xiaoxiao2021-03-06  105

API function name function Description Win16 available Win95 available Winnt available

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------

Abortdoc terminates a print job is

AbortPath terminates or cancels all the paths in the DC.

ABORTPRINTER Delete the printer buffer file No Yes?

AbortsystemShutdowna stop the system work?

AccessCheck Test Customer Access Permissions No Yes?

AccessCheckandauditaramm Test Access, generate sound or alerts?

ActivateKeyboardLayout activates a new keyboard device?

Added ACCESSALLOWACE Add Access_Allowed_ACE? No Yes Yes

AddaccessDeniedace Access_Denied_ace joined ACL No Yes Yes

AddAce adds ACE to an existing ACL no yes

AddATom adds a string to the local atomic table.

AddAuditaccessAce adds system_audit_ace to ACL No Yes Yes?

AddFontResource adds a font to the font table.

AddForm Add a printer form?

AddJOB starts a print job is not

AddMonitor Add a printer manager?

AddPort Add a printer port No Yes addPrintProcessor copies the print processor to the printer server is Yes

AddPrintProvidor adds a printer support?

AddPrinter creates a printer on the printer server.

AddPrinterConnection is the current user to establish a contact with the printer. No Yes

AddPrinterDriver is copied in the printer driver in the printer server?

AdjustTokenGroups enable / cancel the group in the token?

AdjustTokenPrivileges enable / cancel token privileges No Yes?

AdjustWindowRect calculation The size of the rectangle required is

AdjustWindowRectex calculation The size of the desired window rectangle is

AdvancedDocumentProperties is a printer advanced setting?

Allocconsole is established for the current process. No Yes

AllocateAndinitializesid assignment and initializing SID is YES

AllocatelocallyUnique Assign LUID is YES

Anglearc is arcing in the specified angle?

AnimatePalette replaces the project in the logical palette is

AnyPopup identifies whether the pop-up window exists is

Appendmenu adds a new item in the menu.

Is the Arc painting arc is ARCTO painting ovary?

ArealLaccessesGranted Checks all required access No Yes?

AreanyAccessesGranted Checks any requirements for access No Yes?

The minimized sub-window that ArrangeiconicWindows is used is

AttachthReadInput connects the clues to each other?

AUXGETDEVCAPS is getting the attachment capacity is

AUXGETNUMDEVS Returns Number The number of devices is yes

AUXGETVOLUME Gets the current volume setting is not

AUXOUTMESSAGE Send a message to the output device No Yes Yes?

AuxSetVolume Sets the attached device volume?

BackupEventLog saves event records to the reserve file No

BackupRead generates a tape backup read No Yes?

Backupseek generates tape backups, no

BackupWrite generates a tape backup write No Yes?

BEEP produces a tone?

BeGindeferWindowPOS creates a window location structure?

Beginpaint prepares a drawing window is

BeGinPath starts a path level is whether BeginUpdateresource starts the resource file update in the executable.

Bitblt is replicating in the device description of the device is

Bringwindowtotop recovery overlapping windows is

BroadcastsystemMessage is YES

BUILDCOMMDCB is to transfer device definition strings to DCBs is

BuildCommdcBandTimeouts establishes a CommDCB and sets the timeout value?

CallMSGFilter is transferring a message to the message filtering process is

CallNameDpipe multi-pipeline operation is

The next hook process in the CallNexthookex tuning chain is

CallWindowProc will a message aid window function?

Canceldc cancels any remaining operations on the DC?

Is Cascadewindows?

ChangeClipboardChain deletes a window from the clipboard to check the window is


CHANGESERVICECONFIG Modify Service Parameters No Yes Yes

CHARLOWER does not lower the characters or strings to lower-write?

CharLowerBuff becomes smaller than lower-write?

CHARNEXT Go to the next character of the string is a CharPrev to a string last character?

CHARTOOEM converts a string into OEM characters?

ChartooemBuff converts strings to OEM characters?

CHARUPPER will change characters or strings to uppercase?

Charupperbuff becomes smaller than lower-write?

Checkcolorsingamut Check if there is color in the device palette?

CheckdlgButton uses a dialog button to modify the check mark is

CheckMenuItem modifies the check mark attribute of the menu item.

CheckmenuradioItem is a

CheckRadiobutton places a check mark with a radio button is

ChildWindowFromPoint determines whether the a bit window is yes

ChildWindowFromPointex is YES

Choosecolor creates a color selection dialog box No Yes Yes

Choosefont creates a font selection dialog box No Yes Yes

No YesPixelformat

CHORD draws a string is

ClearCommbreak recovery character transmission is

ClearcomMerror allows an error to communicate? No is ClearEventLog eliminating event record No Yes?

CLIENTTSCREEN is converting customer point into a screen coordinate.

CLIPCURSOR is limited to the cursor in a rectangle?

CloseClipboard climbed the clipboard is

Is Closedesktop?

CloseDriver's light-closing multimedia driver is

Closeenhmetafile Light and closed Enhanced Module Document DC No Yes

CloseEventLog Light Event Record Handle is

One number in the Closefigure light path is YES

CloseHandle Close Open Open Object Handle is Yes

Closemetafile Close Windows Module file DC is

Closeprinter closed the open printer is YES

CloseServiceHandle Close Service Control Manager object No Yes

Closewindow minimizes the window is

CloseWindowStation is YES

ColorMatchTotarget Control Preview Device Description Table No Yes Yes

Combinergn is a zone in two zones.

CombineTransform combines two transformations? No is COMMCONFIGDIALOG?

CommmdlgeXtendedEdError returns an error data No Yes?

CommandLineToargv is YES

CompareFileTime compares two 64-bit file time yes

CompareString compares two partial specified strings No Yes

ConfigurePort Configuring the printer port is not

CONNECTNAMEDPIPE Waiting for the client to connect to?

ConnectToprinterDLG Displays the browsing dialog and connect to the network printer?

ContinueDebugevent keeps the trial clue continue?

Is ControlService send a control to the server?

ConvertDefaultLocale is the default local conversion to the actual local value?

CopyAcceleratorTable copy A acceleration table is yes

CopyCursor replicates a cursor is

Copyenhmetafile replication enhancement element file is not

CopyFile replication file is not

The Copyicon replication icon is


CopyLZFILE is a copyMetafile replication windows element file is

CopyRect replication rectangular size is

CopysID is copied in the SID in the buffer?

COUNTCLIPBOARDFORMATS Returns the number of clipboard formats is

CREATEACCELERATORTABLE Create an accelerator table?

CREATEBITMAP is built independently of the device's memory bitmap is

CreateBitMap Indirect is created with a Bitmap structure is

Createbrushindirect builds a brush with a specified property?

CreateCaret is a new shape for the system to build a new shape.

CREATECOLORSPACE Establishing a logical color area?

CreateCompATIBLEBITMAP is built with DC-compatible bitmaps is

CreateCompATIBLEDC establishes DC compatible with the specified DC.

CREATECONSOLESCREENBuffer returns the handle to a new screen buffer?

Createcursor creates a cursor with the specified size is

CREATEDC Establishment Device Description Table is

CreateDibPatternbrush is created from DIB.

CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT establishes a logical brush from the bitmap No Yes Yes



CREATEDIALOGODIRECTPARAM establishes a non-modular dialog from a memory module?

CREATEDIALOGPARAM establishes a non-modal dialog box?

CREATEDIRECTORY is created a new directory?

CREATEDIRECTORYEX Create a directory with template properties?

CreateDiscardableBitmap creates a to abandon bitmap is

CreatelllipticRGN is established an ellipse area?

CreatellLipTicRGNDirect is established an ellipse area is

CREATEENHMETAFILE Establishing the enhanced element DC No is

CREATEEVENT Return New Event Object One Handle is Yes

CreateFile is established, open or truncated files No

CREATEFILEMAPING Returns a new file image object A handle is YES?

CreateFont builds a logical font is

CreateFontIndirect is built with a logfont structure?

CREATEHALFTONEPALETTE Establish an intermediate tone color palette for device description table?

Createhatchbrush is built a brush brush is

CREATEIC Creation The context is whether Createicon builds an icon with a specified property.

CREATEICONFROMRESOURCE is set up an icon or cursor?

CREATEICONDIRECT is set up an icon or cursor?


CreateMDiWindow is created a new MDI window?

CreateMailSlot is established by mailsolt?

CreateMenu builds a menu is

CreateMetafile builds a Windows Module DC is

CREATEMUTEX returns the handle to the MUTEX object?

CREATENAMEDPIPE Establish a naming pipe instance?

CreatePalette builds a logical color palette is

CreatePatternbrush is created from the bitmap.

CREATEPEN establishes a logical brush is

CreatepenIndirect is built with a logpen structure is

CREATEPIPE establishes an anonymous pipeline?

CreatePolyPolygonRGN is based on the area consisting of polygon.

CreatePolygonRGN created a polygon area yes

CREATEPOPUPMENU Establishing pop-up menus Is CreatePrivateObjectSecurity Assign and initialize protection SD?

CREATEPROCESS is a new process and a clue object?

CREATEPROCESSSUSER Establish a new process of specifying a user?

CreateRectrGN creates a rectangular area is

CreateRectrGnIndirect is created with a Rect structure is whether it is

CreateRemoteThread creates a clue in another process No Yes Yes?

CREATEROUNDRECTRGN creates a rounded rectangle?

CreateScalableFontResource is a resource file with font information?

CREATESEMAPHORE is a new signal amount to a new signal?

CREATSERVICE Establish a service object?

CreateSolidbrush is built with a designated color to create a solid brush.

CreateTApePartition is established a new tape partition?

CreateThread creates a new clue?

The CreateWindowEx creation window is

DPTOLP is a logical coordinate of the device coordinate conversion bit.

DDEABANDONTRANSACTION Does unilateral interaction?

DDEACcessData Access DDE data object is

DDEADDDATA Add Data to DDE Data Object No Yes DDECLIENTTRANSACTION Start DDE Data Services No Yes

DDECMPSTRINGHANDLES compares two DDE string skewers?

DDECONNECT is established with the server's dialogue is

DDECONNECTLIST is built in multiple DDE dialog


DDECREATESTRINGHANDLE establishes DDE string skewers?

DDEDISCONNECT Termination DDE Dialogue is

DDEDISCONNECTLIST cancels the DDE dialog list is not

DdeEnableCallback enables or cancel one or more DDE dialogs is

DDEFREEDATAHANDLE Release DDE data object No Yes?

DDEFREESTRINGHANDLE Release DDE string handle is

DdegetData copies the data from the DDE data object to the buffer No Yes

DdegetLastError returns an error code set by the DDEML function?

DDEIMPERSONATECLIENT DDE server analog client is

DDEInitialize is using DDEML registration application?

DdekeepstringHandle adds available records for string handles.

DDENAMESERVICE Registration Cancel server name is yes

DDEPOSTADVISE Tips The server sends a suggested data to the client whether DDEQUERYCONVINFO returns information about DDE conversations No Yes

DDEQUERYNEXTSERVER gets the next handle in the dialogue list?

DDEQUERYSTRING copies the character string handle text to the buffer?

DdeReconnect rebuild DDE dialogue is

DDESETQUALITYOFSERVICE indicates whether the DDE quality of the service is yes

DDESETUSERHANDLE is associated with the user-defined handle and the transaction. No Yes Yes.

DDEUNACCESSDATA release DDE data object is YES

DdeunInitialize releases the application's DDEML resource is not

DEBUGAGAGAPROCESS connection debugging process is not

Is DEBUGBREAK to establish a breakpoint?

DEFDLGPROC provides the default window message process is

DefdriverProc defines the default message processor is

DefframeProc default MDI Framework window message process is

DEFMDICHILDPROC default MDI sub-window message process is

DEFWINDOWPROC calls the default window process is

The DeferWindowPOS update window location structure is

DefinedosDevice definition, redefine or delete DOS device name is

DELETEACE removes ACE from the existing ACL No Yes DeleteTom deletes an atom is

DELETECOLORSPACE Delete Specified Color Space is Yes?

DELETECRITICALSECTION delete the critical part yes

DELETEDC Delete Device Description Table is

DELETEENHMETAFILE Cancel the enhanced chamber file handle is yes

DELETEFILE Delete file is not

DELETEFORM deletes the printer form layer is not

DELETEMENU Delete menu item is

DeleteMetAfile cancels the Windows Module file handle is

DELETEMONITOR deletes the printer monitor is it

DELETEOBJECT is deleted from memory is an object is

DELETEPORT Delete The printer port is it is

DELETEPRINTPROCESSOR Delete The printer processor is

DELETEPRINTPROVIDOR Delete The printer provider is it?

DELETEPRINTER Delete the printer on the printer server is

DELETEPRINTERCONNECTION Delete and printer's connection is yes

DELETEPRINTERDRIVER Delete The printer driver is YES

DELETSERVICE Delete Service from the SC Manager database No Yes DEREGISTEREVENTSOURCE Light Event Handle No Yes?


DESTROYACCELERATORTABLE cancels the acceleration table is

DESTROYCARET cancels the current trip sign is

DESTROYCURSOR Cancel CreateCursor established cursor is

Destroyicon Cancels the icon created by Createicon is

DESTROYMENU Cancel menu and releases memory is

DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity deletes SD of the protected server object is Yes

The DestroyWindow cancel window is

DEVICECAPABILISIES The function returns the device driver?

DEVICEIOCONTROL Direct call driver is not

DialogBoxIndirectParam establishes a dialog from the memory module?

DisableThreadLibraryCalls is YES

DisconnectNameDpipe cuts off the server terminal of the naming pipe.

DispatchMessage sent a message to the window?

DLGDIRLIST populate directory list box is

DLGDIRLISTCOMBOBOX Fill Directory list box is

DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEX Returns user selection from Directory list boxes Is DLGDIRSELECTEX Returns from the Directory list box?

DoenvironmentSubst No Yes

DocumentProperties Configuring printer settings No Yes?

DosDateTimetOfileTime converts the MS-DOS date time to 64-bit format?

DragacceptFiles Registration window accepts that the content of the hockey file is

Dragdetect is not

Dragfinish releases the content of the allocation to the touch file is not

DragObject is it is

DragQueryFile returns a hocked file name?

DragQueryPoint returns to the mouse position is

DrawanImatedRects is YES


DrawEdge is not

Drawscape implements non-GDI Delivertula method?

DrawfocusRect is a rectangle with a focus style?

DrawfraMecontrol is a

Drawicon draws an icon in the specified device description table.

Is DRAWICONEX is DrawMenubar's heavy display menu bar?


DrawText draws formatted text in a rectangle?

DowTextex is it is

DRVGETMODULEHANDLE gets an example handle that can be installed drivers is

DuplicateHandle Copy Object Handle is YES

Does Duplicateicon are

DuplicateToken replication access token is not

Ellipse painting ellipse is

EmptyClipboard empty the clipboard and releases the data handle is

EnableMenuItem enables, cancel or makes the menu item cannot be activated.

EnableScrollBar enables, cancel the scroll bar?

EnableWindow device window enable status is

The location and size of the EnddeferWindowPOS update window is

EndDialog Hide Dialog is

Enddoc ending print job is

EndDocprinter ends the print job is not

Endpage ends one page is Yes Yes EndPageprinter ends the print page No Yes Yes

Endpaint is marked in the specified window.

Endpath End Path No Yes Yes

EndUpdateresource ends the resource update in the executable.

ENTERCRITICALSECTION joining the critical part yes


EnumChildWindows will pass the sub-window handle to the callback function is it is

ENUMCLIPBOARDFORMATS Returns the clipboard format is

ENUMDATEFORMATS enumeration local specified data format No Yes

ENUMDEPENDENTSERVICES enumeration is dependent on the device's service is



ENUMENHMETAFILE Returns GDI Call with Enhancement Module No Yes?

ENUMFONTFAMIL Returns the font of the specified family is not

ENUMFONTFAMILIESEX Returns the font of the specified family?

Enumfonts enumerates that the font on the specified device is yes

ENUMFORMS enumeration supported printer form is yes

ENUMICMPROFILES enumeration The color distribution available is Yes Enumjobs Get the print job information No Yes Yes?

ENUMMETAFILE uses a Windows Module file to return GDI call No Yes?

ENUMMONITORS enumeration available monitor No Yes

ENUMOBJECTS enumeration device description table The brush and brush in the table are

Enumports enumeration available printer port No Yes

ENUMPRINTPROCESSORDATATYPES The data type supported by the printer is not

EnumprintProcessors enumerates the installed printer processor?

ENUMPRINTERDRIVERS enumeration The installed printer driver is



ENUMPROPS Return Window Properties List No Yes

Enumpropsex Back Window Properties List No Yes

ENUMRESOURCELANGUAGES Lists Language Resources No Yes

ENUMRESOURCENAMES lists the resource name is

EnumResourceTypes lists the resource types No Yes Yes

ENUMSERVICESSTATUS Enumerates the service in the SC Manager database?

EnumsystemCodePages Enumerates installed available system code pages?

EnumsystemLocales enumerates the installed system is part of the ENUMTHREADWINDOWS Return Corps window No Yes?

ENUMTIMEFORMATS enumerates the local specified time format?


EqualpRefixSID Checks if the two SLD prefixes are equal?

EqualRect determines whether the two rectangles wait for

EqualRGN compares whether the two areas are equal

Equalsid checks if the two SLD security IDs are equal?

EraSetape Delete the specified segment of the tape.

ESCAPE allows access to the device is

EscapeCommfunction is sent to the extended COMM function is

EXCLUDECLIPRECT changes the tailoring area is

EXCLUDEUPDATERGN is to reject the update area from the tailorway

EXITPROCESS exits the current process No Yes?

EXITTHREAD exits the current clue?

EXITWINDOWS is close to Windows is

EXITWINDOWSEX Turn off Windows No Yes Yes

ExpandenvironmentStrings Expand Environment Variable String No Yes

Extcreatepen establishment logical brush No Yes ExtcreateRegion creates a zone from regional data No Yes?

EXTESCAPE allows access to private devices?

EXTFLOODFILL is the current brush padding area is

EXTSELECTCLIPRGN Select a zone as a cutting area?

EXTTEXTOUT is output in the rectangular area.

Extractassociated Icon Handle from File or Related EXE No Yes Yes?

Extracton returns from the executable of the icon. No Yes


FatalaPPEXIT End An application is yes

FATALEXIT returns to the debugger is

FileTimetodosDateTime converts the file time to the MS-DOS date No Yes Yes

FileTimetolocalFileTime will convert the UTC file time to the cost file time is yes

FileTimetosystemTime converts 64-bit time to system time yes

FillConsoleoutPutAttribute Write the property to the screen buffer No Yes?

FillConsoleOutputCharacTer writes the character to the screen buffer yes?

FillPath fills the current path?

FillRect is filling the rectangular area with a specified brush.

FillRGN uses a brush padding area whether it is Findatom to return a string at the local atomic table.

FindClose Close the Find Find File Description Table is

FindCloseChangeNotification Lights or Directory Modifications Waiting No Yes Yes

FindCloseprinterChangeNotification is YES

FindenvironmentString is not

FINDEXECUTABLE Returns the executable file name and the handle is not

FindFirstChangeNotification Settings Files or Directory Modifications Whether you are

FindfirstFile finds the first match file No Yes?

FindFirstFreeace returns a pointer to the first idle ACL byte?

FindfirstPrinterChangeNotification is YES

FindnextChangeNotification requests for the next file or directory change notice is

FindnextFile looks for the next matching file No Yes?

FindnextprinterChangeNotification is YES

FindResource is looking for resources in the module.

FindResourceEx looks for resources in the module?

FindText Establishing Finding Text Dialogs No Yes Yes

FindWindow returns a window handle related to the class and window names.

FindWindowEx is Fixbrushorgex No Yes

FlashWindow makes the window once it is

FLATTENPATH will change the arc as a line?

FLOODFILL is the current brush padding area is


FLUSHFILEBUFFERS Clear file buffer is yes

FLUSHINSTRUCACACHE Fill in the command buffer?

FlushViewoffile is filled with image view?

Foldstring transform strings are not

FormatMessage formatted message strings No Yes

Framerect draws a window frame with a specified brush No Yes?

Framergn's draws the border in the area for four weeks.

FREECONSOLE Release Console is YES

FREEDDELPARAM release DDE message iParam No Yes


FreeLibrary unloading library module is



FreeSid release SID?

GDICOMMENT is added to the enhanced chamber file No Yes Yes?

GDIFLUSH makes the current GDI flashing No yes

GDiGetBatchLimit Returns the number of buffers GDI function is yes

GDisetBatchLimit setting buffer GDI function number is yes

GENERATECONSOLECTRLEVENT Send a signal to the console process group?

Getacp Get an ANSI system code page No Yes?

GetAce returns a pointer to the ACE in the ACL.

GetAclinformation Returns Access Control Table Information No Yes Yes

GetActiveWindow Back Activity Window handle is

GetarcDirection is the arc and rectangular painting direction?

GetASpectratiofilterex returns the current Aspect-Ratio filter is

GetasyncKeyState determines the status of the key is

GetAtomname returns a local atom string is

GetBinaryType determines whether the binary executable file type is

GetBitmapBits copies the bitmap to the buffer?

GetBitMapDimensionEx Return bitmap width and high yet

GetBKColor Returns the current background color No Yes getBKMode Back Background mode No Yes?

GetBoundSRect Returns the current adjacent rectangle is

Getbrushorgex is YES

GetCPinfo gets the code page information is not

GetCapture is YES

GetCareTblinkTime Returns the Drafithd Block Flashing Time is

GetCareTPOS returns the current hairpin position No Yes Yes

GetCharabcWidths returns a character width?

GetCharabcWidthsfloat returns a character width?

GetCharWidth returns a character width?

GetCharWidth32 returns a character width?

GetCharWidthfloat returns part of the character width?

GetCharacterplacement Get string properties data No Yes?

GetClassInfo returns window class information?

GetClasslong returns window class data No Yes?

GetClassName Return Window Class Name No Yes

GetClassWord returns the window class memory word No Yes

GetClientRect Return Window Customer Area Coordinates No Yes GetClipbox Take the Tripping Area box No Yes?

GetClipCursor Returns the coordinates of the rectangle that restricts the cursor?

GetClipRGN Returns the current clip domain?

GetClipboardData returns the handle of the clipboard data?

GetClipboardFormatName returns the clipboard format name of the login?

GetClipboardowner Returns the clipboard owner window handle is

GetClipboardViewer Returns the first clipboard browsing window handle is

GetColoraDjustment Get Device Description Table Table Trims No Yes Yes

GetColorspace gets the specified color space is yes

Getcommconfig is not

Getcommmask Returns the Community Shield No Yes

GetcommmodemStatus Returns the modem control login value is yes

Getcommproperties returns a COMM device properties?

GetCommState Returns the COMM Device Control Block No Yes Yes?

Getcommtimeouts Returns a Comm Device Timeout Feature Value is

GetCommandline returns a pointer to the command line?

GetComPressedFileSize is YES

GetComputername Retrieves the current computer name No Yes getConsolecp Get the code page for the console?

GetConsolecurSorinfo Returns the cursor size No Yes Yes?

GetConsoleMode Return Console Input Output Model No Yes

GetConsoleOutputCP Output The code page for the console is yes

GetConsolescreenBufferInfo Returns the screen buffer information No Yes Yes

GetConsoletiTe returns the console window title is yes

GetCurrencyFormat No Yes

GetCurrentDirectory returns the current directory?

GetCurrentObject Returns the current object?

GetCurrentPositionEx returns the logical unit location is yes

GetCurrentProcess returns the handle of the current process No Yes

GetCurrentProcessID Returns the current process ID value is

GetCurrentThread returns the handle of the current clue?

GetCurrentThreadID returns the current clue ID value is

GetCursor returns the handle of the current cursor?

GetCursorpos returns the location of the current cursor?

GetDC Return window Description Table Scele is YES

GETDCEX Returns the handle of the descriptor table No Yes GetDcorgex returns the devices description table's conversion starting point No Yes Yes

GetDibcolortable is YES

GetDibits is copying the DIB bit to the buffer.

GetDateFormat gets a local date format?

Is getDefaultcommconfig?

GetDesktopWindow Returns the desktop window handle is yes

GetDeviceCaps return device performance?

GetDeviceGamMARAMP Gets the glow coefficient of the display is yes

GetDialogBaseUnits returns the conversation base unit No is

GetDiskFreespace returns an idle disk space?

GetDLGCTRLID returns the ID value of the son window?

GetDLGITEM Returns the dialog control handle is YES

Getdlgitemint converts the dialog text to an integer?

GetdlgiteMtext Returns the dialog control text No Yes

GetDoubleClicktime Returns the mouse double-click time no

GetDriveType returns to specify the drive type No

GetDriverModuleHandle Returns the driver module example handle is yes

GetENHMETAFILE Establish an enhancement element file No Yes GetENHMetAfileBits Copy the enhancement chamber file value to the buffer?

GetENHMETAFILEDESCRIPTION Returns the title and builder of the enhanced chamber file?

GetenhmetafileHeader returns to enhance the primitive file header No Yes

GetenhmeTAFILEPALETEENTERTEENTRIES Returns the enhanced charm file palette portfolio

GetEnvironmentStrings returns a pointer to the environment block?

GetENVIRONMENTVARIABLE Returns the process environment variable is not

GetExitCodeProcess returns the process is not

GetExitCodetHread returns the clue interrupt code No Yes Yes

GetExpandedname takes the original text name of the compressed file is

GetFileAttributes return file properties No Yes

GetFileInformationByHandle returns file information No Yes?

GetFileSecurity Gets file or directory security information is yes

GetFileSize returns the specified file size No Yes

GetFileTime Returns 64-bit time No Yes Yes?

GetFileTitle returns a file name?

GetFileType returns a file type No Yes Yes?

GetFileVersionInfo returns the version information of the file is not

GetFileVersionFoSize Returns the available version information size No Yes getfocus Returns the current focus window handle is

GetFontData returns the font data is

GetFontLanguageInfo Gets the information display of the font display description table is yes

GetForegroundWindow returns the foreground window handle?

GetForm gets the printer window information No Yes Yes

GetFullPathname Returns the path name of the file?

GetGlyphoutLine retrieves the contour data is

GETGRAPHICSMODE Retrieves the specified DC graphics mode is Yes

GetHandleInformation is not

GeticMprofile returns the color image of the device scene is

GeticonInfo returns icon or cursor information No Yes Yes

GetInputState determines the mouse, keyboard, timer status is

GetJob Gets print job information No Yes Yes

GetkbcodePage Get the OEM system code page is

GetkernelObjectSecurity returns kernel object SD?

GetkerNingPairs returns the current intracribed core check is

GetKeyNameText returns a string representing the keyboard name is

GetKeyState returns the status of the virtual key whether it is getKeyboardLayout?

GetKeyboardLayoutList No is

GetKeyboardLayOutname Returns the active keyboard version of the name?

GetKeyboardState returns the virtual keyboard status is

GetKeyboardType returns the keyboard information is

GetLargestConsoleWindowsize Returns the maximum possibility of the window size is

GetLastactivePopup determines that the nearest event pop-up window is

GetLastError returns an extension error code No Yes?

GetLengthsid returns a SID length?

GetLocalTime Returns local time and date No Yes Yes

GetLocaleInfo gets local information from the record?

GetLogColorspace gets the logical color space information No Yes Yes

GetLogicalDriveStrings Returns the legitimate drive string No Yes

GetLogicalDrives Specifies whether the legitimate drive is

GetMailSlotinfo returns the mailbox information No Yes

GetMapMode returns the image mode is

GetMenu returns the menu handle of the specified window.

GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions Returns the default check mark bitmap size is getMenuContextHelpid?

Is GetMenudefaultItem?

GetMenuItemCount returns menu item is

GetMenuItemID returns the menu item identifier is

GetMenuItemInfo is YES

GetMenuItemRect is not

GetMenustate returns the menu tag for the specified menu item.

GetMenUString is copying the menu item string into the buffer.

GetMessage returns a message from the clue message queue is

GetMessageExtrainfo returns the information about the hardware message is

GetMessagePos returns the cursor position of the last message is

GetMessageTime returns the time position of the last message is

GetMetAfile is established by the Windows element file is

GetMetAfileBitsex copies the Windows Module file into the buffer?

GetMetarGN returns the current element area is YES

GetMiterlimit Returns the current MITER-JOIN length No Yes Yes

GetModuleFileName Returns the path to the specified module is

GetModuleHandle returns the handle of the specified module is a getNameDpiPiPiPeHandleState Returns a nodes handle message No Yes?

GetNamedPipeInfo returns a naming pipe handle message No Yes?

GetnearestColor returns the most recent available color is

GetnearestPaletteIndex returns the nearest match color is

GetNextdlGroupItem's handle of the previous or last set of controls is

GetNextdlgTabItem returns before or after a WS_TABSTOP control is

GetNextWindow returns ahead or the latter window manager window is

GetNumberFormat is YES

GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents returned to the console queue event number No Yes?

GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons Returns the number of mouse buttons?

GetNumberofEventLogRecords gets the number of records in the event record is YES

Getoemcp Get OEM System Code Page No Yes Yes

GetObject returns the object information is

GetObjectType returns an object type?

GETOLDESTEVENTLOGRECORD Return to the earliest number of records?

GetopenClipboardWindow returns the window handle to open the Clipboard is

GetopenFileName establishes a file name dialog box?

GetOutlineTextMetrics Returns the topome of the TrueType font that is getoverlappedResult Returns the last overlap result is yes

GetPaletteEntries returns the port of the palette.

GetParent returns a parent handle is

All straight lines and curves in the GetPath return path are

GetPixel returns the RGB value of the specified pixel.

Getpixelformat is YES

GetPolyfillMode returns the current polygon padding mode is

GetPrintProcessRIRECTORY Get the printer driver processor path No Yes?

GetPrinter gets the printer information is not

GetPrinterData gets the printer configuration information is not

GetPrinterDriver gets the printer driver information No Yes

GetPrinterDriverDirectory gets the printer driver path No Yes?

GetPriorityClass returns the priority class of the process?

GetPriorityClipboardFormat returns the first clipboard format is

GetPrivateObjectSecurity returns to protect server objects SD?

GetPrivateProfileint gets an integer from a private file?

GetPrivateProfileSection returns to private keys and values?

GetPrivateProfileString Gets a string from a private file Is the getProcAddress returned function address No Yes?

GetProcessAffInityMask Gets the processing table column available for tasks?

GetProcessHeap Get the calling process The stack is yes

GetProcessHeaps No Yes

GetProcessShutDownParameters returns the process stopped parameter is yes

GetProcesstimes Get Process Timer is Yes?

GetProcessWindowStation Returns the process window station handle is yes

GetProcessWorkingsetSize is YES

GetProfileint gets an integer from win.ini?

GetProfileSection returns keywords from Win.ini?

GetProfileString is a string from win.ini is

GetProp returns the data handle from the window properties table column is

Getqueuesttus determines that the message queue content is

GetQueuedCompletionStatus is YES

Getrop2 returns the current drawing mode is

GetRasterizerCaps returns the system TrueType status is

GetRegionData returns zone data yes

GETRGNBOX Return zone Border rectangle is a GetSaveFileName created a file name save dialog? No Yes Yes

GetScrollInfo is YES

GetScrollPOS returns the slider position is

GetScrollRange returns the slider sport range is

GetSecurityDescriptorControl Retrieves SD correction and control information No Yes

GetSecurityDescriptORDACL Returns SD Discrete ACL No Yes Yes

GetSecurityDescriptorgroup Returns SD Personal Group Information No Yes Yes?

GetSecurityDescriptorLength Returns the SD length No Yes Yes?

GetSecurityDescriptorowner returns an SD owner?

GetSecurityDescriptorsaCL returns an SD system ACL?

GetServenticeDisplayName Get Service Display Name is

GetServiceKeyname Get Service Login Key Name No Yes Yes

GetshortPathname returns a file short path No Yes?

GetSidIdentifierauThority Returns the ID field address No Yes Yes

GetSidensRequired returns the desired SID length is not

GetsidSubauthority returns the specification array address No Yes Yes?

GetsidSubauthorityCount returns the subsection address No Yes?

GetStartupInfo gets the startup information for the current process No Yes getStdHandle Returns the standard I / O handle is

GetStockObject returns a common brush, a handle of a brush or field?

GetStretchBltmode returns a bitmap stretch mode is

GetStringTypea gets the ANSI string type No Yes Yes

GetStringTyPeex is YES

GetStringTypeW Get a Unicode string type No Yes?

GetSubMenu returns the pop-up menu handle is

Getsyscolor returns to display element color is

Getsyscolorbrush is YES

GetSystemDefaultLCID Getting System Default Local ID No Yes

GetSystemDefaultLangID Getting System Default Language ID No Yes

GetSystemDirectory returns a Windows system directory path is

GetSystemInfo returns system information No Yes Yes

GetSystemMenu Access the system menu is

GetSystemMetrics returns the system metric is

GetSystemPaletteentries returns the system palette entry is

GetSystemPaletteuse determines that the use of the entire system palette is

GetSystemPowerStatus Get System AC or DC Power Status No Yes GetSystemTime Return System Time and Date?

GetSystemTimeAdjustment is YES

GetTabbedTextExtent is determined that the tab is the size of the string.

GetTapeParameters returns a tape drive or media information?

GettaPosition Returns the current tape position No Yes?

GetTapestatus Returns the tape drive status No Yes

GetTempFileName establishes a temporary file name is

GetTemppath returns a temporary file path?

GetTextAlign returns a text alignment flag is

GetTextChacTerextra returns a text character interval is

No is a getTextCharset?

GetTextCharsetInfo returns the current font setting information No Yes

GetTextColor returns the current text color is

GettextExtentExPoint returns a sub-string length array is yes

GetTextExtentPoint returns a string size is

GetTextExtentPoint32 returns a string size No Yes?

GetTextFace returns the word of the current font, is

GetTextMetrics Returns the metric of the current font yes that getthreadContext returns the specified clue description table.

GetthReadDesktop returns a clois desktop handle?

GetThreadLocale gets the clue local information No

GetThreadPriority returns a specified clue priority?

GetThreadSelectorentry Returns Corps Description Port No Yes Yes

GetthReadTimes return cloalk timing information No Yes

GetTickCount returns Windows running time is

GetTimeFormat gets a local specified time string in place yes

GetTimeZoneInformation returns the current time zone information No Yes

GetTokenInformation returns to the specified token information is yes

GetTopWindow Returns the top son handle of the specified window is

GetUpdateRect Return window update area size is

GetUpdatergn returns the window update area size is

GetUserDefaultLCID Get User By default local ID?

GetUserDefaultLangid gets the user's default language ID No Yes?

GetUserName Returns Username No Yes Yes

GetUserObjectInformation is YES

GetUserObjectSecurity Returns server object SD information No Yes GetVersion Returns Windows and operating system versions are

GetVersionEx returns the extension operating system version information is not

GetViewPortexTex returns the window width is

GetViewPortorgex returns a viewport source is

GetVolumeInformation returns file system information?

GetwinmetafileBits returns the element file content of the Windows format.

GetWindow returns the specified window handle is

GetWindowContextHelpid is YES

GetWindowDC Back Window Device Factory Description Table is

GetWindowExTex returns the width of the window is

GetWindowlong returns a long value from the additional window memory is

GetWindoworgex returns the window source is

GetWindowPlacement returns the window display status and minimum / maximum location is

GetWindowRect returns the window coordinates is

GetWindowRGN is YES

GetWindowText copies the window toolbar text to the buffer is

GetWindowTextLength Back Window Toolbar text length is

GetWindowThreadProcessID Return Window Corps and Procedure ID No Yes GetWindowWord returns a word value from the additional window memory is

GetWindowsDirectory returns the window Windows directory is

GetWorldTransform returns the current transform type No Yes?

GlobalAddatom adds a string in the system atomic table.

GlobalAlloc is allocated in the heap.

Is GlobalCompact?

GlobalDeeTom is deleted from the system atomic table is

GlobalFindatom returns a string from the global atomic table is

Globalfix is ​​YES

Globalflags returns the global memory block information is

GlobalFree releases the global memory block is

GlobalGetAmname returns the global atom string is

GlobalHandle converts global pointer to handle is

GlobalLock locks the memory object and returns a pointer is

GlobalMemoryStatus Checks the memory status yes

GlobalRealloc Modify the Global Inpass Block Size / Property is

GlobalSize returns a global memory block size is

GlobalUnwire is Globalunfix?

GlobalUnlock unlocking global memory block is

GlobalWire is YES

Graystring draws gray text in the specified location?

HEAPALLOC is allocated from the heap. No Yes

HEAPCompact compressed memory stack is yes

HeapCreate builds a stack?

Heapdestroy cancels no

HeapFree releases the memory allocated from the heap?

HEAPLOCK lock stack is not

HEAPREALLOC is allocated from the bunch of memory than whether it is

Heapsize returns the size of the object No is Yes

HEAPUNLOCK Release Stack No

HeapValidate verification specified stack structure is

Hidecaret hidden the character number is

HiliteMenuItem modification top-level menu item high brightness is


Is IMMassociateContext?



Is ImmdestroyContext?














ImmgetimeFileName is not






Is ImminstallIMe?


Immisuimessage is not



ImmreeleaseContext isn't








Is ImmunRegisterWord?

ImpersonatedDeclientWindow analog DDE Customer window is Yes?

ImpersonateLoggedonuser Simulation Specifies whether the user is


The impersonateseelf get the analog token of the calling process.

INSENDMESSAGE determines if the window is performing sendMessage is

INFLATERECT changes the rectangular size is

INITATOMTABLE initializes the local atomic table is

INITIALIZEACL Establish a new access control table?

InitializeCriticalSECTION initializes the critical paragraph object No Yes Yes

InitializeSecurityDescriptor initialization security description is

INITIALIZESID initialization SID No Yes INITIATESYSTEMSHUTDOWN Turn off the system No Yes?

INSERTMENU joins the new menu item is


InterlockedDecrement reduces long?

InterlocKedExchange automatic switch 32-bit value is yes

InterlockedIncrement increases whether or not

INTERSECTCLIPRECT creates a clip area is

INTERSECTRT calculates that the two rectangular overlap is

INVALIDATERECT adds a rectangle in the update area if it is

INVALIDATERGN is to join a zone in an update area is

The InvertRect flip rectangular area is

InvertRGN flipping area color is

IsbadCodePtr determines whether the legality of the read pointer is

IsbadhuGReadPtr determines whether the legality of the read pointer is

IsbadhuGewritePtr Determines if there is a write actions?

IsbadReadPtr Determines if there is a read action?

IsbadStringPTR determines the legality of the string pointer is

IsbadwritePtr Determining the legality of the write pointer is whether it is iScharalPHA to determine whether the string is a letter is

IscharalPhanumeric determines if the string is a number?

Ischarlower determines whether the string is lower-written?

Ischarupper determines if the string is uppercase?

Ischild determines if the window is a son window?

IsclipboardFormatavailable determines if the format is available?

IsdbcsleadByte determines if the character dbcs boot byte is

IsDialogMessage determines if the message is used for dialog boxes?

IsdlgButtonChecked OK OK button control status is

Isiconic determines if the window is smallering is

IsMenu determines whether the handle is a menu is

IsRectempty determines if the rectangle is empty?


IsValidacl makes access control tables are valid?

IsValidCodePage determines if the code page is valid?

IsValidLocale determines if the local code is valid?

IsValidSecurityDescriptor makes security descriptions are valid?

IsValidSID makes SID valid no yes is iswindow determine if the window handle is effective?

IsWindowNableD determines if the window receives the user input is

IsWindowunicode determines if the window uses Unicode No Yes?

IsWindowVisible determines if the window is visible is

Iszoomed determines if the window is maximized is

JoygetDevCaps determines if the joystick is available?

Is the number of JoyGetNumDevs returns a joystick?

JoygetPOS returns the position of the joystick and the button activity is

JoygetPosex Returns the joystick position extension information is yes

JoygetThreshold Returns the joystick movement critical value is

JoyreleaseCapture releases the joystick Capture No Yes

JOYSETCAPTURE is captured for the specified window No Yes Yes

JOYSETTHRESHOLD Sets the critical value of the joystick movement?

KEYBD_EVENT Strike button event is yes

KillTimer Medium Stop timer is


LCREAT is not

LCMapString Image String No Yes LPTODP will change the logical point to the device pointer is

LZClose off file is

LZCopy replicates file or compression is


LZINIT initializes the compressed data structure is

Lzopenfile opens the file is

LZRead reads data from the compressed file is

The pointer in the LZSeek relocation file is

Is LZStart?

LeaveCriticalSECTION keeps the previous input critical section?

No is a continuous point in the LINEDDA calculation line.

LINETO is drawing a line from the current location.

Is Llseek?

LoadAccelerators is loaded with the acceleration table is

Loadbitmap is loaded in a bitmap resource.

LoadCursor is loaded with a cursor resource?

LoadCursorFromFile is YES

Loadicon is loaded into the icon resource is whether LoadImage is YES?

LoadKeyboardLayout keyboard is equipped to load memory?

The LoadLibrary image module is that the address space is

LoadLibraryEx returns the library module handle?

LoadMenu is put into the menu resource is

LoadMenuindirect Get menu template handle is

LoadModule is loaded and running the program is

LoadResource returns the resource handle is

LoadString is loaded into a string resource is

Localalloc is owned from the heap.

LocalCompact is not

LocalFileTimetOfileTime Transfer local file time to UTC file time No Yes?

Localflags returns a local memory block information is

LocalFree releases the local memory information is

LocalHandle returns the native pen handle is

Locallock locks the local memory object and returns the pointer is

LocalRealloc Modifying the local memory size and attributes yes

Localshrink No Yes Localsize Returns Local Metall Block Size Is Yes?

LocalUnlock unlocking local memory block is

LockFile locks a byte range No Yes

LockFileEx locks a byte range is no

LockResource Returns the resource address is

LockServiceDatabase Lock Specify SC Manager Database No

LockWindowUpdate is prohibited or enabled in the window painting

Logonuser login user is not

Lookupaccountname turned the account name to SID?

LookupaccountsID turns SID to an account name?

LookuPiconidFromDirectory Returns an icon or cursor ID coordinate?

LookuPiconidFromDirectoryEx is YES

LookupprivilegeDisplayName Returns a visible privilege name?

LookuppprivileGename Returns the programmable privileged name?

LookuppprivileGeValue Returns privilege name Luid?

Lopen is a


Is LSTRCAT Yes Is LSTRCMP compare two strings?

LSTRCMPI compares two strings are



LSTRLEN returns a character number in the string?


Makeabsolutesd is established independent SD?

MakeseelfReLATIVESD is built from related SD?

MapDialogRect The dialog image to the pixel is

MapGenericmask image for special access to dedicated / standard is Yes

MapViewOffile is a view image into the address space?

MapViewOffileEx will enter the view image into the address space yes

MapVirtualKey conversion virtual keyword code or scan code is

MapVirtualKeyex is YES

MapWindowPoint is converted to another coordinate system is

Maskblt conversion bitmap is not

McIExecute executes the MCI device command?

MciGetCreatOask returns to create a task No Yes MciGetDeviceID returns the ID corresponding to the device name?

MciGetDeviceIDFROMELEMENTID Use Element Reference Back Device ID No Yes Yes?

MciGeTERRORSTRING Returns the text description of MCI error code?

MciGetIELDPROC gets the process address is yes

McISendCommand issues a command message to the MCI device?

McISendString issues a command string to the MCI device?

MCISETYIELDPROC setup process address is yes

MenuItemFromPoint No Yes

MessageBeep produces sounds yes

The Messagebox creates a message box form is

MessageBoxEx creates a message box form?

MessageBoxIndirect is YES

Midiconnect connection MIDI device is Yes

MidiDisconnect disconnects the MIDI device is yes

MidiinAddBuffer sends input buffers to the MIDI device.

MidiinClose off MIDI input device is

MidiingeTDEVCAPS determines whether MIDI device performance is

MidiingeTerRortext returns the text description of the MIDI error code No Yes MidiingeTID returns the MIDI device handle ID No Yes

MidiingeTNumdevs Returns the number of MIDI devices is yes

MidiInMessage Send a message to the MIDI device driver?

Midiinopen ON MIDI device is Yes?

MidiInPrepareHeader Prepare the MIDI input buffer No Yes?

MidiInReset ends MIDI input and standard input buffer no yes

MidiInStart starts MIDI Enter devices No Yes

MidiInstop ends MIDI input No Yes Yes

MidiNPrePareHeader Clear the Preparation Other

MIDIOUTCACHEDRUMPATCHES pre-installed into the MIDI collision correction code No Yes Yes

MidiOutcachepatches pre-installed into the MIDI fix code No Yes Yes

MIDIOUTCLOSE is turned off MIDI output device?

MidiOutgetDevcaps Returns the performance of MIDI output device?

MIDIOUTGETERRORTEXT Returns MIDI Output Error Wen this is

MIDIOUTGETID Returns MIDI Output Device ID No Yes Yes

MidiOutGetNumdevs get the number of MIDI output devices is yes

MIDIOUTGETVOLUME Returns MIDI Output Device Volume No Yes

MIDIOUTLONGMSG Send System Dedicated MIDI message No Yes MidioutMessage Send a message to the MIDI device driver? No Yes Yes?


MIDIOUTPREPAREHEADER Prepare MIDI Output Data Block No Yes Yes?

MIDIOUTRESET ends MIDI output and tag buffer no yes

MIDIOUTSETVOLUME Setup MIDI Output Equipment Volume is Yes

MIDIOUTSHORTMSG send short messages to the MIDI output device?

MIDIOUNPREPAREHEADER Eliminating the MIDI output header is

MidistreamClose closed the open MIDI stream?

Midistreamopen opens the MIDI stream?

Midistreamout is sent to MIDI streams No Yes Yes?

Midistreampause suspended MIDI stream?

MidistreamPosition Gets the current location of the MIDI stream?

MidiStreamProperty gets the MIDI stream property is

MidistreamRestart restarts to specify whether the MIDI stream is

MidistreamStop stops playing the MIDI stream?

MixerClose Close Hybrid Equipment No Yes

MixergetControlDetails gets the specified hybrid control is not

MixergetDevCAPS Get Confuser Performance No Yes MixergetID Get A Mixer ID value is Y?

MixergetLineControls returns a mixer line control?

MixergetLineInfo gets the mixer information No Yes Yes

MixergetNumdevs get the current mixture number is yes

MixerMessage Send a message to a hybrid device No Yes Yes

Mixeropen opens the hybrid device is YES

MixersetControlDetails placed in a mixer control?

MMIOADVANCE direct I / O buffer is it?

Mmioascend beyond the RIFF block?

Is MMIOCLOSE close the MM file?

Is MMIOCREATECHUNK Establishing a Riff file block?

MmioDescend reduces the Riff block No Yes?

Mmioflush converts the MM I / O buffer to disk No Yes?

MmioGetInfo returns MM file information No Yes Yes

MmioInstallioproca loading and deleting custom I / O processes are yes

MmioPen Opens Multimedia file?

Is MMIOREAD reading a file?

MmioreName Rename Multimedia File Name is MMISEEK to change the current file location No Yes?

MMIOSENDMESSAGE Send a message to the I / O process No Yes Yes

MMISetBuffer Control I / O buffer No Yes

Is MMISetInfo setup file information?

MMIStringTOFOURCC will become a string to four character code?

Is Mmiowrite write a file?

MMSystemGetVersion returns the MM software version is Yes Yes?

ModifyMenu change the menu item is

ModifyWorldTransform changes the world transform type No Yes?

Mouse_Event Record the mouse event is not

Whether the MoveFile reamerk file is

Whether the MoveFileEx rename file is not

MoveToex mobile current location is

MoveWindow changes window location and size is

MsgwaitFormultiPleObjects Waiting for multiple object handles?

MULDIV will multiply the two numbers and divided by the result.

MultiByToWideChar will make a multimedia string image as a wild-assigned string?

NetBIOS runs specified NCB No Yes NotifyBootConfigStatus Notification Response Boot Configuration No Yes

NotifyChangeEventLog is YES

ObjectCloseauditaram deletes an object to generate a review / alert No

ObjectopenauditaRM When accessing an object, a review / alert is not

The ObjectPrivilegeauditaRM creates a review / alert when privileged.

OEMKEYSCAN is a scan code in the OEM ASCII image?

OEMTOCHAR conversion OEM string is not

OEMTOCHARBUFF conversion OEM string is not

OffsetClipRGN Mobile Clip District is

OffsetRect is moving with an offset to move a rectangle?

OffsetRGN is moving with the specified offset to move the area is

OffsetViewportorgex mobile viewport area is

OffsetWindoworgeX mobile window area is

OpenBackupeventLog opens the backup event handle?

OpenClipboard opens the clipboard is

OpenDesktop No Yes

OpenDriver opens the installable driver is

OpenEvent Open Event Object No Yes OpenEventLog Open Event Registration Handle Is Yes?

OpenFile is established, open or delete files is

OpenFilemapping Open the image object of the name file is Yes Yes?

OpenICON activation minimization window is

OpenInputDesktop is YES

OpenMUTEX Open Name Mutex Object No Yes?

Openprinter gets the handle of the specified printer is yes

OpenProcess returns the handle to the process object?

OpenProcessToken opens the process token object?

OpenSCManager Connection Service Control Manager is YES

OpenSemaphore Open Name Signal Objects No Yes

OpenService open service No Yes

OpenTHREADTOKEN opens the clue token object?

OpenWindowStation is YES

OutputDebugstr No Yes Yes

OutputDebugstring is to send a string to debug a string.

PackDDELPARAM Packaging the DDE Message iParam No Yes

PageSetupdlg Establish and Display Page Settings dialog box No is PaintDesktop No Yes?

PaintrGN is a brush fill area in the device description table is

Patblt establishes a bitmap pattern is

Is the Pathtoregion establishment area?

PeekMessage Check Message Queue is

PEEKNAMEDPIPE Pre-displays pipeline queue data is yes

PIE draws a cake shaped picture is

PLAYENHMETAFILE runs the enhancement element file?

PlayenhmetafileRecord runs enhanced primitive file record No Yes Yes?

Playmetafile runs Windows Module file to DC is

PlaymetafileRecord is running Windows chamber file logging is

PlaySound playing the sound file is not

PLGBLT transmission pixels is yes

Polybezier painting bezier curve is

Polybezierto painted Bezier Curve No Yes

POLYDRAW draws a series of straight lines and Bezier curves?

PolyPolygon painted a series of polygons yes

PolyPolyline painting connection segment No Yes POLYTEXTOUT Write String String No Yes Yes?

Polygon painting polygon is

POLYLINE drawing segment is

POLYLINETO draws one or more straight lines yes

PostMessage adds messages to the clue message queue is

PostquitMessage Informs the Windows Clue to interrupt it is

PostthReadMessage issues a message to the clue No Yes Yes?

PREPARETAPE Prepare Tape Equipment No Yes

PRINTDLG Establishing a Print Text dialog box No Yes?

PrinterMessageBox shows that the print job error message is yes

PRINTERPROPERTIES Modifying the printer attribute is yes

PrivilegeCheck Checks the privileged security description table.

PrivilegedServiceAuditaram generates a privileged system service sound alert No Yes?

PtinRect determines if the point is in the rectangle is

PtinRegion is not

Is the PTVisible query point in the editing area?

PulseEvent settings and reset the event is yes

PurgeCOMM eliminating communication queue No Yes QueryDosDevice Get DOS device name information No Yes?

QueryperFormanceCounter gets the count value is

QueryperFormanceFrequency returns the count frequency is yes

QueryServiceConfig Get Service Configuration Parameters No Yes

QueryServiceLockStatus Get Service Database Locked Status is

QueryServiceObjectSecurity Get Service Object Security Description No Yes Yes

QueryServiceStatus Get Service Status is

RaiseException establishes an abnormal condition?

READCONSOLE reads the console input data is not

READCONSOLEOUTPUT reads screen buffer data No

ReadConsoleOutputttribute reads console properties string No Yes

READCONSOLEOUTPUTCHARACTER reads the screen buffer string No Yes

READEVENTLOG read event record No Yes?

READFILE reads the file No Yes

READFILEEX is eager to read files?

READPRINTER reads printer data No Yes Yes

ReadProcessMemory is read in the process?

REALIZEPALETTE is a logical palette image to a system palette whether it is a rectinRegion query rectangle whether there is an overlap area is

The RectVisible query rectangle has a editing area?

Rectangle draws a rectangle is

RedRawwindow update the customer window is

Regclosekey is close to the login keyword No

RegconnectRegistry connection remote login No Yes

RegcreateKey builds a keyword?

RegcreateKeyex builds a keyword?

RegdeleteKey deletes keywords No Yes?

RegdeleteValue deletes a value from the login keyword No Yes?

RegenumKey lists the subscriber keywords for the specified keyword.

RegenumKeyex lists the child keywords for specifying the keyword.

RegenumValue lists the value of specified keywords yes

Regflushkey write keywords No Yes?

ReggetKeySecurity gets logging in key security attributes No Yes?

RegloadKey registration keyword and sub-keyword no yes

RegNotifyChangeKeyValue Displays the change of the registration keyword?

RegopenKey Opens the keyword No Yes RegopenKeyex Open the keyword No Yes?

RegQueryInfoKey returns login word information No Yes Yes?

RegQueryValue Returns the specified keyword name?

RegQueryValueex returns the type and value of the keyword?

RegreplaceKey changes keywords No Yes?

RegrestoreKey Login Save Tree No Yes Yes

RegsaveKey will save the tree saved by the login. No Yes.

RegsetKeySecurity Set the security attribute of logging in keyword No Yes?

RegSetValue is associated with the text string with the specified keyword is

RegSetValueEx associates text strings with the specified keyword?

RegunloadKey Uninstalling the keyword from the record No Yes Yes?

Is the RegisterClass Registration window class?

RegisterClassex is

RegisterClipboardFormat registers the new clipboard format is

Registereventsource Returns the registered event record handle is

Registerhotkey registration hotkey is

RegisterServiceCtrlHandler Registration Service Control The request handle is yes

RegisterWindowMessage defines a new window message is release, release mouse capture, is it?

ReleaseDC Release Device Description Table is

ReleaseMutex releases a metrical object?

RELESESEMAPHORE release semaphore object?

REMOVEDIRECTORY Delete Directory is

REMOVEFONTRESOURCE delete font resources is

REMOVEMENU deletes menu items and pop-up menus are

REMOVEPROP Delete Property List is

ReplaceText Establishing Text Dialogs No Yes Yes

ReplyMessage responds to the message sent by SendMessage is

REPORTEVENT Write Event Record The project is not

RESETDC Update Device Description Table No Yes Yes?

ResetEvent Reset Event Object No Yes

RESETPRINTER Settings the print data type and device mode value is

ResizePalette modified logical palette size is

RESTOREDC recovery device description table is

RESUMETHREAD starts to suspend the clues are

ReusedDelParam reuses DDE message iParam No Yes REVERTTOSELF stop analog?

RoundRect is a rectangular rectangle.

SHAPPBARMESSAGE Settings Task Bar Messages No Yes

SHFILEOPERATION ON does not have system file objects?

SHFREENAMAPPINGS release file name image object is not

SHGETFILEINFO Get a workstable shell folder interface No Yes?


SaveDC Save Device Description Table is

SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX adjusts the viewport size is

ScaleWindowExTex adjustment window size is

SCHEDULEJOB scheduling homework is yes

SCREENTOCLIENT converts the screen point to the customer coordinate is

ScrollConsolescreenBuffer scrolling data in the screen buffer is yes

ScrollDC level or vertical movement rectangle is

ScrollWindow Mobile Window Customer Area is

ScrollWindowEx mobile window client area is

SearchPath lookup file is not

SELECTCLIPPATH Selection The current path is the clip area is whether it is a selectcliprgn selected editing area is

SelectObject selected object is

SELECTPALETTE selection palette is

SenddlgiteMMessage sent a message to the dialog control

SendDriveRMessage sent messages to the installed driver

SendMessage Send a message to the window process is

SendMessageCallback Send a message to the window process No Yes Yes

SendMessageTimeout Send a message to the window process No Yes Yes

SendNotifyMessage Send a message to the window process No Yes Yes

SETABORTPROC device print job abandonment function is yes

SetAclinformation device ACL information is yes

SetActiveWindow activates the top window is

SetarcDirection Settings No Your Arc Direction?

SetBitMapBits Set the value of the bitmap is

SetBitMapDimensionEx Set the wide and high of bitmaps yes

Setbkcolor settings the current background color is yes

SetBKMode Setup Background Mode is

SETBOUNDSRECT controls adjacent rectangular overlap is whether setbrushorgex sets the starting point of the current brush?

SetCapture Setting the mouse capture is

SetCareTblinkTime Sets the trip number flashing time is

SetCareTPOS settings the line number location is

SetClasslong Sets the additional class memory length value is

SetClassword Sets the value of the additional class memory word is

SetClipboardData Sets whether the data in the clipboard is

SetClipboardViewer is adding to the window in the Clipboard browser chain.

SetCOLORADJUSTMENT Adjustment Colors No Yes

SetColorspace Set the color space yes

SetCommbreak hangs the character transfer is


SetCommmask Settings Communication Event Shield No Yes

SetCommState sets the communication device status is

SetcommTimeoutS setting communication read and write time range is yes

SetComputerName Set the current computer name?

SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer change the display screen buffer No Yes?

SetConsolecp Settings Console Enter the code page No Yes SetConsolectrlHandler Set the single handle of the console process No Yes

SetConsolecurSorinfo Set the size of the console cursor?

SetConsolecursorPosition Set whether the console cursor position is

SetConsoleMode Settings the Console Input Output mode No Yes

SetConsoleoutPutcp Settings The Console Output Code Page is Yes Yes

SetConsolescreenBuffersize changes the screen buffer size No Yes?

SetConsoleTextAttribute Settings the screen text property is yes

SetConsoletitle Sets the Console Window Title String No Yes Yes

SetConsoleWindowInfo Set the console window size No Yes?

SetCurrentDirectory changes the current directory no

SetCursor change the mouse pointer is

SetCursorpos sets the mouse pointer location yes


SetDIBITS setting bitmap is

SetDIBITSTODEVICE Settings DIB bit to device is

SetDebugerRorlevel Settings debugging event error level No

SetDefaultCommconfig is YES

SetDeviceGamMARAMP Set Hui rating No Yes SetDLGITEMINT to convert an integer to dialog text strings is

SetDLGITEMTEXT Setup dialog header or project is

SetDoubleClickTime Setting the mouse double-click time is

STENDOFFILE Settings text tail pointer is not

STENHMETAFILEBITS Establish an enhancement element file?

STENVIRONMENTVARIABLE Setting the environment variable is not

SetErrorMode Setting an error mode is

STEVENT Settings Event Object No Yes


SETFILEAPISTOEM Settings File API is OEM Character Set No

SetFileAttributes set file properties No Yes

SETFILEPOINTER Settings the file pointer position is yes

SETFILESECURITY Settings Files or Directory Security Attributes No

SETFILETIME Settings file 64-bit time no Yes

SetFOCUS Setup Keyboard Focus is

SetForeGroundWindow places the window in the foreground?

SetForm Setting Form Information No Yes Yes

SetGraphicsMode Setting Graphics Mode No Yes SetHandlecount Settings The available file handle is


SeticmMode Settings Graphic Color Match No Yes Yes

SeticMprofile Set the color appearance is yes

SetJOB Settings Print Job Information No Yes Yes

SetkernelObjectSecurity Set the kernel object security attribute is yes

SetKeyboardState Settings the keyboard status table is

SetLASTERROR Settings Extending the error code No Yes

SetLASTERROREX Settings Extended Error Code and Type No Yes Yes

SetLOCALTIME Setting up local time is


SetMAILSLotinfo sets the mailbox reading time yes

SetmapMode Setting Image Mode is

SetMapPerflags set font image flags yes

SetMenu Settings Window menu is



SetMenuItemBitmaps Whether setMenuItemInfo is set in menu items?



SetMetAfileBitsex Establishing a Windows Module file?

SetMetArGN Select the tailorway as a primitive area is

SETMITERLIMIT sets the slope joint length?

SetNameDpiPiPiPeHandleState sets the pipeline read / block mode, controls whether local cache is

SetPaletteEntries Settings color palettes and flags are

SetParent changes the parent window is

SetPixel Setting the pixel color is

Setpixelformat No Yes

SetPixelv Set whether the pixel color is

SetPolyfillMode Setup polygon padding is

SetPrinter Setup The printer information is

SetPrinterData Sets whether the printer configuration is

SetPriorityClass Settings the priority class is yes

SetPrivateObjectSecurity Modify SD No Yes

SetProcessShutDownParameters Setting Process Off Parameters No Yes SetProcessWindowStation No Yes


SETPROP increases or modifies attribute lists yes

SETROP2 Setting the current drawing mode is

SetRect setting rectangular size is

SetRectempty creates an empty rectangle is

The setRectrGN modified area is the rectangle.

SetScrollInfo is

SetScrollPos Set the scroll bar position is

SetscrollRange Set the maximum and minimum position of the scroll bar is

SetSecurityDescriptORDACL Setup DACL Information No Yes Yes

SetSecurityDescriptorGroup Set whether the SD primary group information is

SetSecurityDescriptorowner Set the SD owner?

SetSecurityDescriptorsAcl Settings SACL Information No Yes Yes

SetServiceBits is YES

SetServiceObjectSecurity Modify Service Object Security Descriptor No Yes Yes

SetServiceStatus Update Service Status No Yes SETSTDHANDLE Settings Standard Equipment Handle is

SetStretChbltMode Setting the bitmap stretch mode is

Setsyscolors Setting the system color is

Setsystemcursor is

SetsystemPaletteuse Settings System Tune Script Status Color No Yes

SetSystemPowerState Pause System Work Is it?

SetSystemTime Settings System Time and Date No Yes

SetSystemTimeAdjustment No Yes Yes?

SettapeParameters sets the tape drive and media information?

SettapePosition Settings the tape position is yes

SetTextAlign setting text alignment flag is

SetTextCharacTerextra sets the character interval is

SetTextColor settings the color before the file is

SetTextJustification Adjustment Text Output is


SetThreadContext Settings Specifying Clue Description Table NOS


SetThreadLocale Setting Core Local Information No Yes SetthreadPriority No Yes Yes


SETTIMEZONEINFORMATION setting time zone is yes

SETTIMER Installation System Timer is

SetTokenInformation Settings token Information No Yes

SetunHandledExceptionFilter Settings Filter Abnormal Function No Yes Yes


SETUSEROBJECTSecurity Set the security description value is

SetViewPortexTex Setting the viewport width is

SetViewportorgex Settings the Starting Point of Viewport Is Yes?

SetVolumeLabel Set the volume label no yes

SETWINMETAFILEBITS Establish an enhancement element file by the primitive file data?

SetWindowContextHelpid is Yes Yes

SetWindowExtex Settings Window Width is

Setwindowlong Settings window Additional memory length value is

SetWindoworgex Settings Window Source The starting point is

SetWindowPlacement setting window display status and minimum / maximum location is

SetwindowPos Settings Window Size, Location, and Order Is SetWindowRGN?

SetWindowText Settings Window Text in Directory Title or Control Window is

SetWindowWord Settings the additional window memory word value is

SETWINDOWSHOOK Installing the hook process?

SETWINDOWSHOKEX Installing the hook process?

SETWORLDTRANSFORM Settings World Transfer No Yes

Setupcomm Settings communication parameters No Yes

Shellabout shows that the Shell About dialog is Yes

SHELLEXECUTE is open or printed is a specified file.

SHELL_NOTIFYICON Send a modified taskbar icon?

Showcaret shows that the line is

Showcursor shows that the cursor is

ShowowNedPopups Show pop-up windows is

Showscrollbar shows that the scroll bar is

ShowWindow display window is


SizeOfResource Returns the resource size is

SLEEP Term Cancer No is Sleepex Terror Corps until the I / O end is not

SnDplaySound playing sound file No Yes Yes

STARTDOC starts printing job yes

STARTDOCPRINTER Start printing job is yes

StartPage Prepares the printer to receive data is

StartPagePrinter starts the printer?

StartService starts running the service is yes

StartServiceCtrlDispatcher connection clues are

The Stretchblt replication bitmap is

STRETCHDIBITS is moving DIB from the source rectangle to the destination rectangle.

StrokeAndFillPath is closed, is the padding path is

StrokePath exercises the path no

SubtractRect Double rectangle is subtracted

SUSPENDTHREAD hangs is not

SwapBuffers is YES

SwapMouseButton exchange mouse button function is

SwitchDesktop No Yes SYSTEMPARETERSINFO search system parameter information is

SystemTimetOfileTime conversion system time is 64-bit time yes?

SystemTimeTotzspecificLocalTime is YES

TabbedTextOutout output string is

TerminateProcess stop processes yes

TerminateThread stops the clue is yes

Textout output string is

TileWindows No Yes

TimeBeginPeriod setting timer resolution is yes

TimeEndPeriod Clear timer resolution is yes

TimeGetDevCaps return timer performance is

TimegetsystemTime Returns Windows Running Time Whether

TimegetTime Returns Windows Running Time Whether

Timekillevent Median Timer Event No Yes

TimeSetEvent Settings Timing Tune Other

TLSalloc Assignment Core Local Storage Index is YES

TLSFree Release Corps Local Storage Index No Yes

TLSGetValue Returns the TLS value is TLSSetValue Set the TLS value is

The toascii conversion virtual keyword code is Windows characters.


Tounicode conversion virtual keyword code is ANSI character?

TRACKPOPUPMENU Show pop-up window is


TransactNamedPipe reads and writes and write naming pipes No Yes?

TranslateAccelerator handling acceleration keyword is

The TranslateCharsetInfo conversion structure is a given string No Yes

The TranslateMdisysAccel handling the MDI keyboard accelerator is

TranslateMessage converts the virtual keyword message is

Transmitcommchar is incorporating characters in the transfer queue is

UnhandledExceptionFilter Filter anomalous condition?

UnHookWindowsHook Delete Filter Function No Yes

UnHookWindowsHookex deletes functions from the hook chain.

UnionRect is associated with two rectangles.

UnloadKeyboardLayout deletes the keyboard arranging is yes

Unlockfile unlock file No Yes a UNLOCKFILEEX unlock file?

UNLOCKSERVICEDATABASE unlocking database No Yes

UnmapViewOffile stop file View Image No Yes?

UnpackDDELPARAM Gets data from DDE Messages iParam?

UnRealizeObject reset logical palette is

UnregisterClass delete window classes are

UnregisterhotKey release hot key is

UpdateColors update color is

Updateresource Update Resources No Yes Yes

UpdateWindow Update Window Customer Area is

ValidateRECT delete rectangle is

ValidaterGn delete area is

VERFINDFILE determines that the file installation path is not

VerInstallFile installation file is not

VerlanguageName converts the language ID to a text description?

VERQUERYVALUE Get Resource Item No Yes Yes

VirtualLoc keeps a virtual page?

VirtualFree releases the virtual page No Yes VirtualLock locks the virtual page No Yes Yes?

VirtualProtect Modify Virtual Protection No Yes Yes

VirtualProtectex Modify Virtual Protection No Yes Yes

VirtualQuery Returns Virtual Information No Yes Yes

VirtualQueryex returns virtual protection?

VirtualUnlock unlocking virtual pages No Yes

VKKEYSCAN is converted to a virtual keyword code to convert characters.


WetaddConnection redirects local device network resources is

W NETADDCONNECTION2 Redirects Local Equipment Network Resources No Yes

Whether WetcancelConnection disconnects network connections?

WetcancelConnection2 disconnected network connection is

Whether WetCloseenum ends network resource list?

W NETCONNECTIONDIALOG Start Network Connection dialog is yes

WerddisConnectDialog disconnects the network dialog box No Yes

WNETENUMRESOURCE Continue list network resources are

WNETGETCONNECTION Get the network resource name is

WNETGETLASTERROR Return Network Function Recent Error No Whether W NETGETUNIVERSALNAME is YES?

W NETGETUSER Gets the current network username?

WNETOPENUM Lists network resources yes

Waitcommmevent monitoring shielding event is yes

WaitforInputIdle monitoring process is idle?

WaitFormultiPleObjects monitors multiple objects yes

WAITFormultiPleObjectsex monitors multiple objects or I / O ends No Yes

WAITFORPRINTERCHANGE Monitoring the printer or printer server changes No Yes Yes

WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT monitors an object?

WAITFORSINGLEOBJECTEX Monitor an object or I / O end No Yes?

WaitMessage is suspending the application runs and generating a control is

WAITNAMEDPIPE monitoring Named pipe is yes

WaveinadDBuffer Send buffers to sound input devices No Yes Yes

WAVEINCLOSE Turn off the sound Enter the device?

WaveIngetDevcaps Get sound input device performance?

WaveIngeTerRortext Gets the information text for the sound error?

WaveIngetID gets the sound input device ID No Yes Yes

WaveIngetNumdevs Return Sound Enter Device None Is WaveinGetPosition Get Sound Equipment Input Location No Yes?

WaveInMessage sent to the sound input device No Yes Yes

Waveinopen opens the sound input device is it is

WaveInPrepreHeader preparatory sound input buffer No Yes

WaveinReset Stop Sound Enter Equipment ON No Yes?

WaveInstart Stop Sound Enter Equipment ON No Yes?

WaveInstop stop sound input No Yes

WaveinunPrepareHeader Clear the preparative sound file header No Yes

WaveoutBreakLoop interrupt sound output loop is yes

WaveoutClose Close the sound output device?

WaveOutgetDevCAPS Get the performance of the sound output device?

WaveOutGetereRortext Get the sound error text No Yes?

WaveoutgetID gets the sound output device ID No Yes Yes

WaveoutGetNumdevs get the number of sound output devices?

WaveoutGetPitch gets the intensity of the sound output?

WaveoutgetPlaybackRate gets the sound reply rate is yes

WaveoutgetPosition gets the sound playback position is yes

WaveoutGetVolume gets the sound volume is a WaveoutMessage to send a message to the sound output device?

Waveoutopen opens the sound output device No Yes

Waveoutpause pause sound playback No Yes

WaveoutPrepareHeader preparatory sound playback data block is not

Waveoutreset stops sound playback No Yes

WaveoutRestart is beginning to start playback no yes

WaveoutSetPitch set the waveform output intensity is yes

WaveoutSetPlaybackRate sets the reply rate no yes

WaveoutSetVolume Set whether the output volume is

WaveoutunprePareHeader Clear Preliminary Sound Data Block No Yes Yes

WaveoutWrite is written to the sound output device?

WideChartomultibyte is a multi-byte of the wildcard image?

WIDENPATH Set the current path?

Winexec running program is

Whether WinExecerror is

Winhelp quoting Windows help is

WindowFromDC Return Device Descriptor Window No Yes Yes

WindowFromPoint returns the window with a point is whether the WriteConsole write console screen buffer is

WriteConsoleoutPut directly controls the screen buffer no yes

WriteConsoleOutputAttribute is written to the console to write an attribute string?

WriteConsoleOutputCharacter write a string to the console is yes

Writefile write file is not

WritefileEx write file is not

Writeprinter output data to printer output data is

WritePrivateProfileSECTION output data to private ini files is Yes

WritePrivateProfileString outputs a string to private ini files is

WriteProcessMemory writes memory in the specified process?

WriteProfileSECTION writes the paragraph to win.ini?

WriteProfileString writes a string to win.ini is

WritetApemark write tape tags No yes

WSPRINTF formatted strings Yes No No No No No

ZeromeMory puts a piece of memory zero No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No


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