What is blog?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  102

Blog is the refrementation of web logs, that is, your network log.

Blog is a tool interactive, Blog is also a tool for lifelong learning, and Blog should also be a tool for everyone. Join our team and let us share every mood to create a Chinese blog culture.

Some statements and metaphors about blogs

I searched, for the blog, there are some arguments and metaphors online, listed, and understand the blog for everyone:

- Blog is the fourth network communication method that occurs after Email, BBS and ICQ.

- The blog is a personal "reader abstract" in the network era.

- The blog is a network diary that is superlocked to weapons.

- Blog is Magellan in the information age.

- Blog represents a new way of life and new work, which represents new learning methods. Through blogs, let them learn a lot and let others learn more.

- Blog represents "News Media 3.0": Old Media → New Media → Self Media (WE Media).

In short, blogs are new applications that are in rapid development and rapid evolution. The definition of the blog in "Market Terminology" is: an expression of personal ideas and network links, and the content is arranged in time and continuously updated publishing. Pyra founders Evanwilliams believe that blog concepts are mainly reflected in three aspects: Frequency, simple, and Personality. Pegah Nunan explanation is: Blog is 7 days a week, the speech website that runs 24 o'clock every day, this website provides unrestrained remarks with its rate, wild, no reservation, weird. Other statements are: Blog is a "Dylan Tweney" (DYLAN TWEENY), blog is a new type of "collaborative media", blog is "non-stop online journey", "personal online publication (community) ", Is the" information radar system in the network "is" artificial search engine ", is" expert filter "," self-organizing network ecology ", is" grassroots reporter "...

It is a very easy thing to become a blog. As long as you have justified, anyone can grow into a blog in a few minutes.

------------- Excerpt from BlogCN


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