How to: Create an ASP.NET HTTP Module (from MSDN) using Visual C # .NET (from MSDN)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  85

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Implementation module deployment module configuration system test module reference

SUMMARY This step-by-step guide demonstrates how to create a simple custom HTTP module using Visual C # .NET. This article demonstrates how to create, deploy, and configure this module, and how to mount events for the module in the global.asax file.

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Implementation module

Newly built a Visual Studio .NET C # class library project called MyModule. Set a reference to the System.Web.dll library. Add the following instructions to this class: use system.Web; rename the syncmodule.cs class, then change the class definition accordingly. Implement the IHTTPModule interface. Your class definition style is as follows: public class syncmodule: ihttpmodule decides which events are booked. The following summarizes the events that can be booked from the HTTPAPPLICATION object:

AcquireRequestState: Call this event to allow modules to get or create a status of the requested state (for example, a session). AuthenticateRequest: When the security module needs to verify this event when verifying the user's identity before processing the request. Author Zeequest: This event can be called by the security module when requesting to be authorized. This event is called after authentication. BeginRequest: Call this event to inform a new request for a module being started. DISPOSED: This event is called to notify the module application to terminate for some reason. Allow the module to perform internal cleaning. EndRequest: Call this event to inform the module new request is ending. Error: Calling this event notification module has an error in the request processing. PostRequestHandleRexecute: Call this event to notify the module handler has completed the process of request. PrerequestHandleRexecute: Call this event to notify the module to handle the procedure for processing the request is being called. PresendRequestContent: Call this event to inform the module, the content is being sent to the client. PresendRequestHeaders: Call this event to inform the module, the HTTP header is being sent to the client. ReleaseRequestState: Calling this event allows the module to release the state after the process has completed the request. ResolveRequestCache: This event is called after authentication. The cache module uses this event to determine if the request should be handled by its cache, or whether a handler should process the request. UpdateRequestCache: This event is called after getting a response from the handler. The cache module should update their cache based on this response. This example uses the BeginRequest event. Please implement the IHTTPMODULE interface in the following manner: public void init (httpApplication app)


App.BeginRequest = New EventHandler (OnBeginRequest);


Public void dispose () {} is an event creation appointed appointment: Public Delegate Void MyEventhandler (Object S, Eventargs E); Defines a private local variable record of a MyEventHandler type to this event: private myeventhandler _eventhandler = null; Creating an event will be attached to the method in the Global.asax file or the class inherited from the HTTPApplication object. Public evenet myeventhandler myevent {

Add {_eventhandler = value;

REMOVE {_EventHandler - = value;

} Create an OnBeginRequest method, it hits the BeginRequest event of HttpApplication: Public Void OnbeginRequest (Object S, Eventargs E)


HTTPApplication App = S as httpapplication;

App.Context.Response.write ("Hello from OnbeginRequest In Custom Module.

IF (_eventhandler! = NULL)

_eventhandler (this, null);

} Compiled the project.

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Deployment module

Create a directory named module under C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT. Create a bin subdirectory in the newly created Module directory. The path formed is C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT / MODULE / BIN. Copy MyModule.dll from your project's bin / debug directory to the C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT / MODULE / BIN directory. Follow the steps below to mark the new module directory as a web application:

Open Internet Service Manager. Right click on the Module directory and click Properties. On the Directory tab, click Create. Click OK to close the module properties dialog.

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Configuration system

In the c: / inetpub / wwwroot / module / directory, a file called web.config is created. Paste the following text into the web.config file:

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Test module

In the C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT / MODULE directory, create a .aspx file called Test.aspx. Paste the following text into the Test.aspx file: <% @ page language = "c #"%>

<% Response.write ("Hello from test.aspx.
");%> Create a global.asax file in a C: / INETPUB / WWWROOT / MODULE directory. Paste the following code into the global.asax file: <% @ import namespace = "mymodule"%>