Red Moon Server Key Data!

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  109

Create Table [DBO]. [TBLBILLID] ([Version2] [INT] NOT NULL, [BILLID] [VARCHAR] (14) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [password] [varcha] (28) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [firstlogin] [datetime] null, [LastLogin] NULL, [LastLogout] NULL, [TOTALRUNTIME] NULL, [TOTALRUNTIME] [INT] NULL, [THISMONTHTIME] [INT] null, [freeeevel] [int] null, [freetimer] [int] null, [freetimer] [int] NULL, [FREETIMER] ] Null, [freedate] NULL, [TEMPFREEDATE] [DATETIME] NULL, [TEMPMODIFYDATE] [DATETIME] NULL, [SECURITYNUM1] [INT] NOT NULL, [SecurityNum2] [INT] NOT NULL, [EMAIL] [char ] (80) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Address] [char] (120) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Name] [char] (40) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [TelephoneNumber] [char] (40) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Profile] [char] (92) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Memo] [char] (512) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [BillState] [char] (20) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [FirstLoginMethod] [char] (2) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [ NO te1] [char] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note2] [char] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note3] [char] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note4] [char] (50) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL , [Note5] [Note5] Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [NOTE6] [CHAR] (50) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note7] [CHAR] (50) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note8] [char] (50) Collate Chinese_prc_ci_as null, [Note9] [CHAR] (50) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL, [Note10] [CHAR] (50) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY] GO

Create Table [DBO]. [TBLSPECIALITEM1] ([Id] [INT] Identity (1, 1) NOT NULL, [ITEMKIND] [INT] NOT NULL, [ITEMINDEX] [INT] NOT NULL, [ITEMDURABILITY] [INT] NOT NULL, [POSITION] [INT] NOT NULL, [MAP] [INT] NOT NULL, [X] [INT] NOT NULL, [Y] [INT] NOT NULL, [TILEKIND] [INT] NOT NULL, [GameID] [varchar] (16) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [Windowkind] [INT] NOT NULL, [WindowIndex] [INT] NOT NULL, [Misctime] [DateTime] not null, [atticgrade] [int] not null, [stregthgrade] [INT] NOT NULL, [Spiritgrade] [INT] NOT NULL, [DEXTERITY] [INT] NOT NULL, [PowerGrade] [INT] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY] GoIF EXISTS (SELECT * from DBO.SYSOBJECTS WHERE ID = Object_ID (N '[dbo]. [TBLGameID1]') And ObjectProperty (ID, n'susertable ') = 1) DROP TABLE [DBO]. [TBLGameID1] GO

Create Table [DBO]. [TBLGAMEID1] ([Version] [INT] NOT NULL, [GAMEID] [varcha] (14) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [Billid] [varcha] (14) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [lvl] [INT] NOT NULL, [FACE] NOT NULL, [MAP] [INT] NOT NULL, [X] [INT] NOT NULL, [Y] [INT] NOT NULL, [TILEKIND] [Bit] Not Null , [Item] [varchar] (2000) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Equipment] [varchar] (280) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Skill] [varchar] (120) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [SpecialSkill] [varchar] ( 20) Collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [streg "[int] not null, [dexterity] [int] not null, [power] [int] not null, [FAME] [INT] NOT NULL, [EXPERIMENT] [INT] NOT NULL, [HP] [INT] NOT NULL, [MP] [INT] NOT NULL, [SP] [INT] NOT NULL, [DP] [INT] NOT NULL, [BONUS] [INT] NOT NULL, [Money] [INT] NOT NULL, [QuickItem] [varcha] (160) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [Quickskill] [INT] NOT NULL, [QuickSpecialskill] [int] ] NOT NULL, [BankMoney] [INT] NOT NULL, [BankItem] [varcha] (400) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [setimer] [varchar] (400) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [pktimer] [int] not null, [Color1] NULL, [Color2] [INT] NULL, [POISONUSEDDATE] [DATETIME] NOT NULL, [LovePoint] [INT] NOT NULL, [ARMYHIRED] [INT] NOT NULL, [ARMYMARKINDEX] [INT] NOT NULL, [Permission] [INT] NOT NULL, [BONUSINITCOUNT] [INT] NOT NULL, [StoryQuestState] [INT] NOT NULL, [QuestItem] [varcha] (100) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [SubquestKind] [INT] NOT NULL, [SUBQUESTDONE] [INT] NOT NULL, [SUBQUESTCLIENTNPCID] [varcha] (14) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null, [SubquestClientnpcface] [int] not null,

[SubQuestClientNPCMap] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestItem] [varchar] (20) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [SubQuestDestFace] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestDestMap] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestTimer] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestGiftExperience] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestGiftFame] [int] NOT NULL, [SubQuestGiftItem] [varchar] (20) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL, [OPArmy] [int] NOT NULL, [OPPKTimer] [int] NOT NULL, [Survivalent] [INT] NOT NULL, [SURVIVALTIME] [INT] NOT NULL, [BONUS2] [INT] NOT NULL, [SBONUS] [INT] NOT NULL, [STOTALBONUS] [INT] NOT NULL, [PKPENALTYCOUNT] [INT] ] NOT NULL, [PKPENALTYDECREATIMER] [INT] NOT NULL, [SIGMONEY] [INT] NOT NULL, [Banksigmoney] [INT] NOT NULL, [BankItem2] [VARCHAR] (400) Collate Chinese_PRC_CI_AS Not Null, [Tletimer] [varchar] ] (400) collate chinese_prc_ci_as not null) ON [primary] GO

How to add equipment on the person in the database with a table file TBLSpecialItem1. . Replace the water code 200, the character name is written on the line ID without filling, the system is automatically numbered; itemkind is the type of item, the special and biochemical is 6; itemindex is the item number, see the post; ItemDurability is the durability, special product If 4 is 9 colors; position is the item position, 0 is on the ground, 1 is the figure; Map, X, Y is the map where the item is located, coordinate (when position is 0); Tilekind seems to be item or not, 1 For the existence, 0 is used or disappeared (this is a guess, can't be sure); GameId is the item owner ID (you want to change, of course, you will write your name ~~); WINDOWKIND is the item in the character, 1 For the item column, the f3, 2 is the equipment bar, which is f4, 3 is the shortcut bar, which is f8; windowindex is the location of the items in the column where the item is located, 0 is the first grid, 1 is the second grid, so that Misctime is not important For a certain time, just fill, you can also let the system automatically generate, AttackGrade StreamthGrade SpiritGrade DEXTERITYGRADE POWERGRADE is five properties of biochemical, AttackGrade is the level, 0 - no, 1 - r, 2 --- g, 3 --- S, 4 --- P, StrengthGrade Spiritgrade DEXTERITYGRADE POWERGRADE is the four properties of strength, intent, sensitivity, bone. .

Biochemical and Rand code 1 Selonian 2 Tamas 8 Abit 10 War god 11 No Yas 12 tears pants 14 lassus 15 days eye 17 护 神 神 18 ghosts 24 kinds of good shoes 23 blast boots 26 wind chimes Shoes 28 Lingshui 35 Zhuobiniel 36 Turbs 37 Water Bottle 41 Adea 66 Legendary Dan Medicine 67 Pharmaceutical 68 Missing Medicine 73 Competition Capsule 74 Artificial Dan Medicine 80 Feng Shen Jian 81 Land Nag 82 God of War 83 Revenge Bow 84 Crazy Gun 90 Wisdom Tears 91 Wisdom Robe 92 Wisdom Necklace 93 Destiny Three Great Needle 94 Destiny Three Gods 95 依 甲 96 依 里 头 依 依 里 里 裤 9 9 里 里 100 100 100 100 头A 102 biochemants 103 biochemical boots 104 biochemical shield 105 biochemical gloves 106 biochemical belt 107 royal ring 108 royal necklace 110-dimensional sword 111 Pope 114 destruction spear 113 virtual bow 114 heavy gun 120 biochemical helmet R121 biochemical armor R122 biochemants R123 biochemical boots R124 biochemical shield R125 biochemical gloves R126 biochemical belt R127 royal ring R128 royal necklace R130 Vi-true sword R131 Pope R132 destroy spear R13 虚无 无 R134 heavy gun R140 biochemical helmet G141 biochemical Bang G144 biochemical shield G145 biochemical glove G146 Biochemical belt G147 royal ring G148 royal necklace G150 Vi-sword G151 Pope G152 destroy spear G153 virtual nombo G154 heavy gun G160 biochemical helmet S161 biochemical armor S162 biochemical shield S165 biochemical glove S166 biochemical belt S167 royal ring S168 royal Necklace S170 Wei Sword S171 Pope S172 Destroy Spear S173 Venous S174 Report Can S180 Biochemical Helmet P181 Biochemical Boots P182 Biochemical Shield P185 Boots P186 Biochemical Belt P187 Retrieving Ring P188 Rebron Necklace P190 Weijian P191 Pope Pen P192 destroyed spear p193 virtual bow p194 heavy gun P195 challenge 196 sacrifice stone 197 red moon lottery 198 football 199 gold ball 200 life water 214 key 226 gold mask 227 white mask TBLGameID1 table inside the storyquestState value

Is the task value, such as 1 is to make a spy mission, each

Complete a task one fill in 131071 is done all tasks

0: Back Mountain

1: Residential area 1

2: Wasteground

3: Downtown 1

4: Residential Area 1 Bank

5: Residential Area 1 Food Store

6: Downtown 1 Bank 1

7: Downtown 2 Bank 1

8: Downtown 3 Bank 1

9: Residential Area 1 Hospital

10: Residential Area 1 Weapon Store

12: Downtown 1 Hospital 1

13: Downtown 2 Hospital 1

14: Downtown 3 Hospital 1

15: Downtown 2 Food Store 1

16: Downtown 2 Food Store 2

17: Downtown 4 Food Store 1

18: Downtown 2 Weapons Store

19: Downtown 3 Weapons Store 1

20: Downtown 3 Weapons Store 2

21: Residential Area 2

22: Residential District 2 Hospital

23: Residential District 2 Food Store

25: Residential District 2 Bank

27: Residential District 2 Weapons Store

29: Residential area 3

30: Residential Area 3 Food Store 1

35: Downtown 1 PK

36: Sahara 1

37: Downtown 2

38: Downtown 3

39: Downtown 4

40: Downtown 4 Bank 1

41: Event Map 1

42: Event Map 2

43: TV station

44: TV station 1

45: TV 2

46: TV 3

47: Live 2 Free Army Hall

48: Living 2 Free Director 1

49: Living 2 Free Dragonfly 2

50: Live 2 Free Directory 3

51: Living 2 Free Director 4

52: Live 2 Free Director 5

53: Live 2 Free Director of Tower 6

54: Live 2 Free Director 7

55: Live 2 Free Dragonfly 8

56: Live 2 Free Dragonfly 9

57: Living 2 Free Director Building 10

58: Live 2 Free Directory 11

59: Living 2 Free Director Building 12

60: Live 2 Free Director Building 13

61: Live 2 Free Directory 1462: Live 2 Freermo Building 15

63: Live 2 Free Director 16

64: Live 2 Free Director Building 17

65: Living 2 Free Director Building 18

66: Living 2 Free Director 19

67: Live 2 Free Director Building 20

68: Character is born

69: Residential area 2 PK field

70: Downtown 3 PK Field

71: Sahara 2

72: Sahara Castle 1

73: Sahara Exchange (is a place where unknown sales special)

74: Spy's room

75: Carson's room

76: Sahara Castle 2

77: Spy Report Master Castle

78: Spy Report Master Castle Prison

79: Himalayas

80: Himalaya store

81: Himalayan Hospital

82: Hamalayan Food Store

83: Snowburg 1

84: Snowburg 2

85: Snowburg 3

86: Snow Castle 4

87: Island

88: Spaceship

89: Escape cabin 1

90: Escape Cabin 2

91: Escape Cabin 3

92: Escape Cabin 4

93: Tiger AX-1

94: Tiger BX-1

95: Tiger CX-1

96: Tiger DX-1

97: Tiger AX-1 Hospital

98: Tiger AX-1 store

99: Tigeria AX-1 warehouse

100: Tiger BX-1 Hospital

101: Sikiis BX-1 store

102: Tiger BX-1 warehouse

103: Tiger CX-1 Hospital

104: Signis CX-1 store

105: Tiger CX-1 warehouse

106: Tiger DX-1 Hospital

107: Tiger DX-1 store

108: Tiger DX-1 warehouse

109: Resident 3 Free Army Hall

110: Living 3 Freermy Building 1

111: Live 3 Free Director Building 2

112: Living 3 Freermo Building 3

113: Living 3 Freermy Building 4

114: Live 3 Free Directory 5

115: Living 3 Freermo Tower 6

116: Live 3 Free Director 7

117: Living 3 Freermo Building 8

118: Living 3 Free Directory 9

119: Living 3 Free Director Building 10

120: Living 3 Freermy Building 11

121: Living 3 Freermo Building 12

122: Living 3 Freermy Building 13

123: Living 3 Freermo Building 14

124: Living 3 Freermy Building 15

125: Living 3 Free Directory 16

126: Living 3 Freermo Building 17

127: Living 3 Freermo Building 18

128: Living 3 Freermo Tower 19

129: Living 3 Freermo Building 20

130: Secret Base Hall (130-136 is just guess, yet tested ..)

131: Secret Base inner Hall

132: Secret Base Room 1

133: Secret Base Room 2

134: Secret Base Room 3

135: Secret Base Room 4

136: Secret Base Room 5

137: Sky City 1

138: Sky City 2

139: Sky City 3

140: Sky City 4

141: Sky City 5

142: Sky City 1 Bank

143: Sky City 1 Weapons Store

143: Sky City 1 Weapons Store

144: Sky City 1 Equipment Store

145: Sky City 1 Chain Rings Store

146: Sky City 1 Pharmacy

147: Sky City 1 Biochemical Store

148: Sky City 1 Hospital

149: Sky City 2 Bank

150: Sky City 2 Weapons Store

151: Sky City 2 Equipment Store

152: Sky City 2 chain ring store

153: Sky City 2 Pharmacy

154: Sky City 2 Biochemical Store

155: Sky City 2 Hospital

156: Sky City 3 Bank

157: Sky City 3 Weapons Store

158: Sky City 3 Equipment Store

159: Sky City 3 link ring store

160: Sky City 3 Pharmacy

161: Sky City 3 Biochemical Store

162: Sky City 3 Hospital

163: Sky City 4 Bank

164: Sky City 4 Weapons Store

165: Sky City 4 Equipment Store

166: Sky City 4 link ring store

167: Sky City 4 Pharmacy

168: Sky City 4 Biochemical Store

169: Sky City 4 Hospital

170: Sky City 5 Bank

171: Sky City 5 Weapons Store

172: Sky City 5 Equipment Store

173: Sky City 5 link ring store

174: Sky City 5 Pharmacy

175: Sky City 5 Biochemical Store

176: Sky City 5 Hospital

177: 1 floor of the school

178: 2 layers of schools

179: School 3rd floor 204 school 4th floor 203 empty 5 Sun Temple 202 Empty 4 Sun Temple 201 Empty 3 Sun Temple 200 Empty 2 Sun Temple 199 Empty 1 Sun Temple 198 Empty 5 Sun Temple 2 Floor 197 Air 4 Sun Temple 2 Floor 196 Air 3 Sun Temple 2 Floor 195 Empty 2 Sun Temple 2 Floor 194 Empty 1 Sun Temple 2 Floor 193 Empty 5 Sun Temple 1 Floor 192 Empty 4 Sun Temple 1 Floor 191 Empty 3 Sun Temple 1 Floor 190 Empty 2 Sun Temple 1 Floor 189 Air 1 The 1st floor of the Sun Temple is completed in Carson's letter, and the other grade is the same as this: stored procedures Create Procedure RMS_BEGINSPYQUEST @ GameID VARCHAR (14), @ Time DateTimeas

Set nocount on


Begin Transaction

Update tblgameid1 set storyquestState = storyquestState | 1 where gameId = @gameID


Insert Tblmail1 (Time, Recipient, Sender, ReadorNot, Title, Line, Content, Item) Values ​​(@time, @gameid, '[Carson], 0,' Emergency Letters - from Sahara's Carson ... ', 28, 'I am Carson Sorry to write such a letter to you. But because things are critical, you must contact you.

You should also know that since Since Signis is disasters, the thief Agaras has mastered

All things in Signis, constantly kill against his forces.

However, according to the latest news, they began to attack the earth. Want to get

Like Tin Giñas is so deserted, there is a rich resource.

I believe that in their plan, I will not miss the sun, you will become the sun.


To find out their base, Reliable news, Agaras's spies

In your side, you have to get a message from them anyway. if any

Message, please find the comrades on the earth, then tell him, he presents an archaeologist

identity of.

I wish you a smooth

P.S: According to intelligence, spy is hidden in the upper right of residential area ... ',' 0: 5-150 / 10.1: 5-151 / 10. '

Select @insertmail_ERROR = @@ error

IF @UpdatestoryQuestState_ERROR = 0 and @Insertmail_error = 0begin

Commit transaction


Rollback Transaction


Luna latest collection of technical documents: the word of God Source: Site author Hits: 98 Update Time: 2004-8-81000 grade an immortality bonus points and making the probability of success, eat modification method immortality bonus points by inquiry The analyzer runs the following code: (The first is to modify the number of level 1000 upgrade reward points, the second is the success chance of Dan medicine production, behind is to eat Dan medicine) Create Procedure RMS_IncreasebonusquestCount @ GameID VARCHAR (14) Asset NoCount OndeClare @ IncreaseBonusError int, @InsertLogError int, @STotalBonus intset @IncreaseBonusError = 1set @InsertLogError = 1set @STotalBonus = 0begin transactionupdate tblGameID1 set SBonus = SBonus 1, STotalBonus = STotalBonus 1 where GameID = @GameIDset @IncreaseBonusError = @@ ERRORselect @STotalBonus = STotalBonus from tblGameID1 where GameID = @GameIDinsert tblBonus2Log1 (GameID, STotalBonus, Kind) values ​​(@GameID, @STotalBonus, 1) set @InsertLogError = @@ ERRORif @IncreaseBonusError = 0 AND @InsertLogError = 0begincommit transactionendelsebeginrollback transactionendGO

1 is a modified red you want to set the 1000 bonus points you can upgrade the CREATE PROCEDURE RMS_TRYMAKEMYSTERYPILL @ GameID varchar (14), @ WindowKind int, @ WindowIndex int, @ RandomNumber intASset nocount ondeclare @ItemCountLimit int, @CurrentItemCount intset @ItemCountLimit = 0begin transactionselect @ItemCountLimit = ItemCountLimit from tblSpecialItemLimit1 where ItemKind = 6 and ItemIndex = 66set @CurrentItemCount = @ItemCountLimitset @ RandomNumber = RAND () * 100000000set @ RandomNumber = @ RandomNumber% 100select @CurrentItemCount = count (*) from tblSpecialItem1 where ItemKind = 6 and ItemIndex = 66if (@WindowKind = 1 and @WindowIndex> = 0 and @WindowIndex <100) or (@WindowKind = 3 and @WindowIndex> = 0 and @WindowIndex <8) begindeclare @MakeMysteryPillError intset @MakeMysteryPillError = 1update tblGameID1 set SBonus = SBonus - 1, STotalBonus = STotalBonus - 1 where GameID = @GameID and SBonus> = 1 and STotalBonus> = 1if @@ ROWCOUNT = 1 and @@ ERROR = 0beginif @ItemCountLimit> @CurrentItemCountbegin if @RandomNumber% 100> = 50 begin ins Eremkind, ItemIndex, Position, Map, X, Y, Tilekind, GameID, Windowkind, Windowindex Values ​​(6, 66, 1, 1, 100, 100, 0, @GameID, @windowkind, @windowindex) SET @ MakeMysteryPillError = @@ ERROR endendenddeclare @STotalBonus intset @STotalBonus = 0select @STotalBonus = STotalBonus from tblGameID1 where GameID = @GameIDif @MakeMysteryPillError = 0begininsert tblBonus2Log1 (GameID, STotalBonus, Kind) values ​​(@GameID, @

STOTALBONUS, 2) EndelsebeginInsert Tblbonus2log1 (Gameid, Stotalbonus, Kind) Values ​​(@gameid, @stotalbonus, 3) Endendcommit TransactionGO Red 50 is 100 minus this number is the success chance, for example set to 0 is 100% success, set to 100 0% of this is artificial immortality CREATE PROCEDURE RMS_USEARTIFICIALMYSTERYPILL @ GameID varchar (14), @ WindowKind int, @ WindowIndex intASset nocount ondeclare @RemoveMysteryPillError int, @IncreaseBonusError int, @InsertLogError intset @RemoveMysteryPillError = 1set @IncreaseBonusError = 1set @InsertLogError = 1begin transactiondelete tblSpecialItem1 where ID in (select top 1 ID from tblSpecialItem1 where ItemKind = 6 aND ItemIndex = 74 aND Position = 1 aND GameID = @GameID aND WindowKind = @WindowKind aND WindowIndex = @WindowIndex) if @@ ROWCOUNT> 0 and @@ ERROR = 0beginset @RemoveMysteryPillError = 0endupdate tblGameID1 set Bonus2 = Bonus2 2, STotalBonus = STotalBonus 2 where GameID = @GameID AND STotalBonus <200set @IncreaseBonusError = @@ ERRORdeclare @STotalBonus intset @STotalBonus = 0select @STotalBonus = STotalBonus from tblGame ID1 where GameID = @GameIDinsert tblBonus2Log1 (GameID, STotalBonus, Kind) values ​​(@GameID, @STotalBonus, 4) set @InsertLogError = @@ ERRORif @RemoveMysteryPillError = 0 AND @IncreaseBonusError = 0 AND @InsertLogError = 0begincommit transactionendelsebeginrollback transactionend


2 is a modified red number you want this is the legendary immortality CREATE PROCEDURE RMS_USEMYSTERYPILL @ GameID varchar (14), @ WindowKind int, @ WindowIndex intASset nocount ondeclare @RemoveMysteryPillError int, @IncreaseBonusError int, @InsertLogError intset @RemoveMysteryPillError = 1set @IncreaseBonusError = 1set @InsertLogError = 1begin transactiondelete tblSpecialItem1 where ID in (select top 1 ID from tblSpecialItem1 where ItemKind = 6 AND ItemIndex = 66 AND Position = 1 AND GameID = @GameID AND WindowKind = @WindowKind AND WindowIndex = @WindowIndex) if @@ ROWCOUNT> 0 and @@ ERROR = 0beginset @RemoveMysteryPillError = 0endupdate tblGameID1 set Bonus2 = Bonus2 4, STotalBonus = STotalBonus 4 where GameID = @GameIDset @IncreaseBonusError = @@ ERRORdeclare @STotalBonus intset @STotalBonus = 0select @STotalBonus = STotalBonus from tblGameID1 where GameID = @GameIDinsert tblBonus2Log1 (GameID, STotalBonus, Kind) values ​​(@GameID, @STotalBonus, 4) set @InsertLogError = @@ ERRORif @RemoveMysteryPillError = 0 AND @IncreaseBonusError = 0 A Nd @SinsertloGerror = 0begInCommit TransactionendelseBeginRollback TransactionendGo Modifying red 4 for you to pay attention: You only need to modify the corresponding red figure for the number you want, then use the query analyzer to run it!

------------------------ Wang how to add! In fact, the king is very simple ~~~ Maybe many people will get ~~~ Nobody said ~~~ just give me a chance to come out to show a face ^ _ ^ said the topic: Jia Wang is mainly in x: / redmoonsvr / bin / data / MOP map brush monster changed mix 7 1 1 250 135 0 0 80 90 change to mixed 7 11 250 135 0 5 80 90 to change the number of countdown third character segments to 5 is king ~~~ All the monsters are 0 And 1 is normal ~ 2 and you talk to you ~ 3 Don't attack, you can't attack him ~~ 4 yellow name ~ 5 kings ~ 80 is the number of brush monsters ~~~ 90 is the time, From the open map, the specific time is changed, don't know

----------------------- Adjust the monster to fall off the equipment and relatively explosive rates to make a blame for different chances of money! Only one map is changed, and it seems that there is no effect on the special cost (about the special modification of the special modification, the big brother has done a detailed description, here is not convicted) Find you from the map code table. If you want to change the map code, if I want to modify the 宝 参 参 参 参, check the corresponding map code 3, open the model of the RedMoonsVR / BIN / DATA / MOP directory with Word board (note the name of the file name Some of the "similar file names", the similar file name is not played!) Similarly to the other map opens the RSM file of that map code, each line is a blame one or several things, format The following: Enzym Lei 3 39 1 1 250 250 5 5 0 100000 5 0 100000 5 0 100000 5 0 100000 5 0 100000 0 7 400 Monster Name (preferably a Korean garbled) monster code (in the monster code table) Then 4 sets of numbers are the number of monsters (can not be changed) The first 5 indicates the number of layers set (which is to add a few items) in the back is 5 sets of roll settings (Itemkind things) The number of corresponding numbers in the ItemIndex class) The number of itemcount drops) The number of countdown is the drop method (not very clear, generally using 0) is the number of monsters (big, the treasure rate is high, general No more than 10, it is best not to change) Finally, it is the brush item time (the higher the smaller unit time, the higher the effect is more obvious!) After you clear the format, you can modify it (the item code purple big brother has posted) For example, I want to make the above spy 3 dropped the chance of 20%, the chance of 1W block is 40%, and the chance of 1000 is 40%, and the total drop chance is very high, it can be changed to the following: Enzyme Lei 3 39 1 1 250 250 5 5 0 10000000 5 0 1000000 5 0 1000000 5 0 100000 5 0 100000 0 7 1 Want to add the item In addition to changing the size of the 7th number (the first 5 position) and then in the back Outside of the group, you can also rewrite another line. The addition of items is the same, but the location of how much money can be filled, you can't write such a large number (Khan `` `` `), the general equipment is added, and the supplement is added to dozens. If the explosion rate change is still not obvious in this way, it is necessary to modify the MOPDropItem.RSM file and mopspc.rsm file in the same directory: (The specific description of the two files is in detail, the following focuses below) In MOPDropItem.RSM, for example, if you want to change the explosion rate of money, you will find the second position and the third position is 5 and 0 (N more) pay attention to the number of money in the fourth position, mainly the last position. The number indicates the chance of explosives (the larger the chances of chance), and the countdown 3rd and 2nd position indicates how much to how many monsters fall from this item or the chance of money is so large; in MOPSPC. In RSM, only the brush item time parameters of the special and other things are not targeted.

Note that the first location here is the map code, that is, if you want a map to change one map (N! If you are troublesome and the last parameter, you can modify it with a bulk character replacement), Change a small number of strategy in each map (such as 1) to improve the unit time explosion rate, this effect is also more obvious! If you don't want everyone to give a refer to it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Establishing a gold image to add the following code in extra00001.rme; Role Name The Type of the Code Event No. (X1, Y1, X2, Y2) Move Type; Phiralo 1000; Aquilla 1001; Sac Dun Simino 1003; Park Zhenxi 1004; Keno 1005; Han Zhihua 1006; Lunina 1007; Robert 1008 Role ID1 1000 0 114 130 114 130 2 Role ID2 1001 0 118 126 118 126 2 Role ID3 1002 0 110 130 110 130 2 Role ID4 1003 0 108 123 108 123 2 Role ID5 1004 0 112 132 112 132 2 Role Id6 1005 0 108 128 108 128 2 Role ID7 1006 0 106 126 106 126 2 Role ID8 1007 0 116 123 116 123 2 Role ID9 1008 0 116 128 116 128 2 --------------------------------

Adding or modifying a businessman, task NPC, etc. Currently, you can add or modify an existing businessman, task NPC, etc. (that is, you can copy a functionality in the same game in other specified places Originally existing NPC, or change the existing NPC Location and character actions), about adding new characters and related task systems are still in research stage ... First enter the RedMoonsVR / BIN / DATA / EXTRA directory, open the file you want to adjust the NPC's map code corresponding to the file, such as I If you want to add a bank staff in the Desert Shop, open the extrara00073.rme file (because 73 is the map code of the desert special store) files as follows: Chart of Patthal 25 33 6 8 6 8 0 Explanation: The first position is NPC name (it is best to keep the original Korean form.) The second position is NPC's appearance code (everyone tries to change the number, choose what you like, there is no special impact ) The third position is the event code (more important, it is recommended to copy the number of the same position in the file where the NPC where the NPC to be copied is, and the four numbers behind this NPC are this NPC. The scope of the coordinate range (X1, Y1-X2, Y2 should ensure that the two coordinates are equal when the two coordinates are equal, and the suggestions are fixed in the game, with the `xy command to view the current coordinates The last position is the action parameters of NPC (0 for ordinary walking for a while; 1 is to continue to walk and expressive action, such as warehouse staff, squatting; 2 and 3 are fighting; 4 or more The digital effect is repeated, because the overflow is abandoned, huh, huh) to add a bank staff, the simplest approach is to copy the contents of the bank staff to copy the contents of the content, such as the file corresponding to the bank staff Extra00006.RME: Basket Grout 1 21 6 8 8 10 9 0 Pay attention to the revision of the coordinate range, otherwise you can't find someone else, if you add a business person in the map (not a modification) When this businessman sells things, there are two ways to modify: first to REDMOONSVR / BIN / DATA / MAP directory, open the map number of the businessman to the name of the file (such as In the first way to live 1 add a businessman, open the SHOP00001.RSS. Open the corresponding SHOP00XXX.RSS file in the / bin / data / shop directory, find the SHOP00XXX.RSS you add to what you add, and finally add this XXX number to another one. The one opened in the REDMOONSVR / BIN / DATA / MAP directory in the file in RSS is extension. This way you add a businessman and the original businessman is a person, the same thing is the same; the second method is: newly created a shop00xxx.rss file in the redmoonsvr / bin / data / shop directory, the figures do not repeat with other files (Note that there is 5 digits after "Shop" after the previous completion of 0), then put this number (left on the left) and add the other to the beginning open REDMOONSVR / BIN / DATA / MAP directory in RSS In the extension of the extension.

Finally, you will modify the new Shop00XXX.RSS file you create, what you want to add, except for the special ............ Explain the format: The first location is NPC name (it is best to maintain the original Korean form Do not move) 2 positions are NPC's appearance code (everyone tries to change the number, selecting the same look, there is no special impact) The third position is the event code (more important, it is recommended to copy everyone. The digital copy of the NPC is located in the same position in the corresponding file. The following four numbers are the scope of the coordinate of this NPC (X1, Y1-X2, Y2 to ensure x1 <= x2, y1 <= Y2 two coordinates are equal when NPC appear, and the suggestion is fixed in the game, with a `xy command to view the current coordinate) The last position is the action parameters of the NPC (0 is a one-step stop for ordinary walking; 1 Keeping and expressing actions, such as warehouse staff, walking, 2 and 3 are fighting; 4 or more digital effects are repeated, because overflows, I will give up, huh, huh) Bank staff Basket Garmet 1 21 6 8 8 10 9 0 Desert Truck Board Chara Family Lin Dun 24 33 6 8 6 8 0 Food Store Punish Dunlin 1 16 51 7 5 9 6 0 Doctor Wolf 13 8 8 8 10 10 0 Weapons Store Boss Drain 1 19 52 7 5 9 6 0 Free Army Administrator Wine Tumor Folk 25 25 12 20 14 22 0 Carson Dr. Dai ink 236 1 1 15 15 0 Prison Administrator Countext Pack 30 43 15 16 16 0 Bad Girl Dimen Lin Dun 1 16 3 54 102 56 104 0 Westgis Doctor Wolf 32 81 7 14 8 15 0 Food Store Boss Painting Lin Dun 1 34 86 5 6 14 0 Bank staff museum tailmined 1 26 80 9 16 10 17 0 Sky City Bank staff basket Gelle 31 80 9 16 10 17 0 equipment shop boss 痢 痢林 牢 34 83 9 18 10 19 0 Weapon Store Boss Punish Dungeon 34 82 9 19 10 20 0 Ring Store Boss Punish Lin Dynasty 34 84 4 15 4 15 0 Food Store Distance 32 85 9 17 10 18 0 practice mystery 牢 33 87 9 15 9 15 0 Doctor Wolf 32 81 7 14 8 15 0

Not complete. Some may not be right. I haven't tested it yet. I only test a few ...

------------------------------------ The map can set the settings of PK / BIN / DATA / EVENT Event00000.Rse ~ Event00204.RSE file 0 7; indicating that this map is prohibited from PK0 30 300000; indicating that this map can be PK, the next 300000 may be blacklisted. --------------- -----------------------------

The latest monster image code!; 150: [5]: Pramar (Skighted); 151: [3]: rakion (chute); 152: [2]: Lepon (Fuba) Savage; 153: [0]: Shadow fast); 154: [1]: Guardian (difficult); 155: [6]: hierars; 156: [3]: giantrakion (措 扼Black) I can't add new monsters, I don't know which document is associated with it. I can notify me!


How to add equipment on the person in the database with a table file TBLSpecialItem1. . Replace the water code 200, the character name is written on the line ID without filling, the system is automatically numbered; itemkind is the type of item, the special and biochemical is 6; itemindex is the item number, see the post; ItemDurability is the durability, special product If 4 is 9 colors; position is the item position, 0 is on the ground, 1 is the figure; Map, X, Y is the map where the item is located, coordinate (when position is 0); Tilekind seems to be item or not, 1 For the existence, 0 is used or disappeared (this is a guess, can't be sure); GameId is the item owner ID (you want to change, of course, you will write your name ~~); WINDOWKIND is the item in the character, 1 For the item column, the f3, 2 is the equipment bar, which is f4, 3 is the shortcut bar, which is f8; windowindex is the location of the items in the column where the item is located, 0 is the first grid, 1 is the second grid, so that Misctime is not important For a certain time, just fill, you can also let the system automatically generate, AttackGrade StreamthGrade SpiritGrade DEXTERITYGRADE POWERGRADE is five properties of biochemical, AttackGrade is the level, 0 - no, 1 - r, 2 --- g, 3 --- S, 4 --- P, StrengthGrade Spiritgrade DEXTERITYGRADE POWERGRADE is the four properties of strength, intent, sensitivity, bone. . -------------------------------------------------- - How can I let a map only brute red or blue mons! In the monster file (/ bin / data / mop "mop00000.rsm ~ mop00179.rsm) can be changed to the color blame code. Example: Original MOP00001.RSM: live 1 brush 50 black old soldiers bodhi 3 20 20 110 150 0 0 50 50 revised: 9 o'clock blue and red, 25 black old soldiers bodhi 903 20 20 110 150 0 0 25 50 Bodhi Bodhi 953 20 20 110 150 0 0 25 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------

The spacecraft task removes the method and other task settings first look at RMSERVER.INI

[Mapquest] 74 = 13 = 236 = 872 = 1676 = 25679 = 102483 = 409688 = 3276893 = 65536, for example 74: The map number on the spyware is representative of the map task, if you don't want to do a task If you don't want to go to the spaceship task, you will go to 88 and 93 The two lines then download (Yavis: This cannot be downloaded `` `) Put into c: / redmoonsvr / bin / data / event, don't go in the island The spacecraft is directly to the universe.

The storyquestState value inside the TBLGameID1 is that the task value is like 1 is to do a spy mission. Each time you complete the task one filling 131071 is done all the tasks instead -1


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