Manually establish an Oracle9i database

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  95

Manually establish an Oracle9i database (reproduced)

(Originally published in March 2002 Linuxer magazine)

Author: What caused million American special adviser Oracle Taiwan Branch

The first few phases we discussed Oracle9i core elements and database entities, I believe that everyone has a certain degree of understanding of the Oracle9i database server. In this issue, I will introduce the steps of manually build an Oracle9i database and the relevant considerations.

The content of this article will cover the following topics:

n Established a pre-work of the database

n Important parameters of starting parameter file

n Steps to manually establish an Oracle9i database

n How to remove Oracle9i database

Regardless of the reason, when you are ready to establish an Oracle9i database, you must be properly prepared in advance. Because manually establishing Oracle9i databases is not easy, it is possible to try to use the "Database Entribution Auxiliary Elf" provided by Oracle9i to create a new database. But if you want to be a qualified Oracle DBA, you must also create a database of the database to facilitate any issues that can be encountered by the Oracle9i database.

First let's take a look at those things before you have established an Oracle9i database.

Establish a pre-processing work of Oracle9i database

Before you start building a new Oracle9i database, it is recommended that you first do the following preparations:

n Evaluate the storage location of the data sheet and the index and to estimate the space required (if possible).

N Planning Operating System Deployment Methods - Good file configuration will significantly improve data extensive efficiency. Whether it is to install an Oracle server software or to build a new database, you must pay special attention to this. For example, you can put a reset log file on another disk or a RAID 1 disk array; placing the data file on the RAID 5 disk array.

n Select the "Global Database Name" - it is a way to identify the Oracle9i database on the Internet. The database name is composed of the Database name and the DB_NAME of the starting parameter and DB_DOMAIN parameters.

n Familiar with the preserved parameters of the starting parameter, and even the "Server parameter file" is used to function.

n Select the appropriate database character set. All character materials are deposited in a database in accordance with a particular character set, so you must specify the appropriate character set (Note [1]) when establishing a database.

n Select "Standard Data Block" Size - Set the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter of the starting parameter file. In addition to the SYSTEM data table space, other data sheets can also follow the "Standard Data Block" setting. In addition, in the Oracle9i database, you can set additional four "non-standard data blocks". It should be noted that the "Standard Data Block" is not changed after the database is established.

n For future database operations, a good database backup program is entered into the shortest time in the shortest time when the operation of future databases is designed.

n Familiar with the Oracle9i database activation / close mode, with various options (such as the NOMOUNT, MOUNT, OPEN options for Startup instructions).

n Check if the physical memory is enough to activate Oracle9i Instance.

n Confirm that the disk space of the Oracle9i server is sufficient to build a new database.

In addition to the precautions mentioned in this article, you can also consult a variety of operating system exclusive Oracle9i installation guides to get more detailed information.

Select a database to build

The Oracle9i Database The built-in process contains the following three main tasks: n to create a new database entity file, including the data file, reset the log file.

n Establish a control file and initialize.

n The necessary data dictionary (Data Dictionary) when the Oracle9i is used to access the database system.

In fact, you may be able to build a new Oracle9i database via one of the following three ways:

n Using Oracle "Database Building Configuration Elves" (DBCA).

Oracle Universal Installer will activate DBCA in the installation process to assist you with the database, depending on the type of installation you choose. DBCA will guide you in a graphical interface to gradually complete the building work of the Oracle9i database. If the installation process is not activated DBCA, you can also activate DBCA to create a new database, and even build a second Oracle9i database.

n Execution Instruction File (Script) Manually established an Oracle9i database

If you have the instruction file used to establish the Oracle9i database for your hand, you can directly renovate the instruction file and perform it. Otherwise, it is recommended that you use the example instruction file provided by Oracle9i. Oracle9i not only provides a database building example instruction file, but also provides an example file. You can do the necessary adjustments to actually need.

n Migrate or Upgrade existing databases.

If your application is accessing an Oracle database unless you need a new database or test environment, you should do not need to create a new database. In this case, you are facing will be the database transfer or upgrade topic. For detailed information about this, see the Oracle9i Database Migration manual.

Talk about the beginning of the parameter

Remember the starting parameter file mentioned by the previous issue? Oracle9i Instance must be activated before manually establishing an Oracle9i database, so you must first create a starting parameter file. When establishing a new starting parameter file, the fastest way is to edit the sample file provided by Oracle9i, then save the new file. I am more accustomed is to edit the copy of the starting parameter file and then adjust it as actual needs. Because the starting parameter file is available for setting, it will automatically enter the default value if some parameters are clearly set.

When the Oracle database is established in manually, it is recommended that you do not modify each starting parameter value as much as possible. Wait until you are familiar with the meaning of each parameter and use the timing of the text editor or add other parameters. In addition, Oracle9i allows you to create server parameter files (stored in binary format). The parameters in this file can be modified after the Oracle9i Instance is activated.

The following is a starting parameter that must be added or edited before building a new database, including:

N the whole domain database name

n Control File Name and Path

N data block size

nAffected by starting parameters of SGA capacity

n Set the maximum number of handlers

n Set Space Reply (UNDO) Management Method

Set the whole domain database name

Oracle9i's entire domain database name consists of "Database Name" and "Data Name", where "Database Name" is set to DB_NAME start parameters, and "domain name" is set to the db_domain parameter. These two parameters can then uniquely identify each Oracle9i database on the Internet. For example, suppose we want to build the Oracle9i database name to, ​​then set the following two parameters in the starting parameter file: db_name = mydb



You can execute the ALTER DATABASE RENAME GLOBAL_NAME instruction to change the entire domain database name of the Oracle9i database; you must reactivate the Oracle9i database after you change DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN. In addition, the control gear must also be re-established.

About DB_NAME starting parameters

DB_NAME must be a text string and cannot exceed 8 characters. During the process of establishing a database, the DB_NAME setting value is recorded in the data file, control file, and reset the log file. If you activate Oracle9i Instance, the DB_NAME set in the starting parameter file is different from records recorded in the control file, then the database will not be activated.

About DB_DOMAIN start parameters

DB_DOMAIN is usually the domain name in the location of the database host. If you want to build a database to join a distributed database operation environment, pay special attention to the settings of this parameter.

Set the control file

As mentioned earlier, the control file is a fairly important file within the Oracle9i database. So you must join the Control_File parameter in the new starting parameter file to set the file name and path of the control file. When you perform CREATE DATABASE, the control files listed in Control_File will be established. If the starting parameter is ignored, Oracle9i automatically establishes a control file and naming when executing the CREATE DATABASE instruction, and then placed under the system preset path.

So, what should I do if the control file set in Control_Name already does this do? At this point Oracle9i automatically covers existing control files. If you want to build a new control file, make sure the control file name set by Control_Name will not be repeated with any file names under the operating system.

According to the past experience, Oracle strongly recommends that you plan to plan two control files for each database and disperse on two entity disks. This avoids system lockout when either control file is damaged.

Set the size of the data block

The minimum unit of the ORACLE9I database storage is "Data Block". The "Standard Data Block" size in the database is the DB_BLOCK_SIZE parameter set in the starting parameter file. The most important System data table space in the Oracle9i database is based on the DB_LOCK_SIZE setting value. In addition, DB_BLOCK _SIZE is also the size of the data block size when establishing a new information table space. In addition to the standard data block size, Oracle9i supports additional 4 "non-standard data blocks" sizes.

About DB_BLOCK_SIZE start parameters

Starting from Oracle9i, DB_BLOCK_SIZE sets only the size of the standard data block; the vast majority of database environments only need to set this parameter. In general, DB_BLOCK_SIZE can be set to 4K or 8K. If this parameter is not set, Oracle9i will automatically determine the appropriate data block size according to the operating system platform where the database is located.

It should be noted that the size of the standard data block cannot be changed after the database is established - unless the database is reconstructed. If the "Data Block" size of the database is different from the "Operating System Block" size, it is recommended that you set DB_BLOCK_SIZE to the "operating system block" size integer multiple. It is assumed that the operating system block size is 4K, then set DB_BLOCK_SIZE = 8192. In some cases, such configuration methods will significantly improve the data extensive efficiency. What is "non-standard data block"?

The information table space constructed by the "Non-Standard Data Block" can be established by the Create TableSpace command; the block size set value can be 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K, 32. It should be noted that this type of data block will be subject to operating system environment, not all operating systems, all of the above blocks are set.

When you want to use the "Non-Standard Data Block", you must also configure the sub-buffer of the Database buffer in the SGA, and the way is set by the DB_NK_CACHE_SIZE parameter (described later after this parameter).

This mechanism is the new feature proposed by Oracle9i, especially useful in transferring the database. For example, your OLTP database may set the data block size to 4K, but the database used by the data storage system sets the data block size to 8K. With the "Non-Standard Data Block", you can transfer the data of the OLTP database to the database of the data storage system.

Starting parameters affecting SGA capacity

This type start parameter controls the size of "System Global Area, SGA) in the memory, and other parameters can be dynamically changed via the ALTER SYSTEM command except SGA_MAX_SIZE. Through this characteristic, you can dynamically increase or narrow the SGA capacity during Oracle9i Instance.

Set the "Database Buffer" Size

In general, the Database Buffer Cache size is determined by the starting parameter DB_CACHE_SIZE parameter. At this time, the database buffer is a "standard data block" as a data access unit. If you want to use multiple data block size in the Oracle9i database, you must set a set of DB_BLOCK_SIZE and DB_NK_CACHE_SIZE parameters. If the above two parameters are not explicitly set in the starting parameter file, Oracle9i automatically sets the appropriate DB_CACHE_SIZE value and sets DB_NK_CACHE_SIZE to 0.

About DB_CACHE_SIZE start parameters

Before Oracle8i, the database buffer size is determined by db_block_buffers and db_block_size; from Oracle9i, it will be replaced by db_cache_size. It should be noted that DB_CACHE_SIZE is based on the standard data block size set by DB_BLOCK_SIZE. In order to be forward, DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS parameters can still be set in Oracle9i. However, DB_BLOCK_BUFFERs belong to static parameters, which cannot be dynamically adjusted during Oracle9i database, and cannot be used with other dynamic parameters.

About DB_ NK_CACHE_SIZE start parameters

Supported from Oracle9i to provide "Non-Standard Data Block", which can be set via the following parameters:






NK among each parameter is the size of the non-standard data block. I set the following parameters as an example:




DB_8k_cache_size = 8m

The database buffer that uses the above parameters will have the following features:

1. "Standard Data Block" size is 4K.

2. The database buffer capacity composed of "Standard Data Block" is 20m.

3. The first "non-standard data block" is 2k, and the buffer capacity constituted is 10m.

4. The second "non-standard data block" is 8K, and the buffer capacity constituted is 8m.

Please note that the DB_ NK_CACHE_SIZE parameter cannot set the buffer size of the "Standard Data Block". For example, if the DB_BLOCK_SIZE is set to 4K, the DB_4K_Cache_SIZE parameter cannot be set again.

Set the "shared area" and "large area" capacity

SGA's Shared Pool and Large Pool are set by Shared_Pool_SIZE and Large_Pool_Size, respectively; these two parameters are dynamic parameters (note [2]). If these two parameters are not set within the starting parameter file, Oracle9i will automatically determine its appropriate size.

Set relevant considerations for SGA

The maximum capacity of SGA is controlled by SGA_MAX_SIZE. You can dynamically change this parameter value, but you need to pay attention to SGA_MAX_SIZE for database buffers, shared areas, large areas, and total capacity of other SGA components. The size of each region cannot exceed SGA_MAX_SIZE. If the SGA_MAX_SIZE is not set, Oracle9i automatically sets SGA_MAX_SIZE to the sum of all SGA components.

Set the maximum number of handles

The starting parameter Processess can determine the maximum number of operating system programs that connect ORACLE9I with the same time. This parameter value must be greater than 6; five of them are Oracle9i background handles, plus 1 user handler. Assume that your Oracle9i database will have 100 users on the same time, then processes should be at least 105.

Set space reply management method

Any database should have some special mechanism to ensure the consistency and integrity of the transaction. There is an important transaction-related information in the Oracle9i database so that the ROLLBACK failed transaction, or a reply (Undo) data processing action. Oracle collects this information to "Undo Entries". Oracle9i's Reply Project is stored in the "Undo TableSpace" or "Return Segment".

Undo_management start parameters

For the management of the reply project, the undo_management of the starting parameter file can be set by one of the following two ways to activate Oracle9i Instance:

n Auto: Activates Oracle9i Instance in Automatic Reply Management Mode; its reply item will be stored in the "Reply Data Sheet Space".

nmanual: Activates Oracle9i Instance in "Manual Mode"; its reply item will be stored in the "Return Segment".

In order to face forward, the default value of undo_management is Manual.

About UNDO_TABLESPACE start parameters

When Oracle9i Instance is activated with Auto Management Mode, you will try to find the first available "Reply Information Table Space" to store "Reply Project". If the CREATE DATABASE directive is executed, and the undo_management is set to Auto, Oracle9i will automatically establish a "Reply Data Sheet Space" called Sys_undoTBS. This data table space will be the "Reply Data Sheet Space" preset under Automatic Management Mode. In addition, you can set the undo_tablespace starting parameters to explicitly designate the "Reply Data Sheet Space" used by Oracle9i. If the system lacks available "Reply Information Table Space", Oracle9i Instance can be activated, but will use the System returned section. Oracle recommends that you use the "Reply Data Sheet Space" to replace the "Reply Section" because the former is not only easy to manage, but also the maintenance time of "Reply Project".

About ROLLBACK_SEGMENTS start parameters

List the information related to "Non-System Return Sections" in the Rollback_Segments starting parameters. When the database is replied to the project management in "Manual Mode", Oracle9i Instance will require this type to return to the section during activation. If there is no set value in this parameter, "System Return Section" is used. The Rollback_SEGMENTS parameter of the Oracle9i database is reserved for forward compatibility, it is recommended that you replace it with the "Reply Data Sheet".

Manually establish an Oracle9i database

After all pre-preparation work, you can establish an Oracle9i database according to the previous plan. If you are using the "Database Configuration Assistant), the manually established database is mainly to execute the CREATE DATABASE instruction. The following is a full step in establishing an Oracle9i database MYDB:

1. Set the Oracle SID

2. Select the DBA verification method

3. Establish start parameter file

4. Activate Oracle Instance

5. Execute the CREATE DATABASE directive

6. Establish other information table space

7. Establish a data dictionary

Step 1: Set the Oracle SID

In general, each Oracle9i database must correspond to an ORACLE9I INSTANCE. So before establishing a database, you must first specify the system identifier of Oracle9i Instance, which is commonly known as the Oracle SID; you can also treat it as the name of Oracle9i Instance.

Because the Oracle SID can be used to identify different Oracle databases, the SID name must be unique, and can be set via an environment variable Oracle_SID of the operating system (Note [3]). The following example will set the Oracle SID used by the database to MYDB:

Oracle_sid = MYDB

Export Oracle_sid

Step 2: Select the DBA verification method

You must pass the verification procedures for the database and you can create an ORACLE9I database after proper system permissions. Oracle9i is used to verify that there are two ways of DBA, namely "Password File Verification" and "Operating System Verification". It is recommended that you first manually establish a database to log in to SQL * Plus via "Operating System Verification" when using the Oracle account (the account number to install Oracle9i). The establishment and use of password files will be described in detail in the future column.

Step 3: Establish the starting parameter file

To simplify management actions, it is recommended that you put the starting parameter gear in the Oracle9i preset directory and name it in accordance with the standard format. The format of the Oracle9i start parameter file is: init . OA

Its preset storage path is:

$ Oracle_Home / DBS

Take the MYDB database as an example, the starting parameter file name can be named initmydb.ora, and stored in the OPT / Oracle / Product / 9.0.1 / dbs directory (Note [4]). As a result, whenever you want to execute the Startup instruction to activate Oracle9i Instance, the system automatically looks for starting parameters in the preset directory, and does not need to specify the PFILE option.

Some of the following examples of the examples:

Sample Initialization Parameter File

# Cache and I / o


DB_CACHE_SIZE = 20971520

# Diagnostics and statistics

Background_dump_dest = $ oracle_home / admin / mydb / bdump

Core_dump_dest = $ oracle_home / admin / mydb / cdump


User_dump_dest = $ oracle_home / admin / mydb / udump

# Control File Configuration

Control_files = ("$ oracle_home / oraData / mydb / control01.ctl",

"$ Oracle_home / oradata / mydb / control02.ctl",

"$ Oracle_home / oradata / mydb / control03.ctl")

# Archive

Log_archive_dest_1 = 'location = $ oracle_home / oraData / mydb / archive'

Log_archive_format =% T_% s.dbf


# Miscellaneous

Compatible = 9.0.0


# Distributed, replication and snapshot


Remote_login_passwordfile = exclusive

# NetWork Registration

Instance_name = ora901

# Pools

Java_pool_size = 31457280

Large_pool_size = 1048576

Shared_pool_size = 52428800

# Processes and sessions

Processes = 150

# Redo log and recovery


# Resource Manager

Resource_manager_plan = system_plan

# Sort, haveh joins, Bitmap Indexes

Sort_area_size = 524288

Step 4: Activate Oracle Instance

In the Oracle9i database, it is often used to activate Oracle9i Instance to use SQL * Plus with Oracle9i Enterprise Manager. In the case, you must first enter the SQL * Plus environment first, then switch to SYSDBA identity, how SQLPlus / Nolog

Connect / as sysdba

Next you must perform the startup instruction to turn Oracle9i Instance to the Nomount state. In general, instance is only turned to the Nomount state when establishing a new database or performing a specific database maintenance. Since INSTANCE is turned on to the mount status, you will try to mount the Oracle9i entity database. Imagine, if the system itself has not yet established a database entity file, how can INSTANCE open to MOUNT or OPEN? The following is the execution of the Startup instruction:

Startup Nomount

This is the most basic execution of the Startup directive. Because we put the starting parameter file in the preset directory ($ ORACLE_HOME / DBS), there is no need to specify the PFILE option. Otherwise, the Startup command you perform should be similar to:

Startup Nomount Pfile = $ Oracle_Home / Pfile / Initmydb.ora

So far, we are only completed all preparations before executing the Create Database directive - SGAs have been successfully configured in the memory, and various background handles are activated. But at this time, the system itself has not yet there is any entity database. Next is the most important step - performing the CREATE DATABASE instruction.

Step 5: Execute the CREATE DATABASE directive

Oracle9i will complete the following main tasks when you execute the Create Database instruction to establish a new database:

n Establish a new database entity file, such as a data file, reset the log file.

n Update information about the control file.

n Establish the SYSTEM Data Sheet Space and the System Return Segment (ROLLBACK Segment).

N02 dictionary

n Set the character set used by the database

n Set the time zone where the database is located

The following is an example of the CREATE DATABASE directive:

Create Database MYDB

MaxInstances 1

MaxLoghistory 1

MaxLogfiles 5

MaxLogmembers 5

MaxDataFiles 100

DataFile '$ Oracle_Home / ORADATA / MYDB / System01.dbf' Size 200m Reuse

Undo TableSpace undotbs DataFile

'$ Oracle_home / oradata / mydb / undotbs01.dbf'

Size 200m Reuse Autoextend On Next 2048k MaxSize Unlimited

Default Temporary TableSpace Temptbs1

Character set zht16big5

National Character Set Al16UTF16

Logfile Group 1 ('$ oracle_home / oraData / mydb / redo01.log') size 100m,

Group 2 ('$ oracle_home / oraData / mydb / redo02.log') size 100m,

Group 3 ('$ ORACLE_HOME / ORADATA / ORA901 / Redo03.log') Size 100M; I will finish the above Create Database instructions as follows:

n Database Name is MYDB, and its entire domain database name is

n Established three control files in accordance with the names set by the starting parameter control_files parameter.

n maxInstances parameter: The number of instance can be used to turn on the database.

n maxdatafiles parameter: The number of maximum data files owned by the database.

N as set to the DataFile clause, the corresponding operating system file corresponding to the database System data table space is $ ORACLE_HOME / ORADATA / MyDB / System01.dbf. If the file has existed in advance, it will overwrite.

n Undo_Tablespace is used to establish and name "Undo TableSpace".

n default_temporary_tableSpace is used to establish a "temporary data table space" with named the database.

N zht16big5 is a character set that stores information in the database.

n Al16UTF16 Sets the "National Character Set" set value, Nchar, NClob, the character set used by NVARCHAR2 and other Unicode fields. The AL16UTF16 is a character set for SQL Nchar data type, and its encoding is UTF-16.

n The new database has three online reset log files (Online Redo Log Files), which are set in the logfile clause. MaxLoghistory, MaxLogfiles, related settings with MaxLogMembers for reset log files.

N Because the ArchiveLog clause is not included in the Create Database instruction, the database does not perform a storage action of resetting the log file. You can execute the ALTER DATABASE instruction to "ArchiveLog Mode) after the database is created. The parameters related to the "Sealing Mode" are log_archive_dest_1, log_archive_format, with log_archive_start.

N can also add the set time_zone clause to set the database time zone in the Create Database instruction. If the clause is omitted, the database preset time zone is the same as the operating system time zone.

Step 6: Establish another information table space

In the previous column content, we have explored the way Oracle9i's data sheet spatial planning. In the case of the CREATE DATABASE instruction of step 5, there will be only one system data table space within the new database. In order to use and manage the Oracle9i database more efficiently, it is recommended that you add several data table spaces, depending on the actual needs of the application system. The following instructions establish the Users and INDX data tablespaces.

Create TableSpace Uses Logging

DataFile '$ Oracle_Home / ORADATA / MYDB / USERS01.DBF'

Size 25m Reuse Autoextend On Next 1280k MaxSize Unlimited

Extent management local;

Create TableSpace Indx Logging

DataFile '$ Oracle_Home / ORADATA / MyDB / INDX01.DBF' Size 25m Reuse Autoextend On Next 1280k MaxSize Unlimited

Extent management local;

Step 7: Establish a data dictionary viewing table

In addition to establish additional information table spaces, you must also perform two important instruction files after the database is established: Catelog.sql and CataProc.sql. These two instruction files will establish an essential viewing table, synonyms, and a PL / SQL kit (Packages) within the Oracle9i database.

n catalog.sql:

This instruction file content is: establishing a related visual table, dynamic performance viewing table, and the synonym used to access a variety of visual tables on the data datagical data table. In addition, Catalog.sql also authorizes the use rights of these viewing tables to the database user.

n cataproc.sql:

This instruction file contains all instruction files required to execute the PL / SQL program.

Remove the way Oracle9i database

There are two ways to remove the Oracle9i database. The traditional way is manually deleted all database entity files; the easiest way is to use the "Database Association Assistive Elf".

If you want to manually remove the previously established Oracle9i database, the steps may be slightly cumbersome. Because all databases are related to files (including data files, reset log files, control files, starting parameters, reset log sealing panels, etc.) must be deleted from operating systems. If you don't know the storage location of these files, you can query V $ DataFile, V $ Logfile, with V $ ControlFile and other data dictionary. If the database you want to remove is set in "Sealing Mode", it is recommended that you first view the starting parameter file log_archive_dest_ n, log_archive_dest, with log_archive_duplex_dest and other parameters to delete the old reset log fence from the operating system.


In this issue, how to build an Oracle9i database in manually, and the main items of the CREATE DATABASE directive. I hope that the readers can have a certain degree of understanding of the building process of Oracle9i databases. In the future, I will have the opportunity to demonstrate how to build an Oracle9i database via the "Database Association Assistive Elf". You will find that the original Oracle9i database is so simple!

About the Author

He Zone million, expertise for large database system management, data warehouse planning, etc., and database application system development. There are more than ten international certifications such as MCSD, MCDBA, Oracle OCP, RHCE, SCJP, Borland Jbuilder Product Certified. At present, it is committed to Oracle9i application system development and is responsible for the Oracle9i series of books Chinese and Oracle Press technical school. He is also the original certification lecturer of the United States Oracle and Sun Microsystems. You can contact him through

Note [1]: Types and names for the Oracle 9i database, see "Oracle9i Globalization Support Guide Release 1"

Note [2]: Shared_pool_size is a static variable before Oracle9i.

Note [3]: The DB_NAME parameter value of the starting parameter file must be completely consistent with Oracle_sid.


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