UBB code is touched

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  98

What is UBB code?

The UBB code is a variant of HTML, which is a special TAG adopted by Ultimate Bulletin Board (a BBS program abroad). You may have been very familiar with it. The UBB code is very simple, the function is very small, but because its TAG syntax check is very easy, our website introduces this code to facilitate the use of common features such as display pictures / join / bold fonts.

UBB code can realize those HTML features, and its use examples and skills?

1. There are two ways to add a super connection, you can connect specific addresses or text connections.

[URL] http://www.173174.com/ [/ url]

[Url = http://www.173174.com/] Leadbbs [/ URL]

2. Displayed as a bold effect

[B] text [/ b]

3. Show as a bevel effect

[I] text [/ i]

4. Display as a loop effect

[U] text [/ u]

5. Text location control

In the location of the text, you can add the characters you need, the center position center represents the center, Left represents left, Right Represents the right, Justify indicates that both ends are aligned.

[Align = center] text paragraph [/ align]

6. There are two ways to join the mail connection, you can connect specific addresses or text connections.

[Email] Webmaster@leadbbs.com [/ email]

[Email = mailto: webmaster@leadbbs.com] Leadbbs [/ email]

7. Insert the picture

[Img] http://www.173174.com/images/flag.gif [/ iv]

Insert the picture and click on the picture to open a new window to view the image

[IMGA] http://www.173174.com/images/flag.gif [/ imga]

Insert pictures, specify alignment and border size, aligned with absmiddle left right top middlebottom absbottom baseline texttop

[Img = center, 2] http://www.173174.com/images/flag.gif [/ it]

8. Insert Flash of MicroMedia

[Flash] http://www.test.com/flag.swf [/ Flash]

[Flash = Width, Height] http://www.test.com/flag.swf [/ Flash]

9. Implement the code function in HTML, with the table box

[Code] text paragraph [/ code]

10. Reference effect, using the table box

[Quote] Quote paragraph [/ quote]

11. Implement an HTML directory effect

[UL] Text [/ UL] - Phase The

    function in HTML, indent type version [ol] text [/ ol] - equivalent to
      in HTML, the effect of generating digital numbers [*] text [/ *] - It is equivalent to
    1. in HTML, combined with the above label

      12. Realize the character flying effect (running horse light), equivalent to in HTML

      [Fly] text [/ fly]

      35. Insert unit line


      14. Implement the character of text, the Glow internal property is in turn, color and boundary size

      [Glow = 255, red, 2] text [/ glow]

      15. Implement text shadow effect, SHADOW is in turn, color and boundary size

      [Shadow = 255, red, 2] text [/ shadow]

      16. Realize the color change

      [Color = Color] Text [/ color]

      17. Realize the size change

      [Size = number] Text [/ size]

      18. Realize text font conversion

      [Face = Font] Text [/ FACE]

      19. Insert the middle scrubber

      [Strike] text [/ strike]

      20. Insert the ShockWave format file, the middle number is width and length

      [DIR = width, height] http: // .... [/ dir]

      21. Insert the RM file in the RealPlayer format, the middle numbers are width and length

      [RM = width, height] http: // .... [/ rm]

      22. Insert the file in the Midia Player format, the middle number is width and length

      [Mp = width, height] http: // .... [/ mp]

      23. Insert the file in the QuickTime format, the middle number is width and length

      [Qt = width, height] http: // .... [/ qt]

      24. Labeling the text

      [SUP] Text [/ sup], Effect: Leadbbs2

      25. Send a subscript

      [SUB] text [/ sub], effect: Leadbbs2

      26. Specify text color and background colors

      [Bgcolor = foreground color, text color] text [/ bgcolor]

      27. Insert background music

      [Sound] Background Music File Address [/ Sound]

      28. Insert the bar

      [FieldSet = Title] Content [/ FieldSet]

      29. Crimping flashing effect

      [Light] Flashing text [/ light]

      30. Insert the invisible nested table, where nulltr and NULLTD can be used multiple times, mainly for typography

      [NullTable] [NullTr] [NULLTD] content [/ nulltd] [/ nulltr] [/ nulltable]

      31. Insert form

      [Table] [TR] [TD] content [/ td] [/ tr] [/ table]

      Insert complex tables, where alignment can be specified, or may not be specified

      [Table = Border color, cell spacing, cell margin, table width, alignment, background color, border thick] [Tr] [TD] content [/ td] [/ TR] [/ Table]

      32. Arranged format, equivalent to

       tags in HTML

      [Pre] text [/ pre]


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