Open Proftp FXP (File Exchange Protocol - File Exchange Protocol)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  83

Today, I saw someone's FTP comment on me. I asked to open FXP. Before this, I still didn't know this story, but I understood that someone else understood, I used to quit the homepage very early, I used this function. . Here is the post:

FXP introduction

If you are online, then you must know ftp; if you have a personal home page, you must not deal with FTP (File Transfer Protocol, File Transfer Protocol). But if your homepage has multiple images, then you must know that fxp is good. Because the files on a FTP site are directly transferred to another FTP site, it is the FXP transfer method we will understand.

In fact, FXP's full name is File Exchange Protocol - File Exchange Protocol, and we can also think that FXP itself is actually a subset of FTP, because in the network of FTP servers to the server, actually uses the FTP server proxy Command, but its prerequisites are FTP servers to support PASV.

Said here, I believe that everyone must want to know how to realize the FXP function. Big Brother CUTEFTP in the FTP software supports FXP - simultaneously running CUTEFTP, and simply dragging the file you want to pass in two Server-side controls, that is, FXP passes. However, this FXP function is not only a very waste of system resources, but also is very troublesome in operation. So to achieve simple and fast FXP, or find professional FXP software such as FlashFXP, FTPRO, 2SERVERSERVER, Super FTP.

Now introduce you to the powerful FXP software:

Sky Heat: FlashFXP - Sharing Software

然 大物: ftpro - sharing software

FXP Nose: Super FTP

Briefly introduced these two FXP / FTP software, I believe that everyone has a little understanding of FXP and FXP file transfer. Maybe someone will ask, why do you want to use fxp? In fact, the answer is simple: because the data transfer between the server is done directly through the line, so the speed is much faster, sometimes it can reach tens of kb / s, which is a few Kb / s when we use a cat upload file. It is simply a quality leap. And in the file transfer process, our machine is just used to "finger a hand painting" for two servers. If you leave us, there is enough bandwidth to use, so you may wish to open a few sessions once a time, don't work hard, isn't it better

--------------------------------- Repost --------------- --------------------------------

At the same time, I will test it immediately. My FTPServer is a PrOFTPD1.2.9 version. It turns out that this feature is supported by default, and another proFTPD1.2.7 seems to be configured, it is also supported by default.

I also read the help in the cuteftp pro, mentioned 1.2.0rc3 version, requiring simple configuration, below is the help of the original text:

FXP Server Setup

You have to set up The folload three servers to allow site-to-site transfers.

To Configure MS IIS To ALLOW FXP

Requirements: MS IIS 5.0 with Windows 2000 SP1 or Laterinformation Provided by Microsoft

Using regedit.exe add the folowning registry key (dword value)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / SYSFTPSVC / Parameters / EnablePortattack = 1Warning: This Does Open Your System to a Port Attack. Microsoft Discourages this.

To Configure Proftpd 1.2.0rc3 to allow fxp

To support FXP when connecting as a user place "AllowForeignAddress on" in the Global or VirtualHost context.To support FXP when connecting as anon you must place "AllowForeignAddress on" in the Anonymous context.

The Config Will Happily Support "AllowForeignaddress On" in Multiple Places With "Passiveports 49152 65534"

To configure wu-ftpd to allow fxp

Requirements: wu-ftpd 2.6.0

/ etc / ftpaccess

First, you need to add an additional class for users that are allowed to do FXP (unless you just want to use the predefined class "all"). If you add a new class, this line MUST be before the catch-all class " All ", or the client will match class" all "first.

The line is of the form: class {arbitraryclassname} {accesstypes} {hostaddrs} [hostdrs]

THEN you add lines to allow pasv and port commands to hosts whose ips don't match the client (to allow fx)

THESE LINES ARE OF THE FORM: Port-allow {arbitraryclassname} {hostdrs} Pasv-allow {frbitralclassname} {hostdrs}


Class Newclass Real, Guest, Anonymous * * .More.Client.addresses.comClass All Real, Guest, Anonymous *

Port-allow newclass newclass


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