Search Engine Optimization SEO Raiders

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  91

Search Engine Optimization SEO Raiders

Successful search engine marketing strategy should be started at the beginning of the website, starting from the source code from the domain name to the web page. However, the current status is that the division of labor and processes of most websites are all put on the optimization of the search engine in the end - the website is already building, and optimizes before the search engine is submitted to the website. At this time, optimization is actually quite passive. Therefore, it is recommended that the website plan will submit a website designer, program developer and content editing at the beginning of the website construction, and the website building is ready for the search engine ranking. Various methods of introducing Search Engine Optimation: SEO) are now briefly summarized. The following methods default to Google's optimization, but because most of the search engine robots, including Yahoo, the main principles follow the main principles followed by the main principles, so this article does not have an individual study for specific search engines. 1. Key words strategy: Determine the core keywords of the website. Everything in the web page allows the text to be grasped by the search engine with keywords. These places include: domain name, Title and Meta labels, body, link text, file name, Alt, Header tab (ie, header



, etc.). Let your keywords are all, but avoid excessive piles at the same place. Key words selection skills: Correlation (ie, positioning), the top level (too hot, too hot, no one search) 2, domain name strategy: The domain name is best to contain your keyword, and use the hyphen "-" Since the keyword is split alone to facilitate search engine identification. Some experts believe that the domain name is weak for ranking, but it is undeniable that there is an indeed effect, so it can take care of the keyword domain name. Second, the three-level domain name is clearly nothing competitive. 3, virtual host policy: Check the shared IP address website: Most of the current multiple small and medium-sized websites share a virtual host with the same IP address. If a website with your shared IP is punished by the search engine, you will not be able to log in to the search engine. In addition, since an IP often has hundreds of websites, it will affect your web download speed. Especially if the traffic of some of the websites is particularly large. If the search engine can't download it half a day while grabbing a page, searching robots will discard. Therefore, in addition to understanding how many websites share IP, whether they are punished, it is best to understand their flow rates. If the situation is not good, hurry to change the host. In addition, search engines do not want to include the website on the free home space, even if it is included, it is difficult to rank. Tool recommendation: I know your IP address through the domain name: Access to the number and address of the shared website via the IP address: /members/reverse-ip.html 4, web file directory strategy: Order, reasonable arrangement of file directory structure, specification naming. Simple website is mostly three levels. The important content is placed on top-level directory. Directory folder named keywords, and HTML web file names also collect keywords. The picture file also contains keywords. The keywords referred to herein are mainly for specific page content. The file name is the phrase to be separated from a short horizontal line or underline. The specification is to use English instead of pinyin alphabet:

The following is a topic for the "Children's Rescue" website (including External File): 5, External Files Policy: Put the Java Script file and CSS files in JS and CSS external files, respectively. The advantage of this is to put important pages on top of the page and reduce the size of the file. It is conducive to the search engine to quickly accurately capture the important content of the page. Other fonts (font) and formatted tags are also as small as possible. The search engine likes to find key content on this page at the beginning of the page. 6. Dynamic strategy: Dynamic pages, is a page dynamically generated by ASP, PHP, CGI and other programs, requiring user input condition to be submitted. There are two ways to allow search engines to capture: Create a link in a static page (such as a website map) to point to this dynamic page, or modify the URL of this dynamic page as a static HTML file so that the URL no longer contains symbols? , =, &,%, , And more symbols. Tool recommendation (useless, try it yourself): Dynamic Static Web Converter V1.1 7, Frame Policy: If the website must use the frame, you should use the NOFRAME tab correctly, in the area included Point a link to the frame or a description of the keyword, and a keyword text appears in the area other than the framework. 8. Picture Policy: Use the Alt property tab in the code of the image to explain, with keywords, and add text annotations with keywords next to the image. Avoid pure image web pages, such as some enterprise website home image page. Flash is more useful, and the search engine tracks its embedded links. Example: "Email Marketing" Banner Advertising this website:  Email Marketing > One page of the web page by the web page including the image is best not to exceed 50K 9. Site Map Policy: Based on the text-based website maps contain all the columns, sub-columns. Three factors of the website map: Text, link , Keywords are extremely conducive to search engines to grab the main page content. Therefore, dynamically generate directory sites, especially need to create site maps. If the web column needs to be reflected on the website map. Example: Microsoft website Site Map 10, Title and Meta Tags: Search Engine Optimization Basic Soft: Title Title The content will be displayed on the search results page in the form of a link title. Title is generally website name short description, including core keywords, such as: Times marketing, Network Marketing Professional Portal </ Title>, just a simple <title> Time Marketing </ Title>. Meta Keywords and Description: Determine several core keywords and combinations, keywords 3 -5 should not be more than 15 to avoid the suspicion of the stack. Description is a short description of the website, with keywords.</p></div><div class="text-center mt-3 text-grey"> 转载请注明原文地址:</div><div class="plugin d-flex justify-content-center mt-3"></div><hr><div class="row"><div class="col-lg-12 text-muted mt-2"><i class="icon-tags mr-2"></i><span class="badge border border-secondary mr-2"><h2 class="h6 mb-0 small"><a class="text-secondary" href="tag-2.html">9cbs</a></h2></span></div></div></div></div><div class="card card-postlist border-white shadow"><div class="card-body"><div class="card-title"><div class="d-flex justify-content-between"><div><b>New Post</b>(<span class="posts">0</span>) </div><div></div></div></div><ul class="postlist list-unstyled"> </ul></div></div><div class="d-none threadlist"><input type="checkbox" name="modtid" value="108194" checked /></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="text-muted small bg-dark py-4 mt-3" id="footer"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="col">CopyRight © 2020 All Rights Reserved </div><div class="col text-right">Processed: <b>0.045</b>, SQL: <b>9</b></div></div></div></footer><script src="./lang/en-us/lang.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/jquery.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/popper.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/xiuno.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/bootstrap-plugin.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/async.min.js?2.2.0"></script><script src="view/js/form.js?2.2.0"></script><script> var debug = DEBUG = 0; var url_rewrite_on = 1; var url_path = './'; var forumarr = {"1":"Tech"}; var fid = 1; var uid = 0; var gid = 0; xn.options.water_image_url = 'view/img/water-small.png'; </script><script src="view/js/wellcms.js?2.2.0"></script><a class="scroll-to-top rounded" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon-angle-up"></i></a><a class="scroll-to-bottom rounded" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display: inline;"><i class="icon-angle-down"></i></a></body></html><script> var forum_url = 'list-1.html'; var safe_token = 'eg_2FZQ9Z_2FY7dicamH3EanYSKkEFuMltECBJj61kNxJY4nF_2F5rFOo10OPQSXzZQrGoyPj0TeNNwsu9FQvCm2d5aQ_3D_3D'; var body = $('body'); body.on('submit', '#form', function() { var jthis = $(this); var jsubmit = jthis.find('#submit'); jthis.reset(); jsubmit.button('loading'); var postdata = jthis.serializeObject(); $.xpost(jthis.attr('action'), postdata, function(code, message) { if(code == 0) { location.reload(); } else { $.alert(message); jsubmit.button('reset'); } }); return false; }); function resize_image() { var jmessagelist = $('div.message'); var first_width = jmessagelist.width(); jmessagelist.each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); var maxwidth = jdiv.attr('isfirst') ? first_width : jdiv.width(); var jmessage_width = Math.min(jdiv.width(), maxwidth); jdiv.find('img, embed, iframe, video').each(function() { var jimg = $(this); var img_width = this.org_width; var img_height = this.org_height; if(!img_width) { var img_width = jimg.attr('width'); var img_height = jimg.attr('height'); this.org_width = img_width; this.org_height = img_height; } if(img_width > jmessage_width) { if(this.tagName == 'IMG') { jimg.width(jmessage_width); jimg.css('height', 'auto'); jimg.css('cursor', 'pointer'); jimg.on('click', function() { }); } else { jimg.width(jmessage_width); var height = (img_height / img_width) * jimg.width(); jimg.height(height); } } }); }); } function resize_table() { $('div.message').each(function() { var jdiv = $(this); jdiv.find('table').addClass('table').wrap('<div class="table-responsive"></div>'); }); } $(function() { resize_image(); resize_table(); $(window).on('resize', resize_image); }); var jmessage = $('#message'); jmessage.on('focus', function() {if(jmessage.t) { clearTimeout(jmessage.t); jmessage.t = null; } jmessage.css('height', '6rem'); }); jmessage.on('blur', function() {jmessage.t = setTimeout(function() { jmessage.css('height', '2.5rem');}, 1000); }); $('#nav li[data-active="fid-1"]').addClass('active'); </script>