"Perl language entry" self-study notes - Chapter 3 1

zhaozj2021-02-16  128

"Perl language entry" self-study notes - Chapter 3 1

Mainly some of the introductions and skills of some arrays and lists, can fully feel the convenience and power of Perl :)


1. Array is a count from 0.

2. See the index value of the last element: $ # rocks

3. Simple questions: Rocks [-1]

Interval operators indicate the list direct quantity:

(1..5): Represents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(1.7..5.7): Indicates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 decimal to be removed

(5..1): Empty list, only one online

QW shortcuts to indicate the direct quantity of the list:

Qw / Fred Barney Betty Wilma Dino / DILMA DINO /

Qw {

/ usr / local / words



The list can be easily defined by the QW operator, and the front and rear operators can be defined by themselves.

The list assignment:

($ FRED, $ Barney, $ Dino) = ("Flintstone", "Rubble", undef;

Method for variable transformation:

($ FRED, $ barney) = ($ Barney, $ FRED);

Array assignment:

@ Rocks = Qw / bedrock slet lava /;

Array copy:

@ Rocks = @ Copy

POP and PUSH operators:

The POP function takes out the last element of an array and returns it:

@ array = 5..9;

$ FRED = POP (@Array); # $ FRED gets 9, @ array now has (5, 6, 7, 8)

$ FRED = POP @Array; # $ fred Get 8, brackets are not the same, @ array now (5, 6, 7)

The Push function adds an element in the array

Push (@ array, 0); # @Array has (5, 6, 7, 0)

Push @ array, 8; # @Array has (5, 6, 7, 0, 8)

Push @ array, 1..10; # @Array adds 10 new elements

Shift and unshift functions:

Operate the beginning of the array, similar to POP and PUSH;

@ Array = QW # Dino Fred Barney #;

$ a = shift (@Array); # $ a gets Dino, @ array now has ("fred", "barney");

Unshift @ array, 4; # @Array now has 4, Fred, Barney


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