JSP reads large object clob and generates an XML file example

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  84

<% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%>

<% @ Page Info = "Database Handler"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.io. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.net. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.lang. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.util. *"%>

<% @ Page Import = "java.sql. *"%>

<% @ page import = "javax.servlet. *"%>

<% @ page import = "javax.servlet.http. *"%>

<% @ page import = "Oracle.sql.clob"%>

<% @ page import = "Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultset"%>


INT i = 0;

String Parid = Request.getParameter ("ID_NO");

String strsql;

String content = "";

Try {

String Xmlfile = "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/Vehicles/test.xml";

Class.Forname ("Sun.jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcdriver");

String dburl = "JDBC: Oracle: Thin: @ 1521: ycdb";

Connection Con = DriverManager.getConnection (DBURL, "Training", "DEEP1704SEA");

Statement Stmt = con.createstatement ();

// Read the CLOB or BLOB column using the stream

strsql = "SELECT XMLGEN.GETXML ​​('SELECT * from account_holder where id_no =' '0001' ') from dual";

ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery (strsql);

IF (rs.next ()) {

Clob Clob = ((ORACleResultset) RS) .GETCLOB (1);

IF (clob! = null) {

Reader is = clob.getcharacterstream ();

BufferedReader Br = New BufferedReader (IS);

String s = br.readline ();

While (s! = null) {

// byte [] temp = s.getbytes ("ISO-8859-1"); // s = new string (temp);

Content = S;

S = Br.Readline ();




//out.println (t);

// Write it from the content read from the database to the file

FileOutputStream fo = new fileoutputstream (XMLFile);

PrintStream SO = New PrintStream (fo);

So.println (Content);

So.close ();

Rs.close ();

Stmt.close ();

C. close ();

} catch (exception e) {

Out.println (e);




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