Yesterday, I went to Anhui Susong, a customer who worked for maintenance.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  97

Yesterday, I'm going to the experience of maintenance of the maintenance of the maintenance of the maintenance of the customer's database server, I have installed the Oracle client on the server, I installed halfway, when I installed the Oracle client on the server. Suddenly I found a very big error: Oracle server can no longer install Oracle client, I have exited but late: the charging management system cannot connect to the database, PB cannot connect to the database, and DBA Studio cannot connect to the database. God! ! ! This is buddy. Data is not backed up. Customers can't go online there. I have a cold sweat, I want to call me immediately, and I happen to call me. I will say it right away. He tried to keep calm (later, he said he also sweating): How many times I said: The Oracle server can no longer install Oracle client, if the customer's arrears are lost, I can't afford it, you must make the database you must return the database, and the Oracle's client installation process is modified by the content of the registry. You need a comparison to change. I received an action immediately. Refer to the Oracle information on my machine, then modify according to the actual situation of the customer, then import the registry into the customer's registry. Reline the server, you can only listen to life. It turned out to be good after restarting. Day. This experience is really a heavy lesson, this time is good luck and recovery. The biggest lesson is: Whether you are going to your customers, let's put the database backup !!!! Be sure to back up! ! ! ! ! ! ! Here is the information I use the registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE] "INST_LOC" = "C: // Program Files // Oracle // Inventory" "Oracle_Home" = "C: // Oracle // ORA81" "Oracle_Home_name" = "OraHome81" "API" = "C: // oracle // ORA81 / / DBS" "Oracle_group_name" = "Oracle - OraHome81" "NLS_LANG" = "American_america.we8iso8859p1" "OLEDB" = "c: // Oracle // ORA81 // OLEDB // MESG "VobHome2.0" = "c: // oracle // ORA81" "oo4o" = "c: // oracle // ora81 // oo4o // MESG"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE / ALL_HOMES] "Home_counter" = "1" "default_home" = "orahome81" "Last_Home" = "0"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE / ALL_HOMES / ID0] "NAME" = "OraHome81" "PATH" = "C: // oracle // ora81" "NLS_LANG" = "AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE / HOME0] "ID" = "0" "Oracle_group_name" = "Oracle - OraHome81" "Oracle_Home_name" = "OraHome81" "Oracle_Home" = "C: // Oracle // ORA81" "NLS_LANG" = "American_america.we8iso8859p1" "Oracle_SID" = "YBSTD99" "Oracle_Home_key" = "Software // Oracle // HOME0" "SQLPATH" = "C: // Oracle // ORA81 / / DBS" "Oracle_base" = "c: // oracle" "mshelp_tools" = "c : // Oracle // ORA81 / / MSHELP "" RDBMS_Control "=" c: // Oracle // ORA81 // Database "" RDBMS_Archive "=" c: // Oracle // ORA81 / / DATABASE // Archive "ORA_WATERH_AUTOSTART "= HEX (2): 54,00, 52,00, 55,00, 45,00,00, 00" Ora_waterh_pfile "= HEX (2): 43, 00, 3A, 00, 5C, 00, 6F, 00 72, 00, 61, 63, 100, 6C, 00, 65, / 00, 5C, 00, 61, 100, 64, 100, 6d, 00, 69, 100, 6E, 00, 5C, 00, 77,00, 61, 3, 74, 00, 65, 5c, 00, 70, 0, 66, 69, 100, 6C, 00, 65, 5C 00, 69, 00, 6E, 00, 69, 3, 74, 3, 2E, / 00, 6F, 00, 72, 100, 61, 100, 100 "ORA_WATERH_SHUTDOWN" = HEX (2): 54, 00, 52, 00, 55, 00, 45, 00, 00 "Ora_waterh_shutdowntype "= HEX (2): 69,00, 00" ORA_WATERH_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT "= HEX (2): 33,00, 30,00,00,00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE / OLEDB] "Cachetpe" = "Memory" "Chunksize" = "100" "Distribtx" = "1" "fetchsize" = "100" "OSAUTHENT" = "0" "PLSQLRSET" = "0 "" PWDCHGDLG "=" 1 "" SchrsTLng "=" 10000 "" Userdeffn "=" 0 "" traceretclause "=" 1 "" tracecategory "=" 0 "" tracefilename "=" c: //oraoledb.trc "" "=" 0 "" TRACEOPTION "=" 0 "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / ORACLE / OO4O]" cacheblocks "=" 20 "" fetchlimit "=" 100 "" fetchsize "=" 4096 "" HelpFile "=" C: //Oracle//ora81//Mshelp//racleo.hlp""lerblock"="16"" list"="256""thingpfiledirectory"="c://temp""oo4o_home"="c://oracle // ORA81 / / OO4O "


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