JSP easy GetParameter

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  88

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* Returns the value of the specified name in a string from the Request object.


Returns the default value if the object corresponding to the Name is empty.


* @Param Name string Specify name

* @Param DefVal String Default

* @Return String

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Public String getParam (httpservletRequest Request, string name, string defval) {string param = request.getParameter (name); return (param! = null? param: defval);}

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* Returns the value of the specified name from the Request object.


Returns the default value if the object corresponding to the Name is empty.


* @Param Name string Specify name

* @Param Defval INT default value

* @Return Int

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public int getParam (HttpServletRequest request, String name, int defval) {String param = request.getParameter (name); int value = defval; if (param = null!) {try {value = Integer.parseInt (param);} catch Numberformatexception Ignore) {}} Return Value;

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* Returns the value of the specified name in a string from the Session object.


Returns the default value if the object corresponding to the Name is empty.

* @Param session httpsession session object

* @Param Name string Specify name

* @Param DefVal String Default

* @Return String

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public String getSessionParam (HttpSession session, String name, String defval) {Object param = session.getAttribute (name); // session.getValue (name); return (param = null (String) param:!? defval);} / **

* Returns the value of the specified name in the session object.


Returns the default value if the object corresponding to the Name is empty.

* @Param session httpsession session object

* @Param Name string Specify name

* @Param Defval INT default value

* @Return Int

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