
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  93

1. Main features SSO (Singal Signon) single point landing Personalization Settings Personalization Permissions Management Content Aggation (Content Aggregation)

2. Composition portlet: portlet is a Java technology-based web component, which is managed by portlet container, responsible for processing requests and generating dynamic content. Portlets are used as a portal as an insertable user interface component, and the user interface component is used to provide a representation layer in the information system.

Portlet container: Portlet Container is used to manage the lifecycle of portlets and provide the necessary environments you need to run. And provide persistence (persistent) access services for Portlet Preferences. But it does not support the aggregation. AggRegation is provided by Portal components.

Note: Portlet Preferences is a new feature of Portlets, providing features similar to databases. But not for replacing the database. Just use to access the simple portlet parameter configuration.

3. Existing Portal project (commercial and open source) solutions and advantages and disadvantages

Open Source Projects

http://jportlet.sourceforge.net/ http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/site/index.html Complete document, but Jetspeed did not support JSR168, JetSpeed2 has not been release.

http://www.liferay.com/home/index.jsp Liferay's architecture is more confusing, based on it is difficult to develop secondary development

http://basicportal.com/ http://www.jahia.org/ http://jporta.sourceforge.net/

http://jakarta.apache.org/plutoportlet Container

Commercial Products WebLogic Portal 8.1 provides development platform, there are many solutions http://dev2dev.bea.com.cn/techdoc/wlportal/index.jsp

IBM WebSphere Portal - http://www.software.ibm.com/wsdd/zones/portal/ Oracle Portal Developer Kit - http://portalstudio.OrCle.com/

Others: PSML - http://jakarta.apache.org/jetspeed/site/psml.htmlbea: Web Logic Portal 4.0 http://www.bea.com/products/weblogic/portal/index.shtmlibm: WebSphere Portal 2.1 HTTP : //www-4.ibm.com/software/webservers/portal/ iplanet: iplanet portal server 3.0 http://www.iplanet.com/products/iplanet_portal/home_portal.htmloracle: Oracle 9i Portal http: // www. oracle.com/ip/deploy/ias/portal/index.htmlApache Software Foundation: Jakarta JetSpeed ​​1.3BEA: Web Logic Portal 4.0 http://www.bea.com/products/weblogic/portal/index.shtmlIBM: WebSphere Portal 2.1 http://www-4.ibm.com/software/webservers/portal/ iplanet: iplanet portal server 3.0 http://www.iplanet.com/products/iplanet_portal/Home_portal.htmloracle: Oracle 9i Portal http: // www . (/www.iViewstudio.com/solutions/products/efs/4. Representative website http : //www.mynetscape.com/index2.psp U / P: Antstone2004 / Antshttp: //demo.liferay.net/c/portal_public/Layout? p_l_id = 275 .1 u / p: echo@nts.com.cn / stonehttp://www.bluesunrise.com/jetspeed/portal U / P: stone / stone

5.JSR 168JSR 168 (Java portlet) is a Java specification that establishes a portable relationship between portlets and portals. One main goal of this specification is to establish a set of Java API standards for portals and portlet suppliers. These APIs involved include representation, aggregation, security, and portlet lifecycle.


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