Basic algorithm - chart

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  124

Second, the chart algorithm

1. Minimum span

A.Prim Algorithm:

Procedure Prim (V0: Integer);


Lowcost, Closest: array [1..maxn] of integer;

I, J, K, min: integer;


For i: = 1 to n Do Begin

Lowcost [I]: = COST [V0, I];

Closest [i]: = V0;


For i: = 1 to n-1 do begin

{Looking for the nearest point of the spangent tree K}

MIN: = Maxlongint;

For j: = 1 to n DO

IF (Lowcost [J] 0) THEN Begin

MIN: = lowcost [j];

K: = J;


Lowcost [K]: = 0; {Add the vertex k to the spanning tree}

{Generated tree Add a new side K to Closest [K]}

{Corrected Lowcost and CloseSt value}

For j: = 1 to n DO

IF cost [k, j]

Lowcost [J]: = COST [K, J];

Closest [J]: = K;



End; {prim}

B.kruskal algorithm: (greed)

Remove the edges in the figure in order, if the loop is not formed, add the minimum spanning tree.

Function Find (v: integer): integer; {Return to the set of vertices v}

VAR i: integer;


I: = 1;

While (i <= n) and (not v in vset [i]) DO INC (i);

IF i <= n Then Find: = I else Find: = 0;


Procedure kruskal;


Tot, I, J: Integer;


For i: = 1 to n DO vset [i]: = [i]; {Initialization definition n set, the i-th collections contain an element I


P: = N-1; Q: = 1; Tot: = 0; {p is the number of edges that is still added, Q is the edge set pointer}


{Incrementing all sorts by weight, existing in E [i], e [i] .v1 and e [i] .v2 is two vertices connected to the side I

Serial number, E [i] .le is the length of the first side of the first}

While P> 0 do begin

I: = find (e [q] .v1); j: = find (e [q] .v2);

IF i <> j Then Begin

INC (TOT, E [q] .le);

VSET [I]: = vset [i] vset [j]; vset [j]: = [];

DEC (P);




Writeln (Tot);


2. Minimum path

A. The label method for solving the shortest path:


A: array [1..maxn, 1..maxn] of integer;

B: array [1..maxn] of integer; {b [i] pointing the shortest path of the top I to the source point}

Mark: array [1..maxn] of boolean;



BEST, BEST_J: Integer;


Fillchar (Mark, SizeOf (Mark), False;

Mark [1]: = True; B [1]: = 0; {1 source point}


BEST: = 0;

For i: = 1 to n DO

IF Mark [i] Then {point for each of the shortest paths have been calculated} for j: = 1 to n DO

IF (Not Mark [J]) and (a [i, j]> 0) THEN

IF (BEST = 0) OR (B [i] a [i, j]

BEST: = B [i] a [i, j]; best_j: = j;


If BEST> 0 THEN Begin

B [Best_J]: = BEST; MARK [BEST_J]: = true;


Until Best = 0;

End; {bhf}

B.FLOYED algorithm solves the shortest path between all vertices:

Procedure floyed;


For i: = 1 to n DO

For j: = 1 to n DO

IF a [i, j]> 0 THEN P [I, J]: = I else P [i, j]: = 0; {p [i, j] indicates that before i to j's shortest path on J

Dialect point}

Fork: = 1 to n DO {enumeration intermediate node}

For i: = 1 to n DO

For j: = 1 to n DO

IF a [i, k] a [j, k]

a [i, j]: = a [i, k] a [k, j];

P [I, J]: = P [k, j];



C. Dijkstra algorithm:


A: array [1..maxn, 1..maxn] of integer;

B, pre: array [1..maxn] of integer; {pre [i] refers to the front disseval point of i on the shortest path.

Mark: array [1..maxn] of boolean;

Procedure Dijkstra (V0: Integer);


Fillchar (Mark, SizeOf (Mark), False;

For i: = 1 to n Do Begin

D [i]: = a [v0, i];

IF D [i] <> 0 THEN PRE [I]: = V0 else pre [I]: = 0;


Mark [v0]: = true;

Repeat {Add a nearest node close to 1 episodes per loop and adjust the parameters of other nodes}

MIN: = Maxint; u: = 0; {u Record from 1 episode nearest node}

For i: = 1 to n DO

IF (Not Mark [i]) and (d [i]

u: = i; min: = d [i];


IF u <> 0 THEN Begin

Mark [u]: = true;

For i: = 1 to n DO

IF (Not Mark [i]) and (a [u, i] d [u]

D [i]: = a [u, i] d [u];

Pre [i]: = u;



Until u = 0;


3. Calculate the pass closure

PROCEDURE longlink;


T: array [1..maxn, 1..maxn] of boolean;


Fillchar (T, SizeOf (t), false;

Fork: = 1 to n DO

For i: = 1 to n DO

For j: = 1 to n DO T [i, j]: = T [i, j] or (t [i, k] and t [k, j]);


4. Non-map connected component

A. Depth priority

Procedure DFS (Now, Color: Integer);


For i: = 1 to n DOIF A [now, i] and c [i] = 0 dam {Non-point i dye}

C [I]: = Color;

DFS (I, Color);



B width priority (seed staining)

5. Critical Path

Several definitions: The vertex 1 is the source point, n is a combo.

a. Vertical event time occurrence time VE [J], VE [J] = Max {VE [J] W [i, j]}, where VE (1) = 0


b. Top event Time Time VL [J], VL [J] = min {VL [J] - W [i, j]}, where VL (n) = V

e (n);

c. The earliest start time of the event EE [i], if the side i is represented by , then EE [i] = ve [j];

d. Lateurning Time EL [i], if the side i is indicated by , EL [I] = VL [K] - W [J, K];

If EE [J] = EL [J], the activity J is a critical activity, and the path consists of key activities is a critical path.


a. From the source point to TOPSORT, determine if there is loop and calculate the VE;

b. From the exchange points to Tops, seeking VL;

EE and EL;

6. Topology sort

The point of finding 0 is 0, and the other side of which is connected is deleted, and the process is repeated.

For example, the sum of any continuous P items is positive, any Q item and the negative, if there is no existence, output NO.

7. Logging problem

Euler loop (DFS)

Definition: Only one loop through each side of the figure. (Mon for conditions: Figure is connected with and not quenching)

Hamilton loop

Definition: The loop is only once through each vertex.

A brush

MA. Active condition: Figure Tong Tong and the number of odds are 0 or 2.

9. Is there a negative circuit Bellman-Ford algorithm in the figure?

X [i], y [i], t [i] indicates the starting point, end point, and weight of the first edge of the clip. A total of n nodes and M strips.

Procedure Bellman-ford


For i: = 0 to N-1 DO D [I]: = Infinitive;

D [0]: = 0;

For i: = 1 to N-1 DO

For j: = 1 to m do {enumeration every side}

IF D [X [J]] T [J] THEN D [Y [J]: = D [x [j]] t [j];

For i: = 1 to m DO

IF D [X [J]] T [J] D [Y [J]. Return False Else Return True;


10. Nth shortest path problem

* Second shortest path: Each side of the shortest path, each delete one, then ask the shortest path of the new map, take

The shortest one in these paths is the second shortest path.

* Similarly, the Nth shortest path can be solved on the basis of solving the N-1 shortest path.

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