There have been many questions that I have a problem with the JavaScript and the frame (for the sake of seeking, with a FRAME table below). Really, if you want to use Frames and JavaScript's functionality, you must have a Netscape Navigator 2.0 (or above) browser (for less than a small purpose). Of course, some browser supports Frames' function - such as: Oracle's PowerBrowser, but this browser is just a beta version, and it is not supported by JavaScript. First, I will explain it to the function of Frames. Due to the Frames function, there is still a lot of HTML files in many html documents. Frames The most power is "divided" your window, so that each "small window" (Frame "can display different HTM L files (translated by: This is a point-like electrician master picture). What is more wonderful is that there is no interaction between Frame, that is, it is said that it can exchange information and information between Frames. For example, if you set up two frames, the first Frame can display General HTML documents, and the second frame can display toolbar. This integration column can be packaged in the various buttons you need to view your HomePage. As this, the first Frame has contained another HTML file, and you can still see the tool column in the second frame. Now I will show you the above characteristics first. Please press the button below to see the long phase of Frames. (If you are online viewing this file, you can need to see the results, because Scripts must be loaded into your machine by Server).
Below is this Frame Writing: