ATL COM Components Speech 5.0 Voice Play and Recognition (Text to Voice, Voice to Text)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93

Based on Speech 5.0-based voice components, the corresponding development package is required to compile // speechx.h: cspeechx declaration

#pragma overce # include "resource.h" // master symbol

// IspeechX [object, uuid ( "25246261-2CD8-4D9C-AC51-D5184D1572C4"), dual, helpstring ( "IspeechX Interface"), pointer_default (unique)] __ interface IspeechX: IDispatch {[id (1), helpstring ( " Method Read ")] HRESULT READ (BSTR text); [Propget, ID (2), Helpstring (" Properties Hearedword ")] HRESULT Hearedword ([OUT, RETVAL] BSTR * PVAL); [ID (3), Helpstring (" Method StartH ")] HRESULT STARTH (VOID);

[PropGet, ID (4), Helpstring ("Properties ISHEARING")] HRESULT ISHEARING ([OUT, RETVAL] BOOL * PVAL);


[Coclass, Threading ("Apartment"), VI_ProgId ("Speech.Speechx"), Progid ("Speech.Speechx.1"), Version (1.0), UUID ("D72932F4-000C-4EF7-BAD4-FC5F616CD9E3"), Helpstring ("Speechx Class")] Class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSPEECHX: PUBLIC ISPEECHX {

private: // read CComPtr m_cpVoice; // context CComPtr cpRecoCtxt; // parse CComPtr cpGrammar; // voice results CComPtr cpResult; // hear the word _bstr_t m_hear; / / Read words _BSTR_T m_text; // Exit the received flag BOOL m_quitflag; // Results HRESULT HR; public: cspeechx () {m_Hear = l "dialog start"; m_quitflag = false;


Declare_protect_final_construct ()

HRESULT FinalConstruct () {return S_OK;} void FinalRelease () {m_cpVoice.Release (); cpRecoCtxt.Release (); cpGrammar.Release (); cpResult.Release ();} protected: inline HRESULT BlockForResult (ISpRecoContext * pRecoCtxt, ISpRecoResult ** ppResult);


STDMETHOD (READ); HRESULT READ (WCHAR * PATH); stdmethod (BSTR * PVAL); stdmethod (vers); stdmethod (BOOL * PVAL);}; --------------------------------------- // Speechx.cpp: cspeechx

#include "stdafx.h" #include "speechx.h" #include "sphelper.h"


STDMETHODIMP CSPEECHX :: read (bstr text) {m_text = text; read (wchar *) m_text); // Release BSTR, misunderstanding sysfreestring (text) during debugging; returnif;}

STDMETHODIMP CspeechX :: StartH (void) {m_quitflag = true; hr = cpRecoCtxt.CoCreateInstance (CLSID_SpSharedRecoContext); // set the context if (cpRecoCtxt && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpRecoCtxt-> SetNotifyWin32Event ()) && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpRecoCtxt-> SetInterest (SPFEI (SPEI_RECOGNITION), SPFEI (SPEI_RECOGNITION))) && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpRecoCtxt-> SetAudioOptions (SPAO_RETAIN_AUDIO, NULL, NULL)) && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpRecoCtxt-> CreateGrammar (0, & cpGrammar)) && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpGrammar -> LoadDictation (NULL, SPLO_STATIC)) && SUCCEEDED (hr = cpGrammar-> SetDictationState (SPRS_ACTIVE))) {if (SUCCEEDED (hr = BlockForResult (cpRecoCtxt, & cpResult))) {cpGrammar-> SetDictationState (SPRS_INACTIVE); WCHAR * dstrText ;

if (SUCCEEDED (cpResult-> GetText (SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, SP_GETWHOLEPHRASE, TRUE, & dstrText, NULL))) {m_hear = dstrText; cpResult.Release ();} cpGrammar-> SetDictationState (SPRS_ACTIVE);

} Cprecockxt.release (); cpgrammar.release (); cpresult.release ();

m_quitflag = false; return s_ok;}


HR = m_cpvoice.coCreateInstance (CLSID_SPVoice); m_cpvoice-> speak (path, 0, null); m_cpvoice.release ();

Return S_OK;

// Receive the information interface stdmethodimp cspeechx :: get_hearedword (bstr * pval) {* pval = m_hear;

Return S_OK;

// Pack the context into the result inline hResult cspeechx :: blockforResult (isprecocontext * presidex) {hResult hr = s_ok; cspevent eve;

While (ac = event.getfrom (preside)) && hr == s_false) {hr = presideXT-> WaitforNotifyEvent (Infinite);

* ppResult = event.recoresult (); if (* ppResult) {(* ppResult) -> addref ();

Return hr;}


Return S_OK;


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