems, please CPU manufacturers Contact Query Supply for mixing of this processor. "

1073742484, "System has been restored"

1073807361, "The debugger will reply later."

1073807362, "The debugger cannot provide a handle."

1073807363, "The debugging process terminates the thread."

1073807364, "The debugging process terminates the process."

1073807365, "Debugging procedure is controlled C."

1073807366, "The debugger prints the exceptions on control C."

1073807367, "The debugger received the RIP unusual phenomenon."

1073807368, "The debugging program received control interruption."

1073872982, "It has been assigned UUID only on this computer."

1073873071, "Some of the remaining data should be sent to the required buffer."

1074397188, "The Customer Drive Mapping Service" is connected to the "terminal connection". "

1074397189, "Client Drive Mapping Service" has been interrupted on "terminal connection". "

-2147483647, "{Abnormal} / n protective page exception / N has accessed memory pages ending tagged data structures (such as stack or array)."

-2147483646, "{Abnormal} / n Location Error / N Loading or Save Instruction Detected Data Type Location Error."

-2147483645, "{abnormal} / n interrupt point / N has arrived at the breakpoint."

-2147483644, "{exception} / n single step / N has completed single-step or tracking operation."

-2147483643, "{Buffer overflow} / n data is too large to be unable to load the specified buffer." - 2147483642, "No other file} / n There is no other file that meets the file format."

-2147483641, "{kernel debugger} / N system debugger triggered by the interrupt."

-2147483638, "{Closed handle} / n Automatically turn off the object handle with the operation request."

-2147483637, "{non-inherited ACL} / n Access Control List (ACL) does not include inherited components."

-2147483636, "{GUID replacement} / N During the process of converting HPFS General Identity (GUID) to Windows Security ID (SID), no system-defined GUID prefix is ​​found ./n has used alternative prefixes with system security However, this can provide more stringent access restrictions. "

-2147483635, "{Part of copy} / N cannot copy all requests by the protection conflict."

-2147483634, "{纸 纸} / n printer lack of paper."

-2147483633, "{No Open Equipment Power} / N does not open the printer power."

-2147483632, "{equipment offline} / n printer offline."

-2147483631, "{device in use} / n device in use."

-2147483630, "{No other EA} / N unable to obtain other extension attributes (EA) of the file."

-2147483629, "{invalid EA} / n specified extension attribute (EA) name contains at least one invalid character."

-2147483628, "The {inconsistent EA list} / n extension attribute (EA) list is inconsistent."

-2147483627, "{invalid EA logo} / n Set invalid extension attribute (EA) flag."

-2147483626, "{Verify Disk} / n Replace Save Media, verifying operation is in progress, so the device cannot perform reading or writing operations other than verification operations."

-2147483625, "{excessive information} / n Specifies the access control list (ACL) contain too much information."

-2147483624, "This warning level status points out that the transaction status already exists in the registry sub-directory tree, but the previous transaction confirmation is terminated ./N The confirmation operation is not completed, and it is not restored to the previous step. (It may still In the confirmation state). "

-2147483622, "{No other item} / N listings have no other items."

-2147483621, "{Discovery file tag} / n detected a file tag."

-2147483620, "{Media has changed} / n media may have changed."

-2147483619, "{reset I / O bus} / n detected the reset I / O bus."

-2147483618, "{Media exit} / n media has been running."

-2147483617, "" The beginning of the tape or partition is detected. "

-2147483616, "{Media has changed} / n media may have changed."

-2147483615, "The setting marker of the tape."

-2147483614, "Data is written at the end of the tape visits."

-2147483613, "Redirect the program is in use," cannot be unloaded. "

-2147483612, "Server is being used, can not be uninstalled."

-2147483611, "The specified connection is disconnected."

-2147483610, "A long jump has been running."

-2147483000, "The device has pointed out that the cleaning operation is required." - 2147482999, "Device has pointed out that its door is open. You need a further action to determine that its door is secure."

-2147418111, "The debugger has no abnormal phenomenon."

-1073741823, "{Operation failure} / n request is not successful."

-1073741822, "{unwilling} / N unrequently running the request."

-1073741821, "{invalid parameter} / n specified information category is invalid specified object information category."

-1073741820, "The specified information record length is not in line with the information category of the requested."

-1073741819, "/" 0x% 08LX / "instructions /" 0x% 08LX / "memory. This memory cannot be /"% s / "."

-1073741818, "0x% 08LX /" instructions / "0x% 08LX /" memory. Due to / "0x% 08LX /" error status, the requested data cannot be placed in memory. "

-1073741817, "The page file quota of the process is exhausted."

-1073741816, "Specify invalid" handle "."

-1073741815, "Call NTCREATTHREADAN to specify invalid start stack."

-1073741814, "Call NTCREATTHREADAN to specify invalid start addresses."

-1073741813, "Specifies invalid customer ID."

-1073741812, "Try to cancel or set timers associated with the APC, the topic thread is not the thread of the original set of timers related to the APC routine."

-1073741811, "Send invalid parameters to service or function."

-1073741810, "Specify the device that does not exist."

-1073741809, "{Unable to find file} / n file% HS does not exist."

-1073741808, "The specified request is an invalid operation of the target device."

-1073741807, "has reached the file end tail. There is no effective data after the file is marked."

-1073741806, "{error volume} / n drive has error volume ./N Please insert the volume% HS in the drive% HS."

-1073741805, "{No floppy disk} / n driver has no floppy disk ./N Please insert the floppy disk in the drive% HS."

-1073741804, "{Unknown Disk Format} / N Drive% HS" The floppy disk in HS has not been formatted ./N Please check the floppy disk, please reformat when necessary. "

-1073741803, "{Unable to find sector} / n specified sector does not exist."

-1073741802, "{Still in use} / n specified I / O request package (IRP) due to I / O operations and cannot be processed."

-1073741801, "{Not enough quota} / N does not have sufficient virtual memory or page file quota to complete the specified operation."

-1073741800, "{Address Scope Conflict} / n Specifies the address range and address space conflict."

-1073741799, "Unable to view unmapped address range."

-1073741798, "Unleash the virtual memory."

-1073741797, "Unable to delete the specified area."

-1073741796, "Invalid system service is specified in system service calls."

-1073741795, "{Abnormal} / n invalid command / n attempt to run invalid instructions."

-1073741794, "{Invalid lock order} / n Try to run invalid lock sequence." - 1073741793, "{Invalid mapping} / n Try to create a region greater than the area to view."

-1073741792, "{Damaged file} / N cannot read the specified mapping file attribute of the memory area."

-1073741791, "{Accepted trust} / n The designated address range has accepted."

-1073741790, "{Unacplicated} / n process has requested access to an object, but no access is given."

-1073741789, "The {Buffer is too small} / n buffer too small to unable to include items. Unable to write any information in the buffer."

-1073741788, "{Error Type} / n Request Operation The requested object type is not in line with the object type specified in the request."

-1073741787, "{Abnormal} / N unable to continue / NWINDOWS can not continue from exceptions."

-1073741786, "" The exception handler returns an invalid abnormal deployment. "

-1073741785, "Unusual code."

-1073741784, "In the release of an invalid or incorrect configured stack during the operation."

-1073741783, "I encountered an ineffective release target during the release of the operation."

-1073741782, "Attempt to unlock the memory page lock."

-1073741781, "Equipment parity error during I / O operation period."

-1073741780, "Try to relieve trust in virtual memory that is not accepted."

-1073741779, "Trying to change the memory properties accepted by trusted."

-1073741778, "Specify invalid object properties to NTCReateport or assign invalid port properties to NTConnectport."

-1073741777, "Send to NTREQUESTPORT or NTREQUESTWAITREPLYPORT is greater than the maximum length allowed port allowed."

-1073741776, "Specifies an invalid parameter combination."

-1073741775, "Attempt to reduce quota limit, make it lower than the current usage."

-1073741774, "{Disk damage} / N disk file system structure has been damaged and cannot be used ./N Please run the Chkdsk tool on the volume% HS."

-1073741773, "The object name is invalid."

-1073741772, "Can't find the object name."

-1073741771, "The object name already exists."

-1073741769, "Try to send messages to the disconnected communication port."

-1073741768, "Try to connect to the equipment that has been connected to other equipment."

-1073741767, "Object path components are not directory objects."

-1073741766, "{Unable to acquire path} / n path% HS does not exist."

-1073741765, "Object path components are not directory objects."

-1073741764, "{data Yue} / n The data is over error."

-1073741763, "{Data Delay} / n Data Delayed Error."

-1073741762, "{Data Error} / n Data reading or writing error."

-1073741761, "{CRC error} / n Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) checksum."

-1073741760, "{Regional long} / n specified area is too long so that the file cannot be mapped."

-1073741759, "NTCONNECTPORT requests are rejected."

-1073741758, "Operation The requested port handle type is invalid." - 1073741757, "If the shared access flag is not compatible, the file cannot be opened."

-1073741756, "Insufficient quota, unable to complete"

-1073741755, "The specified page protection is invalid."

-1073741754, "Attempt to release the derivatives generated by a thread, the thread is not the owner of this derivative object."

-1073741753, "Attempt to release Semaphor that has exceeded the maximum count."

-1073741752, "Try to set the process of debugport or ExceptionPort, but one port existing during the process."

-1073741751, "Try to query image information in the area where the image is not mapped."

-1073741750, "Try hangs in a thread to pending it up to the maximum."

-1073741749, "Attempt to terminate threads that have begun to terminate."

-1073741748, "Try to set the invalid working group limit value (such as the minimum greater than the maximum)."

-1073741747, "Creating a region of the mapping file is not compatible with the area that already exists and maps the same file."

-1073741746, "Regional view specifies the protection of incompatibility with the initial view."

-1073741745, "EA failed due to the operation of the file system does not support EA."

-1073741744, "Because the EA set is too big, the EA operation failed."

-1073741743, "Because the name or EA index is invalid, the EA operation failed."

-1073741742, "There is no EA in the file of EAS request."

-1073741741, "EA is damaged and is not readable."

-1073741740, "Due to file lock conflicts, it is authorized to be authorized for the required read / write authorization."

-1073741739, "Due to other existing locks, the required file is not granted."

-1073741738, "Delay Delete Action Request a file object's non-closed operation"

-1073741737, "Try to set up the control properties of the file. The target file system does not support this property."

-1073741736, "means that a service unknown modified number has been encountered or specified. This number may exceed the recent correction known to the service."

-1073741735, "Two revised levels are not compatible."

-1073741734, "indicates that a particular security ID may not be assigned to an object owner."

-1073741733, "indicating that a particular security ID may not be assigned to a major group of an object."

-1073741732, "The thread that is currently not imitating the customer is trying to operate on the imitation token."

-1073741731, "Mandatory group may not be disabled."

-1073741730, "There is currently no login server to process login requests."

-1073741729, "The specified login session does not exist. May be terminated."

-1073741728, "The specified privilege does not exist."

-1073741727, "The customer does not need privileges."

-1073741726, "The name provides the name of the correct format."

-1073741725, "The specified user already exists."

-1073741724, "The specified user does not exist."

-1073741723, "The specified group already exists."

-1073741722, "The specified group does not exist."

-1073741721, "The specified user account already exists in the specified group account ./n is used to indicate that since the group contains members and cannot delete it." - 1073741720, "Specifies the user account is not a member of the specified group account."

-1073741719, "indicates that the requested operation will disable or delete the nearest system administrator account ./N This prevents the state of the unmanaged system."

-1073741718, "When trying to update the password, this return status indicates that the current password provided is incorrect."

-1073741717, "When trying to update the password, this return status indicates that the supplied password contains the value that is not allowed."

-1073741716, "When trying to update the password, this status indicates that some password update rules have been violated. For example, the password does not meet the length of the length."

-1073741715, "Trying to login is invalid. Possible cause is invalid user name or verification information."

-1073741714, "Represents the username and verification information of the reference, but some user account restrictions are not successful (such as datetime limit)."

-1073741713, "User account has time limits and cannot be logged in during this period."

-1073741712, "User account has time limit and cannot log in from the original workstation."

-1073741711, "The password of the user account has expired."

-1073741710, "Reference account is currently disabled and cannot be logged in."

-1073741709, "No information has not been explained."

-1073741708, "The number of Luid requests cannot be assigned a single unit."

-1073741707, "means that there is no need to share any Luid."

-1073741706, "indicates that the secondary limit value of the particular purpose is invalid."

-1073741705, "means that the ACL structure is invalid."

-1073741704, "means that the SID structure is invalid."

-1073741703, "means the SECURITY_DEScriptor structure is invalid."

-1073741702, "It is pointed out that the specified process address is not found in the DLL."

-1073741701, "{Damaged Image} / n application or DLL% HS is invalid Windows image. Please detect your installation disk again."

-1073741700, "Try to refer to a token that does not exist. The typical situation like this is to refer to the token when a thread does not imitate the customer."

-1073741699, "means that the ACL or ACE failed to create a inheritance. BN causes a lot of factors that have occurred. The most likely reason is to match the ACE or ACL with the SID replacement creator identity."

-1073741698, "Not locked in NTUNLOCKFILE specified range."

-1073741697, "Operations fail to fail because the disk space is full."

-1073741696, "GUID allocation server" has been "disabled."

-1073741695, "GUID allocation server" has been "enabled."

-1073741694, "A GUID requests too much from the allocation server."

-1073741693, "Due to the permissions agent has been exhausted, Guid."

-1073741692, "The value provided is invalid identifier permission."

-1073741691, "I have no available permission agent value in the identifier rights limit."

-1073741690, "Specifies an invalid volume label."

-1073741689, "Unable to extend the mapping area."

-1073741688, "Data file cannot be mapped in the area specified clear." - 1073741687, "indicates that the source area is not included in the specified image file."

-1073741686, "It is pointed out that the specified source type is not found in the image file."

-1073741685, "It is pointed out that the specified source name cannot be found in the image file."

-1073741684, "{abnormal} / N array crosions."

-1073741683, "{abnormal} / N floating point in the non-regular operand."

-1073741682, "{Abnormal} / N divided by floating point operation."

-1073741681, "{exception} / n floating point operations."

-1073741680, "{exception} / n floating point operation invalid operation."

-1073741679, "{exception} / n floating point operation overflow."

-1073741678, "{exception} / n floating point operation stack detection."

-1073741677, "{exception} / n floating point operation overflow."

-1073741676, "{exception} / n integer except 0."

-1073741675, "{exception} / n integer overflow."

-1073741674, "{exception} / n privilege."

-1073741673, "Trying to install the number of pages files supported by the system."

-1073741672, "The file volume label has been changed outside, and the open file is no longer valid."

-1073741671, "When the memory block allocation is used in future updates (if the memory is assigned to maintain free access control and main group information), / n will be more than the original allocated memory number ./N Because the quota may The process that has been assigned to a number of object handles, so it is best not to change the size of the allocated memory. The request is more than the allocated memory request will fail and return Status_alloted_space_exceeded error. "

-1073741670, "The system resources are not enough, and the API cannot be completed."

-1073741669, "Try to open the DFS exit path control file."

-1073741668, "status_device_data_error"

-1073741667, "status_device_not_connected"

-1073741666, "status_device_power_failure"

-1073741665, "When the base address is not the area base address and the area of ​​0 is specified, the virtual memory cannot be released."

-1073741664, "Attempt to release unallocated virtual memory."

-1073741663, "Workgroup size is insufficient, unable to allow the requested page to lock."

-1073741662, "{Write protection error} / N because the floppy disk cannot be written to write protection ./N Please remove the write protection of the volume% HS from the drive% HS."

-1073741661, "{Drive is not ready} / n drive is not ready; the drive door may not be closed ./N Check the drive% HS and determine that the floppy disk has been inserted and the drive gate is closed."

-1073741660, "The specified characteristics are invalid, or it is not compatible with the characteristics of the group."

-1073741659, "The specified simulation level is invalid ./N also means that the requested simulation level is not provided."

-1073741658, "Try to open an anonymous rating token ./N Anonymous rating token may not be open."

-1073741657, "Application verification information category is invalid."

-1073741656, "The token object type is not suitable for use." - 1073741655, "The token object type is not suitable for use."

-1073741654, "Attempt to run instructions on unallocated addresses, and host systems do not support unallocated command references."

-1073741653, "has reached the maximum number of named pipe examples."

-1073741652, "instance of the named pipe is not found in the listening state."

-1073741651, "The naming pipe is not connected or closed."

-1073741650, "" The pipeline has been specified, but the I / O operation queue is currently existing, so it cannot be changed to the queue operation. "

-1073741649, "The specified handle is not open to the server side of the nomenclature."

-1073741648, "The specified named pipe is in the off state."

-1073741647, "The designated named pipe is closed."

-1073741646, "The designated named pipe is in connection."

-1073741645, "The specified naming pipe is in the listening state."

-1073741644, "The specified named pipe is not in message mode."

-1073741643, "{device timeout} / n in% HS" I / O operations cannot be completed before the timeout expires. "

-1073741642, "The specified file is closed by another process."

-1073741641, "The configuration file is not started."

-1073741640, "The configuration file is not stopped."

-1073741639, "The transmitted ACL does not contain minimum information."

-1073741638, "The specified target file is a directory but the caller specifies its value except the directory."

-1073741637, "Network request is not supported."

-1073741636, "Remote computer is not in listening status."

-1073741635, "There is a rename in the network."

-1073741634, "Unable to locate the network path."

-1073741633, "Network busy."

-1073741632, "This device does not exist."

-1073741631, "" has reached the restriction of network BIOS commands. "

-1073741630, "I / O adapter hardware error."

-1073741629, "Network response is incorrect."

-1073741628, "Network abnormal errors occurred."

-1073741627, "Remote adapter is not compatible."

-1073741626, "Printed queue full."

-1073741625, "Unable to get the storage waiting for the print file on the server."

-1073741624, "The request to be printed is canceled."

-1073741623, "The network name has been deleted."

-1073741622, "You cannot access the network."

-1073741621, "{incorrect network resource type} / n specified device types (such as LPT) conflict with actual device types on remote resources."

-1073741620, "{Unable to find a network name} / n unable to find the specified shared name on the remote server."

-1073741619, "Beyond the name limit of the local computer network adapter card."

-1073741618, "" has exceeded the network BIOS session boundary. "

-1073741617, "Suspended file sharing."

-1073741616, "There is no more connection to the remote computer because it has been connected to it." - 1073741615, "Suspension printer or disk redirection."

-1073741614, "Network data error occurred."

-1073741613, "The number of configuration file objects in use has reached the maximum value and no object can be started."

-1073741612, "{incorrect volume} / n Request to change the name of the target file with the source where the request is located in different devices."

-1073741611, "The specified file has been renamed thus cannot be modified."

-1073741610, "{Network Request timeout} / n Because the time division of the request has expired, the session of the remote server is disconnected."

-1073741609, "means that attempts to operate on objects that are independent of security settings."

-1073741608, "It is used to indicate that if it is not blocked to wait for I / O, the operation will not continue."

-1073741607, "It is used to represent read operations in the empty pipe."

-1073741606, "Failed to read configuration information from the domain controller; or because the machine is not available, or if the access is rejected."

-1073741605, "means a thread attempts to terminate itself (NULL call NTTERMINATTHREAD) and the thread is the last thread in the current process."

-1073741604, "means that the SAM server is in the wrong state of the operation operation."

-1073741603, "means that the domain is in the wrong state of the operation operation."

-1073741602, "This operation can only be performed at major domain controllers."

-1073741601, "The specified domain does not exist."

-1073741600, "The specified domain already exists."

-1073741599, "Try to exceed the number of domains per server per server."

-1073741598, "When the OPLOCK request is rejected, the error is returned."

-1073741597, "When an invalid OPLock confirms that the error is returned after receiving the file system."

-1073741596, "This error indicates that the required operation cannot be accomplished due to catastrophic media failing or disk data structure damage."

-1073741595, "An internal error appears."

-1073741594, "indicates that a general access type should be included in the access shield that has been mapped to a non-general access type."

-1073741593, "means that you do not need to set a specific format (absolute or self-relative)."

-1073741592, "On the" expected "time point to access the user buffer failed ./n defines this code when the caller does not accept status_access_violation in its filter program."

-1073741591, "If it returns an I / O error that is not defined in a standard FSRTL filter program, this error will be converted to one of the following errors defined in the filter ./n In this case, the information will Lost, but the filter program can handle the abnormal situation. "

-1073741590, "If returns an MM error that is not defined in a standard FSRTL filter program, the error will be converted to one of the following errors defined in the filter program. In this case, the information will be lost; However, the filter can handle the abnormality correctly. "

-1073741589, "If it returns an MM error that is not defined in the standard FSRTL filter program, this error will be converted to one of the following errors defined in the filter program. Under this case, the information will be lost; However, the filter can handle the abnormal situation correctly. "- 1073741588," If it returns an MM error that is not defined in a standard FSRTL filter program, the error will be converted to one of the following errors defined in the filter program. / N In this case, the information will be lost; however, the filter can handle the abnormal situation correctly. "

-1073741587, "Request operation is only allowed to log in. The calling process is not recorded as a login process."

-1073741586, "Try to start a new session manager or LSA login session with the ID in use."

-1073741585, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the first parameter."

-1073741584, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the second parameter."

-1073741583, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the third parameter."

-1073741582, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the fourth parameter."

-1073741581, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the fifth parameter."

-1073741580, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the sixth parameter."

-1073741579, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the seventh parameters."

-1073741578, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the eighth parameter."

-1073741577, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the ninth parameter."

-1073741576, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the tenth parameter."

-1073741575, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the eleventh parameter."

-1073741574, "An invalid parameter is transmitted to the service or function as the twelfth parameter."

-1073741573, "Try to access a network file, but network software has not started."

-1073741572, "Attempt to start a forwarding program, but the forwarding program is started."

-1073741571, "Unable to create a new stack protection page."

-1073741570, "Specific authentication package is unknown."

-1073741569, "In the release operation, the format is incorrect."

-1073741568, "indicates that the specified environment variable name cannot be found in the designated environment block."

-1073741567, "The directory to be deleted is not empty."

-1073741566, "{Damage file} / n file or directory% HS is damaged and cannot be read ./N Please run the Chkdsk tool."

-1073741565, "The required open file is not a directory."

-1073741564, "The status of the login session is inconsistent with the request of the request."

-1073741563, "Interior LSA error occurs. Verify that the package requests creates a login session, but specifies an existing login session ID."

-1073741562, "The specified name string is too long."

-1073741561, "The user attempts to enforce the file on the redied drive, but there is still an open file on the drive, and the user does not specify enough permission level."

-1073741560, "The user attempts to enforce the file on the redirected drive, but there is still an open directory on the drive, and the user does not specify enough permission level." - 1073741559, "RTLFindMessage cannot locate the message table resource The message ID is required. "

-1073741558, "Try copied an object handle into or copied the process being exiting."

-1073741557, "Provides an invalid value for the required Logontype."

-1073741556, "indicates that the file or directory on the file system is not allowed to convert a SID in the security descriptor to Guid./n saved in the file system, which causes the protection to fail, and make the file created / n failed. "

-1073741555, "Attempt to run simulation through a nameless pipeline that has not been read."

-1073741554, "indicates that the specified image has been loaded."

-1073741553, "status_abios_not_present"

-1073741552, "status_abios_lid_not_exist"

-1073741551, "status_abios_lid_already_owned"

-1073741550, "status_abios_not_lid_owner"

-1073741549, "status_abios_INVALID_COMMAND"

-1073741548, "status_abios_INVALID_LID"

-1073741547, "status_abios_selector_not_available"

-1073741546, "status_abios_INVALID_SELECTOR"

-1073741545, "Trying to change the size of LDT without LDT."

-1073741544, "Try to grow by setting the size of the LDT, or its size is not an even number of selectors."

-1073741543, "The start value of LDT information is not an integer multiple of the selector size."

-1073741542, "Try to set the LDT descriptor when the user provides an invalid descriptor."

-1073741541, "The specified image file format is wrong. It may be a NE format."

-1073741540, "Represents the processing status of the registry subdirectory tree with the requested operation / N is not compatible. Request. "

-1073741539, "Error processing during registry processing ./n database may be in inconsistent unknown status. The status of the registry transaction is preserved as committing."

-1073741538, "Try to map a large number of 0 files with a size of 0."

-1073741537, "Remote server opens too much file ./N This error can only be returned by a Windows forwarding program on the remote drive."

-1073741536, "I / O request has been canceled."

-1073741535, "Try to delete an unable to delete file or directory."

-1073741534, "Represents the specified remote computer name speech error."

-1073741533, "After deleting the file, running the I / O request other than the shutdown after the file is removed, / N applies only to requests that do not close the last handle with NTClose."

-1073741532, "It is pointed out that the operation is attempted on the built-in account incompatible with the built-in account; / N, for example, the built-in account cannot be deleted." - 1073741531, "Unable to run the request on a built-in user. "

-1073741530, "Because the specified user is a built-in special user, it cannot perform the required operation."

-1073741529, "It is pointed out that when the group is currently the main group of its members, it cannot be removed from it."

-1073741528, "Attempts to run I / O requests other than close and other special operations with closed file objects."

-1073741527, "Excessive threads in the process of running request operations. For example, the primary token can only be assigned when the program is not or only one thread."

-1073741526, "Attempt to run the thread during a specific process, but the specified thread is not in the specified process."

-1073741525, "Attempt to create a main token in use. There is only one main token once in the process."

-1073741524, "exceeding the page file quota."

-1073741523, "{Virtual memory ignition} / n Your system virtual memory is insufficient. To ensure that Windows is operating normally, please increase the size of the virtual memory page file. For more information, see" Help "."

-1073741522, "The specified image file is not correct, it may be the Le format."

-1073741521, "The format of the specified image file is incorrect, no initial MZ."

-1073741520, "The format of the specified image file is incorrect, and there is no appropriate E_LFARLC in the MZ header."

-1073741519, "The specified image file format is wrong, it may be 16-bit Windows image."

-1073741518, "Netlogon service cannot be started due to other Netlogon services running in the domain and conflicts with the specified role."

-1073741517, "Time and secondary domain controllers on the primary domain controller are very different on the time of the auxiliary domain controller or member server."

-1073741516, "The SAM database on the Windows server cannot synchronize with backups on the domain controller. Both must be fully synchronized."

-1073741515, "{Unable to find DLL} / N can't find dynamic link library% HS on the specified path% HS."

-1073741514, "NTCREATEFILE API failed. This error cannot be returned to the application, which is the route selection used in the Windows Lan Manager forwarding program in the internal error mapping routine."

-1073741513, "{privilege failed} / N unable to change the I / O privilege of the process."

-1073741512, "{finding ordinal} / N unable to position the order% LD on dynamic link library% HS."

-1073741511, "{Unable to find the entry} / n unable to position the program input point% HS on dynamic link library% HS."

-1073741510, "{Use Ctrl C exit application} / n to terminate the application using CTRL C."

-1073741509, "{Close the virtual circuit} / n Your computer transfer has been closed. The reason may be an I / O request that cannot be processed."

-1073741508, "{Close the virtual circuit} / n Remote computer network transmission has turned off the network connection. The reason may be an I / O request that cannot be processed."

-1073741507, "{Remote computer resources} / n remote computers are not enough to complete network requests. For example, remote computers have insufficient memory and unable to complete the current request." - 1073741506, "{Close virtual circuit} / n remote Existing connections (virtual circuits) on your computer have been interrupted. It may be a network software protocol of the remote computer or a network hardware. "

-1073741505, "{Turning off virtual circuit} / n Because the response time of the remote computer is too long, network transfers on your computer have turned off the network connection."

-1073741504, "Invalid transmission connection handle."

-1073741503, "Invalid transmission address handle."

-1073741502, "{DLL initialization failed} / n dynamic link library% HS initialization failed. The process is not normally terminated."

-1073741501, "{Unable to get system file} / n must have system file% HS damage or loss."

-1073741500, "{Application Error} / n application abnormal% S (0x% 08LX), location is 0x% 08LX."

-1073741499, "{Application Error} / n application Normal initialization (0x% lx) failed. Click OK to terminate the application."

-1073741498, "{Unable to create page file} / n Create page file% HS failed (% lx). The requested file size is LD."

-1073741497, "{Not specified Page file} / n is not specified in the system configuration."

-1073741496, "{Incorrect System Call Level} / n Send an invalid level to the specified system call."

-1073741495, "{incorrect LAN Manager server password} / n Specifies an incorrect LAN Manager 2.x or MS-NET server password."

-1073741494, "{Abnormal} / n real mode application issues floating point arithmetic instructions and floating point calculation hardware does not exist."

-1073741493, "Due to the other end of the closed pipeline, the pipe operation failed."

-1073741492, "{Registry corruption} / N contains a file structure of the registry data is corrupted, or the memory image of the file is corrupted, or the file cannot be restored by replacing the backup or logging or damage."

-1073741491, "The I / O operation caused by the registry has an unrecoverable error ./n The registry will not be able to read, write or refresh one of the files containing the registry system image."

-1073741490, "Specific client / server events using threads The object runs the event to synchronize, but no event is associated with the thread."

-1073741489, "Volume does not include identifiable file system ./N Please confirm whether you load all necessary file system drivers or volumes are corrupted."

-1073741488, "Serial Equipment is initialized in succession, will not be loaded."

-1073741487, "The designated local group does not exist."

-1073741486, "The designated account name is not a member of the local group."

-1073741485, "The specified account name is a member of the local group."

-1073741484, "The designated local group already exists."

-1073741483, "Local security policy of the target system does not recognize the requested login type (such as interactive users, network users, service users) ./ n Please ask the system administrator to obtain the allowed login format."

-1073741482, "The maximum number of passes that can be saved in a single system. The length and quantity of confidentiality are limited to the export control of the US State Council."

-1073741481, "The length of the password exceeds the maximum length allowed. The length and quantity of confidentiality are limited to the export control of the US State Council."

-1073741480, "Local Security Permission (LSA) database contains inconsistencies internally." - 1073741479, "Request operation cannot be run in full screen mode."

-1073741478, "User security context accumulates too much security identifier during login. This situation is unusual ./N Please remove the user from some universal or local groups to reduce the number of security identifiers in the security range. "

-1073741477, "User requires an unauthorized login mode (eg, interactive or network). Administrators can control user interaction or log in via network."

-1073741476, "The system attempts to load or restore files in the registry, and the specified file does not have the format of the registry file."

-1073741475, "Try to Change the user password in the Security Account Manager without providing a necessary Windows cross-encryption password."

-1073741474, "Windows Server is not configured correctly."

-1073741473, "Trying to directly access the secondary information copy of the fault tolerant driver through the device control, and the copy is not in the system."

-1073741472, "Configure the registry node to display a driver service project type is incorrect and the required item value is not included."

-1073741471, "An invalid character. Multi-byte character set must contain a leader byte and no end byte. TheunicoD character set contains characters 0xffffffffe."

-1073741470, "There is no image of the single code character in the target multi-byte code page."

-1073741469, "This Unicode character is not defined in the Unicode character set in the system installation."

-1073741468, "You cannot create a page file on the floppy disk."

-1073741467, "{floppy disk error} / n access to the floppy disk" Unable to find ID address tags. "

-1073741466, "{floppy disk error} / n Access floppy disk address is different from the track address recorded on the controller."

-1073741465, "{floppy disk error} / N floppy controller reports an error that is not being identified by floppy drive driver."

-1073741464, "{floppy disk error} / n Access floppy disk, the controller returns inconsistent results through its registers."

-1073741463, "{Hard disk error} / n access to the hard disk, after several retry, the recruitment operation is still no success."

-1073741462, "{Hard disk error} / n access to the hard disk, the disk operation retry failed."

-1073741461, "{Hard disk error} / n access to the hard disk, the disk controller is reset."

-1073741460, "Try to open an apparatus shared with other devices ./n at least one other device that uses the IRQ ./n The specific bus type used by the device does not support the two-shared IRQ device via interrupt "

-1073741459, "{FT isolation} / n belongs to the diskless disk that cannot be accessed."

-1073741458, "System BIOS cannot connect the system to the device / N or the bus connected to the device."

-1073741454, "Tape cannot be partitioned."

-1073741453, "When visiting the tape of the multi-volume area, the current block is incorrect"

-1073741452, "Can't find the tape partition information when loading the tape."

-1073741451, "Failed to lock the pop-up media function."

-1073741450, "Uninstalling the media failed."

-1073741449, "The tape end of the tape has been detected."

-1073741448, "{No Media} / N driver is not medium. "

-1073741445, "New member cannot be added to the local group, because the member's account type is wrong."

-1073741444, "Attempt to run invalid operations on registry clauses marked as deleted."

-1073741443, "The system cannot assign the required space in the registry log."

-1073741442, "Specifies too much SID."

-1073741441, "Attempts to change the user password in the Security Account Manager, but not provided required LM interaction encryption password."

-1073741440, "Try to create a symbolic link in a registry key that already have children or values."

-1073741439, "Try to create a stable child under unstable parents."

-1073741438, "I / O device setting is incorrect or the driver's configuration parameters are incorrect."

-1073741437, "Agreement error is detected in two drivers or in an I / O driver."

-1073741436, "The device is not in the active state of running this request."

-1073741435, "I / O device report an I / O error."

-1073741434, "The driver is detected between the device and the device."

-1073741433, "This operation can only be performed at major domain controllers."

-1073741432, "The log file is not enough, this is not supported."

-1073741431, "Attempt to write it after unloading volume."

-1073741430, "Workstation does not have a trust confidential secret in the local LSA database."

-1073741429, "SAM database on Windows Server does not have a computer account for the workstation trust relationship."

-1073741428, "Due to failure of the trust relationship between the main fields and trusted domains, the request failed."

-1073741427, "Due to failure of the workstation and the trust relationship between the main domain, the request failed."

-1073741426, "EventLog log file is damaged."

-1073741425, "Unable to open the event log file. Event log service is not started."

-1073741424, "Network login failed. The reason may be unable to obtain verification rights."

-1073741423, "Trying to get a semaphor that exceeds the maximum value."

-1073741422, "Trying to log in, but Netlogon service has not yet started."

-1073741421, "User Account has expired."

-1073741420, "{exception} / n possible pause state."

-1073741419, "Provided credentials conflict with existing credentials."

-1073741418, "Try to establish a session with the web server, but there are too many sessions established with the server."

-1073741417, "Change the log file between the reading process."

-1073741416, "The account used is a domain trust account. Please use your universal user account or a local user account to access this server."

-1073741415, "The account used is a computer account. Use a global user account or a local user account to access the server."

-1073741414, "The account used is a server trust account. Please use your universal user account or a local user account to access this server."

-1073741413, "The name of the specified domain or the SID is inconsistent with the trust information of the domain."

-1073741412, "Disk volume has been accessed because of a file system driver that must be but unloaded."

-1073741310, "The specified login session has no user session key."

-1073741309, "Remote user session has been removed."

-1073741308, "It is pointed out that the specified / n source language ID cannot be found in the image file."

-1073741307, "Server resources are insufficient, unable to complete the request."

-1073741306, "The size of the buffer that the operation is invalid."

-1073741305, "Transfer Reject The specified invalid network address."

-1073741304, "Transmission refuses the designated / n network address due to invalid use of the wild features."

-1073741303, "Because all available addresses have been used in use / n, the transmission address cannot be opened."

-1073741302, "Unable to open the existing transmission address."

-1073741301, "The transfer address has been closed."

-1073741300, "has been disconnected."

-1073741299, "has been reset to transfer."

-1073741298, "Transmission cannot dynamically get any nodes."

-1073741297, "Transfer terminates a business that is not completed."

-1073741296, "Transmission has made a request response to timeout."

-1073741295, "Transmission does not receive the release of the suspend response."

-1073741294, "Transmission does not find / n transaction processing in line with specific tags."

-1073741293, "Transfer has previously responded to a transaction request."

-1073741292, "Transmission cannot identify the specified transaction processing request identification symbol."

-1073741291, "Transmission cannot identify the specified transaction request type."

-1073741290, "Transferring the request specified by the server side that can only handle the session."

-1073741289, "Transmission only the request specified by the client that can handle the session."

-1073741288, "{Registry file failed} / n registry unable to load the configuration unit (file): / n% HS / N or its log or alternative data ./n may have been damaged, there is no or cannot be written. "

-1073741287, "{DEBUGAGACTIVEPROCESS] / n Handling unexpected failed when a debugactiveProcess API request is processed. You can choose" OK "termination, or" cancel "ignore the error."

-1073741286, "{deadly system error} / n% HS system process is not expected to terminate in 0x% 08X (0x% 08x 0x% 08X) / N state ./n The system is closed."

-1073741285, "{Unacceptable data} / NTDi customers cannot process received data within the indicated time."

-1073741284, "{Unable to retrieve the browsing server list} / N unable to get the list of server for the current workgroup."

-1073741283, "NTVDM hardware error."

-1073741282, "{Cancel Timeout value} / n driver% HS cannot complete a canceled I / O request within the specified time."

-1073741281, "{Answering message mismatch} / n is trying to answer the LPC message, but the thread specified in the message in the message is not waiting on the message."

-1073741280, "{Mapping View Location Incorrect} / n Try to map a file view, but the specified base address or file offset address cannot be aligned on the appropriate allocation spacing." - 1073741279, "{image check And does not match} / n image% HS may be corrupted. The checksum of the header and the calculated checksum do not match. "

-1073741278, "{delay writing failed} / nwindows could not save all data for% HS file. The data is lost ./n This error may be due to your computer hardware or network connection failure. Please try to put this The file is saved elsewhere. "

-1073741277, "Send to server parameters / n in the client / server shared memory window. Excessive data is placed in the shared memory window."

-1073741276, "You must change your password before logging in."

-1073741275, "This object cannot be found."

-1073741274, "This stream is not small."

-1073741273, "Transaction resumption failed."

-1073741272, "This request must be processed by the stack overflow code."

-1073741271, "Consistency detection failed."

-1073741270, "Because the ID already exists in the index, try to insert an index failed."

-1073741269, "Because the object already has an ID, try to set the ID for it."

-1073741268, "Internal OFS status code indicates how the assignment operation is handled. The operation mode is to retry or turn the area stream into a large stream after deleting the included onode."

-1073741267, "must try this request."

-1073741266, "Find a ID matching object on the volume, but it exceeds the scope of the handle used by this operation."

-1073741265, "You must add BUCKET arrays. Please return the transaction after running."

-1073741264, "There is no specified property set on the object."

-1073741263, "User / kernel arrangement buffer overflow."

-1073741262, "The variable structure provided contains invalid data."

-1073741261, "Unable to find domain controllers of this domain."

-1073741260, "Due to excessive number of attempts to change the password due to invalid login or requirements, the user account is automatically locked."

-1073741259, "Ntclose called by the handle has used NtSetInformationObject to prevent closing."

-1073741258, "Remote system refused to transmit."

-1073741257, "Transmission connection is normal to close."

-1073741256, "The transmission endpoint has the address related to it."

-1073741255, "There is no associated address with the transmission endpoint."

-1073741254, "Try to operate on the non-existing transmission connection."

-1073741253, "Attempt to run invalid operations on the active transmission connection."

-1073741252, "Unable to connect the remote network through the transmission."

-1073741251, "You cannot access the remote system through the transfer."

-1073741250, "Remote system does not support transport protocols."

-1073741249, "No service is running on the transmission target port of the remote system."

-1073741248, "Requests have been terminated."

-1073741247, "The local system has terminated the transmission connection."

-1073741246, "The specified buffer contains data containing type errors." - 1073741245, "Request operations cannot be performed on files opened in the user mapping area."

-1073741244, "{audit failed} / n attempt to generate security audits failure."

-1073741243, "The current process does not set the timer resolution."

-1073741242, "Unable to create a connection to the server because the maximum number of simultaneous connections to this account has been reached."

-1073741241, "Try to log in within the unauthorized time of this account."

-1073741240, "This account cannot be logged in from this site."

-1073741239, "{UP / MP Image Matching} / n Image% HS has been modified to use on a single processor system, but you are running it on the multiprocessor system ./N Please reinstall the image file."

-1073741232, "Account information is insufficient, unable to log in."

-1073741231, "{invalid DLL entry point} / n dynamic link library% HS is not correctly written. The stack pointer is in an inconsistent state ./n The entry point must be declared as WinAPI or stdcall. If you give up the loading of the DLL, please select "Yes" ./n If you continue to run, select No ". Select No" May cause the application to operate abnormal. "

-1073741230, "{Invalid service callback entry point} / n% HS service has not been written correctly. The stack pointer is inconsistent ./N The callback point must be declared as WinAPI or STDCALL. Select" OK "to continue But the service process operation may be incorrect. "

-1073741229, "The server has received the message, but it is impossible to send a response."

-1073741228, "The system detects that IP addresses have conflicts with other systems on the network. The local interface has been disabled ./n For more information, check the system event log ./ Please contact the system administrator to solve this problem."

-1073741227, "The system detects that IP addresses have conflicts with other systems on the network. This leads to network operations on the system possible to suddenly interrupt ./n For more information, check the system event log. Administrators contact to solve this problem. "

-1073741226, "{Registry space is not enough} / n Your registry maximum is too small. To make sure Windows runs properly, add the maximum value of the registry. For more information, see" Help "."

-1073741225, "Contacts the server does not support the specified partial DFS namespace."

-1073741224, "When the callback function is not started, the callback system service cannot be running."

-1073741223, "The service is being accessed has a number of access to the number of license ./N This is no longer connected, the reason is that the number of acceptable connections has been reached."

-1073741222, "The password provided is too short, and the policy request of the user account is not in line with the user account." Please enter a longer password. "

-1073741221, "Your user account policy does not allow you to change your password frequently. / N This avoids users to change the password back, but may be guessed by others. / N If you think the password is already known by others, please Contact your administrator now to get a new password. "

-1073741220, "Changed passwords have been used in the past ./n Your user account policy does not allow you to do this, please select a password that has not been used."

-1073741218, "You want to load the old device driver, but the device instance has been disabled."

-1073741217, "Does not support the designated compression format."

-1073741216, "The specified hardware configuration file configuration is invalid."

-1073741215, "The specified plug-and-play registry device is invalid." - 1073741214, "{Driver input point can not find the} / n% HS device driver can not find an orderless% LD on the driver% HS. "

-1073741213, "{Driver input point can not be found to find the input point% HS in the driver% HS."

-1073741212, "{Application Error} / n application attempts to release resources that are not self. Please click" OK "to terminate the application."

-1073741211, "Try to create the number of links supported by the file system on the file."

-1073741210, "The specified limit is inconsistent with its descriptor."

-1073741209, "The specified file has been relocated to the offline storage area."

-1073741208, "{Windows beta notification} / N installed Windows beta has exceeded the life. The system will be closed after an hour. To restore access to the installed Windows, please update the product's distribution license "

-1073741207, "{Invalid system DLL relocation} / n system DLL% HS is located in memory. The application will not run normally ./n is generated because the DLL% HS occupies the address space saved for Windows System DLL. Error. Contact suppliers that provide this DLL to get new DLL. "

-1073741206, "{license conflict} / n system has detected the type of product type. This is a violation of your software license. Intervention product type is not allowed."

-1073741205, "{DLL initialization failed} / n Because the window station has been closed, the application initializes failed."

-1073741204, "{Unable to load device driver} / n% HS device driver cannot load ./n error status is 0x% x"

-1073741203, "DFS is not available on the server contact."

-1073741202, "Try to operate after unloading volume."

-1073741201, "WIN32 X86 simulation subsystem has an internal error."

-1073741200, "WIN32 X86 simulation system floating point stack check."

-1073741199, "Verify that the handler needs to continue next step."

-1073741198, "There is no item that matches the specified item in the index."

-1073741197, "There is no longer a match that matches the current index."

-1073741195, "NTFS file or directory is not a re-analyzer."

-1073741194, "" The Windows I / O re-analyzer of the transferred NTFS reanalysis is invalid. "

-1073741193, "Windows I / O Regeneration Mark does not match the researcher in NTFS."

-1073741192, "The user data that passes the NTFS re-analyzer point is invalid."

-1073741191, "When you need to process the IO tag, this IO tag hierarchical file system driver does not process it."

-1073741184, "Although the initial file name is correct, the NTFS symbol link cannot be identified."

-1073741183, "NTFS directory is a re-analyzer."

-1073741182, "Unable to add zones to the area list because conflicts."

-1073741181, "The designated media change source element is not included."

-1073741180, "The specified media change target element already contains media."

-1073741179, "The specified media change element does not exist." - 1073741178, "The specified element is included in a library that has no existence."

-1073741177, "The equipment needs to be initialized because the hardware is wrong."

-1073741174, "Document encryption" failed. "

-1073741173, "Document decryption attempt failed."

-1073741172, "The specified area cannot be found in the area list."

-1073741171, "There is no policy configuration without encrypted fault recovery in this system."

-1073741170, "The required encrypted driver is not loaded into the system."

-1073741169, "Encrypted drivers used by file encryption, different from the currently loaded encrypted driver."

-1073741168, "No EFS keyword is defined for the user."

-1073741167, "The specified file is not encrypted."

-1073741166, "The specified file is not the defined EFS export format."

-1073741165, "The specified file has been encrypted, and the user has no ability to decrypt."

-1073741163, "Unrecognized GUID is a valid WMI data provider."

-1073741162, "Unrecognizable instance name is a valid WMI data provider."

-1073741161, "It is not possible to identify whether the data item identifier from the WMI data provider is valid."

-1073741160, "Unable to complete WMI requirements, you should try again."

-1073741159, "Policy objects have been shared, and can only be modified in root directory"

-1073741158, "" Strategy object does not exist, it should exist "

-1073741157, "The requirements of the policy information only in DS"

-1073741156, "Volume must be upgraded to enable this function"

-1073741155, "Remote storage service is not operable at this time."

-1073741154, "Remote storage service encounters a media error."

-1073741153, "Tracking (Workstation) service is not running."

-1073741152, "Server handler is running under SID that is not required in a client."

-1073741151, "The specified directory service attribute or value does not exist."

-1073741150, "Specifies the attribute syntax to the directory service is invalid."

-1073741149, "Specify the type of attribute type to the directory service is undefined."

-1073741148, "The specified directory service attribute or value already exists."

-1073741147, "directory service is busy."

-1073741146, "Directory service is not available."

-1073741145, "Directory service cannot allocate relative identification number."

-1073741144, "Directory service has been used to complete the same identification number pool."

-1073741143, "The required operation cannot be operated because the directory service does not control that type of operation."

-1073741142, "Directory Service Unable to initialize subsystem allocated loose identification number."

-1073741141, "The required operation is not satisfied with one or more limitations related to the object category ./N"

-1073741140, "Directory Services can only run requirements on one page object."

-1073741139, "Directory Service cannot run the required operation on the object's relative definition name (RDN) attribute." - 1073741138, "Directory Service detects an attempt to modify the object category."

-1073741137, "When running the intersection, an error occurs."

-1073741136, "Unable to contact the global catalog server."

-1073741135, "The required operation requires a directory service, but is not available."

-1073741134, "Because it is incompatible with an existing property, the researcher cannot be set."

-1073741133, "You cannot enable the lacquered group only for negative '."

-1073741132, "{EXCEPTION} / N multiple floating point errors."

-1073741131, "{EXCEPTION} / N plurality of floating point traps."

-1073741130, "Deleted equipment."

-1073741129, "Volume change record is deleted."

-1073741128, "Volume Changing Record Service is not in the event."

-1073741127, "Does not support the requested interface."

-1073741119, "More than the directory service source limit."

-1073741118, "{System Waiting Failed} / n driver% HS does not support waiting mode ./N Update This driver allows the system to enter the waiting mode."

-1073741117, "Mutual verification failed. The server password on the main domain controller expires."

-1073741116, "System file% 1 is damaged and has been replaced."

-1073741115, "{Unexpected} / N positioning error / n Detects a data type positioning error in the loading or storage instruction."

-1073741114, "WMI data items or data blocks are read-only."

-1073741113, "You cannot change WMI data items or data blocks."

-1073741112, "{Virtual memory minimum value too low} / n Your system virtual memory is too low. Windows increases the size of the virtual memory page file. During this process, some applications will be rejected. Related For more information, see "Help". "

-1073741111, "{accident} / N registration NAT consumption error ./nnat value consumes in a non-effective instruction."

-1073741110, "Media replacement transmitter element contains media that makes the operation failed."

-1073741109, "Due to the following errors, security account manager initialization failed: / n% HS / N error status: 0x% X / N Please click OK, turn off the system and restart to directory service restore mode. For more information, please refer to the event log. "

-1073741108, "This operation is only supported when it is connected to the server."

-1073741107, "Only administrators can modify the list of members of the management group."

-1073741106, "Delete a device to restart enumeration."

-1073741105, "Remove the diary entry from the diary."

-1073741104, "You cannot change the main group ID of the domain controller account."

-1073741103, "{Sever system error} / N system image% s does not sign correctly ./n file has been replaced by the signed file ./N The system has been closed."

-1073741102, "Do not restart the machine, the equipment will not start running."

-1073741101, "The current device power status cannot support this request."

-1073741100, "The specified group type is invalid." - 1073741099, "In the mixed domain, if the domain is safe enabled, there is no nested nested."

-1073741098, "In the mixed domain, if the domain is safely enabled, other local groups cannot be used to nested local groups."

-1073741097, "The global group cannot use local groups as members."

-1073741096, "The global group cannot use the general group as a member."

-1073741095, "Universal Group cannot be used as a member."

-1073741094, "The global group cannot have cross-domain members."

-1073741093, "The local group cannot use another cross-domain local group as a member."

-1073741092, "Because there is a major member in this group, it cannot be changed to a safe deactivated group."

-1073741091, "WMI operation is not supported by data blocks or methods."

-1073741090, "The power supply is insufficient, and the required operation cannot be completed."

-1073741089, "Security account administrator needs to get the password."

-1073741088, "Security Account administrator needs to get the start key from the floppy disk."

-1073741087, "Directory service cannot be started."

-1073741086, "Directory service cannot start, because the following error: / n% HS / N error status: 0x% X / N Please click OK, turn off the system and restart to Directory Service Restore mode. Details Please check the event log. "

-1073741085, "Security Account Manager initialization failed because the following error: / n% HS / N error status: 0x% x. / N Please click" OK "and turn off the system and restart to security mode. For more information, please refer to the event log. "

-1073741084, "Only executes the request on the global catalog server."

-1073741083, "The local group can only be a member of other local groups in the same domain."

-1073741082, "External safety major members cannot be members of the general group."

-1073741081, "Your computer cannot join the domain. The maximum value of the computer account allowed by this domain is exceeded. Contact your system administrator to reset or add this limit."

-1073741080, "status_multiple_fault_violation"

-1073741056, "Microsoft SMALL Business Server does not support this"

-1073702760, "WOW assert error."

-1073676287, "The debugger does not perform status changes."

-1073676286, "The debugger discovers that the application is being used."

-1073610751, "The string that is bound is invalid."

-1073610750, "The binding handle type is incorrect."

-1073610749, "The binding handle is invalid."

-1073610748, "No RPC protocol sequence is supported."

-1073610747, "RPC protocol sequence is invalid."

-1073610746, "String UUID is invalid."

-1073610745, "Terminal point format is invalid."

-1073610744, "Network address is invalid."

-1073610743, "Not found in the end."

-1073610742, "Timeout Set value is invalid."

-1073610741, "Can't find the object UUID." - 1073610740, "Object UUID is registered."

-1073610739, "Type UUID has been registered."

-1073610738, "RPC server is listening."

-1073610737, "The protocol sequence is not registered."

-1073610736, "The RPC server is not listening."

-1073610735, "Manage program type unknown."

-1073610734, "Interface is not known."

-1073610733, "No binding."

-1073610732, "There is no protocol sequence."

-1073610731, "Can't create endpoints."

-1073610730, "There is not enough resource to complete this operation."

-1073610729, "RPC server is not available."

-1073610728, "RPC server is too busy, can't complete this."

-1073610727, "Network option is invalid."

-1073610726, "There is no remote process call activity in this thread."

-1073610725, "Remote process call failed."

-1073610724, "Remote process call failed, can not be executed."

-1073610723, "RPC protocol errors."

-1073610721, "RPC server does not support transmission syntax."

-1073610719, "Does not support type UUID."

-1073610718, "Identification is invalid."

-1073610717, "Array binding is invalid."

-1073610716, "Binding does not include the login entry name."

-1073610715, "Name syntax is incorrect."

-1073610714, "This name is not supported."

-1073610712, "Not used to construct the network address of UUID."

-1073610711, "The end point is a copy point."

-1073610710, "Verification type unknown."

-1073610709, "The maximum number of calls is too small."

-1073610708, "String is too long."

-1073610707, "No RPC protocol sequence found."

-1073610706, "The process number is out of range."

-1073610705, "Binding does not contain any verification information."

-1073610704, "Verify the service unknown."

-1073610703, "Verification level is unknown."

-1073610702, "Safety context is invalid."

-1073610701, "Authorized service unknown."

-1073610700, "The project is invalid."

-1073610699, "Unable to do this."

-1073610698, "There is no more endpoints available in the endpoint map."

-1073610697, "There is no exported interface."

-1073610696, "The project name is incomplete."

-1073610695, "Version option is invalid."

-1073610694, "No member."

-1073610693, "Nothing can not be exported."

-1073610692, "No interface found."

-1073610691, "Project already exists." - 1073610690, "No, this item is found."

-1073610689, "Name service is not available."

-1073610688, "Network address cluster is invalid."

-1073610687, "Does not support the requested operation."

-1073610686, "No security context can be used to allow imitation."

-1073610685, "internal errors appear in RPC."

-1073610684, "RPC server attempts to divide an integer."

-1073610683, "The RPC server has an address error."

-1073610682, "One floating point operation on the RPC server causes zero."

-1073610681, "Floating point under the RPC server."

-1073610680, "floating point overflow on the RPC server."

-1073610679, "Remote process calls have been in this thread."

-1073610678, "There is no more binding."

-1073610677, "No group members found."

-1073610676, "Unable to create endpoint database items."

-1073610675, "Object UUID is empty UUID."

-1073610673, "There is no registered interface."

-1073610672, "Remote process call has been canceled."

-1073610671, "The binding handle does not contain all the required information."

-1073610670, "Communication failed during remote process calls."

-1073610669, "Request verification level is not supported."

-1073610668, "No registration master name."

-1073610667, "The specified error is not a valid Windows RPC error code."

-1073610665, "" Produces specific security package errors. "

-1073610664, "Threads have not been canceled."

-1073610654, "Invalid non-synchronous remote process call handle."

-1073610653, "The non-synchronous RPC call handle of this operation is invalid."

-1073545215, "There is no available RPC server that automatically processes binding."

-1073545214, "Unable to open the file specified by DcerPCChartrans."

-1073545213, "The file containing the character conversion table is less than 512 bytes."

-1073545212, "Send the empty upper handle is passed as the [IN] parameter."

-1073545211, "The context handle cannot meet known range handles."

-1073545210, "The context handle has been changed during the call."

-1073545209, "The binding handle that is transferred to the remote process does not match."

-1073545208, "The placeholder program cannot obtain the call handle."

-1073545207, "Empty index pointer to the placeholder program."

-1073545206, "Enumeration value offshore."

-1073545205, "The byte count is too small."

-1073545204, "The placeholder program receives the error data."

-1073545127, "Invalid operation of the encoding / decoded handle."

-1073545126, "Family incompatible version of the series package."

-1073545125, "RPC placeholder version is not compatible."

-1073545124, "RPC pipe object is invalid or damaged." - 1073545123, "This operation is invalid for a given RPC pipeline object."

-1073545122, "Does not support this version of RPC pipeline."

-1073545121, "RPC pipe objects have been closed."

-1073545120, "All pipes have been processed before the RPC call is completed."

-1073545119, "There is no other available data from the RPC pipe."

-1073479627, "System BIOS MPS form is missing. Will not use the device ./n related system BIOS updates, please contact the system vendor."

-1073479626, "Conversion procedure failed to convert resources."

-1073479625, "IRQ conversion procedure failed to convert resources."

-1073086463, "Session Name% 1 is invalid."

-1073086462, "% 1 protocol drive is invalid."

-1073086461, "No% 1 protocol driver is found on the system path."

-1073086458, "A closed operation is connected to the terminal."

-1073086457, "There is no output buffer available."

-1073086456, "Can't find the modem.inf file."

-1073086455, "No (% 1) modem is found in Modem.inf."

-1073086454, "Modem does not receive instructions sent to it ./N Verify that the name of the modem is matched to the connected modem."

-1073086453, "Modem does not receive instructions sent to it ./N Please verify that the modem connection is correct and is powered."

-1073086452, "Since the connection is interrupted, the vehicle test is not successful, or the load tool has been discarded."

-1073086451, "No dial tone is detected during the required time ./N determines the correctness of the telephone line and works normally."

-1073086450, "The bus line is detected when the remote site is called."

-1073086449, "Sound detected on the backhand station."

-1073086448, "Transmission Driver Error"

-1073086446, "The client you are using is not authorized to use this system. Your login request is rejected."

-1073086445, "The system has reached its authorized login limit ./N please try again later."

-1073086444, "System license has expired. The login request is rejected."

-1073086443, "Unable to find the specified session."

-1073086442, "The specified session name is already in use."

-1073086441, "Since the terminal connection is currently being busy with a connection, the request is not completed, interrupt, reset, or delete the operation."

-1073086440, "Trying to connect to its video mode is not received by current customer support."

-1073086430, "Application Try Start DOS graphics mode ./N does not support DOS graphics mode."

-1073086428, "The requested operation cannot be run only on the system console ./n This problem is often a result of a driver or system DLL request to directly access the console."

-1073086426, "Customers have failed to respond to server connection messages."

-1073086425, "Does not support interruption console session connection."

-1073086424, "Does not support a session of the session to the console." - 1073086422, "Remote control of another session request is rejected."

-1073086421, "Process has requested access to a session, but has not authorized these access rights."

-1073086418, "Terminal connection driver% 1 is invalid."

-1073086417, "Did not find the terminal connection driver% 1 on the system path."

-1073086416, "Can't remotely control the request for sessions. Control your own current session. "

-1073086415, "Request session is not configured to allow remote control."

-1073086414, "% 2 protocol components of RDP detected an error in the protocol stream and interrupt the client."

-1073086413, "Request for connection to the terminal server is rejected ./N has not yet entered the terminal server license number for this end customer ./N Please contact the system administrator to enter a valid for this terminal server customer, unique License number ./N To continue, click OK. "

-1073086412, "Required to the terminal server is rejected ./n another user is using your terminal server license number ./N Please contact the system administrator to enter a valid, unique License number ./N To continue, click OK. "

-1072431103, "Try to run an invalid AML operator"

-1072431102, "AML interpreter stack overflow"

-1072431101, "A inconsistent state"

-1072431100, "an array of tried to access the boundaries"

-1072431099, "A required parameter is not specified"

-1072431098, "a serious mistake"

-1072431097, "Specifies an invalid supername"

-1072431096, "Specifies a type incorrect parameter / N"

-1072431095, "Specify a type incorrect object"

-1072431094, "Specify a type incorrect goal"

-1072431093, "Specify an incorrect parameter number"

-1072431092, "Failed to convert an address"

-1072431091, "Specify an incorrect event type"

-1072431090, "A target handle already exists"

-1072431089, "Specifies invalid target data"

-1072431088, "Specifies an invalid target area"

-1072431087, "Trying to access the character domain outside the definition range"

-1072431086, "Unable to get global system lock"

-1072431085, "Attempt to reinitialize the ACPI subsystem"

-1072431084, "ACPI subsystem has not been initialized"

-1072431083, "Specify an incorrect mutual exclusion"

-1072431082, "There is currently no mutual exclusion"

-1072431081, "Trying to access mutual exclusion by process not owner"

-1072431080, "When the area space is visited, there is an error"

-1072431079, "Try to use an incorrect data sheet"

-1072431072, "Registration of ACPI events" -1072431071, "ACPI energy object failed to transform status"



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