SAS9 Application - Transformation IntrunT Architecture Application to IT Architecture

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  87

1. Overview Due to the 9th version of the SAS INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY products provide a very similar technology line very similar to SAS / Intrnet, this is easy to upgrade INTRNET to IT

1, Broker's function is replaced by SAS StoredProcess Web Application in SAS Web Infrastructure Kit, (hereinafter referred to as STPWA), which is a web application deployed in Java Servlet. 2. SAS StoredProcess Server configured with Load-Balancing provides a similar application service and performance adjustment feature similar to the PoolService in the SAS / INTRNET. 3, Object Spawner provides a task scheduling and service process startup feature similar to the LoadMgr and Spawner in Intrnet. 4. The SAS StoredProcess Server is also automatically defined using the output of the _Webout FileRef to the Web Browser information.

Briefly, the relevant environment for supporting the application SAS Integration Technology is as follows:

1. STPWA, deployed on the Web Server machine, which requires installation of Java Servlet Container, such as Tomcat. The following assumptions use Tomcat. 2. SAS Metadata Server, deployed on the Metadata Server machine, which must be installed on the base SAS. 3. SAS StoredProcess Server, deploy on the SAS StoredProcess Serve machine, must be installed on the Base SAS, SAS Integration Technology, and ObjectSPAwner must exist. Note: The above three machines are logical classifications, and their physical correspondence can be the same machine, but also a multi-machine, the following is a description, convenient reference.

Second, the installation 1, the SAS Foundation section, including Base Sas, SAS Integration Technology, including Base Sas, SAS INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGY. 2, the SAS Foundation section including Base SAS is installed on both machines. 3, install JDK1.4.2_02 on one machine. Set the Java_Home environment variable in AutoExec.bat. 4, install Tomcat4.1.18 on one machine. There is no space in the directory name. 5, install the STPWA package after installing the machine on the machine. The SASSTOREDPROCESS directory is now installed or copied to Tomcat's WebApps directory. 6, install Application WebServer Files on 1 machine. That is, JavaScript, Image, Style, HTC and other directories. 7, install Application Sas Files on 3 machines. That is, CRLIBP, CRLIBM, SPAWNER directory.

Third, configuration 1, user definition 1. 1 Define a management user for starting and setting Metadata Server, if NT or 2000 must have "ACT AS Part of OS" permissions, such as AppMADM. A normal user used to read Metadata information is defined, with "log in to batch job", such as AppMuser. 1.2 Define a management user for starting OBJSPAWNER, if NT or 2000 has "ACT AS Part of OS", "Increase Quota", "Replace the Process Level token" permission, such as AppSADM. If XP has "Adjust Memory Quotas for A Process", "Replace The Process Level Token" permission. Acknowledge a nominal user for StoredProcess Server runs, with "log in to batch job", such as AppSuser, if NT or 2000 must have "ACT AS PART OF OS" permission. 2, MetadataServer configuration 2. 1 Log in to the 2 machine with AppMADM users, create a directory such as AppMeta, create two directorys in which RPOS and RPOSMGR, create AppMeta / StartMetadAnetaserver.bat files, make it as follows: @echo offcd / d "directory of this bat" Start / min "metaserver" "SAS9.1root / sas.exe" -nosplash -noterminal -objectserver -objectserverparms "applevel = 1 protocol = bridge port = metaport instantiate classfactory = 2887E7D7-4780-11D4-879F-00C04F38F0DB" -sasuser. -log M # d # b # y.log -logparm "rollover = auto open = replaceold write = immediate" where Directory of this Batsas9.1RootMetaPort is in line with the current actual situation, start / min starts for a complete row.

Create AppMeta / OMACONFIG.XML files, including the following:

Create appMeta / adminusers.txt files, including the following: Normal Hostname / AppMADM

2.2 Execute AppMeta / StartMetadataserver.bat2.3 Start SAS Management Console, establish a connection profile, the username is AppMADM, the host is this machine, the port is a metaport in 2.1; creates the base metadata repository, name For FoundationRposForApplication, the actual absolute path of AppMeta / RPOS in the physical location is 2.1. 2.4 Creating a user description information running SASSTOREDPROCESS Server, that is, a new group in the User Manager, named AppSuser, the login is defined as: This machine hostname / appsuser 2.5 Create SASSTOREDPROCESS Server Description Information, that is, New Server in Server Manager The server type is Object Spawner. The server name is 3 machine Hostname, the host name is 3 machine hostname, the default port can be used; when the requested server, the new stored procedure server is new, the server is named App Server, the host name is 3 machine hostname, after this process, find the newly built AppServer on the navigation tree, convert it into a load balancing server, and change the start command in the attribute of the definition item under which the definition item below: Sas -rsuSuser -autoexec "3 The absolute path of the machine spawner directory / "-logparm" rollover = session write = immediate "-log" 3 machine spAwner directory absolute path /%Y_%M_%D_%v.log "高 此 高 选The credentials log in to the user defined in 2.4. Note: The running log of the SAS StoredProcess Server is specified in the above command. 2.6 Some of the newly added (multibridge) at this definition will be customized to the actual SAS process, name, and port of the StoredProcessServer, and the host must be set to a 3-machine HostName. 2.7 Find a new SPAWNER server definition on the navigation tree, add a connection, name, and port for load balancing. 2.8 Store the process manager on the navigation tree Defines the stored procedure description, that is, create a new directory as app, in which the stored procedure definition is created, and the server is located in 2.5, the repository location is 3 machine spAwner The absolute path of the directory, the name, such as CW_ENTRY, the program file name is a .sas file actually existing in this directory, such as CW_ENTRY.SAS, the output type is selected as "stream". 3. StoredProcessServer Configuration 3. 1 to 3 appsadm user login machine, modify the spawner / StartSpawner.bat the directory of batthishostnameSAS9.1root three to modify the current situation this 3.2 spawner / MetadataServer.xml in metadataserverhostnamemetaportuserid_used_to_read_metadata_infoencoded_password_to_specify four to be modified to comply with the actual situation Metadata Server. EncodedPassword can be generated with the SAS PWENCode process, such as Proc PWENCODE IN = 'Before'; Run; the log is displayed in the log.

4. STPWA configuration 4. 1 Put the dedicated Tomcat Startenvforsas.bat to Tomcat_home / bin from SasstoredProcess / FoundationServiceRelated and modify the value of the CataLina_Home parameter as the current actual situation. 4.2 Add App Web Files Access Definition to Server.xml, such as 4.3 grant codeBase added at the end catalina.policy file "file: $ {catalina.home} / webapps / SASStoredProcess / -" {permission; permission "thishostname: 1024-", " Listen, Connect, Accept, Resolve ";}; where thishostname is modified to this actual hostname. 4.4 Copy sas_services_idp_local_omr.xml.orig is sas_services_idp_local_omr.xml, and wherein the replacement string is the following situation (SASStoredProcess / FoundationServiceRelated in): host_to_specify metadata server of hostnameport_to_specify metadata server port numberdomain_to_specify metadata server where the copy logging_config_stp.xml domainuserid_used_to_read_metadata_infoencoded_password_to_specify4.5 .orig is logging_config_stp.xml, and wherein the replacement string is the following situation (SASStoredProcess / FoundationServiceRelated in): your_tomcat_home_to_specify slash shall /4.6 system_properties.config.orig copy of system_properties.config, and wherein the replacement string is as follows Actual situation (SASSTOREDPROCESS / FOUNDATIONSERVICERVICERVICERDILATED): Your_tomcat_home_to_specify slash must copy login.config.orig to login.config, and replace the following string as 4.

4 (SASStoredProcess / FoundationServiceRelated in): host_to_specify metadata server of the hostnameport_to_specify metadata server port numberdomain_to_specify metadata server is located domain4.8 copy web.xml.orig web.xml, and wherein the replacement string is the following situation (SASStoredProcess / WEB-INF Middle): userid_used_to_read_metata_infoyour_tomcat_home_to_specify Note: Where initialization parameter INPUTENCODING guarantees that the Chinese character information is correct to SAS StoredProcess Server. 4.9 Copy is, and wherein the replacement string is the following situation (SASStoredProcess / WEB-INF / conf in): your_tomcat_home_to_specify4.10 params.config.orig copy of params.config, and replaced In the first few rows, the following string is actual (SASSTOREDPROCESS /): userid_used_to_read_metadata_infoencoded_password_to_specifydomain_to_specify Note: This setting is not prompted to log in for the first time to access the Servlet, and the automatic use of this user will continue later. Fourth, run 1, start Metadata Server on both machines. 2, start Object Spawner on the 3 machine. 3, start Tomcat on one machine. 4. Type the following similar address in the client IE http: // WebsereverHostName: 8080 / sasstoredProcess / Do? _Program =% 2FAPPP% 2FCW_ENTRY & _ID = login & _type = 0

Note: When multiple applications, the above-mentioned and port stored procedures CW_ENTRY.SAS's usage points:

First, the former is the autoexec file of the SAS service process, and the settings are inherited by the sub-SAS threads it initiated, which is different from the IntrNet Appserver. Therefore, if you want to save the reset time caused by each request of the inlet stored procedure, set the Application Environment The set of libraries, and no settings are not required during the corresponding inlet store, in the metadata for different Application Defines a separate STP Server and a separate portal stored procedure; The individual setting of each application is performed.


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