Excel-common macro skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  113

This example is a password window (1)

IF Application.inputbox ("Please enter your password:") = 1234 THEN

[A1] = 1 'The password is executed correctly

Else: msgbox "Password error, will be exited!" 'This line is set with the second line together


This example is a password window (1)

X = msgbox ("Is it really necessary to check out?", Vbyesno

IF x = vbyes then


This example is set a work table password

Activeesheet.protect password: = 641112 'Protect worksheets and set passwords

Activeesheet.unprotect password: = 641112 'Undo worksheet protection and cancel password

'This example closes all other workbooks other than the workbook that is running this example and saves its changes.

For Each W in Workbooks

If W.NAME <> thisworkbook.name dam

W.Close SaveChanges: = TRUE


Next w

'When you open a workbook each time, this example maximizes the Microsoft Excel window.

Application.windowState = XLmaximized

'This example shows the name of the active worksheet.

Msgbox "The name of the agent sheet is" & activesheet.name

'This example saves a copy of the current active workbook.

ActiveWorkbook.savecopyas "c: /temp/xxxx.xls"

'The following process activates the fourth working table in the workbook.

Sheets (4) .activate

'The following process activates the first workbook in the workbook.

Worksheets (1) .activate

'This example closes the workbook containing this paragraph code by setting the Saved property to True, and discard any changes to the workbook.

Thisworkbook.saved = true


'This example sets the automatic recalculation function so that Microsoft Excel does not automatically recalculate the first worksheet.

Worksheets (1) .enablecalculation = false

'The following process opens the MyBook.xls workbook in the folder named myfolder on the C drive.

Workbooks.open ("c: /myfolder/mybook.xls")

'This example shows the value in cell A1 on the worksheet Sheet1 in the active workbook.

Msgbox Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Range ("A1"). Value

This example shows the name of each worksheet in the active workbook

For Each WS in Worksheets

Msgbox ws.name

Next ws

Add a new worksheet to the active workbook and set the name of the worksheet?

Set newsheet = worksheets.add

Newsheet.name = "current budget"

This example moves the new work surface to the end of the workbook

'Private subworkbook_newsheet (Byval SH as Object)

Sh.move instance: = Sheets (Sheets.count)

End Sub

This example moves the new work surface to the end of the workbook

'Private sub app_workbookNewsheet (Byval WB As Workbook, _Byval SH As Object)

Sh.move instance: = wb.sheets (wb.sheets.count)

End Sub

This example creates a new work table and then lists the names of all worksheets in the active workbook in the first column.

Set newsheet = sheets.add (type: = xlworksheet)

For i = 1 to sheets.count

Newsheet.cells (i, 1) .value = Sheets (i) .Name

Next I

This example moves the tenth line to the top of the window?

Worksheets ("sheet1"). Activate

ActiveWindow.Scrollrow = 10

When calculating any worksheet in a workbook, this example is sorted by the A1: A100 area of ​​the first worksheet.

'Private subworkbook_sheetcalculate (Byval SH as Object)


.Range ("A1: A100"). Sort key1: =. RANGE ("a1")

End with

End Sub

This example shows the print preview of the worksheet Sheet1.

Worksheets ("sheet1"). PrintPreview

This example saves the current active workbook?


This example saves all open workbooks and then close Microsoft Excel.

For Each W In Application.Workbooks


Next w


The following example adds two new worksheets in front of the first worksheet of the active workbook?

Worksheets.add count: = 2, Before: = Sheets (1)

This example is set for 15 seconds to run the My_Procedure process, starting from now.

Application.ontime Now TimeValue ("00:00:15"), "My_Procedure"

This example sets MY_PROCEDURE to run in the afternoon.

Application.ontime TimeValue ("17:00:00"), "My_Procedure"

This example undo the previous example to the ONTime setting.

Application.ontime earliestime: = TimeValue ("17:00:00"), _

Procedure: = "MY_PROCEDURE", Schedule: = FALSE

Whenever a worksheet is recalculated, this example adjusts the width of the A column to the F column.

'Private sub worksheet_calculate ()

Column ("a: f"). Autofit

End Sub

This example enables calculations in the active workbook to use only the displayed digital precision.

ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = true

This example cuts the A1: G37 area on the worksheet Sheet1 and puts the clipboard.

Worksheets ("sheet1"). Range ("a1: g37"). CUT

Calculate method

Calculate all open workbooks, a specific worksheet in a workbook or a cell specified in the workheet, as shown in the following table:

'To calculate' according to this example

All open workbook 'Application.calculate (or just call "specifies the worksheet' calculates the specified worksheet Sheet1 Worksheets (" Sheet1 "). Calculate

Specified area 'Worksheets (1) .ROWS (2) .calculate

This example sets the automatic recalculation function so that Microsoft Excel does not automatically recalculate the first worksheet.

Worksheets (1) .enablecalculation = false

This example calculates the formula of the a column, the B column, and C columns in the Sheet1 area.

Worksheets ("sheet1"). UsedRange.columns ("a: c"). Calculate

This example updates all links in the current active workbook?

ActiveWorkbook.Updatelink name: = Activeworkbook.linksources

This example sets the scroll area of ​​the first worksheet?

Worksheets (1). Scrollarea = "a1: f10"

This example has created a new workbook, prompting the user to enter the file name, and then save the workbook.

Set newbook = workbooks.add


FNAME = Application.getsaveasfilename

Loop unsil fname <> false

Newbook.saveas filename: = fname

This example opens an Analysis.xls workbook and then runs the Auto_Open macro.

Workbooks.open "analyysis.xls"

Activeworkbook.runautomacros xlautoopen

This example runs the auto_close macro on the active workbook and then close the workbook.

With Activeworkbook

.Runautomacros XlautoClose


End with

In this example, Microsoft Excel displays the path and file name of the active workbook to the user.

'Sub usecanonical ()

Display the full path to user.

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.FullNameurlencoded

End Sub

This example shows the path and file name of the current workbook (assuming that this workbook is not saved).

Msgbox ActiveWorkbook.Fullname

This example turns off Book1.xls and discards all changes to this workbook.

Workbooks ("Book1.xls"). Close SaveChanges: = FALSE

This example closes all open workbooks. If an open workbook has changed, Microsoft Excel will display the interrogation to save the dialog box and the corresponding prompt.


This example recalculates all worksheets of the current active workbook before printing?

'Private Sub Workbook_beforeprint (Cancel As Boolean)

For Each Wk in Worksheets



End Sub

This example summarizes the first column data in the query table one, and the sum of the first column data is displayed below the data area.

Set c1 = sheets ("sheet1"). QueryTables (1) .resultRange.columns (1)

C1.NAME = "Column1"

C1.End (XLDown) .offset (2, 0) .formula = "= SUM (Column1)" This example cancels all changes in the active workbook?


This example uses the planning solve function in business problems to maximize the total profit. The Solversave function saves the current problem to a certain area on the active worksheet.

Worksheets ("sheet1"). Activate


SolverOptions precision: = 0.001

Solverok Setcell: = Range ("Totalprofit"), _

Maxminval: = 1, _

BYCHANGE: = Range ("C4: E6")

SolverAdd Cellref: = Range ("F4: F6"), _

RELATION: = 1, _

Formulatext: = 100

SolverAdd Cellref: = Range ("C4: E6"), _

RELATION: = 3, _

Formulatext: = 0

SolverAdd Cellref: = Range ("C4: E6"), _


Solversolve Userfinish: = FALSE

Solversave Savearea: = Range ("A33")

This example hides Chart1, Chart3, and Chart5.

Charts (Array ("Charop1", "Chart3", "Chart5"). Visible = false

When a worksheet is activated, this example is sorted by the A1: A10 area.

'Private sub worksheet_activate ()

Range ("a1: a10"). Sort key1: = range ("a1"), Order: = Xlascending

End Sub

This example changes the Microsoft Excel link.

ActiveWorkbook.changelink "C: /excel/book1.xls", _

"c: /excel/book2.xls", Xlexcellinks

This example enables automatic screening arrows on protected worksheet?

ActiveSheet.enableautofilter = TRUE

Activesheet.Protect Contents: = true, userinterfaceOnly: = TRUE

This example will the active workbook be read-only?

ActiveWorkbook.changefileAccess mode: = xlreadonly

This example automatically updates a shared workbook every three minutes?

ActiveWorkbook.AutOupDatefrequency = 3

The following SUB procedure clears the content of all cells on the SHEET1 in the active workbook.

'Sub Clearsheet ()

Worksheets ("sheet1"). Cells.clearContents

End Sub

This example shuts down the scroll bar for all workbooks?

Application.displayscrollbars = false

If the file attribute with a password protected workbook is not encrypted, this example sets the password encryption option for the specified workbook.

'Sub setPasswordOptions ()

With Activeworkbook

If .passwordncryptionProvider <> "Microsoft RSA Schannel Cryptographic Province" Then.SetPasswordEncryptionOptions _

PasswordncryptionProvider: = "Microsoft RSA Schannel Cryptographic Province", _

Passwordncryptionalgorithm: = "RC4", _

PasswordncryptionKeyLength: = 56, _

PasswordEncryptionFileProperties: = TRUE


End with

End Sub

In this example, if the active workbook cannot be written, the Microsoft Excel sets the string password to write a password for the active workbook.

'Sub usewritepassword ()


Strpassword = "secret"

'Set Password to a string if allowed.

If ActiveWorkbook.writereServed = False Then

ActiveWordBook.writePassword = strpassword


End Sub

In this example, Microsoft Excel opens a workbook called Password.xls, sets its password, and then close the workbook. This example is falsely named Password.xls on the C: / drive.

'Sub UsePassword ()

Dim wkbone as workbook

Set wkbone = Application.Workbooks.open ("c: /password.xls")



'Pay attention to the Password property readable and returns "********".

End Sub

This example changes the current window of Book1.xls to the display formula.

Workbooks ("Book1.xls"). Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Activate

ActiveWindow.displayFormulas = TRUE

'This example accepts all changes in the event workbook?


This example shows the path and name of the active workbook

SUB Usecanonical ()

MSGBOX 'message box

[b7] = ActiveWorkbook.FullName 'current workbook

[b8] = ActiveWorkbook.FullNameurlencoded 'Activity Workbook

End Sub

This example shows the full path to the Microsoft Excel launch folder.

Msgbox application.startuppath

This example shows the name of each worksheet in the active workbook.

For Each WS in Worksheets

Msgbox ws.name

Next ws

This example closes all other workbooks outside the workbook that is running this example and saves its changes.

For Each W in Workbooks

If W.NAME <> thisworkbook.name dam

W.Close SaveChanges: = TRUE


Next w


This event is generated when a workbook, worksheet, chart, or embedded chart. When a worksheet is activated, this example is sorted by the A1: A10 area.

Private subworksheet_Activate ()

Range ("a1: a10"). Sort key1: = range ("a1"), Order: = Xlascending

End Sub

Calculate event

For the Worksheet object, this event is generated after recalculating the worksheet

Whenever a worksheet is recalculated, this example adjusts the width of the A column to the F column.

Private subworksheet_calculate ()

Column ("a: f"). Autofit

End Sub


Activate method applied to the Worksheet object.

This event is generated when double-clicking a worksheet. This event is first click on the default.

Private Sub Expression_BeForedoubleClick (Byval Target As Range, Cancel AS Boolean)

Expression references the variables of the Worksheet type object with event declarations in the class module.

Target is required. Double-click the cell that happens closer to the mouse pointer.

Cancel is optional. When the event occurs, it is false. If the event process is set to True, the process will not perform the default double-click operation after execution.


Activate method applied to the Worksheet object.

This event is generated when you right-click a worksheet, and this event is first configured with the default.

Private sub expression_beforerightclick (ByVal Target Asheng, Cancel As Boolean)

Expression references the variables of the Worksheet type object with event declarations in the class module.

Target is required. Right-click the cell that closer to the mouse pointer occurs.

Cancel is optional. When the event occurs, it is false. If the event process sets this parameter to True, the process does not perform the default right-click operation after the end of the process.

Change event

This event is generated when the user changes the cell in the worksheet, or the external link causes this event when the cell changes.

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)

Target changes the area. Can be multiple cells.


Recalculating cell changes do not trigger this event. You can recalculate the operation using the Calculate event capture worksheet.

This example sets the color of the changed cell to blue.

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)

Target.font.colorindex = 5

End Sub

Deactivate event

This event is generated when chart, worksheet, or workbook is turned from active state to non-active state.

Private subject_deactivate ()

Object Chart, Workbook or Worksheet. For more information on using events for Chart objects, see the Usage of the Chart object event.

This example is arranged in all open windows when the workbook is turned in an inactive state.

Private subworkbook_deactivate ()

Application.windows.Arrange XlarRangestyleletiled

End Sub


This event occurs when you click any hyperlink on the worksheet. For an application level or workbook level, see the SheetFollowHyperLink event.

Private subworksheet_followhyperlink (Byval Target As HyperLink) Target HyperLink type, required. A HyperLink object representing the hyperlink target.

This example retains a list or history on all links accessed in the current active workbook.

Private subworksheet_followhyperlink (byval target as hyperlink)

With userform1

.Listbox1.additem target.address


End with

End Sub

PivottableUpdate event

After the data perspective update in the workbook.

Private sub expression_pivottableUpdate (byval target as pivottable)

Expression references the variables of the Worksheet type object with event declarations in the class module.

Target is required. The selected data perspective.

This example shows a message indicating that the PivotTable has been updated. This example assumes that you have declared an object of the Worksheet type with an event in the class module.

Private subworksheet_pivottableUpdate (Byval Target as pivottable)

MsgBox "The Pivottable Connection Has Been Updated."

End Sub

SelectionChange event

This event will be generated when the selected area on the worksheet changes.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange (Byval Target as Excel.Range)

Target newly selected area.

This example scrolls the workbook window until the selected area is on the upper left corner of the window.

Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

With activeWindow

. Scrollrow = target.row

. ScrollColumn = target.column

End with

End Sub

This example shows the values ​​in the cell A1 on the worksheet Sheet1 in the active workbook.

Msgbox Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Range ("A1"). Value

This example shows the name of each worksheet in the active workbook.

For Each WS in Worksheets

Msgbox ws.name

Next ws

This presentation adds a new worksheet to the active workbook and set the name of the worksheet.

Set newsheet = worksheets.add

Newsheet.name = "current budget"

This example turns off the workbook book1.xls, but does not prompt the user to save the changes. All changes in book1.xls will not be saved.

Application.displayAlerts = false

Workbooks ("Book1.xls"). Close

Application.displayalerts = true

This example sets the prompt when the file is saved, requiring the user to enter summary information.

Application.promptforsummaryInfo = TRUE

This example shows the full path to Microsoft Excel.

Private Sub aa ()

Msgbox "The path is" & applibility.path

End Sub

Example Displays the path and file name of each available load macro.

For Each a in Addins

Msgbox a.fullname

Next A

The chDIR statement changes the current directory or folder.

Chdir path

In Power Macintosh, the default drive is always changed to the drive specified in the PATH statement. The full path is specified by the volume label name, the relative path begins by the colon (:). Chdir can identify the alias specified in the path:

ChDIR "MacDrive: TMP" 'in Macintosh

This example shows the current path separator.

Msgbox "The Path Separator Character IS" & _


MOVE method

Move a specified file or folder from one place to another.


Object.move destination

Move method syntax has the following sections:

Partial description

Object is required. Always a name of a FILE or FOLDER object.

Destination must be. Documents or folders to move to the target. There is no wildcard.

CreateFolder method

Create a folder.


Object.createfolder (Foldername)

The REATEFOLDER method has the following sections:

Partial description

Object is required. Always a name of FileSystemObject.

Foldername must be required. String expressions, it identifies the created folder.

This example uses the MKDIR statement to create a directory or folder. If you do not specify a drive, a new directory or folder will be built in the current drive.

MKDIR "mydir" 'creates a new directory or folder.

NAME statement example

This example uses the Name statement to change the name of the file. In the example, it is assumed that all the directory or folders used are existing. In Macintosh, the default drive name is "HD" and the path portion is separated from the colon.

Dim Oldname, NewName

OldName = "oldfile": newname = "newfile" defines the file name.

Name OldName As newName 'changes the file name.

OldName = "c: / mydir / oldfile": newname = "c: / YourDir / newfile"

Name OldName As NewName 'changes the file name and moves the file.

This example shows the current default file path.

Msgbox "The Current Default File Path IS" & _


This example setting replaces the startup folder.

Application.AltStartuppath = "C: / Excel / Macros"

FolderExists method

If the specified folder exists returns True, there is no false to return.


Object.foldeRexists (Folderspec)

This example enables editing in the cell.

Application.editDirectlyNCell = true

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Program description:

Several methods of entering data in cells:

Public Sub Writes ()

1 - 2 Method, the simplest in "[]" inputs the cell name.

1 [A1] = 100 'Input 100 in the A1 cell.

2 [A2: A4] = 10 'In A2: A4 cell input 10.

3 - 4 methods, enter the cell name in Range (")," ".

3 RANGE ("B1") = 200 'Input 200 in the B1 cell.

4 RANGE ("C1: C3") = 300 'At C1: C3 cell input 300.

5 - 6 Method, using Cells (Row, Column), ROW is the number of units of cells, and Column is the number of cells.

5 Cells (1, 4) = 400 'In the D1 cell input 400.

6 RANGE (Cells (1, 5), Cells (5, 5)) = 50 'At E1: E 5 Cell Enter 50.

End Sub

You click any cell, press the Selection button, then the selected cell will be entered "Test".

Public subsection1 ()

Selection.Value = "Test" 'Enter text "test" in any cell you click.

End Sub

Vbalesson2 program description:

Several methods of how to read other worksheets, read this worksheet: Add the worksheet name Sheet4 before being read.

Public Sub Writes ()

1-- 2 Method, the simplest in the read "[]" plus the read worksheet name Sheet4.

1 [A1] = Sheet4. [A1] 'The data of the Sheet4 A1 cell reads the A1 cell.

2 [A2: A4] = SHEET4. [B1] '' Put the Shee4 works table cell B1 data, reads to the A2: A4 cell.

3 - 4 Method, before the Worksheet Range ("") of the work table, adds the name Sheet4.

3 Range ("B1") = Sheet4.Range ("B1") '' Put the Shee4 works table cell B1 data, reads the B1 cell.

4 RANGE ("C1: C3") = Sheet4.Range ("C1") 'Putting the Shee4 works table cell C1 data, reads C1: C3 cells.

5 - 6 Method, in the read worksheet Cells (Row, Column), Cells before adding the read worksheet name Sheet4.

5 Cells (1, 4) = Sheet4.cells (1, 4) 'Put the Shee4 works table cell D1 data, read the D1 cell.

6 Range (Cells (1, 5), Cells (5, 5)) = Sheet4.cells (1, 5) 'Put the Shee4 works table cell E1 data, reads the E1: E 5 cell.

End Sub

You click any cell, press the Selection button, then the selected cell will be entered by the SHEE4 workfinder F1 data.

Public subsection1 ()

Selection.Value = Sheet4. [F1] 'Putting the Shee4 works table cell F1 data, reads any cells you click.

End Sub

Vbalesson3 program description:

How to use Worksheet_SelectionChange to enter data. Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

Target = 100

End Sub

Target refers to the cell selected by your mouse, the parameters of the Worksheet_SelectionChange () event.

Can be one or a few cells.

Range is an Excel unique variable form, scope.

Target as rang is set to the Range variable form with this parameter of Target.

Target = 100 is the cell input number 100 in the cell.

Vbalesson4 program description:

How to use Worksheet_SelectionChange to enter data in qualified cells.

Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

If Target.Row> = 2 and target.column = 2 THEN

Target = 100


End Sub

If ... then ... end if this is our logical judgment statement.

Target.row> = 2, refers to the row of the unit selected units greater than or equal to 2.

Target.column = 2, refers to the column of the selected cell, equal to 2.

If Target.Row> = 2 and target.column = 2 Then refers to only in Target.Row> = 2 and Target.column = 2.

Just (target.row> = 2) True and (target.column = 2), the following program target = 100 is performed.

That is, when the second line of the B column and the following rows are selected, it will be input 100, and other cells are not input.

Vbalesson5 program description:

Compare Worksheet_SELECTIONCHANGE () and the method of using the button commandbutton1_click () to execute the program different from the writing method.

Worksheet_selectionchange () event

Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

If Target.Row> = 2 and target.column = 2 THEN

Target = 100


End Sub

Button CommandButton1_click ()

Private sub fascistbutton1_click ()

If Activecell.Row> = 2 And Activecell.column> = 3 THEN

ActiveCell = 100


End Sub

The two most ways to perform methods is that Worksheet_SelectionChange () is automatic, you don't have to understand how he finished working.

Button commandbutton1_click () is artificial, more procedures more than SelectionChange (), just press that button, the program will execute.

SelectionChange () has a parameter TARGET available; CommandButton1_click () is not.

So we have to use the ActiveCell's internal function to replace Target, Activecell and Target, you can only specify a cell. It is to select multiple cells and only the uppermost cell will add data; replace ActiveCell with Selection, usage is the same as Target.

Vbalesson 6 Program Description:

Complete IF ... Then ┅ END logic judgment.

Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

If Target.Row> = 2 and target.column = 2 THEN

Target = 200

Elseif target.row> = 2 and target.column = 3 THEN

Target = 300

Elseif target.row> = 2 and target.column = 2 THEN

Target = 400


Target = 500


End Sub

This is a complete IF logic judgment, meaning that if the judgment condition after IF is established, the second procedure is executed, otherwise, if the judgment condition after Elseif is established, the fourth program is executed, otherwise If another elseif is established, the sixth procedure is executed.

Else means that if the above conditions are not established, the Article 8 will be implemented.

His execution method is if the condition of IF is established, the logical judgment of other elseif and else is not performed. If the IF is not established, the elseif or ELSE logic judgment will be performed. The condition after the second elseif is the same as the conditions after IF, so this determination behind Target = 400 will be a program that will never be executed.

Vbalesson 7 Program Description: Why should we use variables.

Private subworksheet_selectionchange (Byval Target As Range)

DIM I, J AS Integer

DIM K As Range

I = target.row

J = target.column

Set K = Target

IF i> = 2 and j = 2 THEN

K = 200

Elseif I> = 2 and j = 3 THEN

K = 300

Elseif I> = 2 and j = 4 THEN

K = 400


K = 500


End Sub

Compared with Vbalesson 6, the program is not clear, and it is more annoying to write the program with Target.Row, target.column and target. If you feel that you can simplify your program.

You have to declare the variable before using the variable. The method of declaring the variable is to write the form "Integer" on the back of the variable "I" AS after "DIM".

DIM I, J AS Integer is the declaration I and J as an integer variable, which is the two variables I and J, and then add a ",", ",", "

DIM K As Range is the declaration of K as a range of data, and Range is an Excel unique data form.

i = target.row is the number of rows of the current cell to the variable I. j = target.column is the number of columns of the current cell to the variable j.

Set k = target is the current cell, specifying the variable k.

With simple variables like I and J, you may still remember that i or J represents. The program is written, you may forget i or J represents. So the best way is to replace I and J for the variables such as IROW or ICOL with more meaningless code.

Vbalesson 8 Program Description: I realized the Worksheet_change () event.

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)


Irow = target.row

Icol = target.column

If irow> = 2 and iCol = 2 and target <> "" "" "

Application.enableevents = false

Cells (IROW, ICOL 1) = Cells (IROW, ICOL) * 2

Application.enableevens = true

Elseif Irow> = 2 and ICol = 2 and target = "" "

Cells (IROW, ICOL 1) = ""


Cells (IROW, ICOL 1) = ""


End Sub

The first few tutorials have been used in Worksheet_SelectionChange events. If you have to experience how he is, let's go.

This tutorial is to let you experience the Worksheet_chang () event. Because these two events are very useful in VBA, we must understand.

Simply put, the former is your mouse to move to that cell, triggering the execution of that event. The latter is to wait until you choose the cell, and the number has changed to trigger the execution of the event. The timing of the two executed one after another.

TARGET <> "" It is the program that represents the current cell if there is a few , will execute the following three rows.

Cells (IROW, ICOL 1) = Cells (IROW, ICOL) * 2, when you enter the number of inputs in the B bar, the C-column will receive twice the B column twice.

Target = "" is the procedure of the following line if there is no number of current cells, if there is no number of cells.

Cells (IROW, ICOL 1) = "", is the number of c-columns to clear the space.

Application.enableEvents = false and Application.enableEvents = True, this is a dual program that you want to write the program after performing other programs. Its purpose is in inhibiting event chain. Simply put, the event triggered in the B field, is not willing to trigger another Worksheet_change () event in other cells.

Vbalesson 9 Program Description: I realized the Worksheet_Change () event chain reaction.

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)


Irow = target.row

Application.enableEvents = falsecells (irow, 3) = cells (irow, 3) Cells (IROW, 2)

Application.enableevens = true

End Sub

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)


Irow = target.row

'Application.enableEvents = FALSE

Cells (irow, 3) = cells (irow, 3) Cells (irow, 2)

'Application.enableEvents = TRUE

End Sub

The purpose of this program is to rendering the new number of B2 inputs to C2 when the B2 is entered.

There are of course no problem with the application.enableevents = false program.

Now you are adding "'" before application.enableevents = false and Application.enableEvents = True.

Plus "'" before the program is to make the text after "'" become a description text, the program is executed, and the text will be skipped, and the contents of the description text are not performed.

After the program is added to the "'" symbol, the text will become green.

When executing the second program, you will find that C2 does not press the result of what you ask.

This is the so-called event chain reaction.

How can this macro write!

I want to run a macro, I can fill in a formula on the current worksheet B3; the result of this formula is all work

The B4 cell on the table. How can this macro write. Thank you!


Dim sh as worksheet, shName $

For Each Shin Worksheets

Shname = sh.name

Activesheet.Range ("b3"). Value = activesheet.range ("b3"). Value Worksheets (shName) .Range ("b4")


End Sub

How to create a new work table named "Table" in VBA

Programming via VBA, it is easy to add new worksheets, but the name of the new table does not know how to control, for newly created worksheets, because its name is not a specific, so it is not good to use the new table created. I don't know why everyone is seen. . . .


Activeesheet.name = "table"

Ask: How to use the VBA search table 1 in column A column A column in the same line and copy the latter to Table 1 Retrieve in Table 1, thank you !! !!

To yxptwq: Use this program to see.



Row_dn1 = Sheet1.Range ("A65536"). End (xlup) .row

K = 1: n = 1

For Each Wsheet in ActiveWorkbook.worksheets

With wsheet

IF .Name <> "sheet1" THEN

Row_dnn = .range ("a65536"). End (xlup) .row

For i = 2 to row_dn1

For j = 2 to row_dnn

If .cells (j, 1) = sheet1.cells (i, 1) Then.Rows (J & ":" & j) .copy destination: = sheet1.rows (row_dn1 n & ":" & row_dn1 n)

n = n 1



Next I


End with

Next wsheet

End Sub

If you want to enter your password with the VBA program to use the following code

Sub EnterneWPW ()

'Program Description: Enter vbaproject password with SendKey

'Precautions: Performing this translation requires in Excel window, not in VBE window

Application.sendKeys "% {f11}", True 'Alt F11 Switch to VBA Window

Application.sendKeys "% T", TRUE 'Alt T Tool (Traditional Chinese is (T))

Application.sendKeys "E", True 'Tool (T) -vbProject Attribute (e)

Application.sendKeys "^ {tab}", True 'Tab key (switched to the Page2 Protection page)

Application.sendKeys "{ }", True 'Choosing the Checkbox block (lock outline for inspection)

'({ } Selection, {-} Cancel)

Application.sendKeys "{tab}", TRUE 'TAB button (jump to the first input password textbox

mypw = "chijanzen" 'assumes password Chijanzen

Application.sendKeys mypw, true 'Enter a password

Application.sendKeys "{tab}", True 'Tab key (jump to the second input password textbox

Application.sendKeys mypw, true 'Enter a password

Application.sendKeys "{enter}", true 'Press the OK button (preset value)

Application.sendKeys "% {f11}", True 'Returns Excel Window

End Sub

Bubbling sorting method:

The sputum sorting method is "bubble sort" is because the value is smaller or lighter element floats to the top of the number of continued sorting.

Sub macro1 ()

DIM I as integer


Dim t as integer

Static Number (1 to 10) AS INTEGER

FOR i = 1 to 10

Number (i) = inputbox "Enter the number of sorted:"

Next I

For i = 10to 2 Step -1

For j = 1 to i - 1

'Location exchange

IF number (j)> Number (j 1) THEN

T = Number (j 1)

Number (J 1) = Number (j)

Number (j) = t



Next I

For i = 1 to 20

Print Number (i)

Next I

End Sub

First define an array: By recurring 10 integers, then use a two-turn test to test whether the previous number is greater than the last number. If it is larger than the two numbers of subscribers, the two counts are swapped in the group, and the exchange passes through a variable. I first solve this problem with a traditional method. After comparing, it is a simple and efficient sorting method.

- "Quick Sort", specific algorithm can refer to the data structure and other related books. Sort all data, then

And the same data, the merging procedure is simpler, I started this method, but later found for these

Data, first merger is faster because there is a large amount of data. The merge is "marker"

The method is as follows: (Set data has been stored in the SDATA () array, and the result saves the queryp () array.

Amount is the number of data)

'Set the same element 0

For i = 1 to Amount

IF SDATA (i) <> 0 THEN

For J = i 1 to Amount

IF SDATA (I) = SDATA (j) Then SDATA (j) = 0



Next I

'Delete the same element

Queryp (1) = SDATA (1)

K = 1

For i = 2 to Amount

IF not (SDATA (I) = 0) THEN

K = K 1

Queryp (k) = SDATA (i)


Next I

Kmax = k

Redim Preserve Queryp (kmax)

Although this makes the computing speed, it is still necessary to carry out a lot of loop operation, accounting for most of the program.

Division operation time. So I have been looking for a more efficient algorithm.

Kung Fu pays off, after careful analysis of the characteristics of the data, after a variety of programs, I finally found a

A comparable successful algorithm, the original operation of 3 to 4 seconds is shortened to only 0.1 to 0.2 seconds.

The data I have encountered has the following characteristics: 1 There are many data, the maximum, the minimum difference is less than 3,

3 is a positive number with two decimals.

For data characteristics, I adopted the following algorithm:

For data characteristics, I adopted the following algorithm:


1. Use a loop to find the maximum and minimum portions of the score. The largest and minimum number of decimal parts

Turn with 100 to an integer.

2. Define a two-dimensional array, the subscript range is the minimum value to the maximum of integers and fractional parts, respectively.

3. Use a loop to fill all source data into the two-dimensional array of proven, fill in the rules is, source data

The integers and fractions correspond to two subscripts of the two-dimensional array. For example, "13.51" fills in "a (13,51)"


4. Finally, read the non-zero data in the two-dimensional array to the two-dimensional array to obtain a small to large or from large to a small arrangement.

Data and do not contain duplicate data.

The programs written in VB are as follows:

'**** intensive data processing ****

DIM I As Long, J AS Long, K As Long, Kmax As Long

DIM Queryp () AS Single

Redim Queryp (Amount)




'Read data


IPMAX = 0: ipmin = 1000

DPMAX = 0: DPMIN = 99

For i = 1 to Amount

'Find the largest, minimum of the integer and the decimal part

IntegerPart = INT (SDATA (I))

DecimalPart = (SDATA (I) - IntegerPart * 100

IF integerpart> ipmax then


Elseif integerpart



IF DeciMalpart> DPMAX THEN

DPMAX = Decimalpart

Elseif Decimalpart



Next I

Redim DiffDataArray (IPMIN to IPMAX, DPMIN to DPMAX)

'Fill in data

For i = 1 to Amount

IntegerPart = INT (SDATA (I))

DecimalPart = (SDATA (I) - IntegerPart * 100

DiffDataArray (IntegerPart, Decimalpart) = SDATA (i)

Next I

Next I

'Extract data

K = 0

For i = ipmax to ipmin STEP -1


IF DiffDataArray (i, j) <> 0 THEN

K = K 1

Queryp (k) = DiffDataArray (i, j)



Next I

Kmax = k

Redim Preserve Queryp (kmax)

This method is most effective for this "intensive" data encountered, but if you encounter a "sparse" number

According to the largest, the minimum, the minimum is much different, and even tens of data, there is no advantage, and it will take up

Larger memory.

After improvement, I got the efficient algorithm for processing sparse data. Efficient prerequisites are also the source data

There is a large amount of data. The idea is to add a single-dimensional array on the basis of the former approach to save an integer.

Some data, the insert method is sorted by the insert method during storage. Because there are a lot of repetitive data, you want to sort

The volume is relatively small. When reading data from a two-dimensional array, use a single-dimensional array to enter the first under the two-dimensional array.

Sign, specific code:

'*** Sparse data processing ****

DIM I As Long, J AS Long, K As Long, Kmax As Long

DIM Queryp () AS Single

Redim Queryp (Amount)




DIM iPARRAY () AS Integer, iPaamount AS IntederRedim iParray (Amount)


'Read data


IPMAX = 0: ipmin = 1000

DPMAX = 0: DPMIN = 99


For i = 1 to Amount

'Get the maximum minimum number of integers and fractional parts

IntegerPart = INT (SDATA (I))

DecimalPart = (SDATA (I) - IntegerPart * 100

IF integerpart> ipmax then


Elseif integerpart




IF DeciMalpart> DPMAX THEN

DPMAX = Decimalpart

Elseif Decimalpart



'Sort the integer part "iParray ()" insert (from large to small)

For j = 1 to ipaamount


Ipaamount = ipaamount 1

Fork = ipaamount to j 1 step -1

IParray (k) = iParray (k - 1)

Next K

IParray (j) = integerpart

EXIT for

Elseif integerpart = iParray (j) THEN

EXIT for



IF j> iPaamount Then

Ipaamount = ipaamount 1

IParray (ipaamount) = integerpart


Next I

Redim DiffDataArray (IPMIN to IPMAX, DPMIN to DPMAX)

'Fill in data

For i = 1 to Amount

IntegerPart = INT (SDATA (I))

DecimalPart = (SDATA (I) - IntegerPart * 100

DiffDataArray (IntegerPart, Decimalpart) = SDATA (i)

Next I

'Extract data

K = 0

For i = 1 to ipaamount


IF DiffDataArray (iParray (i), j) <> 0 THEN

K = K 1

Queryp (k) = DiffDataArray (iParray

(I), j)



Next I

Kmax = k

Redim Preserve Queryp (kmax)


Redim Preserve Queryp (kmax)

Which algorithm is specifically used, it depends on the nature of the data. The following is some of the measured data, for reference only

. If you have a better way, don't forget to share with friends. Automatically hide no data in the form

Table 1 is a data source, often changing;

Table 2 Table 2 Reference The cells with data in Table 1 (using the dynamic address have been implemented.)

Due to the change in Table 1, the size of Table 2 changes.

Question: How to implement the row (formula) without data in Table 2 automatically hide? Thank you for your enlightening!


FOR i = 1 to 300

IF Cells (i, 1) .value = "" "" Then Rows (i) .hidden = true

Next I

End Sub

What you write can solve the hidden problem, but if I execute it, add data in Table 1, Table 2 does not automatically display the data. How to modify?

Set this macro to automatic operation (when the file is opened)


FOR i = 1 to 300

IF Cells (i, 1) .value <> "" "" The rows (i) .hidden = false

Next I

End Sub

How to automatically merge the column with VBA?

How to automatically merge the column with VBA?

To hongjian:

Sub mergetest ()

For i = 3 TO 30

Cells (I, 3) = Cells (i, 1) & chr (10) & Cells (i, 2)


End Sub

Report design and printing based on VB and Excel

In the development of modern management information systems, the analysis, processing of data information is often involved.

In the end, it is also necessary to provide a variety of reports of the statistics to the leadership decision-making reference, or

Ministry exchange. Making reports in Visual Basic, usually using data environment designers (data

Environment Designer (Data Report Designer), or

Use a third-party product to complete. But for most users who are accustomed to the Excel report, it is used

The report generated above is often unable to meet their requirements in terms of format and function.

Since Excel has its own object library, you can reference in the Visual Basic project.

By using OLE automation with Excel, you can create some unique reports, and then print

Out. This implements the control of the Visual Basi application to Excel. This article will be directed to one

State example, elaborate on report design and printing process based on VB and Excel.

1) Create an Excel object

The Excel object model includes 128 different objects, from rectangular, text boxes, etc.

Complicated objects such as perspective table, chart. Let's take a brief introduction to the most important, use

Gest to five objects.

(1) Application object

The Application object is in the top floor of the Excel object hierarchy, indicating Excel himself.

Operating the environment.

(2) Workbook object

The Workbook object is directly under the next layer of the Application object, indicating an Excel.

Thinking files.

(3) Worksheet object

The Worksheet object is included in the Workbook object, indicating an Excel worksheet.

(4) RANGE object

The Range object is included in the Worksheet object, indicating one or more of the Excel worksheet.


(5) Cells object

The Cells object is included in the Worksheet object, indicating a cell in the Excel worksheet. If you want to launch an Excel, use the workbook and worksheet object, the following code

Started Excel and created a new work meter:

DIM ZSBEXCEL AS Excel.Application

Set zsbexcel = new excel.Application

Zsbexcel.visible = true

To excel is invisible, you can make zsbexcel.visible = false

zsbexcel.sheetsinnewwkebook = 1

Set zsbworkbook = zsbexcel.workbooks.add

2) Set cell and region value

To set the value of each cell in a worksheet, you can use the Worksheet object

Range property or Cells property.

WITH ZSBEXCEL.Activeesheet

.Cells (1, 2) .value = "100"

.Cells (2, 2) .value = "200"

.Cells (3, 2) .value = "= SUM (B1: B2)"

.Range ("A3: A9") = "Chinese People's Liberation Army"

End with

To set fonts, borders, borders, borders, can take advantage of RANGE objects or Cells objects

Border attribute and font properties:

With objexcel.activeesheet.range ("A2: K9"). Borders' Border Settings

.LINESTYLE = XLborderLinesTyleContinuous

.Weight = xltin


End with

With objexcel.activesheet.range ("a3: k9"). Font 'font settings

.Size = 14

.Bold = true

.Italic = TRUE


End with

You can create a variety of complexs by an in-depth understanding of the various settings of the Excel cells and regional values.

Miscellaneous, beautiful, meet the needs of the report, and its own characteristics.

3) Preview and print

After generating the required worksheet, you can make a preview, print instructions.

zsbexcel.activeesheet.pagesetup.orientation = xlportrait '

Set the print direction

Zsbexcel.activeesheet.pagesetup.papersize = xlpapera4 '

Set up the printing paper

Zsbexcel.caption = "Print Preview" Set the preview window


Zsbexcel.activeesheet.PrintPreview 'print preview

ZSBEXCEL.Activeesheet.Printout 'printout

By printing the direction, printing the size of the paper size, constantly previewing until satisfaction,

Finally print output.

In order to exit the application, Excel does not prompt whether the user saves the modified file,

Use the following statement:

zsbexcel.displayalerts = false

Zsbexcel.quit 'Exits Excel

Zsbexcel.displayalerts = true

This design of the report print is achieved through the Excel program. For users

Say, I can't see the specific process at all, just seeing a beautiful report is easily printed. 4) Specific example

A specific example is given below, it is in Window98, Visual Basic 6.0,

Try to pass the Microsoft Office97 environment.

Start a new Standard EXE project in VB, "reference" in the Project menu

Reference Excel Object Library under the option; then add a command button in the Form

Cmdexcel; Finally, enter the following code in the form:

DIM ZSBEXCEL AS Excel.Application

Private subdexcel_click ()

Set zsbexcel = new excel.Application

Zsbexcel.visible = true

zsbexcel.sheetsinnewwkebook = 1

Set zsbworkbook = zsbexcel.workbooks.add

With zsbexcel.activesheet.range ("A2: C9"). Borders' Border Settings

.LINESTYLE = XLborderLinesTyleContinuous

.Weight = xltin


End with

WITH ZSBEXCEL.Activeesheet.Range ("A3: C9"). Font 'font settings

.Size = 14

.Bold = true

.Italic = TRUE


End with

Zsbexcel.activeesheet.Rows.horizontalaLAlignment =

XlvalignCenter 'level

zsbexcel.activeesheet.Rows.VerticalAlignment =

XlvalignCenter 'vertical

WITH ZSBEXCEL.Activeesheet

.Cells (1, 2) .value = "100"

.Cells (2, 2) .value = "200"

.Cells (3, 2) .value = "= SUM (B1: B2)"

.Cells (1, 3) .value = "Chinese People's Liberation Army"

.Range ("A3: A9") = "50"

End with

zsbexcel.activeesheet.pagesetup.orientation = xlportrait '


zsbexcel.activeesheet.pagesetup.papersize = xlpapera4


zsbexcel.displayalerts = false


Zsbexcel.displayalerts = true

Set zsbexcel = Nothing

Improve the efficiency of VBA in Excel

Method 1: Try to use VBA's original properties, methods and worksheet functions

Due to the exception of Excel objects, the properties, methods, and events of the object may not know all for beginners, this produces the programmer to write the properties of the Excel object, the same functionality The VBA code segment, and the operational efficiency of these code segments is obviously equal to the properties of the Excel object, and the speed of the task is very different. For example, with the property of the property CurrentRegion, the RANGE object is returned, which represents the current area. (The current area refers to the boundaries of any blank row and blank columns). The same function is required to do dozens of lines. Therefore, the properties and methods of Excel objects should be understood as much as possible before programming. Take advantage of the Worksheet function is an extremely effective way to improve program running speeds. Examples of average salary: for Each C in Worksheet (1). Range ("A1: A1000")

TotalValue = TotalValue C.Value


AverageValue = Totalue / Worksheet (1) .range ("A1: A1000"). Rows.count

The following code programs are much more than the above example:

AverageValue = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average (1) .range ("A1: A1000"))

Other functions such as count, counta, countif, match, lookup, etc. can replace the VBA program code of the same function, improve the running speed of the program.

Method 2: Try to minimize the use of object reference, especially in the cycle

The properties of each Excel object require one or more calls to the OLE interface, which is required to reduce the operation of the VBA code to speed up the VBA code. E.g

1. Use the WITH statement.

Workbooks (1) .sheets (1). Range ("A1: A1000"). Font.name = "pay"

Workbooks (1). Sheets (1). Range ("A1: A1000"). Font.FontStyle = "bold" ...

The following statement is more fast than the above

WITH WORKBOOKS (1) .sheets (1) .RANGE ("A1: A1000"). Font

.Name = "pay"

.Fontstyle = "bold"


End with

2. Use object variables.

If you find an object reference to be used multiple times, you can set this object to object variables with SET to reduce access to objects. Such as:

Workbooks (1). Sheets (1) .Range ("a1"). Value = 100

Workbooks (1). Sheets (1) .range ("a2"). Value = 200

The following code is faster than the above:

Set mysheet = workbooks (1) .sheets (1)

MySheet.Range ("a1"). Value = 100

MySheet.Range ("a2"). Value = 200

3. Try to minimize access to objects in the loop.

Fork = 1 to 1000

Sheets ("sheet1"). SELECT

Cells (k, 1) .Value = cells (1, 1) .value

Next K

The following code is faster than the above:

Set Thevalue = Cells (1, 1) .value

Sheets ("sheet1"). SELECT

Fork = 1 to 1000

Cells (k, 1) .value = thevalue

Next K

Method 3: Reduce the activation and selection of objects

If you learn VBA by recording macro, your VBA program must be full of object activation and selection, such as Workbooks (XXX) .ct, Sheets (XXX) .Select, Range (xxx) .select, but In fact, most of these operations are not required. For example, Sheets ("Sheet3"). SELECT

Range ("a1"). Value = 100

Range ("a2"). Value = 200

Can be changed to:

With sheets ("sheet3")

.Range ("a1"). Value = 100

.RANGE ("A2"). Value = 200

End with

Method 4: Close the screen update

If your VBA program is done in front, the shutdown screen update is the most effective way to improve the speed of the VBA program, and the runtime is 2/3. Turn off the screen update:

Application.screenupdate = false

Please don't forget that the VBA program is running back:

Application.screenupdate = true

The above is several ways to improve the efficiency of VBA operational efficiency

This example repeats the most recent user interface command. This example must be placed in the first line of the macro.


In the following example, the variable counter replaces the line number. This process will be circulated in the cell area C1: C20, and all the numbers that are less than 0.01 are set to 0 (zero).

Sub roundTozero1 ()

For counter = 1 to 20

Set curcell = Worksheets ("sheet1"). Cells (Counter, 3)

IF ABS (Curcell.Value) <0.01 Ten Curcell.Value = 0

Next Counter

End Sub

The process is circulated in the cell zone A1: D10, which is set to 0 (zero) of the numbers less than 0.01.

Sub roundTozero2 ()

For Each C in Worksheets ("Sheet1"). Range ("A1: D10"). Cells

IF ABS (C.Value) <0.01 Then C.Value = 0


End Sub

When the following process is running on the worksheet, it will cycle in the area around the active cell, and all the numbers that are less than 0.01 are set to 0 (zero).

Sub roundTozero3 ()

For Each C in ActiveCell.currentregion.Cells

IF ABS (C.Value) <0.01 Then C.Value = 0


End Sub

The following process writes data in the air line of work

SUB input ()

X = 3 'starts from line 3

Do While Not (ISempty (Cells (x, 2) .value) "Judging the last line of the second column (ie the upper line of the space)

X = x 1 'in the last line plus a row


'The following is written

Cells (X, 1) = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (1, 3)

Cells (X, 2) = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (2, 3)

Cells (X, 3) = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (3, 3)

Cells (X, 4) = Sheets ("Sheet1"). Cells (4, 3) Sheets ("Sheet1"). SELECT

Cells (2, 3) = Cells (2, 3) 1 'Automatically join the serial number every word

Sheets ("Sheet2"). SELECT

End Sub

SUB daily ()

'Enter the incidence Macro

'30 recorded Hong 2002-12-18

Application.screenupdating = false 'Close screen display

If Application.inputbox ("Please enter your password:") = 1234 Then 'This line is set by 3-5 rows

DIM MSG, Style, Title, X, MyString 'Settings Variables

Msg = "!!! Cannot recover after checkout?" 'Define information.

Style = Vbyesno Vbcritical VBDefaultButton2 'definition button.

Title = "This day checkout!" 'Defines the title.

X = MSGBOX (MSG, Style, Title)

IF x = vbyes then 'user presses "Yes".


Call backup

Call recombines all tables

Sheets ("Daily Report") .select


Selection.autofilter Field: = 1 'all display

Sheets ("balance sheet") .Select


Selection.autofilter Field: = 1 'all display

Range ("E6: G183, I6: K183"). COPY

Sheets ("Daily Report") .select

Range ("n6"). SELECT

Selection.Pastespecial Paste: = xlpastevaluesandNumberFormats, Operation: = _

Xlnone, Skipblanks: = false, transpose: = false

Activesheet.Protect DrawingObjects: = true, contents: = true, scenarios: = true_

Allowsorting: = true, allowfiltering: = true

[A2] .copy

Sheets ("Bank Account") .Select

Range ("f2"). SELECT

Selection.Pastespecial Paste: = xlpastevalues, Operation: = xlnone, Skipblanks_

: = False, Transpose: = FALSE

Activesheet.Protect DrawingObjects: = true, contents: = true, scenarios: = true_

Allowsorting: = true, allowfiltering: = true

Application.cutcopyMode = false


Else: msgbox "Password error, will be exited!" 'This line is set with the second line together

End ifApplication.screenupdating = true 'Open the screen display

End Sub

Sub Month End Checkout ()

Application.screenupdating = false

If Application.inputbox ("Please enter your password:") = 1234 Then 'This line is set by 3-5 rows

'The following three behaviors message box

DIM MSG, Style, Title, X, MyString

Msg = "!!! Cannot recover after checkout?" 'Define information.

Style = Vbyesno Vbcritical VBDefaultButton2 'definition button.

Title = "Month end checkout!" 'Defines the title.

X = MSGBOX (MSG, Style, Title)

IF x = vbyes then 'user presses "Yes".


Call backup

Call recombines all tables

Sheets ("balance sheet") .Select

[L6: l183] .copy

Sheets ("Daily Report") .select

Range ("m6"). SELECT

Selection.Pastespecial Paste: = xlpastevalues, Operation: = xlnone, Skipblanks_

: = False, Transpose: = FALSE

Range ("n6"). SELECT

[N6: S183] = "" "

Sheets ("Bank Account") .Select

[A7: U3000] = "" "

[K5] .copy

Range ("k6"). SELECT

Selection.Pastespecial Paste: = xlpastevalues, Operation: = xlnone, Skipblanks_

: = False, Transpose: = FALSE

Application.cutcopyMode = false

Range ("a1"). SELECT


Else: msgbox "Password error, will be exited!" 'This line is set with the second line together


Application.screenupdating = true

End Sub

SUB Time Report ()

Application.screenupdating = false

Sheets ("Daily Report") .select

Call recombines all tables

Activeesheet.unprotect password: = 641112 'Undo worksheet protection and cancel password

Selection.autofilter Field: = 1, criteria1: = "1.00"

'Automatic screening

'The following 10-line pop-up window input print information

DIM MyPrintnum as in integer


MyPROMPT = "Please enter the number of copies to print"

myTitle = "Print Selection Range"

Myprintnum = Application.inputBox (MyPrompt, Mytitle, 4,,,,,,, 1)

IF MyPrintnum <> 0 THEN

'Application.ActivePrinter = "// zdserver2 / HP LaserJet 5000 PCL 6 in Ne00:"' specify a printer ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies: = myPrintNum, Collate: = True 'set print information, wherein Copies: = myPrint of prints


Msgbox "Please enter the number of copies to print"


Activesheet.ShowAllData 'all display

Activeesheet.protect password: = 641112 'Protect worksheets and set passwords

Sheets ("Cover") .Select

Application.screenupdating = true

End Sub

SUB print balance ()

Application.screenupdating = false

Sheets ("balance sheet") .Select

Call recombines all tables

Activeesheet.unprotect password: = 641112 'Undo worksheet protection and cancel password

ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 10

Selection.autofilter Field: = 1, criteria1: = "<>"

'The following 10-line pop-up window input print information

DIM MyPrintnum as in integer


MyPROMPT = "Please enter the number of copies to print"

myTitle = "Print Selection Range"

Myprintnum = Application.inputBox (MyPrompt, Mytitle, 4,,,,,,, 1)

IF MyPrintnum <> 0 THEN

'Application.ActivePrinter = "// ZDServer2 / HP LaserJet 5000 PCL 6 in Ne00:"' Specify printers

ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies: = myprintnum, collate: = true 'Sets print information, where copies: = myprint is the number of printnuas


Msgbox "Please enter the number of copies to print"


Activesheet.ShowAllData 'all display

Activeesheet.protect password: = 641112 'Protect worksheets and set passwords

Sheets ("Cover") .Select

Application.screenupdating = true

End Sub

SUB backup ()

Dim y 'variable declaration - to save the path and name of the worksheet

[M1] = ActiveWorkbook.FullName 'cell m1 = The path and name of the current workbook

Y = Cells (1, 14) 'y = value of cell N1, that is, the calculated path and name of the workbook must be saved.

Worksheets ("Cover") .USEDRANGE.COLUMNS ("M: N"). Calculate 'calculates the specified area

ActiveWorkbook.savecopyas y 'backup to the specified road? Y

End Sub

SUB Rules Activity Table ()


.Calculation = xlmanual

.Maxchange = 0.001nd with

ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = true

ActiveWindow.Displayzeros = true


End Sub

SUB recombssion specified table ()

Attribute rejoin specified table .vb_procdata.vb_invoke_func = "z / n14"

Worksheets ("Bank Account") .calculate

Worksheets ("Daily Report") .calculate

End Sub

Cell data change causes calculation activation process

Private subworksheet_change (byval Target As Range)


Irow = target.row 'variable row IROW

Icol = target.column 'variable column ICOL

If IROW> 6 and ICOL = 3 and cells (irow, 3)> = Cells (irow - 1, 3) Then '> greater than 6 lines, and third columns, when the Bank 3> 2 lines 3 columns

Application.enableevents = false

Cells (irow, 2) = Cells (Irow - 1, 2) 'This line 2 column = 2 columns

Application.enableevens = true

Elseif Irow> 6 and ICOL = 3 and cells (irow, 3) greater than 6 lines, and third columns, when the Bank 3> 2 lines 3 columns

Application.enableevents = false

Cells (irow, 2) = cells (irow - 1, 2) 1 'This line 2 column = upstream 2 column 1

Application.enableevens = true

Elseif (ICOL = 3 or ICOL = 4 or iCol = 6 or iCol = 8 or iCol = 9 or iCol = 13) And irow> 6 Then 'and target <> "

Application.enableevents = false

Cells (Irow, 5) = "= Unit Name"

Cells (irow, 7) = "= summary"

Cells (irow, 11) = "= balance"

Range (Cells (Irow, 14), Cells (IROW, 16)) = "= Pre-oriented revenue number NOP"

Cells (irow, 17) = "= audit Q"

Cells (irow, 18) = "= 对帐 U"

Range (cells (irow, 19), cells (irow, 20)) = "= internal turnover xy"

Cells (irow, 21) = "= political Z"

Application.enableevens = true


End Sub

'Calculate the current worksheet path and the name of the name, can be used as a unit formula, or write a macro

= Cell ("filename") 'Change the macro of the Excel interface title

Private subworkbook_open ()

Application.caption = "Eat"

End Sub

'Automatically brush the date / time of the new cell A1

Sub mytime ()

Range ("a1") = now ()

Application.ontime Now TimeValue ("00:00:01"), "MyTime"

End Sub

'Save the current workbook as a file name with the content of the cell A1

SUB B ()

ActiveWorkbook.savecopyas Range ("A1") ".xls"

End Sub

'Activate the macro of the form, this macro is written in a work table with the form

Private submmandbutton1_click () 'Point data entry button control activation form

Load Userform3 'Activation Form

Userform3.startupposition = 3 'activation form

Userform3.show 'activation form

End Sub

'The following is a macro to run in the form, write into the form

Public POS AS INTEGER 'Declaration Variable POS

'Comet godners determine the button statement

Private sub fascistbutton1_click ()

Application.screenupdating = false 'This sentence and the last sentence are intended to display the implementation process of macros

'On Error Goto Errorhandle'


'If Err.Number = 13 TEN'

'Exit Sub'

'End if'

Call WrittoWorksheet 'Performing Macro WriteToworksheet

Userform3.hide 'Exit the form, continue the button less, exit button to execute this sentence

Unload userform3 'exits the form, continue the button less, exit button to execute this sentence

Call Batch Print '[here to receive the sequence 2]

[L2] = "" "[end here]

Sheets ("Print Information") .Select

Application.screenupdating = true

End Sub

'Exit button statement

Private sub fascistbutton2_click ()


UNLOAD Userform3

End Sub

'Write the data in the text box in the form into the unit of worksheet

Private Sub WriteToWorksheet ()

Activeesheet.Range ("k2") = textbox1.value 'writes the text box in the K columns

Activesheet.Range ("l2") = textbox2.value 'writes the text box in the L columns

TextBox1.Value = "" "Clear text box content

TextBox2.value = "" "Empty text box content

Worksheets ("Print Information") .Range ("A2"). Value = 1 'Write the cell to the specified table

Worksheets ("Print Information") .Range ("B3: E113"). Value = "" 'Clearing the cell data end SUB of the specified table

'The following is a macro printed according to conditions

SUB print () 'department detail query and batch print

Application.screenupdating = false 'Close screen update

IF cells (1, 4) = "" and cells (1, 5) = "" "THEN 'printing conditions Cells (3, 13) = 1 and

'Application.ActivePrinter = "// ZDServer2 / HP LaserJet 5000 PCL 6 in Ne00:"' Specify printers

ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies: = 1, collate: = true 'Sets the print information of the default printer, where copies: = MyPrint is the number of printnuas


Call print information 'is executed to time


Application.screenupdating = true 'Close screen update

End Sub

'The following cycle process, also used for mass printing, the value of z = 1 to 5 (1 to 5), but the content of the cell

Sub batch print ()

For z = cells (1, 11) to cells (1, 12) 'variable X is gradually incremented from the print start number K1 to the end number L1

The value of Cells (1, 13) = z 'm1 is equal to the variable X

Next z

End Sub

'The following is a macro that writes the print condition into a worksheet

SUB print information ()

Application.screenupdating = false 'Close screen update

DIM Y 'declaration variable

Y = activesheet.name 'Decision Activity Worksheet Name

Sheets ("Print Information") .Select

X = 3 'starts from line 3

Do While Not (ISempty (Cells (X, 2) .value) "Judging the last line of the first column (ie the upper line of the space line)

X = x 1 'in the last line plus a row


Cells (x, 2) = Cells (2, 1)

Cells (x, 3) = Sheets (Y) .Cells (4, 3)

Cells (2, 1) = Cells (2, 1) 1

Cells (x, 4) = Sheets (Y) .Cells (1, 4)

Cells (x, 5) = Sheets (Y) .Cells (1, 5)

[c1] = y

Sheets (Y) .Select 'Returns the worksheet opened last time

Application.screenupdating = true 'opens the screen update

End Sub

How to write files to the macro of the file name in a certain cell

Suppose you want to save the value of the value in the A1 cell of Sheet1, apply the command:

ActiveWorkbook.savecopyas Str (Range ("Sheet1! A1")) ".xls"

In Excel, how to use the program to control a single cell is not editable? Thanks !!!

Private subworkbook_open ()

ProtectspecialRange ("a1")

End Sub

Sub protectspecialrange (Rangeaddress as string)

ON Error Resme nextwith Sheet1

.Cells.locked = false

. Range (RangeAddress) .locked = TRUE

.Protection.AlloweditRanges.add title: = "Region 1", Range: = range (RangeAddress) _

Password: = "pass"

.Protect drawingObjects: = true, contents: = true, Scenarios: = TRUE

End with

End Sub

Programming the worksheet, sometimes to determine the total number of worksheets, how to implement the VBA?

X = 1

Do While Not (ISempty (""). Cells (x, 1) .value)

X = x 1


What is the function of the SFF in VBA in Excele-Sum () -?

Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum ()

Custom menu has three menu items, requiring manual order. To prevent misuse, make it as gray after the first menu item, how to write?


It is more convenient to synchronize its enable property synchronization with a tool button.

How to update a table?

This is the case, for example, I already have an original form A, then someone inform me that I have an error, I must modify it, and give me a table B, Table B lists the parameters that must be modified (note B's column number The number of columns less than A, because other columns of A do not need to be modified). Now the problem is how to find the corresponding position in Table A according to the new value in Table B, and modify it. For example, the height and body weight of 10002 JOHN is listed in Table B, how to find 10002 corresponding position (height weight) in A, and modify it.

It is recommended to copy Table B to the Sheet2 of Table A, and then perform the following macro

SUB Change ()


Sheets (2) .select

LastCell = Range ("A65536"). End (xlup) .row

For Each DD in Range (Cells (2, 1), Cells (Lastcell, 1))

IF dd = "" "the EXIT SUB

FF = dd.value

Set c = sheets (1) .columns (1) .find (ff, lookat: = xlwhole)

IF not c is nothing then

C.offset (0, 2) = DD.OFFSET (0, 2)

C.offset (0, 3) = DD.OFFSET (0, 3)

C.offset (0, 5) = DD.OFFSET (0, 4)



End Sub

Custom menu

Write the code that establishes and deletes the custom menu, writes in Workbook_Open and Workbook_beforeClosed events, respectively.

You should use VBA, workbook code, Workbook-open () procedure, write in this process

With Activeworkbook

. Sheets ("Table 2"). Active

End with

VBA implementation inserting a row in a locked work table, and automatically copy the function of the specified column in the above line

Option expedition

Public const strpass = "123" 123 is a password

Insert a line in the SUB line ()

Activeesheet.unprotect password: = strpassselection.copy

Selection.Insert Shift: = XLDOWN

Selection.Pastespecial Paste: = xlformats, Operation: = xlnone, skipblanks: =_

False, Transpose: = FALSE

Application.cutcopyMode = false

Activesheet.Protect Password: = strpass

End Sub

How to make the appearance when the XLS file does not appear:

"XXX.xls file has been modified, is it possible to modify?" ?

Manually save work can be performed before the worksheet is closed


How to achieve dynamic time display?

Sub mytime

Range ("a1") = now ()

Application.ontime Now TimeValue ("00:00:01"), "MyTime"

End Sub

Use VBA to determine if the specified EXCEL file is opened?

For Each W in Workbooks

IF W.NAME <> xxx kil



Next w

How do VBA calls Excel's own functions? such as VLOOKUP?

Application.WorksheetFunction.f (x)

f (x) is the workgroup you want to use

However, when using the internal function, the unit will be wrong, what should I do?

Remove the cells you want to generate into a VBA recognized format (type). As "F7: F12" in Excel should be changed to "RANGE (" F7: F12 ")" and so on.

How to close, save and exit Excel in VBA?

Workbooks ("Your Workbook" .save.

The following table illustrates references to some rows and columns using the ROWS and Column attributes.

Reference meaning

ROWS (1) first line

All rows on the ROWS worksheet

Column (1) first column

Column ("a") first column

All columns on the columns worksheet

To process several rows or columns at the same time, create an object variable and use the Union method to combine multiple calls to the ROWS attribute or columns attribute. The following example set the first line, the third row, and the fifth line of the first line, the third row, and the fifth line in the active workbook to bold.

Sub severalrows ()

Worksheets ("sheet1"). Activate

DIM Myunion As Range

Set myunion = union (rows (1), ROWS (3), ROWS (5))

Myunion.font.bold = true

End Sub

If you just say that only a few storage degene, use a simple method

Range ("a1"). Formula = Application.evaluate ("= [Book2.xls] Sheet1! A1")


Range ("a1"). Formula = "= [BOOK2.XLS] Sheet1! A1"

How to call the defined name in VBA

I am inserting a name at A1: B100 :myrange

I would like to select this range with VBA

Range ("MyRange"). SELECT

How to access the Excel file that has not been opened?

Sub alternativeImport ()

DIM XLAPP as Excel.Application

DIM WBSOURCE AS Excel.WorkbookSet XLAPP = New Excel.Application


Set wbsource = xlapp.workbooks.open ("c: /test/book2.xls")

Range ("A1: A10"). Value = WBSource.Sheets ("Sheet1"). Range ("A1: A10"). Value

WBSource.Close False


End Sub

How to make VBAPRJECT projects can not be viewed? (No password)

Open Excel.xls with software tools such as WinHex, etc., in the end of the file, find ID = "{0000000000000}" (with engineering lock password), Or ID = "{xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx}" (when there is no engineering lock password), modify any 1 bit, save, to achieve purposes. When viewing the project, "Project cannot be viewed" Tips.

Note: Before modifying, be sure to back up the original file to prevent it

How to use VBA to control the format of the report (left margin, paper size, print a few pages, etc.)

Print a few pages: activeWindow.selectedsheets.printout from: = x, to: = Y

Activeesheet.pagesetup.leftmargin = left margin

Activeesheet.pagesetup..papersize = paper size

How to automatically eliminate the virtual line box generated after using COPY copy?

Application.cutcopyMode = false

Replacing the EXCEL 97 menu bar is easy, just create a new menu bar, you will delete the EXCEL 97 menu bar. When you need to restore the menu bar of Excel 97, you can use it as long as you delete the newly created menu bar. There are only two command buttons for the custom menu of the system, one for returning to the system, and the other is used to exit the system (exitsys). Below is a macro in the module or an event control program.

Sub ZapMenu ()

ON Error ResMe next

Commandbars ("Insurance Query System"). Delete

End Sub

This is a macro used to delete a custom vegetable barbar. Statement on Error Resume Next ensures that it can be removed correctly whether it exists in the custom menu bar.



ActiveWorkbook.close SaveChanges: = false

End Sub

This is the macro used to exit the system. It deletes a custom menu and shut down an active workbook (without prompting save modification).

Sub returnMain ()

Worksheets ("Insurance Query System") .Select

End Sub

This macro is used to return to the main screen. It activates the "Insurance Query System" worksheet.

SUB setMenu ()

Dim mybar as commistbar

DIM MyButton As Commandbarbutton


Set mybar = commandbars.add (name: = "Insurance Query System", _

Position: = msobartop, _

MenuBar: = true)

Set mybutton = mybar.controls.add (msoControlbutton) MyButton.style = msobuttoncaption

MyButton.caption = "Exit [& E]"

MyButton.onAction = "EXITSYS"

Set mybutton = mybar.controls.add (msoControlButton)

MyButton.Style = msobuttoncaption

MYBUTTON.CAPTION = "Return [& r]"

MyButton.onAction = "ReturnMain"

MyButton.visible = false


myBar.visible = TRUE

End Sub

This macro contains five parts. The first part defines a pair of variables. The second part first runs the ZapMenu macro to ensure that the insurance query system menu bar does not exist and then creates it. The value of the parameter menubar is set to True, make sure this newly created command bar is a menu bar. The third part and the fourth section add two command buttons to the menu bar. And set the initial state of the returnMain command button to invisible. The last part protects this newly created menu bar, and the user cannot move or customize the new menu bar.

Work form

SUB SUM () 'indicates the total, the first A1: E20 is equal to the same cell of all tables

Attribute sum.vb_procdata.vb_invoke_func = "z / n14"

DIM X as worksheet

For y = 1 to 20

For z = 1 to 5

For Each X in Worksheets

Shname = x.name

Activesheet.cells (Y, Z) .Value = activesheet.cells (y, z) .Value Worksheets (shName) .Cells (Y, Z)


Next z

Next y

End Sub


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