Tracert in the ba (allyesno)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

Usage: The program defaults to 5 hops, as well as the IP.txt file using the current directory. You can also specify the number of hops and IP database file name TIP TIP hop number IP database (TIP 30 iPlog.txt) Rem Build and test By Allysno in Win2k & WinXP @echo off clsecho build and test by allysno in win2k ^ & winxp echo. Echo program defaults to check 5 hop, and IP.txt files using the current directory for IP database echo You can also specify the number of hops and IP databases File Name Echo Use1: Tip Echo Use2: TIP Jump Number IP Database (TIP 30 iPlog.txt) Echo. Set notimedout = 0 set skip = 0 set numberip = 1 set notimedout = 0 set numberLine = 0if "% 2" == " "set ipfile = ip.txt && goto ydset ipfile =% 2iF not exist% ipfile% Echo did not find% ipfile% file, test abort && goto: ydif not exist ip.txt echo did not find IP.txt file, test abort && goto endxif"%% 1 "==" "SET YD = 5 && goto gogogoseet yd =% 1: gogofor / f %% a in (% ipfile%) do set / a numberline = numberLine 1 if"% NumberLine% == "0" Echo IP There is no IP && goto endx: freexploit if "% notimedout%" == "1" goto nexttest set number == "1" goto nexttest set number == "1" goto next / 1 A && goto allyesno: NextTest if "% Numberip%" == "% NumberLine%" Echo. & echo This test did not find any IP with Timed Out cases & goto endx set / a numBerip = Numberip 1 Echo. ech o Currently detected the first% Numberip% IP set numbertracert = 1 set / a Skip = Skip 1 for / f "SKIP =% Skip%" %% a in (% ipfile%) Do SET TEMPIP = %% A && goto Allyesno: AlLeesno Echo is taking the% Tempip% of the first% NumbertracertRacer, please wait Tracert -D -h% Numbertracert%% Tempip% | Find "Timed Out" && echo. >> rp.txt && echo% DATE% TIME% Timed OUT appears when detecting% Tempip% of the first% Numbertracert% of the positivity >> rp.txt && tracert -d -h% Numbertracert%% Tempip% | Find "Timed Out">

> rp.txt && goto end if "% yd%" == "1" goto endif "% Numbertracert%" == "% yd%" SET NOTIMEDOUT = 1 & goto freexploitset / a Numbertracert = Numertracert 1 goto allyesno: End Echo. if not not NOT EXIST RP.TXT ECHO This test did not find any IP with Timed Out, & goto endx type rp.txt: ENDX


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