Linux related command

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  103

PostgreSQL related commands

Initializing Database Data1 INitdb -e Euc_JP - NO-LOCALE -D ~ / DATA1 INITDB -E EUC_CN --NO-LOCALE -D ~ / DATA1 Modify PostgreSQL Configuration to accept TCP / IP request, record log ~ / data1 / postgreSQL.conf Tcpip_socket = true log_statement = true boot / restart / stop database PG_CTL -W start / rest / stop -d ~ / data1 -l ~ / pgsql.log1 Sometimes the database can not start need to delete ~ / data1 / postgreSQL.PID Using SQL client PSQL SAMPLE -P 5432 Display All Table / D Display Table Structure / D Tablename Display SQL Command Help / H SQL Command Help / h SQL Command Help

Linux related command (redhat9)

Modify the shared memory for 128 or 256, unit is bit instead of byte echo 128 * 1024 * 1024 * 8> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmmax echo 256 * 1024 * 1024 * 8> / proc / sys / kernel / shmmax view CPU , Memory, Load CAT / Proco Cat / Porc / Loadavg View Disk Partition DF View Disk Overuse DU PASDUSER -G Root -P Password UserName Changing User Group UserMod -g Root Test1 Change Password Passwd Get the CPU time occupied by the Command command. You can also obtain the occupation memory, I / O information / usr / bin / time -f "time:% E% s% u" Command sends a sigkill signal to the process to kill the process, the signal type can be viewed by Man 7 Signal to view Kill -9 Procid

See all services / set telnet services to launch chkconfig --List chkconfig telnet on boot xinetd service service xinetd /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd Restart

MySQL related commands allow clients to perform SQL statement grant select, update, insert, delete on *. * To root@ launch /etc/init.d/mysql Start display table structure show full columns from tablename; display SQL Command ALTER TABLE Syntax Help ALTER TABLEORACLE related command launch Source / HOME / ORACLE/.bash_profile su - Oracle -c 'lsnrctl start' Su - Oracle-C 'DBStart


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