TSL script command

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  108

WinRunner Context Sensitive Command List

1. ActiveBar_combo_select_item (Band_Tool, Item_Name); Select a drop-down menu, for example:

Set_window ("form1", 1);

ActiveBar_combo_select_item ("Format; Font", "Arial");

In The Following Example, WinRunner Selects The Third Item in The Format: Font Tool.

Set_window ("form1", 1);

ActiveBar_combo_select_item ("Format; Font", "# 3");

2. ActiveBar_Dump (file_name); Storage Activity toolbar information, including title, name, ID, etc.

File_name parameters include paths, for example:

Set_window ("form1", 1);

ActiveBar_dump ("D: BARDUMP.TXT");

3, ActiveBar_select_menu (Band_Tool [, Events_only]); Select a menu, for example:

In The Following Example, WinRunner Selects The Cut Menu Item in The Edit Toolbar.

Set_window ("form1", 1);

ActiveBar_Select_Menu ("Edit; Cut", True;

4, activebar_select_tool (band_tool [, events_only]); select one of the toolbar, for example:

Set_window ("form1", 1);

ActiveBar_Select_Tool ("Format; Center", true);

5, WIN_CHECK_BITMAP (Window, Bitmap, Time [, X, Y, Width, Height]); Compare Window Bitmap,

6, Obj_Check_bitmap (Object, Bitmap, Time [, X, Y, Width, Height]); Compare Object Bitmap,

7, button_check_info (button, property, preordy_value); Check the value of the button properties

8, button_check_state (Button, State); Check the status of the radio box or check box

9, button_get_info (button, property, out_value; return button attribute)

10, Button_get_State; return to the state of the radio box or check box

11, Button_Press (Button); click button

12, Button_Set (Button, State); Set the status of the radio box or check box

13, Button_Wait_info (Button, Property, Value, Time); attribute value change of the waiting button

14, Calendar_Activate_Date (Calendar, Date); Double-click Calendar a Date

15, DB_CHECK (Checklist, Expected_Results_File [, Max_Rows [, Parameter_Array]]); compares the current database data and the expected database data

16, db_connect (session_name, connection_string); create a database session and establish an ODBC connection 17, db_disconnect (session_name); Disconnect end session

18, DB_EXECUTE_QUERY (session_name, sql, record_number); Execute SQL statement return record set

19, DB_GET_FIELD_VALUE (session_name, row_index, column); return to the value of a specific area of ​​the database

20, DB_GET_HEADERS (session_name, header_count, header_content); Returns the number of columns of the database session and columns of columns and groups with TAB

21, DB_GET_LAST_ERROR (session_name, error); return the last database session error message

22, db_get_row (session_name, row_index, row_content); return to a specific line of content

23, db_record_check (ChecklistFileName, SuccessConditions, RecordNumber); Compares information that appears in the application under test during a test run with the current values ​​in the corresponding record (s) in your database.

24, DB_WRITE_RECORDS (session_name, output_file [, headers [, record_limit]); write the result record to a text file

25, DDT_Close (data_table_name); Turn off Data Sheet File

26, ddt_close_all_tables (); Close all data sheets

27, DDT_EXPORT (DATA_TABLE_NAMENAME1, DATA_TABLE_NAMENAME2); derive a data sheet information to another data sheet file

28, DDT_GET_CURRENT_ROW (data_table_name, out_row); return to the data table currently

29, DDT_GET_PARAMETERS (Table, Params_List, Params_Num); Number of parameters and parameters of the data table returns


31, DDT_IS_PARAMETER (DATA_TABLE_NAME, PARAMETER); Returns a parameter is valid in the data sheet

32, DDT_NEXT_ROW (DATA_TABLE_NAME); pointing to the next line of the current line in the data table

33, DDT_Open (Data_Table_name [, Mode]); Open or create a data sheet that can be accessed

34, DDT_REPORT_ROW (DATA_TABLE_NAME); reports the current line to test results

35, DDT_SAVE (DATA_TABLE_NAME); save data table information

36, DDT_SET_ROW (data_table_name, row); set the current behavior of the current behavior

37, DDT_SET_VAL (Data_Table_name, Parameter, Value); Insert a new value of parameter column VALUE

38, DDT_SET_VAL_BY_ROW (Data_Table_name, Row, Parameter, Value); Plug in a new Value for a specific row of Parameter

39, ddt_show (data_table_name [, show_flag]); display or hide data table, 1 is displayed, 0 is hidden 40, DDT_SORT (Table_File, Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2, Sort_By_Rows, Key1 [, Key2, Key3]); Keywords sort the value of the specific area of ​​the data table, the sort_by_rows parameter 1 is in line, 0 is listed

41, DDT_UPDATE_FROM_DB (DATA_TABLE_NAME, FILE, OUT_ROW_COUNT [, MAX_ROWS]); from the database to the data table;

42, ddt_val (data_table_name, parameter); return the value of the parameter of the data table

43, DDT_VAL_BY_ROW (DATA_TABLE_NAME, ROW_NUMBER, PARAMETER); Returns the value of the parameter of the data table specific row

44, Date_age_String (Date, Years, Month, Days, new_date); change the date corresponding to the new value

45, DATE_ALIGN_DAY (align_mode, day_in_week); Specify a specific date to a day

46, DATE_CALC_DAYS_IN_FIELD (Field_name1, Field_Name2); calculate the number of days during two days

47, DATE_CALC_DAYS_IN_STRING (String1, String2); the number of days during the day of calculating the string format

48, Edit_Check_info (Edit, Property, Property_Value); Check the value of the object properties

49, edit_check_selection; check if the selected string exists

50, edit_check_text (edit, text, case_self; check the text content of the editing object

51, edit_delete (ed_column); Delete text content of editing objects

52, edit_delete_block (edit, start_row, start_column, end_row, end_column); Delete text area

53, edit_get_block (edit, start_row, start_column, end_row, end_column, out_string); return to text area

54, edit_get_info (Edit, Property, Out_Value); Returns the properties value of editing objects

55, edit_get_row_length; returns the length of row in editing objects

56, edit_get_rows_count (edit, out_number); Return to editors

57, edit_get_selection; return to the selected string of editing objects

58, edit_get_selection_pos (edit, out_start_row, out_start_column, out_end_row, out_end_column); Returns the start and end position of the selected area

59, edit_get_text (edit, out_string); return to the text of the editable object

60, Edit_Insert (Edit, Text, Columni); insert text in the first line of editing objects

61, Edit_Insert_block (Edit, Text, Row, Column); Inserting the text in a multi-line editing object

62, edit_replace (edit, text, start_column, end_column); replace a content of an editing object

63, edit_replace_block (edit, text, start_row, start_column, end_row, end_column); replace a multi-line content 64, edit_set (edit, text), replace the editing object

65, edit_set_insert_pos (edit, row, column); put the mouse pointer to the edit object specific location

66, edit_set_selection (ed_row, start_column, end_row, end_column); select the text of editing objects

67, edit_type (edit, text); knocking in the string in editing object

68, edit_wait_info (Edit, Property, Value, Time); Waiting for the value of editing object properties

69, obj_check_gui (object, checklist, expected_results_file, time); compare current GUI object data

70, WIN_CHECK_GUI (Window, Checklist, Expected_Results_File, Time); compares the current GUI object data for one window

71, GET_CLASS_MAP (CUSTOM_CLASS, OUT_STANDARD_CLASS); Return to a custom class related standard class

72, get_record_attr (class, out_obligatory, out_optional, out_selector); return attribute from an object class

73, GET_RECORD_METHOD (Class, Out_Method); Method for Returning an object class

74, SET_CLASS_MAP (Custom_Class, Standard_Class); Associate a custom class and a standard class

75, set_record_attr (class, oblig_prop, optional_prop, selector); setting an object class's properties

76, set_record_method (class, method); set a record method for one class

77, unset_class_map; unlocked a custom class and standard class association relationship

78, GUI_ADD (File Path, Window, Object, Physical_Desc); add an object to the GUI Map file

79, GUI_BUF_GET_DESC (File, Window, Object, Out_DESC); Returns the physical description of the object in the GuiMap file

80, GUI_BUF_GET_DESC_ATTR (file, window, object, print, out_prop_value); Returns the value of the properties of the object in the GUIMAP file

81, GUI_BUF_GET_LOGICAL_NAME (file, physical_desc, window, out_name); return to the logical name of the object in the Guimap file

82, GUI_BUF_NEW (File); Create a new GUI object file

83, GUI_BUF_SET_DESC_ATTR (File, Window, Object, Property, Value); Set the value of the properties of the object in the Guimap file

84, GUI_Close (file); Close GUIMAP file

85, GUI_Close_all (); Close all Guimap files

86, GUI_DELETE (File, Window, Obj); Delete an object from the Guimap file

87, GUI_DESC_COMPARE (DESC_1, DESC_2); Compare two physical descriptions

88, GUI_DESC_GET_ATTR (Physical_Desc, Property, OUT_ATTR_VALUE); Value of the attribute from physical description

89, GUI_DESC_SET_ATTR (Physical_Desc, Property, Value); Setting the value of the attribute 90, GUI_GET_NAME (OUT_NAME, OUT_VERSION); Returns the type of GUI object under the test program

91, GUI_GET_WINDOW (); Returns the current window in Guimap

92, GUI_LIST_BUF_WINDOWS (file, out_windows, out_number); list all the windows in the Guimap file


94, GUI_LIST_DESC_ATTRS (Physical_Desc, Out_Array); lists the attribute value of a GUI object

95, GUI_LIST_MAP_BUFFERS (OUT_FILE, OUT_NUMBER); list all loaded GuiMap files

96, GUI_LIST_WIN_OBJECTS (file, window, out_objects, out_number); list all objects of a window

97, GUI_LOAD (file_name); load a guimap file

98, GUI_MAP_GET_DESC (Window, Object, Out_Desc, Out_File); Returns the physical description of objects in Guimap

99, GUI_MAP_GET_LOGICAL_NAME (Physical_Desc, Window, Out_Obj, Out_File; Returns the logical name of the object in GuiMap

100, GUI_Open (file_name); Open Guimap file

101, GUI_SAVE (file_name); save the GUIMAP file

102, gui_save_as (current_file_name, new_file_name); Save As GuiMap File

103, GUI_SET_WINDOW (Window_Name); Set the target identification range in Guimap

104, GUI_UNLOAD (file); Uninstall Guimap file

105, GUI_UNLOAD_ALL () Uninstalling all Guimap files

106, icon_move (icon, x, y); mobile icon to new location

107, icon_select (icon); click the mouse selection icon

108, Java_Activate_method (Object, Method, Retval [, Param1, ... param8]); Java method called request

109, Java_fire_Event (Object, Class [, Constructor_PARAM1, ..., CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMX]); an event to simulate a Java object

110, JCO_CREATE (Object, Jco, Class [, Constructor_Param1, ..., Constructor_Param8] Creates an existing Java object context Java object

111, JCO_FREE (Object_Name); Release the JCO object specified in memory

112, JCO_FREE_ALL (); release the JCO object in all memory

113, JDC_AUT_CONNECT (In_Timeout); establish a connection to WinRunner and Java applications

114, Method_Wizard ([Object]); Wizard to open the Java method

115, obj_key_type (Object, Keyboard_INPUT); send events to Java components

116, obj_set_info (Object, Property, Value); Set the value of the object properties

117, popup_select_item ("Menu Component; Menu Item); Select an option from the Java Active menu

118, list, item [, offset]; activation list 119, list_check_info (list, prot, print, proty, preacty_value); check the value of the list attribute

120, list_check_item (list, item_num, item_content); check the content of a list

121, List_Check_Selected (List, SELECTED_ITEMS); check the selected item

122, List_collapse_item (List, item [, mouse_button]); options in hiding tree graphics

123, List_Deselect_Item (List, item [, mouse_button [, offset]]); Cancel a list of selected lists

124, List_Deselect_Range (List, item1, item2 [, offset]); Deactivate 2 options

125, list_drag_item (source_list, item [, mouse_button]); one option of dragging the source list

126, list_drop_on_item (target_list, target_item); option to associate an object to the target list

127, List_expand_Item (List, item [, mouse_button]); Show hidden tree graph options

128, List_extend_Item (List, item [, button [, offset]); Add an option to the specified list

129, LIST_EXTEND_MULTI_ITEMS (List, item_list, [, mouse_button [, offset]); Add multiple options

130, list_extend_range (list, item1, item2 [, button [, offset]]); Add a range of options

131, list_get_checked_items (list, items, number); number and value of the options for returning tags

132, List_get_info (List, Property, Out_Value); Returns the value of the list attribute

133, list_get_item (list, item_num, out_value); return list options

134, list_get_item_coord (List, item, out_x, out_y, out_width, out_height); four coordinates of the list option

135, list_get_item_info (list, item, state, out_value); return list option

136, list_get_item_num (list, item, out_num); Return to the list option

137, list_get_selected (list, out_item, out_num); Return to the number and string value of the selected option in the list

138, list_select_item (list, item [, button [, offset]]); select a list option

139, list_select_multi_items (list, item_list [, mouse_button [, offset]]); select a list of multiple options

140, list_select_range (list, item1, item2 [, button [, offset]]); selected all options within a certain range

141, List_Wait_info (List, Property, Value, Time); Waiting for the value of the list properties

142, menu_get_desc (menu, oblig, optional, selector, out_desc); return menu physical description 143, menu_get_info (menu, property, out_value); return menu properties

144, menu_get_item (menu, item_number, out_contents); return menu options

145, menu_get_item_num (menu, item, out_position); Return to the menu option

146, menu_select_item (menu; item [x, y]); select a menu option

147, Menu_wait_info (Menu, Property, Value, Time); Waiting for the value of the menu properties

148, Obj_Check_bitmap (Object, Bitmap, Time [, x, y, width, height]); bitmap of comparing objects

149, obj_check_gui (object, checklist, expected_results_file, time); compare current GUI object data

150, obj_check_info (object, property, printy_value [, timeout]); Check the value of the GUI object properties

151, obj_click_on_text (object, string [, search_area [, string_def [, mouse_button]]); click on the text in the object

152, Obj_Drag (Source_Object, X, Y [, Mouse_Button]); dragging an object from the source object

153, Obj_Drop (Target_Object, X, Y); Drag an object to the target object

154, obj_exists (Object [, Time]); check if the object is displayed on the screen

155, obj_find_text (Object, string, result_array [, search_area [, string_def]); Returns the position of the string in the object

156, Obj_get_Desc (Object, Oblig, Optional, Selector, OUT_DESC); Remove Objects Physical Description

157, obj_get_info (Object, Property, Out_Value); Returns the value of the object properties

158, OBJ_GET_TEXT (Object, Out_Text [, X1, Y1, X2, Y2]); the text of the read object

159, obj_highlight (Object [, FLASHES]); highlight display object

160, OBJ_MOUSE_CLICK (Object, x, y [, mouse_button]); click on an object

161, OBJ_MOUSE_DBL_CLICK (Object, X, Y [, Mouse_Button]); Double-click an object

162, OBJ_MOUSE_DRAG (Object, start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y [, mouse_button]); drag the mouse over the object

163, OBJ_MOUSE_MOVE (Object, X, Y); Move mouse pointer in the object

164, OBJ_MOVE_LOCATOR_TEXT (Object, String [, Search_Area [, String_DEF]]); Move the mouse to a string in the object

165, obj_type (Object, keyboard_input); Enter an object with a keyboard

166, obj_wait_bitmap (Object, Bitmap, Time [, X, Y, Width, Height]); Waiting Object Bitmap appears on the screen

167, obj_wait_info (Object, Property, Value, Time); Waiting for the value of the object attribute 168, scroll_check_info (scroll, proty, printy_value; check the attribute value of the scroll bar

169, scroll_check_pos (scroll, position); check the current location of the scroll bar

170, scroll_drag (scroll, orientation, position); scroll to the specified location

171, scroll_drag_from_min (scroll, orientation, position); start scrolling from the minimum value

172, scroll_get_info (scroll, proty, out_value); return the attribute value of the scroll bar

173, scroll_get_max (scroll, orientation, out_max); return to the maximum location of the scroll bar

174, scroll_get_min (scroll, orientation, out_min); return to the minimum position of the scroll bar

175, scroll_get_selected (slider, min_value, max_value); Return the minimum and maximum value of the scroll bar

176, scroll_get_pos (scroll, orientation, out_pos); return scrollbar current location

177, Scroll_Line (scroll, orientation, [ | -] lines); Scroll the specified line

178, scroll_max (scroll, orientation); set scroll bar to maximum location

179, scroll_min (scroll, orientation); Set the scroll bar to the minimum position

180, Scroll_page (scroll, orientation, [ | -] pages); Moving the number of pages specified by the scroll bar

181, scroll_wait_info (scroll, proty, value, time); waiting for the value of the scroll bar properties

182, spin_get_info (spin, property, out_value); Returns the value of rotation properties

183, spin_get_pos (spin, out_value); Return the position of the rotating object

184, spin_get_range (spin, out_min_pos, out_max_pos); Return the minimum and maximum position of the rotating object

185, spin_max (spin [, index]); set the rotation object to the maximum value

186, spin_min (spin [, index]); set the rotation object to the minimum

187, spin_next (spin [, index]); set the rotation object to the next value

188, spin_prev (spin [, index]); set the rotating object to the previous value

189, spin_set (spin, item [, index]); setting the selection object to a select value

190, spin_wait_info (spin, property, value, time); waiting for rotation attributes equal to the specified value

191, Static_Check_info (static, proty, printy_value); Check the value of the static text object attribute

192, Static_Check_text (static, text, case_sensitive); check the content of the static text object

193, static_get_info (static, property, out_value); return the value of static text object properties

194, static_get_text (static, out_string); return the content of a static text object

195, static_wait_info (static, proty, value, time); waiting for the attribute value of the static text object 196, statusbar_get_field_num (statusbar, field, field_index); Returns the digital index of the status bar area

197, statusbar_get_info (statusbar, property, out_value); return the property value of the status bar

198, statusbar_get_text (statusbar, field_index, out_text); read the text of the status bar area

199, statusbar_wait_info (statusbar, property, value, time); waiting for the status bar property

200, Tab_Get_info (Tab, Property, Out_Value); Returns the value of the Tab property

201, tab_get_item (tab, item_num, out_item); Returns the name of the TAB option

202, tab_get_selected (tab, out_item, out_num); Returns the name and number of selected TAB options

203, Tab_Select_Item (Tab, Item); Select Tab Options

204, Tab_Wait_info (Tab, Property, Value, Time); Waiting for Tab attributes

205, TBL_ACTIVATE_CELL (Table, Row, Column); Double-click a unit

206, TBL_ACTIVATE_COL (TABLE, Column); double click on the table

207, TBL_ACTIVATE_HEADER (Table, Column); Double Tap Some Title

208, TBL_ACTIVATE_ROW (Table, Row); Double Tap Some Row

209, TBL_DESELECT_COL (TABLE, Column); Cancel the selected list

210, TBL_DESELECT_COLS_RANGE (Table, From_COLUMN, TO_COLUMN); Cancel Select a few columns in the table

211, TBL_DESELECT_ROW (Table, ROW); Cancel Select a line in the table

212, TBL_DESELECT_ROWS_RANGE (Table, From_Row, TO_ROW); Cancellation Select a few lines

213, TBL_EXTEND_COL (TABLE, Column); Current column in the table

214, TBL_EXTEND_COLS_RANGE (Table, From_Column, TO_COLUMN); Current columns in the table

215, TBL_EXTEND_ROW (Table, ROW); before the top of the table

216, TBL_EXTEND_ROWS_RANGE (Table, From_Row, To_ROW); Current travel in the table

217, TBL_GET_CELL_DATA (Table, Row, Column, Out_Text); Returns the contents of the unit specified in the table

218, TBL_GET_COLS_COUNT (Table, OUT_COLS_COUNT); the number of columns returned

219, TBL_GET_COLUMN_NAME (Table, COL_INDEX, OUT_COL_NAME); Return to the title name specified in the table

220, TBL_GET_COLUMN_NAMES (Table, OUT_COL_NAMES, OUT_COLS_COUNT); Returns the name and number of columns in the table

221, TBL_GET_ROWS_COUNT (Table, OUT_ROWS_COUNT); Return Table

222, TBL_GET_SELECTED_CELL (Table, Out_Row, Out_Column); Returns the unit where the focus is located

223, TBL_GET_SELECTED_ROW (Table, Row); Return the current focus 244, TBL_SELECT_CELLS_RANGE (Table, Start_Row, Start_col, End_Row, End_col); Click Several Unit in the table

225, TBL_SELECT_COL_HEADER (Table, Column); selected the title of the specified column

226, TBL_SELECT_COLS_RANGE (Table, From_COLUMN, TO_COLUMN); Several columns selected in the table

227, TBL_SELECT_ROWS_RANGE (Table, From_Row, To_ROW); Select the specified line in the table

228, TBL_SET_CELL_DATA (Table, Row, Column, Data); Sets the content of a certain unit in the table

229, TBL_SET_CELL_FOCUS (Table, Row, Column); Set the focus to a unit

230, TBL_SET_SELECTED_CELL (Table, Row, Column); selected the specified unit in the table

231, TBL_SET_SELECTED_COL (TABLE, Column); select the specified column in the table

232, TBL_SET_SELECTED_ROW (Table, Row); select the specified line in the table

233, OBJ_CLICK_ON_TEXT (Object, String [, search_area [, string_def [, mouse_button]]); Click on an object

234, obj_find_text (Object, string, result_ARRAY [, search_area [, string_def]]); return to an object string position

235, OBJ_GET_TEXT (Object, Out_Text [, X1, Y1, X2, Y2]); read text from the object

236, OBJ_MOVE_LOCATOR_TEXT (Object, String [, search_area [, string_def]]); focus the mouse in the object in the string

237, WIN_FIND_TEXT (Window, String, Result_Array [, search_area [, string_def]]); return string position in one window

238, WIN_CLICK_ON_TEXT (Window, String [, search_area [, string_def [, mouse_button]]); search for text on the window

239, WIN_GET_TEXT (Window, Out_Text [, X1, Y1, X2, Y2]); read text from the area specified from the window

240, WIN_MOVE_LOCATOR_TEXT (Window, String [, search_area [, string_def]]); focus on the window in the string

241, Toolbar_Button_Press (Toolbar, Button, Mouse_Button); Click the toolbar button

242, Toolbar_get_Button (Toolbar, Button_num, Out_Text); Return Toolbar Button Name

243, Toolbar_Get_Button_info (Toolbar, Button, Property, Out_Value); Return to Toolbar Button Properties

244, Toolbar_Get_Button_Num (Toolbar, Button, Out_Num); Return to the toolbar button

245, Toolbar_get_Buttons_count (Toolbar, Out_Num); Returns the number of toolbar buttons

246, Toolbar_Select_Item (Toolbar, Toolbar_Item_Chain [, Mouse_Button]); Choose an item 247, Web_Browser_invoke (Browser, Site); call IE Open a site

248, web_cursor_to_image (image, x, y); mobile mouse pointer to a picture

249, Web_Cursor_to_Label (Label, X, Y); Move mouse pointer to a tag

250, web_cursor_to_link (link, x, y); mobile mouse pointer to a link

251, web_cursor_to_obj (Object, X, Y); Move mouse pointer to an object

252, Web_Event (Object, Event_Name [, X, Y]); run an event in the specified object

253, web_file_browse (Object); Click the Browse button

254, web_file_set (Object, value); set text value in the file type object

255, web_find_text (frame, text_to_find, result_array [, text_before, text_after, index, show]); return to the intra text location

256, web_frame_get_text (frame, out_text [, text_before, text_after, index]); return to the intra text

257, web_frame_get_text_count (frame, regex_text_to_find, count); return the number of events in intra standard expressions

258, web_frame_text_exists (frame, text_to_find [, text_before, text_after]); check if the text string specified within the frame exists

259, web_get_run_event_mode (out_mode); Returns the current operating mode

260, web_get_timeout; return to WinRunner Response Web's biggest wait time

261, Web_Image_Click (Image, X, Y); Click on a picture link or picture

262, web_label_click (label); click on the specified label

263, web_link_click (link); click on the text link

264, web_link_valid (name, valid); check if the URL link is valid

265, web_obj_get_child_item (Object, Table_Row, Table_Column, Object_type, index, out_object); Physical Description of Subjects Returns

266, web_obj_get_child_item_count (Object, Table_Row, Table_Column, Object_Type, Object_count); Number of child objects returned to objects

267, web_obj_get_info (Object, Property_Name, Property_Value); Returns the value of the object properties

268, web_obj_get_text (Object, Table_Row, Table_column, Out_Text_before, Text_After, Index]); Back to the object's text string

269, web_obj_get_text_count (Object, Table_Row, Table_Column, Regex_text_to_find, count); Return to the number of events within the object

270, web_obj_text_exists (object, table_row, table_column, text_to_ft_fter]); if the text exists in the object, return to the text 271, web_refresh (frame); WinRunner reconnects the specified frame

272, web_restore_event_default (); resetting all events is default

273, web_set_event (class, event_name, event_type, event_status); set event status

274, web_set_run_event_mode (mode); Setting Event Run mode

275, web_set_timeout (timeout); setting the maximum time for WinRunner responding to Web

276, web_set_tooltip_color (fg_color, bg_color); Set the color of the WebTest toolbar

277, web_sync (timeout); Waiting frame navigation completion

278, web_tbl_get_cell_data (Table, Row, Column, Starting_POS, OUT_TEXT, OUT_ACTUAL_TEXT_LENGTH); Returns the content of the specified unit in the web table, starting at the specified character

279, web_url_valid (url, valid); check if the URL is valid

280, TBL_GET_CELL_DATA (Table, Row, Column, Out_Text); Returns the contents of the specified unit in Table (loading WebTest)

281, TBL_GET_COLS_COUNT (Table, Out_COLS_COUNT); Returns the number of columns (loaded WebTest)

282, TBL_GET_COLUMN_NAME (Table, COL_IDEX, OUT_COL_NAME); Returns the name of the title of the column in the table (loaded WebTest)

283, TBL_GET_ROWS_COUNT (Table, OUT_ROWS_COUNT); Return the number of rows (loaded webtest)

284, web_password_encrypt (password); encrypt the password of the web page

285, set_window (window [, time]); activation window and determines waiting time

286, WIN_ACTIVATE (Window); Activate Window

287, WIN_CHECK_BITMAP (Window, Bitmap, Time [, x, y, width, height]); bitmap of the comparison window

288, WIN_CHECK_GUI (Window, Checklist, Expected_Results_File, Time); Compare Window GUI Data

289, WIN_CHECK_INFO (Window, Property, Property_Value [, Timeout]); Check the requested window properties

290, win_click_help (window); click help button in the window

291, WIN_CLICK_ON_TEXT (Window, String [, Search_Area [, String_DEF [, Mouse_Button]]]); Searching in Window

292, WIN_CLOSE (Window); Close window

293, Win_DRAG (Source_Window, X, Y [, Mouse_Button]); Drag Objects from Source Window

294, Win_Drop (Target_Window, X, Y); Drag Objects to Target Window

295, win_exists (window [, time]); check if the window is displayed on the screen

296, WIN_FIND_TEXT (Window, String, Result_DE [, Search_Area [, String_DEF]); Return to the location of the string in the window 297, Win_GET_DESC (Window, Obligatory, Optional, Selector, Out_Desc); Back to the window physical description

298, WIN_GET_INFO (Window, Property, OUT_VALUE); Returns the value of the window attribute

299, WIN_GET_TEXT (Window, Out_Text [, X1, Y1, X2, Y2]); read text from the window specified area

300, Win_Highlight (Window [, Flashes]); highlight display window

301, WIN_MAX (Window); Maximum window to full screen

302, minimizing the window is an icon

303, WIN_MOUSE_CLICK (Window, X, Y [, Mouse_Button [, Modifier]]); click on the mouse in the window

304, WIN_MOUSE_DBL_CLICK (Window, X, Y [, Mouse_Button [, Modifier]]; double click on the window

305, WIN_MOUSE_DRAG (Window, Start_x, Start_Y, End_x, End_y [, Mouse_Button]); Drag Operation in the window

306, WIN_MOUSE_MOVE (Window, X, Y); mobile mouse focus to the specified location

307, WIN_MOVE (Window, X, Y); mobile window to an absolute position

308, WIN_MOVE_LOCATOR_TEXT (Window, String [, Search_Area [, String_DEF]]); Move mouse focus to a string of the window

309, win_open (window); Open Application Window

310, WIN_RESize (Window, Width, Height); Adjustment window size

311, win_restore (window); Recovery Window from the previous size

312, win_type (window, keyboard_input); enter the window with the keyboard

313, WIN_WAIT_BITMAP (Window, Bitmap, Time [, X, Y, Width, Height]); Waiting Window Bitmap

314, win_wait_info (window, property, value, time); waiting window attribute value

315, Atan2 (Y, X); Return to Y / X (Other) Arc

316, cos (x); return cosine value

317, Exp (x); return E's index value

318, INT (x); return to the integer part

319, log (x); return to natural logarithm

320, SIN (X); return to the sinus

321, SQRT (X); return square root value

322, Delete Array [subscript]; Delete an element in an array

323, Split (String, Array [, Field_separators]); save the input divided into an array

324, Call test_name ([parameter1, parameter2, ... parametern]); call other test scripts

325, Call_Chain_Get_attr (Property, Level, Out_Value; return information for testing or functions in the calling chain

326, Call_Chain_Get_Depth (); Number of returns to call chain options

327, call_close test_name ([parameter1, parameter2, ... parametern]); call the test script, turn the test when completed

328, call_ex (astra_test_path); call Astra QuickTest test 329, return [expression] from WinRunner; return to test or function results expressions

330, Texit ([Expression]); stop executing the current test

331, Treturn [(Expression)]; Stop Call Test Return Control Call Test

332, LOAD (Module_Name [, 1/0 [, 1/0]]); load a compiled module

333, Reload (Module_Name [, 1 | 0 [0 [0]]); Delete the compiled module and reload memory

334, Unload ([Module | Test [, Function_name]]); Remove Compilation Module from Memory

335, Define_Object_Exception (Recovery_SCenario_name, Function, Window, Object, Property [, Value]); Confligent Observation Scene for A GUI object exception

336, define_popup_exception (recovery_scenario_name, function, window); definition of POP-UP event

337, Define_TSL_EXCEPTION (Recovery_SCenario_Name, Return_code [, TSL_Function]); Define TSL Event Abnormal Event

338, Exception_off (Recovery_SCenario_Name); Release the specified observation scenario

339, exception_off_all (); release all observation scenarios

340, exception_on (recovery_scenario_name); Activate the designated observation scenario

341, File_Close (file_name); Close the file opened with file-open

342, file_compare (file1, file2 [, save_file]); compare the contents of two files

343, file_getline (file_name, out_line); read the next line and assign it to a variable

344, file_open (file_name, mode); open or create a specified file

345, file_printf (file_name, format, exp1 [, exp2, ... EXP30]); print file in format

346, Pause ([Expression]); Pause Test execution and output prompt information

347, Report_MSG (Message); write information in the test report

348, Sprintf (Format, EXP1, EXP2, ... EXPN); Returns a fixed format string to a variable

349, STR_MAP_LOGICAL_TO_VISUAL (Logical_String, Visual_String); Convert the logical string to shape strings

350, EVAL (statement1 [; statement2; .... statementn;]); evaluate and execute the attached TSL statement

351, get_unique_filename (folder_path, file_prefix, file_extension, out_filename, with_underscore); Create a unique file name based on the specified prefix

352, Nargs (); Return to the number of parameters

353, TL_STEP (STEP_NAME, STATUS, DESCRIPTION); divide the test script into several pieces, and insert status information in the current test result

354, Invoke_Application (file, command_option, working_dir, show); call Windows Application

355, DOS_SYSTEM (Expression); Execute DOS Command 356, ASCII (String); Returns the first character of the string first character

357, Compare_text (str1, str2 [, chars1, chars2]); compare two strings

358, index (string1, string2); display two string locations

359, Length (string); calculate the number of characters in string

360, match (string, regular_expression); Find events in string regular expressions

361, SUBSTR (String, Position [, Length]); extract sub-string from string

362, TOLOWER (String); Convert all uppercase letters to lowercase letters

363, TouPper (String); Convert all lowercase letters to uppercase letters

364, End_Transaction (Transaction [, Status]); Tagging a performance analysis

365, get_time (); return to the current system time

366, start_transaction; labeled a performance analysis

367, Time_Str ([Expression]); convert the returned integer time into string

368, Wait (Seconds [, MilliseConds]); test pause

Invoke_Application (file, command_option, working_dir, show);

File: The file name of the application, absolute path;

Command_option: The parameter of the application;

Working_dir: Application Workpread;

SHOW: The program is running mode;

Database checkpoint: standard checkpoints and runtime checkpoints

Standard checkpoint checks the number of lines, columns, and content; including DefaultCheck only checks if the database content is consistent; Custom Check can combine the above three ways

Running checkpoint checks if some controls displayed on the program interface match records in the database, three ways: match one, match multiple strips, no match record


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