Add fonts for the core X-letter subsystem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93

Adding fonts for the core X-box 1. Manual Add "/ usr / share / fonts / local" in / etc / x11 / fs / config (do not have to perform ChkFontPath --Add / USR / Share / Fonts / Local /) 4.RH9 has this command. If you don't work, "/etc/init.d/xfs reload" adds fonts for Fontconfig characters, I want to use FC-Cache -f

Only in Redhat 9.0, there is of course there is a service command. In / usr / sbin, if you don't log in with root, this path will not be added to $ PATH. See / etc / profile file. In addition, all service programs can be executed directly, so you can also perform XFS Reload to re-transfer under / etc / services. Such as:




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