Shark Workflow Engine Corbaadmin Client Culture

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  97

Note: This is a Chinese cultural document for Shark 1.0. I saw other people in the previous version of the SHARK Workflow Admin Tool, so they made a modification of the Shark_ZH_CN.Properties file on their own. The modified document is as follows: # @ (#) ## resource strings for sharkclient

Workflowadmintitle = Shark Administrator Tools WorklistHandlertitle = Shark Worklist Worklist Tools

RefreshingRateInsecondsirtforWorkflowAdmin = 300RefreshingRateInsecondsforworkListHandler = 100

AddImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / addpoint.gifDefineImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / define.gifWaitImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / wait.gifworklisthandlerIcon = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / worklisthandlericon.gifworklisthandlerLogo = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / worklisthandlerlogo.gifworkflowadminIcon = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / workflowadminicon.gifworkflowadminLogo = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / workflowadminlogo.gif

Cancelimage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / cancel.gifcancellabel = cancellation

WorkflowObjectPropertiesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / properties.gifWorkflowObjectPropertiesLabel = attribute WorkflowObjectPropertiesMnemonic = rWorkflowObjectPropertiesAccel = CTRL-R

Okimage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / ok.gifoklabel = OK

VariableDescriptionLabel = Description VariableDescriptionImage = org / endra / Sharon / SwingClient / Resources / Description.gifVariableDescriptionTooltip = Description of the selected variable

openedpackagesTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / openedpackagestree.gifpackageTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / packagetree.gifmanagerTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / managertree.gifprocessTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / SwingClient / Resources / Processtree.gif # **************** Main Admin MenuBaRadminmainMenubar = File Connection Refreshing MISC

# **************** Main WorklistHandler MenuBarWorkListHandlermainMenuBar = file connection2 refreshing

# File Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition. # File = ExitfileLabel = file fileMnemonic = fExitLabel = Exit ExitMnemonic = xExitAccel = ALT-XExitImage = org / enhydra /SHARK/SWINGCLIENT/Resources/stop.gif

# Connection Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition # connection = Connect Disconnect -. ShutdownEngineconnectionLabel = connectionMnemonic = CConnectLabel = connector connected ConnectMnemonic = cConnectAccel = CTRL-CConnectImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / connect.gifDisconnectLabel = oFF DisconnectMnemonic = dDisconnectAccel = CTRL-DDisconnectImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / disconnect.gifShutdownEngineLabel = closing latch primer ShutdownEngineMnemonic = hShutdownEngineAccel = CTRL-HShutdownEngineImage = org /enhydra/shark/swingclient/resources/shutdownengine.gif

# Connection2 Menu Definition ## Each of the strings That Follow Form a key to be # buy as the basis of a menu item definition. # Connection2 = connect disconnectconnection2label = connection connection2mnemonic = C

# Refreshing Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition # refreshing = Refresh -. SetRefreshingRaterefreshingLabel = refreshingMnemonic = rRefreshLabel = Refresh Refresh RefreshMnemonic = rRefreshAccel = CTRL-RRefreshImage = org /enhydra/shark/swingclient/resources/refresh.gifSetRefreshingRateLabel= set the refresh rate SetRefreshingRateMnemonic = tSetRefreshingRateAccel = CTRL-TSetRefreshingRateImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / refreshingrate.gif

# Misc Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition. # Misc = ShowHideFinishedProcesses AutomaticallyCheckDeadlines AutomaticallyCheckLimitsmiscLabel = tasks miscMnemonic = m

ShowHidefinishedProcesSseSlabel = Displayed Procedure SHOWHIDEFINIDPROCESSMNEMONIC = SSHOWHIDEFINISHEDPROCESACCEL = Ctrl-S # ShowHideFinishedProcesSimage =

AutomaticallyCheckdeadlineslabel = Automatically check deadline automaticallyCheckdeadlinesmnemonic = DautomaticLeckdeadlinesAccel = Ctrl-Shift-d # automaticallyCheckdeadLinesImage =

AutomaticallyChecklimitsLabel = Automatic Check Limits AutomaticallyChecklimitsmnemonic = DAUTOMATICALLYCHECKLIMITSACCEL = Ctrl-Shift-L # AutomaticallyChecklimitsImage =

## processviewertoolbar definition # ProcessViewerToolbar = ActualSize ZoomIn ZoomOut - UpdateView - ViewBlockProcessViewerToolbarLabel = View ProcessViewerToolbarImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / viewtoolbar.gif

ActualSizeLabel = actual size ActualSizeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / actualsize.gifActualSizeTooltip = ZoomInLabel = actual size enlarged ZoomInImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / zoomin.gifZoomInTooltip = reduction ZoomOutLabel = enlarge ZoomOutImage = org / enhydra /shark/swingclient/resources/zoomout.gifZoomOutTooltip= reduced UpdateViewLabel = update view UpdateViewImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / updateview.gifUpdateViewTooltip = update Check block view ViewBlockLabel = ViewBlockImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / Block.gifViewBlockTooltip = View selected block activity ## repositoryManagementButtons definition # repositoryManagementButtons = UPLOADPACKAGE - DeletePackage

UploadPackageLabel = Upload UploadPackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / upload.gifUploadPackageTooltip = upload package to catch the library primer DeletePackageLabel = delete DeletePackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifDeletePackageTooltip = pawl removed from the library primers Selection package

## packageManagementButtons Definition # packageManagementButtons = loadingPackage unloadedages unloadPackage - UpdatePackage - SynchronizePackageCache

Loading LoadPackageLabel = LoadPackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / open.gifLoadPackageTooltip = load package to the lead multi-packet unloaded detent UnloadPackagesLabel = UnloadPackagesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifUnloadPackagesTooltip = pawl from the lead uninstall specify multiple packages UnloadPackageLabel = unload UnloadPackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / document_delete.pngUnloadPackageTooltip = catch unloaded from the lead packet in the specified update UpdatePackageLabel = UpdatePackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / update.gifUpdatePackageTooltip = the selected update package SynchronizePackageCacheLabel = synchronization packet buffer SynchronizePackageCacheImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngSynchronizePackageCacheTooltip = synchronizes package caches with XPDL repository stateChangePackageLabel = change pack ## processinstantiationbuttons definition # ProcessInstantiationManagementButtons = InstantiateProcess - ViewProcess ProcessDescription - - Enabledefinition Disabledefinition - ReeValuateAssignments

InstantiateProcessLabel = Initialization InstantiateProcessImage = Org / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Instantiate.gifInstantiateProcessTooltiP = Initial according to the definition of the process

ViewProcessLabel = View ViewProcessImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / ShaRK / SwingClient / Resources / View.gifViewProcessTooltip = View selection process

ProcessDescriptionLabel = Description ProcessDescriptionImage = org / enhydra / Sharon / SwingClient / Resources / Description.gifProcessDescriptionTooltip = Display Select Procedure Definition Description

EnableDefinitionLabel = Activate enabledefinitionImage = org / endra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Unlock.gifenableDefinitionTooltip = initial in the process of activation

DisableDefinitionLabel = DisabledefinitionImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resourcetip = Prohibition of selecting the initial definition

ReevaluateAssignmentsLabel = Reevaluate assignmentsReevaluateAssignmentsImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngReevaluateAssignmentsTooltip = Reevaluate assignments for selected package / process definition (s) ## processmonitorbuttons definition # ProcessMonitorButtons = StartProcess SuspendProcess ResumeProcess TerminateProcess AbortProcess - - - ShowHistory - - - ProcessDescription - Processvariables - ActivityManagement DeletefinishedProcesses deleteselectedProcesses - Checkdeadlines - Checklimits

StartProcessLabel = Starting StartProcessImage = org / enhydra / Shark / Corbaclient / Resources / Start.gifstartProcessTooltip = Start the selected process

SuspendProcessLabel = SuspendProcessImage = Org / Enhydra / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Suspend.gifSuspendProcessTooltip = Sub-selected process

ResumeProcessLabel = Evil ResMeProcessImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Resume.gifResumeProcessTooltip = Evorted the selected process

TerminateProcessLabel = Termination TerminateProcessImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / ShaRK / SwingClient / Resources / Terminate.gifterminateProcessTooltip = Stop selected process

AbortProcessLabel = Cancel ABORTPROCESSIMAGE = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Delete.gifAbortProcessTooltip = Unchecked Procedure

ShowhistoryLabel = Display History ShowhistoryImage = org / enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / showhistory.gifshowhiStoryTooltip = Show the history of the selected process

Processvariableslabel = Variable ProcessvariablesImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Variables.gifProcessvariablestooltip = Update Process Variable

ActivityManagementLabel = Activity Management ActivityManagementImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Properties.gifactivityManagementTooltip = Management Activity Status

DeleteFinishedProcessesLabel = delete process is completed DeleteFinishedProcessesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete2.pngDeleteFinishedProcessesTooltip = delete completed process DeleteSelectedProcessesLabel = Delete selected DeleteSelectedProcessesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.pngDeleteSelectedProcessesTooltip = Delete selected process

CheckDeadlinesLabel = inspection period CheckDeadlinesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngCheckDeadlinesTooltip = inspection period (if process is selected it checks for that process if it is not finished, otherwise for all running processes)

CheckLimitsLabel = Check limitsCheckLimitsImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / transform.pngCheckLimitsTooltip = Check limits (if process is selected it checks for that process and its activities if it is not finished, otherwise for all running processes and activities)

## ManageActivitiesButtons Definition # manageActivitiesButtons = SuspendActivity ResumeActivity TerminateActivity Abortactivity ManuallyStartActivity

SuspendActivityLabel = SuspendActivityImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Suspend.gifsuspendActivityTooltip = Suspension of the event

ResumeActivityLabel = Evil ResMeActivityImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Resume.gifResuMeActivityTooltip = Evorted Events

TerminateActivityLabel = termination TerminateActivityImage = org / enidedra / Shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifterminateActivityTooltip = termination of the event

AbortactivityLabel = abortiveAbortActivityImage = org / enhydra / Shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifabortactivityTooltip = Substation

ManuallyStartActivityLabel = Artificial Start MANUALLYSTARTACTIVITYMAGE = Org / Enhydra / Sharon / SwingClient / Resources / Start.gifmanuallyStartActivityTooltip = Manually launch the specified event

## useraccountbuttons definition # UserAccountManagementButtons = CreateUserAccount RemoveUserAccount ChangeUserAccountSettings ChangeUserAccountPasswordCreateUserAccountLabel = New User CreateUserAccountImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifCreateUserAccountTooltip = Create a new user account

REMOVEUSERACCOUNTLABEL = Remove User RemoveUseraccountImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Delete.gifremoveUseraccountTooltip = Delete Check User

ChangeuseraccountSettingSlabel = Set User ChangeUseraccountSettingSimage = ORG / ENHYDRA / ShaRK / SwingClient / Resources / Edit.gifchanGEUSERACCOUNTSTINGSTOOLTIP = Settings Check User Information

ChangeuseraccountPasswordLabel = Password ChangeUseraccountPasswordImage = org / enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Password.gifchanGEUSERACCOUNTPASSWORDTOOLTIP = Change Select User Password

## UsermappingButtons Definition # usermappingmanagementButtons = addusermapping removeuseusermapping

AddUserMappingLabel = Add addusermappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifaddusermappingTooltip = Participant and user mapping

REMOVEUSERMAPPINGLABEL = Remove RemoveuserMappingImage = org / enhydra / Shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifremoveusermappingTooltip = Delete Participants and users mapping

## reassign button (from workflowadmin-> worklist management) # ReassignWorkitemLabel = reassigned ReassignWorkitemImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / reassign.gifReassignWorkitemTooltip = designating specific work items to other users

## ApplicationMappingButtons Definition # ApplicationMappingManagementButtons = AddapplicationMapping RemoveApplicationMApping

AddApplicationMappingLabel = AddAddApplicationMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifAddApplicationMappingTooltip = Adds xpdl application to tool agent application mapping

RemoveApplicationMappingLabel = RemoveRemoveApplicationMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifRemoveApplicationMappingTooltip = Removes xpdl application to tool agent application mapping ### cachemanagementbuttons definition # CacheManagementButtons = SetProcessCacheSize ClearProcessCache - SetResourceCacheSize ClearResourceCache

SetProcessCachesizELabel = Process Cache Size SetProcessCachesizeImage = Org / ENHYDRA / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Desktop.pngSetProcessCachesizeTooltip = Settings Cache size

CLEARPROCESSCACHELABEL = Clear Process Cache ClearProcessCacheImage = Org / ENHYDRA / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Garbage.pngclearProcessCachetooltip = Clear Process Cache

SetResourceCachesizer = Resource Cache Size SetResourceCachesizeImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Desktop.pngSetResourceCachesizeTooltip = Set resource cache size

ClearResourceCacheLabel = Clear Resource Cache ClearResourceCacheImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / ShaRK / SwingClient / Resources / Garbage.pngclearResourceCachetooltip = Clear Resource Cache

## WorklistButtons Definition # WorklistButtons = CompleteWorkItem UpdateActivityVariables - WorkItemDescription

CompleteworkItemLabel = Complete CompleteWorkItemImage = Org / Enhydra / Shark / SwingClient / Resources / Complete.gifCompleTewITEMTOOLTIP = Complete the selected work item

UpdateActivityVariableslabel = Update Variable UpdateActivityVariablesImage = Org / ENHYDRA / ShaRK / SwingClient / Resources / UpdateVariables.gifUpdateActivityVariablestooltip = Update Variable

WorkItemDescriptionLabel = Description WorkItemDescriptionImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / Resources / Description.gifWorkItemDescriptionTooltip = Description of the selected work item

## ReportManagement Buttons Definition # reportManagementButtons =

######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ############## NotOpenedKey = not openedopen.runningKey = open-runningopen.not_running.not_startedKey = open-not running-not startedopen.not_running.suspendedKey = open-not running-suspendedclosed.completedKey = Closed-CompletedClosed.TerminatedKey = Closed-TerminatedClosed.abortedKey = Closed-Aborted

## workflowclient Messages and misc # AcceptedKey = accepted AccountsKey = reason ActiveProcessesKey = active process ApplicationIdKey = application identifier ApplicationNameKey = application name ApplicationModeKey = application mode ApplyKey = application BooleanKey = true and false CacheManagementKey = cache management CancelKey = Cancel CategoryKey = category CloseKey = closed ConfirmPasswordKey confirm password = ConnectionIdKey = DateKey connector connection identifier ConnectKey = = date DescriptionKey = disable described DisabledKey = DoubleKey = double precision real DurationKey = Length IsGroupUserKey = group user whether the user group IsGroupUserTRUEKey = IsGroupUserFALSEKey = EmailAddressKey = single user email address EnabledKey EngineContextKey = = activate cited catch environment EnumerationKey = list ExitKey = exit falseKey = false FilePathRelativeToEngineRepositoryKey = relative to catch the lead library file path FinishStringsKey = end of the string FirstNameKey = name GroupnameKey = group name IdKey = identity IntegerKey = integer InstantiatedProcessKey = initial process LastNameKey = surname LoadKey = Loading LocationKey = place LoggedKey = logged longKey = long MappingKey = map NameKey = name NameServerHostKey = name server NameServerPortKey = port NewValueKey = value NoOfInstantiatedProcessesKey = new process instance number NoOfProcessesInCacheKey = procedure cache number NoOfProcessDefinitionsKey = process Definition No. NoOfResourcesInCacheKey = Resource Cache sequence nonekey = None notLoggedKey = No login okkey = OldpasswordKey = old password OP enedPackagesKey = opened bag package PackageKey = PackageIdKey = participant identification packet identification ParticipantIdKey = ParticipantKey = participant ParticipantNameKey = participant name PasswordKey = password PollingPeriodKey = detection interval [sec] PriorityKey = ProcessCacheSizeKey = priority during resource cache buffer size ResourceCacheSizeKey = size ToolAgentNameKey = tool agent name ApplicationMappingKey = application mapping ProcessDefinitionKey = process definition ProcessKey = process PackageManagementKey = package management ParticipantIdKey = participant identification ProcessDefinitionIdKey = process definition identifies ProcessIdKey = process identifier ProcessInstantiationManagementKey =

Process Management ProcessMonitorKey = initialization process monitor ProcessNameKey = procedure name ProcessPropertiesKey = process attribute PropertyKey = attribute ReassignToKey = reassigned to ReportManagementKey = Report Management RepositoryManagementKey = library management SelectActivityKey = select activities SelectApplicationKey = Select Application SelectPackageKey = Select package SelectParticipantKey = select participants SelectProcessDefinitionKey = selected process definition selection process SelectProcessKey = SelectToolAgentKey = select tool agentSelectUserKey = select user StartedKey = started stateKey StringKey = string status = SubmittedKy = submitted trueKey = TimeKey = TimeTypeKey = true type UnknownKey = UpdateKey = unknown variables are updated update UpdateVariableKey = UserKey = user UserManagementKey = user management UsernameKey = username ValueKey = value VersionKey = version XPDLErrorReportKey = XPDL workflow WorkflowServerKey = error reporting server WorkitemKey = work item WorklistManagementKey = worklist management DialogConnectToWorkflowServer = connection workflow server should be created and ... DialogCreateApplicationDefinitionToToolAgentMapping = program mapped DialogCreateParticipantToUserMapping = participants and create a user mapping DialogEventHistory = thing history DialogLoadPackage = loaded package to catch DialogManageActivities = lead management activities DialogReassignWorkitem = reassigned work item DialogSetCacheSize = set the cache size DialogSetRefreshingRateInSeconds = set the refresh rate (seconds) DialogSetUploadedPackageR ELATIVEFILEPATH = Set the related file path of the uploaded package DialogUpdatePackage = Update selected package DIALOGUPDATEPROCESSDEFINIPDATEPROCESSVARIABLES = Update Procedure Variable DialoguserCountSettings = User account setting

ErrorCannotReassignAcceptedWorkitem = Accepted work items can not be delegated again! ErrorCannotUpdateInvalidProcess = Invalid procedure can not be updated, please correct! ErrorCannotUploadSelectedPackageFileAtTheMoment = not update the selected packages at the same time file! ErrorEnteredValueIsNotAllowed = indeed the value is incorrect! ErrorNotConnectedToTheServer = Connection to server failed! ErrorPasswordsDoNotMatch = you enter a password does not match! ErrorThePackageCannotBeLoadedAtTheMoment = same package can not be loaded at the same time! ErrorSelectValidUser = select a valid user! ErrorTheUpdateOfSelectedPackageIsNotAllowedAtTheMoment = the selected package can not be updated ./n check that all activities are in the process of status can be updated! ErrorTheSelectedPackageCannotBeDeletedAtTheMoment = the selected package can not be deleted ErrorTheSelectedPackageCannotBeUnloadedAtTheMoment = selected package can not be uninstalled ErrorTheServerIsDownOrItIsBusy = server has been shut down and is busy -!!! Please try again later ErrorTheServerIsPerformingCriticalOperationTryToShutdownLater = server is performing some important operations, please turn off again later ErrorTheUpdateOfSelectedPackageFailed =! select the update package failed! ErrorTheUpdaterPackageIsInvalid = 'update' package is invalid! ErrorThePackageIsInvalid = packet is invalid! ErrorTheOneOfTheExternalPackagesIsInvalid = external package that is not valid! ErrorUncorrectLogin = incorrect login, please try again! ErrorUncorrectType = incorrect type!

MessageActivityCannotBeAborted = activity can not be aborted! MessageActivityIsAborted = Activity aborted! MessageActivityCannotBeSuspended = activity can not be suspended! MessageActivityIsSuspended = activity has been suspended! MessageActivityCannotBeResumed = activity can not be aroused! MessageActivityIsResumed = Activity arouse! MessageActivityCannotBeTerminated = activity can not be terminated! MessageActivityIsTerminated = activity aborted! MessageCannotChangeUserSettings = user information can not be changed! MessageChoosePackageFileToUpload = select the file you want to load packages lead the catch libraries ... MessageDoYouWantToUpdateProcessVariables = are you sure you want to update your process variables do? MessageMappingAlreadyExistsOrCannotBeAddedAtTheMoment = mapping already exists, or not join at the same time mapping! MessageMappingCannotBeRemovedAtTheMoment = map can not be deleted! MessagePackageIsReferencedDoYouWantToProceed = package has been cited !!! / n are you sure you want to do ??? MessagePleaseWait = Please wait !!! MessageProcessCannotBeResumed = process can not be aroused (perhaps it has been used as a active started as a child process)! MessageProcessCannotBeDeleted = process can not be deleted (business it is running)! MessageUsernameAlreadyExistsOrAccountCannotBeCreatedAtTheMoment = user name already exists, or the same account can not be created at the same time! MessageUserAcountCannotBeRemovedAtTheMoment = same user can not be deleted, or the user is User in LDAP! QuestionDoyouraLyWantthePositEthePackageFileFromThereThePootory = You are sure you want to remove from the library This package file ??? questionsDoyoureallywanttoremoveusercount = Do you have to delete this user???

WarningCannotAcceptSuspendedWorkitem = pending work items can not be accepted WarningProcessInstantiationForSelectedDefinitionIsCurrentlyDisabled = select the Define initialization process is currently blocked by WarningTheWorkitemCannotBeCompleted = work items can not be completed -!!! It is not being suspended is to be ended (update your worklist) WarningTheWorkitemIsPerformedByAnotherUser = Work Item Has been executed by other users! WARNINGTHEWORKITEMUSTBEACCEPTEDBEFOREEXECUTION = must be accepted before the work item is completed, please accept the work item! WarningTheworkItemmustBeaccePtedBeforevariableUpdate = must be accepted before the work item variable update, please accept the work item! Need to pay attention to this is an endless Native2ASCII.exe encoding the conversion document. Conversion needs after saving. After adding this file to the org / enhydra / shark / corbaclient / resources in SharkcorbaclientBase.jar! After the contents of the surface are encoded file: # @ (#) ## Resource strings for SharkClientWorkflowAdminTitle = Shark / u7ba1 / u7406 / u5458 / u5de5 / u5177WorklistHandlerTitle = Shark / u5de5 / u4f5c / u5217 / u8868 / u5904 / u7406 / U5DE5 / U5177

RefreshingRateInsecondsirtforWorkflowAdmin = 300RefreshingRateInsecondsforworkListHandler = 100

AddImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / addpoint.gifDefineImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / define.gifWaitImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / wait.gifworklisthandlerIcon = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / worklisthandlericon.gifworklisthandlerLogo = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / worklisthandlerlogo.gifworkflowadminIcon = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / workflowadminicon.gifworkflowadminLogo = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / workflowadminlogo.gif

Cancelimage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / cancel.gifcancellabel = / u53d6 / u6d88

WorkflowObjectPropertiesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / properties.gifWorkflowObjectPropertiesLabel = / u5c5e / u6027WorkflowObjectPropertiesMnemonic = rWorkflowObjectPropertiesAccel = CTRL-R

OKImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / ok.gifOKLabel = / u786e / u5b9aVariableDescriptionLabel = / u63cf / u8ff0VariableDescriptionImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / description.gifVariableDescriptionTooltip = / u663e / u793a / u6240 / u9009 / u53d8 / U91CF / U7684 / U63CF / U8FF0

openedpackagesTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / openedpackagestree.gifpackageTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / packagetree.gifmanagerTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / managertree.gifprocessTreeImage = org / enhydra / shark / SwingClient / Resources / Processtree.gif

# ***************** Main admin menuBaRinmainMenuBar = file connection refreshing Misc

# **************** Main WorklistHandler MenuBarWorkListHandlermainMenuBar = file connection2 refreshing

# File Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition. # File = ExitfileLabel = / u6587 / u4ef6fileMnemonic = fExitLabel = / u9000 / u51faExitMnemonic = xExitAccel = ALT-XExitImage = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / RESOURCES / STOP.GIF

# Connection Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition # connection = Connect Disconnect -. ShutdownEngineconnectionLabel = / u8fde / u63a5connectionMnemonic = CConnectLabel = / u8fde / u63a5ConnectMnemonic = cConnectAccel = CTRL-CConnectImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / connect.gifDisconnectLabel = / u65ad / u5f00DisconnectMnemonic = dDisconnectAccel = CTRL-DDisconnectImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / disconnect.gifShutdownEngineLabel = / u5173 / u95ed / u5f15 / u63a3ShutdownEngineMnemonic = hShutdownEngineAccel = CTRL-HShutdownEngineImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / shutdownengine.gif # connection2 Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition. # Connection2 = connection2Label = / u8fde / u63a5connection2mnemonic = C

# Refreshing Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition # refreshing = Refresh -. SetRefreshingRaterefreshingLabel = / u5237 / u65b0refreshingMnemonic = rRefreshLabel = / u5237 / u65b0RefreshMnemonic = rRefreshAccel = CTRL -RREFRESHIMAGE = ORG / ENHYDRA / SHARK / SWINGCLIENT / RESOURCES / Refresh.gif

SetRefreshingRateLabel = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u5237 / u65b0 / u7387SetRefreshingRateMnemonic = tSetRefreshingRateAccel = CTRL-TSetRefreshingRateImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / refreshingrate.gif

# Misc Menu definition ## Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of a menu item definition. # Misc = ShowHideFinishedProcesses AutomaticallyCheckDeadlines AutomaticallyCheckLimitsmiscLabel = / u4efb / u52a1miscMnemonic = mShowHideFinishedProcessesLabel = / u663e / u793a / u5df2 / u7ecf / U5B8C / U6210 / U7684 / U6D41 / U7A0BSHOWHIDEFINISHEDPROCESSMNEMONIC = SSHOWHIDEFINISHEDPROCESACCEL = Ctrl-S # showhidefinishedprocessesimage =

AutomaticallyCheckDeadlinesLabel = / u81ea / u52a8 / u68c0 / u67e5 / u6700 / u540e / u671f / u9650AutomaticallyCheckDeadlinesMnemonic = dAutomaticallyCheckDeadlinesAccel = CTRL-SHIFT-D # AutomaticallyCheckDeadlinesImage =

AutomaticallyCheckLimitsLabel = / u81ea / u52a8 / u68c0 / u67e5 / u9650 / u5236AutomaticallyCheckLimitsMnemonic = dAutomaticallyCheckLimitsAccel = CTRL-SHIFT-L # AutomaticallyCheckLimitsImage =

## processviewertoolbar definition # ProcessViewerToolbar = ActualSize ZoomIn ZoomOut - UpdateView - ViewBlockProcessViewerToolbarLabel = / u67e5 / u770bProcessViewerToolbarImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / viewtoolbar.gif

ActualSizeLabel = / u5b9e / u9645 / u5927 / u5c0fActualSizeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / actualsize.gifActualSizeTooltip = / u5b9e / u9645 / u5927 / u5c0fZoomInLabel = / u653e / u5927ZoomInImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / zoomin .gifZoomInTooltip = / u7f29 / u5c0fZoomOutLabel = / u653e / u5927ZoomOutImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / zoomout.gifZoomOutTooltip = / u7f29 / u5c0fUpdateViewLabel = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u89c6 / u56feUpdateViewImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources /updateview.gifUpdateViewTooltip=/u66f4/u65b0/u89c6/u56feViewBlockLabel=/u67e5/u770b/u5757ViewBlockImage=org/enhydra/shark/swingclient/resources/block.gifViewBlockTooltip=/u67e5/u770b/u9009/u4e2d/u7684/u5757/u6d3b/ U52A8 ## repositoryManagementButtons definition # repositoryManagementButtons = UPLOADPACKAGE - DELETEPACKAGE

UploadPackageLabel = / u4e0a / u4f20UploadPackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / upload.gifUploadPackageTooltip = / u4e0a / u4f20 / u5305 / u5230 / u5f15 / u63a3 / u5e93DeletePackageLabel = / u5220 / u9664DeletePackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / DELETE.GDELETEPACKETOOLTIP =/u4ece/u5f15/u63a3/u5E93/u4E2D/U5220/U9664/U9009/U4E2D/U5305

## packageManagementButtons Definition # packageManagementButtons = loadingPackage unloadedages unloadPackage - UpdatePackage - SynchronizePackageCache

LoadPackageLabel = / u8f7d / u5165LoadPackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / open.gifLoadPackageTooltip = / u8f7d / u5165 / u5305 / u5230 / u5f15 / u63a3UnloadPackagesLabel = / u5378 / u8f7d / u591a / u5305UnloadPackagesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient /resources/delete.gifUnloadPackagesTooltip=/u4ece/u5f15/u63a3/u4e2d/u5378/u8f7d/u6307/u5b9a/u591a/u4e2a/u5305UnloadPackageLabel=/u5378/u8f7dUnloadPackageImage=org/enhydra/shark/swingclient/resources/document_delete.pngUnloadPackageTooltip=/ u4ece / u5f15 / u63a3 / u4e2d / u5378 / u8f7d / u6307 / u5b9a / u5305UpdatePackageLabel = / u66f4 / u65b0UpdatePackageImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / update.gifUpdatePackageTooltip = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u9009 / u62e9 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5305SynchronizePackageCacheLabel = / u540c / u6b65 / u5305 / u7f13 / u5b58SynchronizePackageCacheImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngSynchronizePackageCacheTooltip = synchronizes package caches with XPDL repository stateChangePackageLabel = / u6539 / u53d8 / u5305 ## processinstantiationbuttons definition # ProcessInstantiationManagementButtons = InstantiateProcess - ViewProcess ProcessDescription - - EnableDefinition DisableDefinition - ReeValuateAssignments

InstantiateProcessLabel = / u521d / u59cb / u5316InstantiateProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / instantiate.gifInstantiateProcessTooltip = / u6839 / u636e / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7684 / u5b9a / u4e49 / u8fdb / u884c / u521d / u59cb

ViewProcessLabel = / u67e5 / u770bviewProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / view.gifviewProcessTooltip = / U67E5 / U770B / U9009 / U62E9 / U8FC7 / U7A0B

ProcessDescriptionLabel = / u63cf / u8ff0ProcessDescriptionImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / description.gifProcessDescriptionTooltip = / u663e / u793a / u9009 / u4e2d / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49 / u7684 / u63cf / u8ff0EnableDefinitionLabel = / u6fc0 / u6d3bEnableDefinitionImage = org /enhydra/sartes/swingclock.gifenabledefinitionTooltip=/u6fc0/u6d3b/u9009/u4e2d/u8fc7/u7a0b/u5b9a/u4E49/U7684/U521D/U59CB

DisableDefinitionLabel = / u7981 / u6b62DisableDefinitionImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / lock.gifDisableDefinitionTooltip = / u7981 / u6b62 / u9009 / u4e2d / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49 / u7684 / u521d / u59cb

ReevaluateAssignmentsLabel = Reevaluate assignmentsReevaluateAssignmentsImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngReevaluateAssignmentsTooltip = Reevaluate assignments for selected package / process definition (s)

## processmonitorbuttons definition # ProcessMonitorButtons = StartProcess SuspendProcess ResumeProcess TerminateProcess AbortProcess - - - ShowHistory - - - ProcessDescription - ProcessVariables - ActivityManagement DeleteFinishedProcesses DeleteSelectedProcesses - CheckDeadlines - CheckLimits

StartProcessLabel = / U542F / U52A8StartProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / corbaclient / resources / start.gifstartProcesstooltip = / U542F / U52A8 / U6240 / U9009 / U8FC7 / U7A0B

SuspendProcessLabel = / u6302 / u8d77SuspendProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / suspend.gifSuspendProcessTooltip = / u6302 / u8d77 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0b

ResumeProcessLabel = / u5524 / u8d77ResumeProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / resume.gifResumeProcessTooltip = / u5524 / u8d77 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0b

TerminateProcessLabel = / u7ec8 / u6b62TerminateProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / terminate.gifTerminateProcessTooltip = / u505c / u6b62 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0bAbortProcessLabel = / u53d6 / u6d88AbortProcessImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / DELETE.GABORTPROCESSTOOLTIP = /u53d6/u6d88/u9009/u4e2d/u7684/u8fc7/u7a0b

ShowHistoryLabel = / u663e / u793a / u5386 / u53f2ShowHistoryImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / showhistory.gifShowHistoryTooltip = / u663e / u793a / u9009 / u4e2d / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7684 / u5386 / u53f2 / u4e8b / u60c5

ProcessVariablesLabel = / u53d8 / u91cfProcessVariablesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / variables.gifProcessVariablesTooltip = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u53d8 / u91cf

ActivityManagementLabel = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u7ba1 / u7406ActivityManagementImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / properties.gifActivityManagementTooltip = / u7ba1 / u7406 / u6d3b / u52a8 / u72b6 / u6001

DeleteFinishedProcessesLabel = / u5220 / u9664 / u5b8c / u6210 / u8fc7 / u7a0bDeleteFinishedProcessesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete2.pngDeleteFinishedProcessesTooltip = / u5220 / u9664 / u5168 / u90e8 / u5b8c / u6210 / u8fc7 / u7a0b

DeleteSelectedProcessesLabel = / u5220 / u9664 / u6240 / u9009DeleteSelectedProcessesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.pngDeleteSelectedProcessesTooltip = / u5220 / u9664 / u6240 / u9009 / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0b

CheckDeadlinesLabel = / u68c0 / u67e5 / u671f / u9650CheckDeadlinesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / recycle.pngCheckDeadlinesTooltip = / u68c0 / u67e5 / u671f / u9650 (if process is selected it checks for that process if it is not finished, otherwise For all running processes)

CheckLimitsLabel = Check limitsCheckLimitsImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / transform.pngCheckLimitsTooltip = Check limits (if process is selected it checks for that process and its activities if it is not finished, otherwise for all running processes and activities) ## ManageActivitiesButtons Definition # manageActivitiesButtons = SuspendActivity ResumeActivity TerminateActivity Abortactivity ManuallyStartActivity

SuspendActivityLabel = / u6302 / u8d77SuspendActivityImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / suspend.gifSuspendActivityTooltip = / u6302 / u8d77 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u6d3b / u52a8

ResumeActivityLabel = / u5524 / u8d77ResumeActivityImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / resume.gifResumeActivityTooltip = / u5524 / u8d77 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u6d3b / u52a8

TerminateActivityLabel = / u7ec8 / u6b62TerminateActivityImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifTerminateActivityTooltip = / u7ec8 / u6b62 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u6d3b / u52a8

AbortactivityLabel = / U4E2D / U6B62abortactivityImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resourcetooltip = / u4E2D / U6B62 / U9009 / U4E2D / U7684 / U6D3B / U52A8

ManuallyStartActivityLabel = / u4eba / u5de5 / u542f / u52a8ManuallyStartActivityImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / start.gifManuallyStartActivityTooltip = / u4eba / u5de5 / u65b9 / u5f0f / u542f / u52a8 / u6307 / u5b9a / u6d3b / u52a8

## UseraccountButtons Definition # useraccountManagementButtons = CreateUseraccount RemoveuserCount ChangeuseraccountSettings ChangeUseraccountPasswordword

CreateUserAccountLabel = / u65b0 / u5efa / u7528 / u6237CreateUserAccountImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifCreateUserAccountTooltip = / u521b / u5efa / u65b0 / u7528 / u6237 / u5e10 / u53f7

RemoveUserAccountLabel = / u5220 / u9664 / u7528 / u6237RemoveUserAccountImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifRemoveUserAccountTooltip = / u5220 / u9664 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7528 / u6237

ChangeUserAccountSettingsLabel = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u7528 / u6237ChangeUserAccountSettingsImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / edit.gifChangeUserAccountSettingsTooltip = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u9009 / u4e2d / u7528 / u6237 / u4fe1 / u606f

ChangeUserAccountPasswordLabel = / u5bc6 / u7801ChangeUserAccountPasswordImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / password.gifChangeUserAccountPasswordTooltip = / u6539 / u53d8 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7528 / u6237 / u5bc6 / u7801

## UsermappingButtons Definition # usermappingmanagementButtons = addusermapping removeuseusermapping

AddUserMappingLabel = / u589e / u52a0AddUserMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifAddUserMappingTooltip = / u52a0 / u5165 / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u4e0e / u7528 / u6237 / u7684 / u6620 / u5c04

RemoveUserMappingLabel = / u5220 / u9664RemoveUserMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifRemoveUserMappingTooltip = / u5220 / u9664 / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u4e0e / u7528 / u6237 / u7684 / u6620 / u5c04

## reassign button (from workflowadmin-> worklist management) # ReassignWorkitemLabel = / u91cd / u65b0 / u59d4 / u6d3eReassignWorkitemImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / reassign.gifReassignWorkitemTooltip = / u59d4 / u6d3e / u6307 / u5b9a / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u7ed9 / u5176 / u5b83 / u7528 / u6237

## ApplicationMappingButtons Definition # ApplicationMappingManagementButtons = AddapplicationMapping RemoveApplicationMApping

AddApplicationMappingLabel = AddAddApplicationMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / new.gifAddApplicationMappingTooltip = Adds xpdl application to tool agent application mappingRemoveApplicationMappingLabel = RemoveRemoveApplicationMappingImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / delete.gifRemoveApplicationMappingTooltip = Removes xpdl application to tool agent application mapping #

## CacheManagementButtons Definition # cacheManagementButtons = setProcessCachesize ClearProcessCache - SetResourceCachesize ClearResourceCache

SetProcessCacheSizeLabel = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0fSetProcessCacheSizeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / desktop.pngSetProcessCacheSizeTooltip = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0f

ClearProcessCacheLabel = / u6e05 / u9664 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58ClearProcessCacheImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / garbage.pngClearProcessCacheTooltip = / u6e05 / u9664 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58

SetResourceCacheSizeLabel = / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0fSetResourceCacheSizeImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / desktop.pngSetResourceCacheSizeTooltip = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0f

ClearResourceCacheLabel = / u6e05 / u9664 / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58ClearResourceCacheImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / garbage.pngClearResourceCacheTooltip = / u6e05 / u9664 / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58

## WorklistButtons Definition # WorklistButtons = CompleteWorkItem UpdateActivityVariables - WorkItemDescription

CompleteWorkitemLabel = / u5b8c / u6210CompleteWorkitemImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / complete.gifCompleteWorkitemTooltip = / u5b8c / u6210 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879

UpdateActivityVariablesLabel = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u53d8 / u91cfUpdateActivityVariablesImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / updatevariables.gifUpdateActivityVariablesTooltip = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u53d8 / u91cfWorkitemDescriptionLabel = / u63cf / u8ff0WorkitemDescriptionImage = org / enhydra / shark / swingclient / resources / description .gifworkitemdescriptiontooltip = / u663e / u793a / u9009 / u4E2D / u5DE5 / U4F5C / U9879 / U7684 / U63CF / U8FF0

## ReportManagement Buttons Definition # reportManagementButtons =

######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### ######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################## ############## NotOpenedKey = not openedopen.runningKey = open-runningopen.not_running.not_startedKey = open-not running-not startedopen.not_running.suspendedKey = open-not running-suspendedclosed.completedKey = Closed-CompletedClosed.TerminatedKey = Closed-TerminatedClosed.abortedKey = Closed-Aborted

## workflowclient Messages and misc # AcceptedKey = / u63a5 / u53d7AccountsKey = / u7406 / u7531ActiveProcessesKey = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u8fc7 / u7a0bApplicationIdKey = / u5e94 / u7528 / u6807 / u8bc6ApplicationNameKey = / u5e94 / u7528 / u540d / u79f0ApplicationModeKey = / u5e94 / u7528 / u6a21 / u5f0fApplyKey = / u5e94 / u7528BooleanKey = / u771f / u5047CacheManagementKey = / u7f13 / u5b58 / u7ba1 / u7406CancelKey = / u53d6 / u6d88CategoryKey = / u7c7b / u522bCloseKey = / u5173 / u95edConfirmPasswordKey = / u786e / u8ba4 / u5bc6 / u7801ConnectionIdKey = / u8fde / u63a5 / u6807 / u8bc6ConnectKey = / u8fde / u63a5DateKey = / u65e5 / u671fDescriptionKey = / u63cf / u8ff0DisabledKey = / u7981 / u7528DoubleKey = / u53cc / u7cbe / u5ea6 / u5b9e / u6570DurationKey = / u6301 / u7eed / u65f6 / u95f4IsGroupUserKey = / u662f / u5426 / u662f / u7fa4 / u7ec4 / u7528 / u6237IsGroupUserTRUEKey = / u7fa4 / u7ec4 / u7528 / u6237IsGroupUserFALSEKey = / u5355 / u4e00 / u7528 / u6237EmailAddressKey = / u7535 / u5b50 / u90ae / u4ef6 / u5730 / u5740EnabledKey = / u6fc0 / u6d3bEngineContextKey = / u5f15 / U63A3 / U73AF / U5883EnumerationKey = / U5217 / U4E3EEXITKEY = / U9000 / u51fafalsekey = / u5047filepathRELATIVE ToEngineRepositoryKey = / u76f8 / u5bf9 / u4e8e / u5f15 / u63a3 / u5e93 / u7684 / u6587 / u4ef6 / u8def / u5f84FinishStringsKey = / u7ed3 / u675f / u5b57 / u7b26 / u4e32FirstNameKey = / u540dGroupnameKey = / u7fa4 / u7ec4 / u540d / u79f0IdKey = / u6807 / u8bc6IntegerKey = / u6574 / u6570InstantiatedProcessKey = / u521d / u59cb / u8fc7 / u7a0bLastNameKey = / u59d3LoadKey = / u8f7d / u5165LocationKey = / u573a / u6240LoggedKey = / u5df2 / u767b / u5f55LongKey = / u957f / u6574 / u6570MappingKey = / u6620 / u5c04NameKey = / U540D / u79f0nameserverhostkey = / u547d / u540d / u670d / u52a1 / u5668nameserverportkey = / u7aef / u53e3newvaluey =

/ U65b0 / u503cNoOfInstantiatedProcessesKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9e / u4f8b / u5e8f / u53f7NoOfProcessesInCacheKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5e8f / u53f7NoOfProcessDefinitionsKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49 / u5e8f / u53f7NoOfResourcesInCacheKey = / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5e8f / u53f7NoneKey = / u65e0NotLoggedKey = / u6ca1 / u767b / u5f55OKKey = / u786e / u5b9aOldPasswordKey = / u65e7 / u5bc6 / u7801OpenedPackagesKey = / u6253 / u5f00 / u7684 / u5305PackageKey = / u5305PackageIdKey = / u5305 / u6807 / u8bc6ParticipantIdKey = / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u6807 / u8bc6ParticipantKey = / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005ParticipantNameKey = / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u540d / u79f0PasswordKey = / u5bc6 / u7801PollingPeriodKey = / u68c0 / u6d4b / u95f4 / u9694 [/ u5fae / u79d2] PriorityKey = / u4f18 / u5148 / u7ea7ProcessCacheSizeKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0fResourceCacheSizeKey = / u8d44 / u6e90 / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0fToolAgentNameKey = / u5de5 / u5177 / u4ee3 / u7406 / u540d / u79f0ApplicationMappingKey = / u5e94 / u7528 / u6620 / u5c04ProcessDefinitionKey = / U8FC7 / U7A0B / U5B9A / U4E49PROCESSKEY = / U8FC7 / U7A0BPACKAGEMANAGEMENTKEY = / U5305 / U7BA1 / U74 06ParticipantIdKey = / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u6807 / u8bc6ProcessDefinitionIdKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49 / u6807 / u8bc6ProcessIdKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u6807 / u8bc6ProcessInstantiationManagementKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u521d / u59cb / u5316 / u7ba1 / u7406ProcessMonitorKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u76d1 / u89c6 / u5668ProcessNameKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u540dProcessPropertiesKey = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5c5e / u6027PropertyKey = / u5c5e / u6027ReassignToKey = / u91cd / u65b0 / u59d4 / u6d3e / u7ed9ReportManagementKey = / u62a5 / u8868 / u7ba1 / U7406RepositoryManagementKey = / u5e93 / u7ba1 / u7406seelectrivityKey = / U9009 / U62E9 / U6D3B / U52A8selectApplicationKey =

/ U9009 / u62e9 / u5e94 / u7528SelectPackageKey = / u9009 / u62e9 / u5305SelectParticipantKey = / u9009 / u62e9 / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005SelectProcessDefinitionKey = / u9009 / u62e9 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49SelectProcessKey = / u9009 / u62e9 / u8fc7 / u7a0bSelectToolAgentKey = Select tool agentSelectUserKey = / u9009 / u62e9 / u7528 / u6237StartedKey = / u5df2 / u542f / u52a8StateKey = / u72b6 / u6001StringKey = / u5b57 / u7b26 / u4e32SubmittedKy = / u5df2 / u63d0 / u4ea4trueKey = / u771fTimeKey = TimeTypeKey = / u7c7b / u578bUnknownKey = / u672a / u77e5UpdateKey = / u66f4 / u65b0UpdateVariableKey = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u53d8 / u91cfUserKey = / u7528 / u6237UserManagementKey = / u7528 / u6237 / u7ba1 / u7406UsernameKey = / u7528 / u6237 / u540dValueKey = / u503cVersionKey = / u7248 / u672cXPDLErrorReportKey = XPDL / u9519 / u8bef / u62a5 / u544aWorkflowServerKey = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u6d41 / u670d / u52a1 / u5668WorkitemKey = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879WorklistManagementKey = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u5217 / u8868 / u7ba1 / u7406

DialogConnectToWorkflowServer = / u8fde / u63a5 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u6d41 / u670d / u52a1 / u5668 ... DialogCreateApplicationDefinitionToToolAgentMapping = / u521b / u5efa / u5e94 / u6709 / u4e0e / u7a0b / u5e8f / u7684 / u6620 / u5c04DialogCreateParticipantToUserMapping = / u521b / u5efa / u53c2 / u4e0e / u8005 / u4e0e / u7528 / u6237 / u7684 / u6620 / u5c04DialogEventHistory = / u4e8b / u60c5 / u5386 / u53f2DialogLoadPackage = / u52a0 / u8f7d / u5305 / u5230 / u5f15 / u63a3DialogManageActivities = / u7ba1 / u7406 / u6d3b / u52a8DialogReassignWorkitem = / u91cd / u65b0 / u59d4 / u6d3e / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879DialogSetCacheSize = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u7f13 / u5b58 / u5927 / u5c0fDialogSetRefreshingRateInSeconds = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u5237 / u65b0 / u7387 (/ u79d2) DialogSetUploadedPackageRelativeFilePath = / u8bbe / u7f6e / u5df2 / u4e0a / u4f20 / u7684 / u5305 / u7684 / u76f8 / u5173 / u6587 / u4ef6 / u8def / u5f84DialogUpdatePackage = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5305DialogUpdateProcessDefinition = / u66f4 / u65b0 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u5b9a / u4e49DialogUpdateProcessVariables = / u66f4 / U65B0 / U8FC7 / U7A0B / U53D8 / U91CFDIALOGUSERACCOUNTSETTINGS = / U7528 / U6237 / U5E10 / U53F7 / U8BBE / U7f6e

ErrorCannotReassignAcceptedWorkitem = / u5df2 / u63a5 / u53d7 / u7684 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u91cd / u65b0 / u59d4 / u6d3e! ErrorCannotUpdateInvalidProcess = / u65e0 / u6548 / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u66f4 / u65b0 / uff0c / u8bf7 / u66f4 / u6b63! ErrorCannotUploadSelectedPackageFileAtTheMoment = / u4e0d / u80fd / u540c / u65f6 / u66f4 / u65b0 / u9009 / u4e2d / u5305 / u7684 / u6587 / u4ef6! ErrorEnteredValueIsNotAllowed = / u786e / u5165 / u503c / u4e0d / u6b63 / u786e! ErrorNotConnectedToTheServer = / u8fde / u63a5 / u670d / u52a1 / u5668 / u5931 / u8d25! ErrorPasswordsDoNotMatch = / u4f60 / u8f93 / u5165 / u5bc6 / u7801 / u4e0d / u5339 / u914d! ErrorThePackageCannotBeLoadedAtTheMoment = / u540c / u4e00 / u5305 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u540c / u65f6 / u8f7d / u5165! ErrorSelectValidUser = / u9009 / u62e9 / u6709 / u6548 / u7528 / u6237! ErrorTheUpdateOfSelectedPackageIsNotAllowedAtTheMoment = / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5305 / u4e0d / u80fd / u540c / u65f6 / u88ab / u66f4 /u65b0./n/u8bf7/u68c0/u67E5/U6240/U6709/U7684/U6D3B/U52A8/U8FC7/U7A0B/U662F /U5426/U90FD/U5904/U4E8E/U53EF/U88AB/U66F4/U65B0/U7684/U72B6/U6001! ErrorThes electedPackageCannotBeDeletedAtTheMoment = / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5305 / u4e0d / u80fd / u540c / u65f6 / u88ab / u5220 / u9664! ErrorTheSelectedPackageCannotBeUnloadedAtTheMoment = / u9009 / u4e2d / u7684 / u5305 / u4e0d / u80fd / u540c / u65f6 / u88ab / u5378 / u8f7d! ErrorTheServerIsDownOrItIsBusy = / u670d / u52a1 / u5668 / u5df2 / u5173 / u95ed / u548c / u6b63 / u5fd9- / u8bf7 / u7a0d / u540e / u518d / u8bd5! ErrorTheServerIsPerformingCriticalOperationTryToShutdownLater = / u670d / u52a1 / u5668 / u6b63 / u5728 / u6267 / u884c / u4e00 / u4e9b / u91cd / u8981 / u64cd / u4f5c / uff0c / u8bf7 / u7a0d / u540e / u518d / u5173 / u95ed! ErrorTheUpdateOfSelectedPackageFailed = / u9009 / u4e2d / u5305 / u7684 / u66f4 / u65b0 / u5931 / u8d25! ErrorTheUpdaterPackageIsInvalid = '/ u66f4 / U65B0 '

/ U5305 / u65e0 / u6548! ErrorThePackageIsInvalid = / u5305 / u65e0 / u6548! ErrorTheOneOfTheExternalPackagesIsInvalid = / u5916 / u90e8 / u5305 / u4e2d / u7684 / u8fd9 / u4e2a / u65e0 / u6548! ErrorUncorrectLogin = / u4e0d / u6b63 / u786e / u767b / u5f55, / U8BF7 / U91CD / U8BD5! ErrorUncorRectType = / U4E0D / U6B63 / U786E / U7C7B / U578B!

MessageActivityCannotBeAborted = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u4e2d / u6b62! MessageActivityIsAborted = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u5df2 / u4e2d / u6b62! MessageActivityCannotBeSuspended = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u6302 / u8d77! MessageActivityIsSuspended = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u5df2 / u6302 / u8d77! MessageActivityCannotBeResumed = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u5524 / u8d77! MessageActivityIsResumed = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u5df2 / u5524 / u8d77! MessageActivityCannotBeTerminated = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u7ec8 / u6b62! MessageActivityIsTerminated = / u6d3b / u52a8 / u5df2 / u4e2d / u6b62! MessageCannotChangeUserSettings = / u7528 / u6237 / u4fe1 / u606f / u65e0 / u6cd5 / u88ab / u4fee / u6539! ​​MessageChoosePackageFileToUpload = / u9009 / u62e9 / u4f60 / u60f3 / u8f7d / u5165 / u5f15 / u63a3 / u5e93 / u7684 / u5305 / u6587 / u4ef6 ... MessageDoYouWantToUpdateProcessVariables = / u4f60 / u786e / u8ba4 / u8981 / u66f4 / u65b0 / u4f60 / u7684 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u53d8 / u91cf / u5417 ? MessageMappingalReadyexistsorcannotbeaddeDATTHEMENT = / U6620 / U5C04 / U5DF2 / U5B58 / U5728, / U6216 / U8005 / U4E0D / U80FD / U540C / U65F6 / U52A0 / U5165 / U6620 / U 5c04! MessageMappingCannotBeRemovedAtTheMoment = / u6620 / u5c04 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u540c / u65f6 / u5220 / u9664! MessagePackageIsReferencedDoYouWantToProceed = / u5305 / u5df2 / u88ab / u5f15 / u7528 !!! / n / u4f60 / u786e / u8ba4 / u8981 / u8fdb / u884c / u5417 ??? MessagePleaseWait = / u8bf7 / u7a0d / u5019 !!! MessageProcessCannotBeResumed = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u5524 / u8d77 (/ u4e5f / u8bb8 / u5b83 / u5df2 / u7ecf / u88ab / u4f5c / u4e3a / u67d0 / u4e2a / u6d3b / u52a8 / u4f5c / u4e3a / u5b50 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u542f / u52a8)! MessageProcessCannotBeDeleted = / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u5220 / u9664 (/ u4e1a / u52a1 / u5b83 / u6b63 / u5728 / u8fd0 / u884c / u4e2d)! MessageUsernameAlReadyexistsoraccountcanknotbecreatedatthemoment =

/ U7528 / u6237 / u540d / u5df2 / u5b58 / u5728, / u6216 / u8005 / u540c / u4e00 / u5e10 / u53f7 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u540c / u65f6 / u521b / u5efa! MessageUserAcountCannotBeRemovedAtTheMoment = / u540c / u4e00 / u7528 / u6237 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u540c / u65f6 / u5220 / u9664, / u6216 / u8005 / u8fd9 / u4e2a / u7528 / u6237 / u662fLDAP / u4e2d / u7684 / u7528 / u6237! QuestionDoYouReallyWantToDeleteThePackageFileFromTheRepository = / u4f60 / u786e / u5b9a / u8981 / u4ece / u5e93 / u4e2d / u5220 / u9664 / u8fd9 / u4e2a / u5305 / u6587 / u4ef6 / u5417 ??? QuestionDoYouReallyWantToRemoveUserAccount = / u4f60 / u786e / u5b9a / u8981 / u5220 / u9664 / u8fd9 / u4e2a / u7528 / u6237 / u5417 ???

WarningCannotAcceptSuspendedWorkitem = / u6302 / u8d77 / u7684 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u63a5 / u53d7! WarningProcessInstantiationForSelectedDefinitionIsCurrentlyDisabled = / u9009 / u4e2d / u5b9a / u4e49 / u8fc7 / u7a0b / u7684 / u521d / u59cb / u5316 / u76ee / u524d / u88ab / u7981 / u6b62! WarningTheWorkitemCannotBeCompleted = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u4e0d / u80fd / u88ab / u5b8c / u6210- / u5b83 / u4e0d / u662f / u88ab / u6302 / u8d77 / u5c31 / u662f / u88ab / u7ed3 / u675f ( / u66f4 / u65b0 / u4f60 / u7684 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u5217 / u8868)! WarningTheWorkitemIsPerformedByAnotherUser = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u5df2 / u88ab / u5176 / u5b83 / u7528 / u6237 / u6267 / u884c! WarningTheWorkitemMustBeAcceptedBeforeExecution = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u5b8c / u6210 / u524d / u5fc5 / u987b / u88ab / u63a5 / u53d7, / u8bf7 / u5148 / u63a5 / u53d7 / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879! WarningTheWorkitemMustBeAcceptedBeforeVariableUpdate = / u5de5 / u4f5c / u9879 / u53d8 / u91cf / u66f4 / u65b0 / U524D / U5FC5 / U987B / U88AB / U63A5 / U53D7, / U8BF7 / U5148 / U63A5 / U53D7 / U5DE5 / U4F5C / U9879!


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