Universal form verification function

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  104

Customer Table Single Verification Form Definition:

Client table verification is triggered by the list of Onsubmit events, due to The onSubmit event of the form can only be triggered by the submission button, so if you want to submit forms FORM1.SUBMIT (), you must execute Form1.OnSubmit ().

Type Definition: First, Integer (INT) Definition: ValueType = "Int" Properties: ObjName Object Name (String) MustInput Mustput (True / false) MININPUT Minimum (Number) MaxInput Maximum (Digital) Example: < INPUT TYPE = "text" name = "TEST" valueetype = "int" ObjName = "Total load weight" MUSTINPUT = "true" maxinput = "10000"> II, floating point (float) definition: valueType = "float" attribute : ObjName Object Name (string) MUSTINPUT MINININPUT Minimum (Number) MaxInput Maximum (Number) Decimallen Qu number (Digital) Example: 3, string definition: valueetype = "string" attribute: ObjName object name (string) MUSTINPUT Mustput Stringlen String Length (Digital) Example: Four, Date (Date) Definition: ValyEType =" Date "Property: ObjName Object Name (string) MustInput Present: Note: The date can only be verified in the format (YYYY-MM-DD) five, email (email) definition: valueType = "email" Property: ObjName object Name (string) MustInput must be ignited (TRUE / FALSE) Example: six, radio definition: valueTYPE =" Radio "Property: ObjName Object Name (String) MustSelect (True / False) Example: Note: For the same set of check Button, just define the first one.

Eight, drop-down list box (SELECT) definition: valueetype = "select" attribute: objName Object Name (string) MustSelect Preemption (TRUE / FALSE) Example: