SendMessage API functions apply in PowerBuilder

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  126

SendMessage API Functions Apply SendMessage API Functions in PowerBuilder Applications in PowerBuilder

I. Introduction

In PowerBulider, the API function SendMessage can be completed, and some of the PBs are very difficult to use.

Now, the use of the API function in the use of PowerBuilder, exemplifies several aspects of use, in order to play the effect of the brick 引 玉 (The following code can use the Send function in PowerBuilder to replace the SendMessage this API function, Hurry, code is not tested)

Second, function description

SendMessage function description:


Call a window function to send a message to that window. This function will not return unless the message is handled. SendMessageBynum, SendMessageBystring is the "Type Security" declaration form of this function

return value

Long, determined by the specific message

Parameters Table

Parameter type and instructions

HWND Long, the handle of the window to receive the message

WMSG long, message identifier

WPARAM Long, depending on the message

LPARAM ANY, depending on the message

The function send function has been used in PowerBuilder.

Function State: Send (Handle, Message #, LOWORD, Long)

Send function description:


Call a window function to send a message to that window. This function will not return unless the message is handled.

return value

Long, determined by the specific message

Parameters Table

Parameter type and instructions

Handle Long, the handle of the window to receive the message

Message # long, message identifier

LowWord Long, depending on the message

Long Long, depending on the message

3, application example

Define external functions reference declaration:

Funcation Long SendMessage (Long HWND As Long, Long WMSG, Long WPARAM, Long LPARAM) Library "User32.dll" Alias ​​for "SendMessagea"

Funcation Long ReleaseCapture () library "user32.dll"

Define instance variables:

Constant Long LB_ItemFromPoint = 425

Constant Long htcaption = 2

Constant Long WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 161

Constant Long em_getline = 404

Constant Long em_getlinecount = 399

Constant long em_getlinecount = 186

Constant long em_getline = 196

Constant Long TVM_SetItemHeight = 4379

Constant long em_linescroll = 182

Constant long em_limittext = 197

1. Detect position items when mouse movement in the list box


Write the following code in the custom event UE_MOUSEMOVE (PBM_MOUSEMOVE) of the list box:

pos = unitstopixels (parent.pointerx (), XUnitsToPixels!) unitstopixels (parent.pointery (), yUnitsToPixels!) * 65536idx = SendMessage (handle (this), LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, pos) If idx <65536 Then sle_1.Text = lb_1.text (idx)

2, find the matching item in the list box


Open event of the window:

lb_1.additem ("software")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer Games")

lb_1.additem ("TV")

LB_1.Additem ("TV station")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer Game Software")

Modified event for the SINGLINEEDIT control:

Long li_index

LI_INDEX = SendMessage (Handle (this), em_getlinecount, -1, sle_1.text)

lb_1.selectItem (li_index)

3, add horizontal scroll strips for Listbox


Open event of the window:

lb_1.additem ("software")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer Games")

lb_1.additem ("TV")

LB_1.Additem ("TV station")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer")

LB_1.Additem ("Computer Game Software")

SendMessage (Handle (this), EM_GETLINE, 250, 0)

4. Implement the drag no title bar


Custom event UE_LBUTTONDOWN (PBM_LBUTTONDOWN) in the window

Long ReturnVal

x = releasecapture ()

Returnval = sendMessage (hwnd, wm_nclbuttondown, htcaption, 0)

5, get multiple lines of text box


CommandButton's Clicked event

Messagebox ("", sendMessage (Handle (MLE_1), EM_GETLINECUNT, 0, 0))

6, set the tree list control header line height


Tv_1 constructor event:

SendMessage (Handle (TV_1), TVM_SETITETETETETETETEMHT, 60, 0)

7. Break through the limitations of multi-line text box 32k in PowerBuilder


SendMessage (Handle (MLE_1), EM_LIMITTEXT, 65534, 0)

8, use the program code to control the text box and rolling


SendMessage (Handle (SLE_1), EM_LINESCROLL, 0, 1) //

SendMessage (Handle (SLE_1), EM_LINESCROLL, 0, -1) //

SendMessage (Handle (SLE_1), EM_LINESCROLL, 1, 0) // Right Roll

SendMessage (Handle (SLE_1), EM_LINESCROLL, -1, 0) // Left volume

Third, conclude

When writing a PowerBuilder app, you should fully invoke the associated API function to expand some of the PB's shortcomings.


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