Text-based search
In order to enhance the function on my website, I have developed a text-based search based on my website, and now use it on my website.
In order to learn from each other with the majority of netizens, I now publish it, the source code is as follows: Php $ dispstr = array (); $ dispstr [1] = "DISP_OS.PHP? Articles_ID ="; $ DISPSTR [2] = " DISP_WEBMA.PHP? Article_ID = "; $ DISPSTR [3] =" DISP_WEBCREA.P? Article_ID = "; $ DISPSTR [4] =" DISP_PROGRAM.PHP? Article_ID = "; $ DISPSTR [5] =" DISP_CREATE.PHP? Article_ID = "; $ File = file (" news.txt "); $ file1 = file (" part.txt "); $ file2 = file (" number.txt "); if (! Isset ($ PAGENUM)) {$ } = 1; $ Num = count ($ file); $ DISPNUMBEG = 6 * ($ PAGENUM-1); $ artnumeof = 6 * $ Pagenum; $ isdispnum = $ num- $ artnumeof; if ($ Isdispnum <0) {$ DISPNUMEOF = $ NUM; $ Lessign = 1;} else {$ DISPNUMEOF = $ ArtNumeof;} $ sIGN = 0; $ PAGEC = 0; for ($ ICOUNT = 0; ($ ICOUNT <$ Num) && ($ SIGN == 0); $ iCount = 6) {for ($ I = 0; $ I <= 6; $ I ) {IF (($ ICOUNT * 6 $ I) == $ Num) {$ SIGN = 1;}} $ pagec ; $ pagecount = $ pagec; $ fuhao = "◇"; $ color = e9eae9; $ IsColor = 0; // (Linkstr="disp_os.php?article_id= "; $ lessnum = 0; for ($ I = $ DISPNUMBEG; $ I ) {$ partnum = intVal ($ file1 [ $ I]); if ($ partnum == 0) {$ Dispvar = $ Fuhao. $ file [$ i]; echo "