Infragistics.Webui.Ultrawebgridfeedback on this topic ...
Expand and Collapse Rows on Client-Side
In Order to Expand or Collapse Rows on The Client You NEED TO CALL The Togglerow JavaScript function.
Sample Code and Explanation
Parameter Descriptions:
Gn = the name of your grid.
Srcrow = The id of the row you want to eXpand or collapse.
Expand = True Expands The Row, False Collapses IT.
Examples (JavaScript)
To Expand Row 0 of Your UltraweBGRID:
IGTBL_TOGGLEROW ('UltraWebGrid1', 'UltraWebGrid1r_0', true);
To Collapse Row 0 of Your UltraWebGrid:
IGTBL_TOGGLEROW ('UltraWebGrid1', 'UltraWebGrid1R_0', False);
Ms-help: //infragistics_help/infragistics_web/infragistics.Webui.UltraweBGRID.V3/INFRAGITICS.WEBUI.ULTRAWEBGRID.V3 /EXPAND_AD_COLLLAPSE_ROWS_ON_CLIENT-SIDE.HTM