Use VBA access blocks and block reference data

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87

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Use VBA Access Blocks and Block Reference Data Summary: This document describes how to use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) access blocks and block reference data.

Product version operating system AutoCAD (R) 2000Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 Related Documents: Keywords: VBA Block Model Space Space Access Reference Data Document Number: TD105102.DOC Scope: API, Customization Revision Time: September 30, 1999 catalog

Introduction Create an application interface to create a block

Add the primitives to the block in the model space inserted block access blocks and block reference objects

Access Block Object Access Block Reference Modify The object introduction in the block can use VBA to manage blocks and block references. A block is an object set that is associated, referring to a process as a separate object definition, is called a block definition. A block reference is generated when inserting a block in the figure. The block definition is referenced to the block reference. It is very important to understand the difference between block definitions and block references, because this will help you understand how these objects are manipulated in VBA. We explain how to distinguish between a small program that demonstrates the process to distinguish between block definitions and block references. The following sections use the annotated code instance to demonstrate how to use the VBA access block (block definition) and block reference data. Creating an application interface assumes that you have used the following controls to define a VBA's main window.

A list box name with LstblockObject is named LSTBLOCKRECERENCE name box named cmdcreateBlock command button named cmdlister command button Create a module and add the following declaration. 'Block collection

Public BLKCOLL AS Acadblocks

'Block object

Public BLKOBJ AS Acadblock

'Block reference object

Public BLKREFRENCE As AcadblockReference

'Model space collection

Public Mspace As AcadmodelSpace

'Drawing space collection

Public pspace as acadpaperspace

Public country as integer

Public I as integer

Public Elem as Object

Public SUBELEM AS Object

'Block insertion point

Public BLKINSPNT (0 to 2) as Double

Public Circleobj As Acadcircle

'Round point

Public Center (0 to 2) as Double

'Round radius

Public Radius as DOUBLE

Public LineObj As Acadline

'Starting point in line segment

Public StartPNT (0 to 2) as Double

'Line segment endpoint

Public Endpnt (0 to 2) as Double

Add the following declarations in the initialization event of the window.

'Return to the model space collection

Set mspace = thisdrawing.modelspace

'Back to the paper space collection

Set pspace = thisdrawing.paperspace

'Return block collection

Set blkcoll = thisdrawing.blocks

Create a block

To create a block reference, you must first create a block definition (block) and use the "Add" mode. After creating a block, you can use the "InsertBlock" mode to insert a sample of the block in the figure. In this example, we create a block in the model space, which consists of a circle and one line segment.

Add the following code to the CMDCreateBlock button.

BLKINSPNT (0) = 0 #: blkinspnt (1) = 0 #: blkinspnt (2) = 0 #

'Add a block to the block collection

Set blkobj = blkcoll.add (blkinspnt, "newblock")

Add the primitive to the block

This section provides an example example of adding primitives to the block.

Add round

Center (0) = 0 #: center (1) = 0 #: center (2) = 0 #


'Add a circle into the block

SET CIRCLEOBJ = BLKOBJ.Addcircle (Center, Radius)

Add a line segment

StartPNT (0) = 1 #: startpnt (1) = 1 #: startpnt (2) = 0 #

Endpnt (0) = 5 #: endpnt (1) = 5 #: Endpnt (2) = 0 #

'Add a line segment into the block

Set lineobj = blkobj.addline (startpnt, endpnt)

Insert a block in the model space

The following code examples are inserted into the block in the model space.

Set BLKREFRENCE = Mspace.insertblock (Blkinspnt, "Newblock", 1 #, 1 #, 1 #, 0)

'Enlarge block


Access block and block reference object

VBA provides links to activate graphics in the current AutoCAD process via thisDrawing objects. You can immediately access the current document and all other objects in the documentation by using thisDrawing.

To access the block, look for thisDrawing objects; to access block references, look up model space collection or drawings space collection.

Access block object

Now you need a scanning block collection, return the block name and put them in the LstblockObject list box. There are two ways of scanning blocks.

You can use an index to scan a set of blocks. Once you know how much it contains, you can use the condition cycle. To implement the above functions, add the following code in the CMDLister command button.

'Return to the number of blocks in blocks

Count = blkcoll.count

'Empty list box


'Creating a block list

For i = 0 to count - 1

LstblockObject.addItem BlkColl.Item (i) .name


LstblockObject.listIndex = 0

Note: A collection of n items and indexes from 0 to N-1.

However, a better way is to use the for Each.NEXT condition cycle. For example, the following statement repeats a statement block on each of the collections or each element in the array. VBA automatically sets a variable each time the cycle is executed. Therefore, you can override the above code with the following example.

'Empty list box


'Creating a block list

For Each Elem in thisdrawing.blocks



LstblockObject.listIndex = 0

By using this code, you can

Reduce the operation steps. Enhance the readability of the code. Reduce custom variables. Reduce the workload of the error check (for example, the range of conditional statements). Make more programming styles.

Access block reference

To return a similar element, you have to complete a similar operation; however, it is not a searcher collection, but the model space or paper space collection of AutoCAD activation documents. To implement the above functions, add the following code in CMDLister's click event program.

'Empty list box


'Creating a block list

'Scanning model space collection

For Each Elem in Mspace

'Screening out block reference





LstblockReference.listIndex = 0

At this time, each time you click the Create Block button, there is only one block named newblock in the LstblockObject list box. A block reference called Newblock is added to the LstblockReference list box. Since creating a new block reference, a new block reference is added.

Note: Even if the block references is referenced to the existing block, the handle is different. For AutoCAD, they are different objects.

Modify the object in the block

You can also modify the object in the block without breaking blocks. To implement this feature, you must enter the block object, return to the object to be modified and change its properties. The following code example changes the color properties of the line segment to green.

Add the following code to the CMDChangeColor button Click the event:

Scanning block collection

For Each Elem in BLKCOLL 'Search for the block to modify

If ELEM.NAME = "Newblock" THEN 'Scan block

For Each Subelem in ELEM

'Find line segment

If Subelem.EntityName = "ACDBLINE" THEN

'Assign a new color R






'Refresh graphics


These codes change the color properties of the line segments in all block references named newblock. The real situation that happens that these codes change the color properties of the block object, and the block reference is also updated because they are referenced by block objects.

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