How do you package SQL database?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  102

Project package summary implementation: Default according to user-defined database names and other files such as (IEWebControls) Steps: New Project: Visual C # item, select Class Library Template, such as name MyInstall, add one below this item New item: Select the installer class (Installer1.cs), here I adopt the default name. This installation class library will implement the installation of the database and the installation of other files. In Installer1.cs We will rewrite the installation class: See 1Install Commit Rollback Uninstall to implement custom installation in the Install method: First we have to get some user variables (the user does operation during installation, such as database Administrative account, etc.) We can get this.context.parameters ["DatabaseName"] for these variables. Install the server, the specified database name, database administrator account, password. And database backup files.

We look at the specific code is very simple:) private void InstallDateBase () {System.Reflection.Assembly Asm; // Asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (); // System.IO.FileInfo FileInfo = new System .Io.fileinfo (ASM.LOCATION); // You can also get the currently installed directory, such as the wwwroot directory. MyWeb / Your installation engineering name .DLL // below is the database line and command SQLConnection SqlConnection1 = New SqlConnection () ; string DBName = this.Context.Parameters [ "DataBaseName"]; string DBServer = this.Context.Parameters [ "ServerName"]; string DBUser = this.Context.Parameters [ "InStallAdmin"]; string dBKey = this.Context. Parameters ["installpassword"]; string dir = this.context.Parameters ["DIR"]; streamwriter ss = new streamwriter (@ "c: /aaa.txt", true); ss.writeline ("Data Source =" DBNAME "; database = master; uid =" dbuser "; password =" dbkey); ss.close (); string constr = "data source =" dbserver "; database = master; uid =" DBUSER "; password =" dbkey; sqlConnection1.connectionstring = constr; // The database will be installed to SYSTEM32 String Curdir = Directory.getCurrentDirectory () @ "/ Testdata / database"; if (! Directory.exists (curdir)) // does not exist, create a new {Directory.createdIRectory (Curdir); String MSQL = "Restore Database" DBNAME "from disk = ' " Dir @" / database / mydatabase.bak '" " with move' mydate_dat 'to' " curdir @" / " dbname " .mdf ', " " "MOVE' MYDATE_LOG 'TO'"

Curdir @ "/" DBNAME ".ldf '"; sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand (msql, sqlconnection1); (); cmd.executenonQuery (); cmd.connection.close (); if (); sqlConnection1.State == ConnectionState.Open) {sqlConnection1.Close ();} // mounting TreeView ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo (); psi.WorkingDirectory = dir "// database"; psi.FileName = dir @ "/ database /iewebcontrols.msi "; psi.useshellexecute = true; // msi file, if EXE does not have to set up process.start (psi); // What brother helps look at it. The following code. It will be said to be run when executed, causing you to run when you install these controls. Be sure. It can be. However, the following code has a little better than the above code, the following process waits until the end of the end of the entire install method. And the above code is in actual operation, the entire installation is over. The work installed with TreeView has just begun. A bit disabled // system.diagnostics.process myproc = new system.diagnostics.process (); // myproc.enableraisingevents = true; /// String file = trans @ "/ database / ieWebControls.msi"; // / / / Myproc.startinfo.useshellexecute = true; // myproc.startinfo.FileName = file; // myproc.start (); // myproc.waitforeXIT (); // This method can be completed in the process of running until the process is completed, Code // if (MyProc.hasexited == True) // {// //}} public override void install (system.collections.idictionary statesaver) {Try {base.install (stateSaver); this.InstallDateBase (); // call the above method} catch {throw;}} public override void Uninstall (System.Collections.IDictionary stateSaver) {base.Uninstall (stateSaver); // UnInstallDataBase ();


Public override void commit (system.collections.idictionary statesaver) {base.commit (statesaver);}

Public override void rollback (system.collections.idictionary statesaver) {base.rollback (statesaver);}

Reference 1: ms-help: //MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS.2052/Vbcon/html/vbtskoverridingdefaultmethodsoninstallationcomponent.htmms-help: //MS.VSCC/MS.MSDNVS.2052/vsintro7/html/vxwlkWalkthroughUsingCustomActionToCreateDatabaseDuringInstallation.htm

Now let's add a new project installation and deployment item below this project, select the web project template, such as named WebSetup2.

Create a deployment item 1. On the File menu, select Add Project -> New Project. 2. In the Add Project dialog box, select Install and Deploy Projects in the Project Type pane, then select "Web Installation item" in the Template pane. In the Name box, type WebSetup2. (I am default, didn't change. These statements are too lazy to play, copy, :)) 3. In the Properties window, select the ProductName property and type myWebtest. 4. In the File System Editor, select Application Folder. On the "Operation" menu, select Add "-> Project Output. 5. In the Add Issue Output Group dialog, select the main output for the "MyInstall" project.

In the previous operation, add some files in your web project to the usual packaging. And some other package settings (product names, etc.), I will not say much. We just join a database backup file (MyDatabase.bak) first open the WebSetup2 file system window, select the web application folder, add a folder below this folder to store the database, such as Database, then MYDATABASE The .bak file is copied below this directory. Now we have to add a window to install, used to enable the user to enter the database account. We can do it as long as we open the user interface window.

Create a custom installation dialog 1. Select the "WebSetup2" item in the Solution Explorer. Point "Editor" on the View menu and select User Interface. 2. In the User Interface Editor, select the "Start" node under "Install". On the Actions menu, select Add Dialog. 3. Select the text box (a) dialog in the Add Dialog dialog box. 4. Select "Move" on the "Operation" menu. Repeat this step until the text box (a) dialog is on the "Install Folder" node. 5. In the Properties window, select the Bannertext property and type a custom database installation 6. Select the BodyText property and type the custom database installation 7. Select the Edit1Label property and type the server name:. 8. Select the Edit1Property property and type ServerName. 9. Select the Edit2Label property and type the Create Database Name:. 10. Select the Edit2Property property and type DatabaseName. 11. Select the Edit3Label property and type the database administrator account:. 12. Select the Edit3Property property and type InstallAdmin. 13. Select the Edit4Label property and type the administrator password:. InstallPassword14. Select the Edit4Property property and type ServerName.


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