Web page production skills

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  106

How to play music in the web? Web page background music code:

1.mID means sound effect file

The above web page background music code can join the absolute address of the Flash animation (or relative address)

RAM format music file special web background music code:

Specify the size of the player (WIDTH, HEIGH), is automatically (Autostart tag), whether it is looped (LOOP tag), and the viewer can independently decide whether to play music.

This code can be used as a code inserted into a web page. Just replace the 1.mID to the relative address of the Flash animation or the decision is OK.

This code can add MP3 music as web background music

1.mID means sound effect file

Indicates that the 1.mID sound file is inserted into the page as background music and looped 3 times.

1.mID means sound effect file

1.mID means sound effect file

1.mID means sound effect file

1.mID means sound effect file

RM file online play

AutoStart = "false" When you open the page, you will listen to the sound height = 25 width = 50 when opening the page. There are different values.

MIDI, AU, AVI file online play

autostart =" false "When opening the page At the time, autostart = "true" opens the page, listen to the sound height = 25 width = 50 has a different value, and the player panel is somewhat different.

ASF file online play

</ title></p> <p></ hEAD></p> <p><body topmargin = "0" leftmargin = "0"></p> <p><Object classid = clsid: 22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 codebase = http: //activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#Version=7.0 height = 53 id = NSPlay0 name = NSPlay type = application / x-oleobject width = 87 VIEWASTEXT standby = "Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components ..." border = "0"> <param name = "audioStream" value = "- 1"> <param name = " AutoSize "Value =" 0 "></p> <p><param name = "autostart" Value = "1"></p> <p><param name = "AnimationATStart" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "allowscan" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "allowchangedisplaysize" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "autorewind" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "balance" Value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "baseurl" value "</p> <p><param name = "bufferingtime" value = "10"></p> <p><param name = "CAPTIONINGID" VALUE></p> <p><param name = "clicktoplay" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "cursortype" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "currentposition" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "currentmarker" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "defaultframe" value "</p> <p><param name = "displaybackcolor" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "displayforecolor" value = "65280"></p> <p><param name = "displaymode" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "displaysize" value = "1"></p> <p><param name = "enabled" value = "- 1"> <param name = "enableContextMenu" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "enablepositionControls" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "enablefullscreencontrols" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "enableTracker" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "filename" value = "</p> <p>"Target =" _blank "> http://music.sdcatv.net/biyun/wlsd/down/yin/gequ/ASF/5.ASF";></p> <p><param name = "invokeurls" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "language" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "mute" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "Playcount" value = "1"></p> <p><param name = "previewMode" Value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "raate" value = "1"></p> <p><param name = "Samilang" Value></p> <p><param name = "SAMISTYLE" Value></p> <p><param name = "samifilename" Value></p> <p><param name = "SelectStart" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "Selection" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "sendopenStateChangeevents" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "SendWarningevents" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "senderRorEvents" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "sendkeyboardevents" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "sendMouseClicKevents" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "sendmousemoveeevents" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "sendplayStateChangeevents" value = "- 1"> <param name = "showcaptioning" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "showcontrols" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "showaudiocontrols" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "showdisplay" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "showgotobar" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "showPositionControls" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "showstatusbar" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "showtracker" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "transparentatstart" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "VideoBorderWidth" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "videobordercolor" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "VideoBorder3D" Value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "volume" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "windowlessvideo" value = "0"></p> <p></ Object></p> <p>Where <param name = "autostart" value = "0"> 0 is in the standby state of opening the page, open the page directly to play </ body></p> <p></ html></p> <p>Flow listener MP3 method:</p> <p>http://*.mp3, http://*.mp3, http: // ... 琱 TTP: //*.mp3,</p> <p>Save the above file as * .m3u, you can realize online playback * .mp3 (support continuous play)</p> <p>MPEG image online play:</p> <p>Wait, let it download <img border = "0" DYNSRC = "</p> <p>Http://music.cnvnet.com/video/0321.mpeg;</p> <p>"START =" FileOpen "></p> <p>RM image online play code:</p> <p><object id = "vid" classid = "CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width = 114 height = 100></p> <p><param name = "_ extentX" value = "3016"> ​​<param name = "_ exTenty" value = "2646"></p> <p><param name = "AutoStart" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "shuffle" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "prefeetch" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "nolabels" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "src" value = "</p> <p>"Target =" _blank "> http://music.cnvnet.com/mtv/20010618/002.ram";></p> <p><param name = "controls" value = "imagewindow"></p> <p><param name = "console" value = "clip1"></p> <p><param name = "loop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "numloop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "center" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "maintainaspect" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "BackgroundColor" Value = "# 000000"></p> <p></ Object></p> <p>Add a few controllers</p> <p><object id = "vid" classid = "CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020afbbccfa" width = 427 height = 300></p> <p><param name = "_ extentX" value = "11298"></p> <p><param name = "_ exTenty" value = "7938"></p> <p><param name = "AutoStart" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "shuffle" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "prefeetch" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "nolabels" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "src" value = "</p> <p>"Target =" _blank "> http://music.cnvnet.com/mtv/20010618/001.ram";>>>>>>></p> <p><param name = "controls" value = "imagewindow"> <param name = "console" value = "clip1"></p> <p><param name = "loop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "numloop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "center" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "maintainaspect" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "BackgroundColor" Value = "# 000000"></p> <p></ Object> <object id = "VID2" classid = "CLSID: CFCDAA03-8BE4-11CF-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA" width = 427 height = 30></p> <p><param name = "_ extentX" value = "11298"></p> <p><param name = "_ exTenty" value = "794"></p> <p><param name = "AutoStart" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "shuffle" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "prefeetch" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "nolabels" value = "- 1"></p> <p><param name = "src" value = "</p> <p>"Target =" _blank "> http://music.cnvnet.com/mtv/20010618/001.ram";>>>>>>></p> <p><param name = "controls" value = "controlpanel"></p> <p><param name = "console" value = "clip1"></p> <p><param name = "loop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "numloop" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "center" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "maintainaspect" value = "0"></p> <p><param name = "BackgroundColor" Value = "# 000000"></p> <p></ Object></p> <p>How can I let me do the web page to be searched in Goole?</p> <p>Business 168 search engine free landing entrance http://search.168yx.com/add.php</p> <p>China Search League Free Login Entrance: http://service.chinasearch.com.cn/web/frontward/free/free_protocol.htm Baidu Free Login Entrance: http://www.baidu.com/search/url_submit.htm</p> <p>Sina free login entrance: 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