In Windows 2000, under XP via MOD

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  111

In Windows 2000, XP is integrated with MOD_JK2.SO to integrate Tomcat5.0 and Apache2.0

------- Dreamsky15 (Axian) Original

Preparation: Download at and

JDK1.4: J2SDK-1_4_2_04-windows-i586-p.exetomcat5: jakarta-tomcat-5.0.14.exeapache2: apache_2.0.48-win32-x86-no_ssl.exejk2: Jakarta-Tomcat-Connectors-JK2.0.4-Win32-

The version may be updated.

1. Install JDK1.4, specify it under the C: /JDK1.4 directory; 2. Confirm that 80 and 8080 ports are not occupied, especially if IIS occupies 80 ports, otherwise modify port settings; 3. Install Tomcat5.0 Specify that the installation is installed in the c: /tomcat5.0 directory, specifies the Java virtual machine directory as C: /JDK1.4; 4. Install Apache2, specify the installation in the C: / root directory, then it will create automatically Apache2 directory, get a C: / Apache2 final directory; 5. Set system variables in the Windows system environment variable:

PATH: C: /JDK1.4/bin; c: /jdk1.4/jre/bin;

ClassPath: C: C: /JDK1.4; C: /JDK1.4/Lib; C: /JDK1.4/Lib/dt.jar; c: /jdk1.4/lib/tools.jar; c: /tomcat5.0 /common/lib/servlet-api.jar;c/tomcat5.0/common/lib/tomcat5.0/common/lib/tools.jar;6. Restart your computer 7. Access to http: // localhost / and http: // localhost: 8080 by browser / Two websites, they are the default homepage of Apache and Tomcat; if they are unsuccessful, they need to re-check settings; 8. Unzip JAKARTA-TOMCAT-Connectors-JK2.0.4-Win32-apache2.0.49.zip9. Decoupled file DOC / MOD_JK2 directory has install.txt English document teaches you to install, you can use it as a reference. 10. There is a file in the modules directory of the decompressed file, copy it to c: / apache2 / modules; 11. There is a file in the confected file, copy it to C: / In the apache2 / conf directory, change the file name to, add two lines: [URI: / *. Jsp] group = lb

This indicates that you want Tomcat to explain all files that are suffixed by JSP.

Increase [URI: / servlet / *] group = lb

This indicates all files to interpret the / servlet / directory, so all servlets are best mapped to / servlet / paths, and other files do not put it in this directory. (Note: All the servlets in Tomcat are not registered in Web.xml. The default map is mapped to the / servlet / path. But the premise is that you want to modify Tomcat's web.xml, remove two Invoker comments to activate this feature.)

Doing this, in order to make Tomcat full-time explanation all JSP and servlets, and hand over HTML, TXT and other types of files to powerful web server --apache interpretation, each of them, shacking Tomcat pressure. 12. Backup C: /Apache2/conf/httpd.conf Prevent Unsatostatic, Modify C: /Apache2/conf/httpd.conf file, the original file has a lot of linemodule, after which it increases: loadModule JK2_Module Modules / This is said in the install.txt English document;

Find DocumentRoot "C: / Apache2 / HTDOCS", modify the root directory "c: /tomcat5.0/webapps" for your specified root directory

Positive and reverse slope does not matter, it is best to use /;

Look at Modified to

Find DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var Add index.jsp to make Apache as the default home page.

13. Remove the original , customize your actual parameters; change your actual argument ISO-8859-1 to AddDefaultCharset GB2312 so that apache is simplified in English. 14. Start Tomcat5.0, Apache2 You will see the status bar text under the Apache Service Monitor console window changes from the original Apache / 2.0.48 (Win32) to apache / 2.0.48 (win32) mod_jk2 / 2.0.4

Visit http: // localhost / jsp-example / and http: // localhost: 8080 / jsp-example / test, if you can run correctly, prove that the configuration is successful! ! ! Congratulations! :)

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