Li Wei's "VCL architecture analysis"

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  85

A very good book, Li Wei's power, but unfortunately, the Hua also has more than 60 yuan, or wait, say there is an e-book: http: http: // www. Introduction:

This book includes 10 chapters, from the most basic Windows operating system principle, review the history of Windows Framework and VCL Framework, introduce Object Pascal's support for VCL in 00, describing the integration of VCL Framework and Windows message system, enumeration The combination of VCL components and Windows components, explores interface-based programming, indicating that VCL Framework design COM architecture, exploring the Sustainable Save of VCL Framework, and also discusses the design pattern in VCL Framework with one chapter, and finally The next generation of VCL Framework made a forward-looking study. You can know if you look at the directory. This book not only involves the VCL Framework itself, but also related technologies such as Windows Framework, COM, design mode. The reader is not only the VCL architecture knowledge, but will greatly broaden their own development eye in the entire reading and practical process, forming a big concept in system design, chasing master-level Framework design ideas, and promoting overall development Quality.

table of Contents:

1 Go back before

1-1 Role Playing 1-1-1 How to Design and Drive Multitasking Execution Environment 1-1-2 Yes, this is the basic operation principle of Windows 1-2 Back to the time! Typical Windows Application 1-3 Windows Tune Design Disadvantages 1-4 Windows Framework Birth and Development 1-5 Window Components Framework1-6 Conclusion

2 VCL birth and design principle

2-1 Borland VCL Framework Birth 2-2 VCL Architecture Design 2-3 Object Model 2-3-2 from Object Pascal from Non-VCL Objects 2-3-2 From the original memory to object prototype 2-4 Object Pascal Object Services 2-4-1 Object Creation Services 2-4-2 Object Identification Services 2-4 Object Information Services 2-5 From the original basic object to the VCL object that provides basic service 2-6 VCL objects Release Services 2-7 and object Metadata-VMT (Virtual Method Table) 2-8 Conclusion

3 Object-Oriented Program Language and Framework

3-1 Object-oriented Program Language and VCL Framework3-2 Framework Using Object-Oriented Program Language Design Gears 3-3 Fairy Bods - Let it become a component 3-3-1 VCL Framework core component architecture 3-3 -2 Tcomponent class design 3-4 is not enough, let it become a Windows control 3-4-1 TControl3-4-2 package Windows control TwinControl class 3-4-3 Do not use Windows Handle Component Package 3- 4-4 Custom Controls TCUSTOMCONTROL3-4-5 Package CANVAS 3-4-6 combined with Canvas and TwinControl class 3-5 Comadmin class design and implementation 3-5-1 Tcomadmincatalog class Design 3-5-2 CoComadmincatalogCollection Class design 3-5-3 TcomAdmincatalogObject class design 3-6 conclusion

4 VCL Framework and Window Messages

4-1 Window Messages and VCL Framework4-1-1 Original Handling Ways 4-2 VCL Window Message Package 4-2-1 From Window Pickup Functions to Object-Oriented Category 4-3 TOBJECT Messages Distribution Services 4- 3-1 Window Message Classification 4-3-2 Calling CONVENTION 4-3-3 VCL Package Class Method Type 4-3-4 TOBJECT Dispatching Message Principle and Process 4-3-5 VCL Message Dispatched Architecture 4 -4 Delphi window Application Controller: Tapplication4-4-1 Tapplication 4-2 TAPPLICATION and Secret Window 4-4-3 TAPPLICATION Message Cyclic 4-5 TAPPLICATION Created Master Fact 4-5-1 Lord Form Creation Process 4-5-2 Delphi Form Treatment Window Message Mechanism 4-6 Design Ideas 4-7 Conclusions 5 VCL Components and Window Controls

5-1 Create and Window Controls of VCL Components 5-1-1 Fill in Jumper Blocks 5-1-2 VCL Framework Unified Messaging Functions - Customized Framework Message forSTDWndProc5-2 VCL Framework 5-3 VCL Complete Message Distribution Process 5-3-1 TBUTTON Class 5-3-2 Dynamic Messages and VCL Event Processing Functions 5-3-3 TFORM Class 5-3-4 DEFAULTHANDLER5-DefaultHandler5- 4 VCL Message Process Design Mode (Design Pattern) 5-4-1 Dispatcher5-4-2 Broadcasting5-4-3 Using VCL Framework Message Assignment Mechanism 5-4-4 Intercepting VCL Framework Unprocessed Window Message 5-4-5 Blocking the TOBJECT message assignment service 5-4-6 window message flow time 5-4-7 average processing message number 5-5 conclusion

6 interface program design

6-1 Why there should be an interface 6-1-1 interface program driver 6-2 interface evolution, comparison, and Delphi interface mechanism 6-2-1 Microsoft COM6-2-2 Java6-2-3 C # interface 6 -2-4 Delphi interface design 6-3 Delphi interface mechanism 6-3-1 Interface is interactive contract 6-3-2 Declaration Interface 6-3-3 implementation and use interface 6-3-4 interface and object Lifecycle 6-3-5 Declaration inheritance and Realizing Inherited 6-3-7 Interface Delegation 6-3-8 Interface Attribute 6-3-9 Universal Interface Mechanism Implementation Different Interface Mechanism of COM Component Model 6-3-11 VCL Framework provides a general interface and interface class 6-3-12 interface small example-Interface Walker6-4 Advanced Interface Technology 6-4-1 Delphi Extension Interface Mechanism Added Interface Run-Time Type Information 6-4-2 Interface Design Influence Application System 6-5 Delphi Interface Mechanism Future Development 6-6 Conclusion

7 VCL Framework COM architecture

7-1 to design COM support architecture in object-oriented technology 7-1-1 What is COM object 7-1-2 ClassFactory7-1-3 Com Aggregation7-1-4 Type Information7-1-5 Registration Information 7-1- 6 Design Ideas 7-2 VCL Framework supports COM-Oriented Architecture 7-2-1 COM Execute Environment Services 7-2-2 Services Creating a COM object 7-2-3 COM object class 7-2-4 Delphi compilation Transplanting Change 7-2-5 TaggregatedObject7-2-6 TCONTAINEDOBJECT7-2-7 VCL Framework how to provide Com Aggregate 7-3 VCL Framework Create a process of COM object 7-4 VCL Framework Used Design Mode 7-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 1 Factory / Factory Method Design Mode 7-4-2 Bootstrap Design Mode 7-4-3 Foreach Design Mode 7-5 Conclusions 8 VCL Framework's persistence mechanism

8-1 What is a persistent (Persistence) 8-2 long-lasting development 8-2-1 COM's persistence 8-2-2 Java's persistence 8-2-3 .NET's persistence 8-2-4 Delphi / C Builder8-3 Delphi's persistence mechanism 8-3-1 Copy object variable and assign method 8-3-2 Shallow Copy8-3-3 Deep Copy8-3-4 Tfiler class 8-3-5 twriter class 8-3-6 Treader class 8-4 use Delphi's persistence capacity 8-4-1 use TPERSISTENT / TCOMPONENT class 8-4-2 dynamically created and store VCL components 8-4-3 Dynamic storage custom VCL component 8- 5 VCL Framework Persistence Design Pattern8-5-1 Two-Way Sequential Design Mode 8-5-2 Adapter Design Mode 8-6 Flow 8-7 Conclusion

9 VCL Framework and design patterns

9-1 Framework Design Mode 9-1-1 Notify Design Mode 9-1-2 Facade Design Model 9-1-3 Command Design / Action Design 9-2 Enterprise App Design Mode 9-2-1 Table Module Design Mode 9 -2-2 Record Set Design Mode 9-2-3 Service Layer Design Mode 9-3 Conclusion 9-4 Reference Bibliography

10 VCL Framework Evolution - VCL.NET

10-1 Object Pascal and CLR10-1-1 Data Type 10-1-2 Class 10-1-3 Virtual Construction Functions and Polymorphic Objects Creating 10-1-4 Class Method / Class Static Method10-2 Design Challenge 10-2-1 Helper Class's Function 10-2-2 Unit Initization / Finalization10-2-3 Cracker Class10-2-4 Design function 10-3 Vcl.Net implementation 10- 3-1 Pinvoke mechanism to use .NET calls Win32 service 10-3-2 Series Delphi.Net runtime and .NET virtual execution environment 10-3-3 use .NET Framework class replace VCL Framework class 10-3-4 Implement additional .NET interface to provide VCL.NET development .NET components 10-3-5 play .NET and VCL.NET Adapter roles TOBJECTHELPER10-3-6 .NET and WIN32 between Wrapper 10-4 How to deal with Windows Messages 10-5 Vcl.NET Design Type 10-5-1 Using Adapter Design Mode 10-5-3 Using Wrapper Design Mode 10-5 Register / Notify Design Mode 10-6 Conclusion


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