1000 points: sbonus = sbonus value, stotalbonus = stotalbonus value ----------------------- Mail box hair: Insert Tblmail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadorNot, Title, Line, Content, Items VALUES ('2004-10-15', 'Recipient', 'Sender', 0, "Things" '0: 5-150 / 10.1: 5-151 / 10.') 0: 5-150 / 10.1: 5-151 / 10 This is the key, what you look at you, you can't start and biochematically ------ -------------------- State: INSERT TBLSPECIALITEM1 (Itemkind, ItemIndex, Position, Map, X, Y, Tilekind, GameId, Windowkind, Windowindex) VALUES (6, Spectrophic, 1, 1, 100, 100, 0, 'Your ID', 1, 0) -------------------------- of: insert tblSpecialItem1 (ItemKind, ItemIndex, Position, Map, X, Y, TileKind, GameID, WindowKind, WindowIndex, AttackGrade, StrengthGrade, SpiritGrade, DexterityGrade, PowerGrade) values (6, Laid code, 1, 1, 100, 100, 0, 'Your ID', 1, 0, 2,?,?,?,?) PS: How to join the equipment on the person with a table file TBLSpecialItem1 in the database. .