I listened to the online broadcast on Tuesday. I tried it today. I didn't try it out, I 5555555
However, telling the truth, I used the VS2003 for a while, I feel that the integration of the VS2005 Beta1 to Office is much better than before.
Let me write a small example of myself:
First, open the vs2005 beta1 // seems to be nonsense?
1 Create a project (C # -> Office -> Word Application) as shown below:
2 Write a few words in the Word document, "Hello World", but also a classic, and pull a Button control over.
3 Select the word, which is "Hello World", pull a Bookmark to the document in the toolbox in Word Controls.
4 Add a UserControl and put a Button1 and TextBox1 in UserControl1
Let's start writing simple code:
1. INITIALIZE event under thisDocument.cs:
// The purpose is to run the time plus UserControl1
Private void thisdocument_initialize (Object Sender, System.EventArgs E)
Globals.thisDocument.Anactionspane.controls.add (New UserControl1 ());
2. Bookmark1 SelectionChange Event:
// The purpose is to play a message box when it triggers this event.
Private void bookmark1_selectionchange (Object sender, microsoft.office.tools.word.selectionEventArgs e)
Messagebox.show ("My God!", "Note");
3. In the Click event of Button:
Private void button1_click (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
Globals.thisDocument.button1.text = "zhangzs";
4. UserControl1.cs under the Click event of Button:
// The purpose is to click, make the font in the document to TextBox1.Text
Private void button1_click (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
Globals.thisDocument.bookmark1.text = textbox1.text;
- The final result: // The function has been said before