Sender: lonelyu (small fish ◎ direction of the sea), the letter area: AI
Title: Re: Who has an annealing program
Sending station: Drinking water thinking (January 21, 2002 21:46:45 Monday), station letters
Sending station: BBS Shuimu Tsinghua Station (WED MAY 16 11:36:04 2001)
This is a program that SA resolves TSP issues.
Function Out = TSP (LOC)
% TSP Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) Using SA (Simulate Annealing).
% TSP BYSELF WILL Generate 20 Cities WITHIN A Unit Cube and
% Ten Use Sa To Slove this Problem.
% TSP (Loc) Solve The Traveling Salesman Problem with Cities'
% Coordinates Given By Loc, Which Is An M By 2 Matrix and M IS
% the number of cities.
% For example:
% LOC = Rand (50, 2);
% TSP (LOC);
if Nargin == 0,
% The following data is from the post by jennifer myers (JMYERS @ NWU.
% to It's Obtained from The Figure
% Hopfield & Tank's 1985 Paper in Biological Cybernetics
% (Vol 52, PP. 141-152).
LOC = [0.3663, 0.9076; 0.7459, 0.8713; 0.4521, 0.8465;
0.7624, 0.7459; 0.7096, 0.728; 0.0710, 0.7426;
0.4224, 0.7129; 0.5908, 0.6931; 0.3201, 0.6403;
0.5974, 0.6436; 0.3630, 0.5908; 0.6700, 0.5908;
0.6172, 0.5495; 0.6667, 0.5446; 0.1980, 0.4686;
0.3498, 0.4488; 0.2673, 0.4274; 0.9439, 0.4208;
0.8218, 0.3795; 0.3729, 0.2690; 0.6073, 0.2640;
0.4158, 0.2475; 0.5990, 0.2261; 0.3927, 0.1947;
0.5347, 0.1898; 0.3960, 0.1320; 0.6287, 0.0842;
0.5000, 0.0396; 0.9802, 0.0182; 0.6832, 0.8515];
Numcity = Length (LOC);% Number of Cities
Distance = Zeros (Numcity);% Initialize a distance Matrix
% Fill the Distance Matrix
For i = 1: Numcity,
For J = 1: Numcity,
Distance (i, j) = Norm (LOC (i, :) - LOC (j, :));
Distance (i, j) = Norm (LOC (i, :) - LOC (j, :));
% To Generate Energy (Objective Function) from path% Path = Randperm (Numcity);
% ENERGY = SUM (Distance ((PATH-1) * Numcity [Path (2: Numcity) Path (1)]));
% Find Typical Values Of DE
Count = 20;
All_de = zeros (count, 1);
For i = 1: count
Path = Randperm (Numcity);
Energy = SUM (Distance ((PATH-1) * Numcity [Path (2: Numcity)
Path (1)])));
Index = Round (Rand (2, 1) * Numcity .5);
Inversion_index = (Index): max (index));
NEW_PATH (Inversion_index) = fliplr (path (inversion_index));
All_de (i) = ABS (Energy - ...
Sum (SUM (Diff (Loc ([New_Path New_Path (1)],:)) '. ^ 2))))));
DE = max (all_de);
DE = max (all_de);
Temp = 10 * de;% choose the temperature to be la large enough
FPRINTF ('Initial Energy =% F / N / N', Energy);
% Initial Plots
OUT = [Path Path (1)];
Plot (LOC (OUT (:), 1), LOC (OUT (:), 2), 'R.', 'Markersize', 20);
Axis Square; Hold On
H = Plot (LOC (OUT (:), 1), LOC (OUT (:), 2)); HOLD OFF
MaxTrialn = Numcity * 100;% max. # Of trials at a
MaxAcceptn = Numcity * 10;% max. # Of acceptance at a
StopTolerance = 0.005;% stopping tolerance
Tempratio = 0.5;% Temperature Decrease Ratio
Mine = INF;% initial value for min. Energy
MAXE = -1;% initial value for max. ENERGY
% Major Annealing Loop
While (MAXE - MINE) / MAXE> StopToldolerance,
Mine = INF;
Mine = INF;
MAXE = 0;
Trialn = 0;% Number of Trial Moves
Acceptn = 0;% Number of Actual Moves
While Trialn NEW_PATH = PATH; Index = Round (Rand (2, 1) * Numcity .5); Inversion_index = (Index): max (index)); NEW_PATH (Inversion_index) = FLIPLR (Path (Inversion_index)); NEW_ENERGY = SUM (Distance (... (New_PATH-1) * Numcity [new_path (2: Numcity) NEW_PATH (1)])); IF RAND ACCEPT IT! Energy = new_ENERGY; Path = new_path; Mine = min (Mine, Energy); MAXE = Max (maxe, energy); Acceptn = acceptn 1; end Trialn = trialn 1; end end % Update Plot OUT = [Path Path (1)]; Set (H, 'XData', LOC (Out (:), 1), 'YDATA', LOC (OUT (:), 2)); Drawnow; % Print Information In Command Window FPRINTF ('Temp. =% F / N', TEMP); TMP = Sprintf ('% d', PATH); FPRINTF ('Path =% S / N', TMP); FPRINTF ('Energy =% F / N', Energy); FPRINTF ('[Mine Maxe] = [% f% f] / n', Mine, Maxe; FPRINTF ('[acceptn trialn] = [% D% D] / N / N', Acceptn, Trialn; % Lower the Temperature Temp = Temp * Tempratio; end % Print Sequential Numbers in the graphic window For i = 1: Numcity, TEXT (LOC (Path (I), 1) 0.01, LOC (Path (I), 2) 0.01, Int2Str (i), ... 'fontsize', 8); end This program is .m file, running in Matlab. [In the masterpiece of Killtime (small shrimp):] : Who has an analog annealing algorithm to solve the source program of TSP issues (preferably C language), send it to me : One, the younger brother is grateful! - Worm. . . . . . ※ Source: · Drinking water Source · [from:]