Use C # to do point-to-point communication and file transfer (communication base class)

zhaozj2021-02-16  117

Recently, a project should use some point to transfer, and you will find the information written by the data. Finally, finally completed, in order to let others walk less, I decided to contribute the most important part of the program, I hope to help everyone. .

The procedures are divided into three parts, including the sending part, accept the part and a communication base class shared, this base class is the crystallization of the heart :)

I. Communication base class

Using system;





Using system.text;

Namespace Baseclass



/// The format of transmitting information is the command portion of the given length a given length of the command notes part variable length length information variable length information section


Public Class Communclass


Public CommunClass ()



// TODO: Add constructor logic here




/// Command part of the length


Private static readonly int cmdlen = 50;


/ / / Command the length of the part


Private static readonly int desclen = 100;


The number of bytes occupying the length of the variable length


Private static readonly int Dynamicles;


// / The length of the variable information portion is processed each time


Private static readonly int devaten = 1024;


/// / answer maximum length


Private static readonly int responlen = 20;


/// The character used to fill the command or notes the length of the length of the length.


Private static readonly char fillchar = '^';


// / Successfully send a part of the callback method (or if it is also a triggered event, but strictly said yet)


Public Delegate Void Onsend (int itotal, int tenting);


// Establish a connection according to a given server and port number


/// server name

/// port number


Public Static Socket ConnectTOServer (String strHost, int port)




Ipaddress ipaddress = dns.resolve (strhost) .addresslist [0];

IpendPoint ippoint = new iPadpoint (iPaddress, iPort); socket s = new socket (addressfamily.internetwork,, protocoltype.tcp);

S.Connect (IPPoint);

Return S;


Catch (Exception E)


Throw (New Exception " E.Message)); E.MESSAGE));




/// Write text into the socket


/// Socket to send information

/// Information to send

/// Whether it is successful

Public Static Bool WriteTextTosocket (Socket S, String Strinfo)


BYTE [] buf = encoding.utf8.getbytes (STRINFO);



S.send (buf, 0, buf.length); socketflags.none;

Return True;


Catch (Exception Err)

{ ("Send text failed!" Err.Message);

Return False;




/// Write the command text into the socket


/// Socket to send command text

/// command text to send

/// Whether it is successful

Public Static Bool WriteCommandtosocket (Socket S, String Strcmd)


IF (strcmd == "")


Strcmd = strcmd.padright (cmdlen, fillchar);

Return WriteTextTosocket (S, STRCMD);



/// Write command notes into socket


/// Socket to send a command comment

/// The command notes you want to send

/// Whether it is successful

Public Static Bool WriteCommandDesctOSocket (Socket S, String Strdesc)


IF (strDesc == "")

STRDESC = "0";


Return WriteTextTosocket (S, STRDESC);



/// Send the number of bytes of variable information


/// Socket to send bytes

/// bytes Number

/// Whether it is successful

Public Static Bool WriteDynamiclentosocket (Socket S, INT Ilen)


String strlen = Ilen.toT7tring (). Padright (Dynamicles); Fillchar

Return WriteTextTosocket (S, Strlen);



/// Send the cached specified section to socket


/// Socket to send cached

/// The cache to send

/// To send cache start position

/// Number of bytes to send cache

/// The byte of each sending

/// The callback function after successful call is sent

/// Whether to send success

Public Static Bool Writebuftosocket (Socket S, Byte [] BUF, Istart, Int Icount, Int Iblock, Onsend SendSuccess




While (Isended


IF (isended iblock <= iCount)

isending = iblock;


isending = iCount - isended;

S.send (buf, iStart isended, isending, socketflags.none);

isended = isending;

IF (readResponsefromsocket (s) == "ok")

IF (SendSuccess! = null)

Sendsuccess (iCount, Isended);


Return False;


Return True;



/// Send the length of not fixed text to Socket


/// Socket to send text

/// Text to send

/// Successfully send a part of the callback function after text

/// Get the callback function of the text length


Public Static Bool WriteDynamicTextTosocket (Socket S, String Strtext,

Onsend onsendtext)


BYTE [] buf = encoding.utf8.getbytes (strText);




WriteDynamiclentosocket (S, ILEN);

Return Writebuftosocket (S, BUF, 0, Ilen, DEALLEN, ONSENDTEXT);


Catch (Exception Err)

{ ("Send text failed!" Err.Message);

Return False;




/// Write the file to the socket


/// Socket to send files

/// File to send

/// Whether it is successful

Public Static Bool Writefiletosocket (Socket S, String Strfile,

Onsend onsendfile


FILESTREAM FS = New FileStream (Strfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, Fileshare.Read);

INT Ilen = (int) fs.lend

WriteDynamiclentosocket (S, ILEN);

BYTE [] BUF = New byte [Ilen];


{ (buf, 0, ilen);

Return Writebuftosocket (S, BUF, 0, Ilen, DEALLEN, ONSENDFILE);


Catch (Exception Err)

{ ("Send File Failed!" Err.Message);

Return False;




fs.close ();




/// The other party's simple response to yourself




Public Static String ReadResponsionFromSocket (Socket S)


Byte [] bufcmd = new byte [responlen];

Int iCount = S.Receive (BUFCMD);

String strrespon = encoding.utf8.getstring (bufcmd, 0, iCount);

Return Strress



/// Read commands from Socket


/// To read the command of the command //// read the command

Public Static String Readcommandfromsocket (Socket S)


Byte [] bufcmd = new byte [cmdlen];

Int iCount = S.Receive (bufcmd, 0, cmdlen, socketflags.partial);

String strcommand = encoding.utf8.getstring (bufcmd, 0, cmdlen);

Return strcommand = strcommand.trimend (fillchar);



/// read command notes


/// Socket to read the command annotation

/// Read the command notes

Public Static String ReadcommandDescfromsocket (Socket S)


BYTE [] bufcmd = new byte [desclen];

Int iCount = S.Receive (bufcmd, 0, desclen, socketflags.partial);

String strcommand = encoding.utf8.getstring (bufcmd, 0, desclen);

Return strcommand = strcommand.trimend (fillchar);



/// Read the length of the variable portion


/// Socket to read variable part length

/// The length of the variable portion read

Public Static Int ReadDynamiclenfromsocket (Socket S)


BYTE [] bufcmd = new byte [Dynamicles];

Int iCount = S.Receive (bufcmd, 0, dynamiclengthlen, socketflags.partial);

String strcommand = encoding.utf8.getstring (bufcmd, 0, dynamiclengthlen);

Return Int.Parse (STRCOMMAND.TRIMEND (Fillchar));



/// Read variable information in text form


/// Socket to read variable information

/// Reading variable information

Public Static String ReadDynamicTextFromsocket (Socket S)


INT Ilen = ReadDynamicles; FromSocket (s);

BYTE [] BUF = New byte [Ilen];

String strinfo = "";


IRECEIVEING = 0; While (IreceiveDed


IReceiveded DEALLEN <= Ilen)

Ireceiveing ​​= DEALLEN


IRECEIVEING = Ilen - IreceiveDed;

S.Receive (buf, Ireceived, Ireceiveing, SocketFlags.none);

Communclass.writetexttosocket (S, "OK");

IreceiveDed = IRECEIVEING;


Strinfo = encoding.utf8.getstring (buf, 0, ilen);

Return Strinfo;



/// read variable information in the form of file


/// Socket to read variable information

/// After reading the file save location

/// Do you read successfully

Public Static Bool ReadDynamicFileFromSocket (socket s, string strfile)


INT Ilen = ReadDynamicles; FromSocket (s);

BYTE [] BUF = New byte [Ilen];

FILESTREAM FS = New FileStream (Strfile, FileMode.create, FileAccess.write);





While (IreceiveDed


IReceiveded DEALLEN <= Ilen)

Ireceiveing ​​= DEALLEN


IRECEIVEING = Ilen - IreceiveDed;

S.Receive (buf, Ireceived, Ireceiveing, SocketFlags.none);

Communclass.writetexttosocket (S, "OK");

IreceiveDed = IRECEIVEING;


fs.write (buf, 0, ilen);

Return True;


Catch (Exception Err)

{ ("Receive File Failed" Err.Message);

Return False;




fs.close ();



} // End Class

} // end namespace

The above is the newsletter class, with this class, and then send acceptance is not a plate for a dish?

Last continued

The above is the newsletter class, with this class, and then send acceptance is not a plate for a dish?

Last continued


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