Delphi for C ++ Programmers

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Delphifor C Programmers


There Are A Lot of Delphi Books Out There, But 99% of Them Deal Only with the THE

More "Glamorous" Visual Aspects. While The Visual Interface Is The Main

Attraction of Development Systems Like Delphi and Visual Basic, Their Greatest

Stregth Is That They Free The Program from The Drudgery of Coding The User

Interface, And Allow Him or Her to Work On The Actual Program.

IT Doesn't Matter How Visual Your Tools Are (or How Fantastic T

Manufacturer's Claims, You Won't Accomplish Much without Actually Coding T

Logic behind the interface.

THIS TEXT IS Meant TO AID C Programmers in The Transition to Object Pascal.

Although The Main Features of Both Languages ​​Are Relatively Similar, There Are

Certain Small Differences That Can Be Confusing, Especially When the Lead The

Programmer INTO MAKING IncorRect Assumptions.



There Are Three Main C Features Missing from Object Pascal, THESE Are:

Multiple Inheritance, Templates and Overloading. i

CAN Hear The Groans Now, But Don't despair. Object Pascal Has Enough Great

Features to more Than Compensate for these OMIMIMIMIMY OBJECT

Pascal Features That Are Missing from C (and They Have Nothing to do with THE

"Visual Thing").

Other Major Differences Include:

COMMON BASE CLASS - IN Delphi, All Objects Descend from Tobject.


3. No Stack Objects - IN C You can create Objects on the stack or on the

4. HEAP. All delphi Objects are created on the heap, and reference via pointers.5.



8. Class References - In C you always work on Objects, But in Delphi, You CAN

9. Also Work On Uninstantiated Classes.


11. Properties - a Very User-Friendly Language Extension. It's like designating

12. Methods to Be Executed Upon Reading from, or Writing To, A Data MEMBER. (THIS

13. Can Be Implement In C , But it's not as simple. Check Out The C section for more details.)



Pointers Give C a Lot of It's Power and Flexibility, But They Are Also The

Cause of MOST MAJOR BUGS. There Are Pointers in Pascal Too, But The Compiler IS

A Little More Protective (Or Restrictive, Depending On Your Point Of View).



The syntax for declaring Pointers in Pascal is Similar To The One Used IN C.

The main Difference Being That The Caret ("^") Is Used INSTEAD of The

askISK ("*

"): {Declare

a Pointer to a character

} Charptr: ^ char; to de-reference

A Pointer, The Caret Is Placed on The Right Hand Side of The Right Hand Side of THE

Variable: {set

Mychar to what charptr Points To

} Mychar: =

Charptr ^; WhatVER FOLLOWS THE CARET MUST Be a Defined

TYPE. You can't Directly Create a Pointer to an Array,

Structure or class. You Must First Define these As Types

Before you can create pointers to them.

While In C you can do this:

// Pointer to a Pointer to // an

Array of 5 Characters Char

** Charrrptr [5];


In Pascal You are Required to do it in steps:


{Define Type: Array of 5 Characters

} Tcharr = array [0..4] of char; {Define Type: Pointer to Tcharr} Tpcharr = ^ TCHARR; VAR {DECLARE

Variable as Pointer to Type Tpcharr}




THIS May Come Asia Shock to Most C Programmers, But in Pascal, As a general

Rule, Pointers CAN't Be Indexed. a Pascal Pointer Lets you Reference One, and And

Only One Object In Memory. This Rule Is Not As Limiting AS It May Seem At First,

Since the Object That You Reference Through The Pointer Can Be An Array, A

Structure or a class.

When you need a pointer to a list of integers, you use a pointer to an arch

Of Integers INTEGER. You Still CAN't Index A Pointer

To an array, but you can it. The array itself. The way to attbo ketmomplish this is

By de-referencing the pointer before using the index.

For these declarations:

Type <

/ tt> {

Declare Type: array of 101 char

} Tchararr = array

> <> color = "# 808080"> [0..100] OF


{declare Type: Pointer

To an array of 101 char

} TCharrptr


^ Tchararr; Var
{declare a pointer to an array of 101 char

} Myptr:


The Following Facts Apply:


Is Wrong, Can't Index a Pointer} x

: = MyPTR [10];


DE-referencing the pointer} {gives you an array, Which can be indexed

} X: =

Myptr ^ [10];

Allocating &


Just Like In C, The Delphi Programmer Is Responsible for the allocation and

Deallocation of Pointer Space. There Are SEVERAL WAYS OF Allocating Memory for

Pointers. The Simplest One is Through The Procedure "New".

The Procedure "New" Allocates The Exact Amount of Memory Needing for thispecified Pointer. Using The Previous Example:

NEW (<


Alltructs Exactly 101 Bytes to "Myptr" (Since It Points to an Array of 101


There is also another form of "new", a function, Which year be used for the

Same Purpose. in this version, The parameter is a type, not a variable. The

Return Value is a Pointer to the allocated space.

Myptr: =

NEW (> Tchararrptr <> color = "# 808080">);

This Is A Tad More Complicated, But Would Be Useful if You Wanded to Allocate

Memory for One Type of Data, But Wanted to Point To It with a Different Type

Pointer (Like an Undyped Pointer).

To deallocate the memory allocated with "new", you must use


Dispose (MyPTR> <> color = "# 808080">);

If you want to beable to specify the exact amount of memory to allocate, you

Can use the "getmem" procedure. To allocate the 101 bytes

Needed for "Myptr", you would do the folowing:

GetMem (MyPtr> <> color = "# 808080">,


Allocating More Than The Space Required Is A Waste of Memory, Since Delphi

Won't let you index it anyway (see the section "Range Checking and Pointers).

Allocating Less Could Cause Serious Problems if you write to the unallocate

Part of the variable.

To deallocate this memory, you must use "freemem", and you

Must Explicitly State The size of the allocated memory:

FreeMem (MyPTR, 101);

Range checking and


When You Declare An Array, You Must Specify An Upper And Lower Value for IT'S

Index. The Pascal Compiler, Unlike C's, Performs Range Checking To Ensure Thatyou Don't Use An Out of Bounds Index. This Offers Additional Protection Against

Memory Overwrites, But Has An Unexpected Side-Effect (Unexpected for C

Programmers That I): Pointers to Arrays Are Also Range Checked.

Since you are responsible for allocating memory for the array pointer, and

You can allocate as much or ask, you may be tempted to

Assume That You can use as high an index as you need. this is not the case.

Remember That You can't really index the pointer. You must de-reference the

Pointer and kilies, Since The Array Has Specific Index Boundaries,

You are construined by them.




So, What happens if you need? Well, Pascal WAS

Never Meant to Support Variable Size Arrays. However, There is an easy, IF

Rather INELEGANT, WORKAROUND (E.G. a Hack). What You Must Do IS Declare A

Pointer to an Array As Big As It Can Possibly Be. in 16 Bit Delphi, this size

Limit happens to be 32,767 bytes (32k), But in Delphi 2.0, you have a little

More Space; About 2,147,483,647 bytes (Yes, That's 2GB!). The Upper Bound of The

Array Would Be this Number Divided by The length of the array's type:

CONST MAX_SIZE = 2147483647;

Type <

/ tt> TMYARR = Array

> <> color = "# 808080"> [0 .. (max_size


SIZEOF (Atype)]]

Color = "# 800000"> of

Atype; tmyptr =


After this, you can Declare Variables of Type Tmyptr, And

Allocate as a the on the door. The only thing to keep in

Mind, IS That for All Practical Purposes, You Won't have ing.

By The Way, Don't Be deceived Into Thinking That You can use any match Mathematical

Expression in The Declaration of an Array. Only Constant Expressions, Those That

Can Be Resolved At Compile Time, Can Be Used Here.

I Must Point Out That You Will Rarely Need To Perform Any of these Steps.

Delphi Comes with a Very Useful Class Called TLIST WHICH

Implements all of the functionality of a dynamic array of pointers. Since All

Objects are Pointers, you can use tlist with them. if you need

An Array of strings, you can use tstringlist.

I Only BothereED with the Above Explanation, Because I Think IT Will Give C

Programmers An Insight Into How Things Work In Pascal.


In Pascal, You Do Not Generally Need Character Pointers for Text. There's A

String Data Type That Simplifies String Handling Immesely.

Pascal Strings Are Particularly Easy To Use Because The Assignment and Addition

Operators can be used to set and constnate them.

Strings in 16 bit


In Delphi 1.0, When You Declare A Variable of Type String,

You can specify a size from 1 to 255 character the size, it

DEFAULTS to 255. The first byte of the string (byte number zero) Contains the

Length of the text this sell in the string. You do not incrude the length

Bytehen declaring the size.


String [3];

{3 Chars Length Byte

} Myvar2: string [255]; {255 Chars Length Byte


{255 Chars Length Byte

} Myvar4: String [300]; {syntax error}

Because of the length, pascal strings don't need Null-terminator.

Although it is possible to directly read and set byte # 0, it is better not todting The "correct" Way of getting the length of a string is through the length

Length Function. The Length Is Set Automaticly When You

Assign or add a value to the variable.

Changing The Length Byte Won't change the allocated size, only the size of

The text. (Much Like Moving The Null Terminator In A C String). for Example, A 5

Character string 10:

[0] [0] [0] [0] [0] [0]

<-IF you

Print this, IT WILL SAY: "" ".

^ -Length Byte

If You Assigned It The Word "Hello", IT Would Look Like THIS:

[5] [H] [E] [L] [L] [O]

<-IF you

Print this, IT Will Say: "Hello".

^ -> Length


If You Assign It The Word "Goodbye", IT Would Look Like this:

[5] [g] [o] [o] [d] [b]

<-IF you

Print this, IT Will Say: "Goodb". ^ -> Length


As you can see, The Word gets truncated at the fiffh

Character, Because The Variable IS Only 5 Bytes Long (Plus Byte # 0). IF

You now Assign It The Word "Hi", IT Would Look Like THIS:

[2] [h] [i] [o] [d] [b]

<-IF you

Print this, IT Will Say: "hi". ^ -> Length


Since "Hi" IS A Two Letter Word, The Length Byte Now Contains a "2". The

Positions after the "I" Have Not Been Changed.

Strings in 32 bit


In Delphi 2.0, Strings Have Improved DramAtical. The maximum size for

Strings is now 2 Gigabytes, and the isy denamically allocated. this means That

You now Declare the without an initial size, and the strings grower and shrink as


The strings described in The Previous Section Are Still Available on Delphi

2.0, but the Type is now Called "shortstring". Also, if Youuse the old style declaration with a size between 1 and 255, you'll get a


Var newstr1:


{New Type of String

} Oldstr1:

String [255]; {Old Type of String

} ildstr2:


<> color = "# 408080"> {Old Type of String

} newstr2:


{New Type of String


There is also a new string related function:

SETLENGTH. THIS Function Forces a string to reallocate itself

To a specific size. this can be useful for truncating value, and for allocating

Space for Character by Character Operations:

Msg: = 'Hello'; {Allocs 5 bytes and sets to 'Hello'

SETLENGTH (MSG, 3); {reallocs to 3 bytes (& truncates)

} ShowMessage ( msg); {Displays the Message



Color = "# 808080"> (msg, 4); {reallocs to 4 bytes, adding a char

} MSG [4]: ​​= 'p';

Color = "# 408080"> {assigns 'p' to the last

Char} showMessage ( msg); {Displays the Message


In General

Individual Characters in A String Can Be Accessed by Indexing, Just Like

Character Arrays In C, with the Exception That The First Character IS # 1 Instead

Of # 0.

Unlike C's Strings, Delphi's Aren't Pointers. If you assign one string to

Another, The value is copied from the source to the destination. Here IS

(Roughly) How A Delphi String Assignment Would Look IN C .

16 bits


Char str1 [256]; char str2 [256]; ... strcpy (str2, str1);

Char * str1 = null; char * str2 = null; ... if (str2 ) delete str2; str2 = new char [str1) 1]; strcpy (STR2 , str1); The Same Applies When Passing Strings As Parameters (Unless They're

"Var" parameters).

C style


There Are Times, Like When Making API Calls, When You Absolutely Must USE A

C-Style Null-Terminated String. For this Reason, Delphi Lets you use c-style

Strings Too. Their Type Is Known As Pchar, And as You May Have

Already Guessed, They Are Character Pointers (But of a Special Kind). Unlike

Strings, Pchars Must Be Explicitly Allocated and Deallocated.

The functions use to allocate and deallocate pchars in Delphi Are

Stralloc and strdispose. There is also a group

Of functions use to manipulate the strings. a pleasant surprise is what of

Names Are Almost The Same As Their C Counterparts. Some of these Are:

Strcopy, Strcomp, Strcat and

Strlen. There is also a function called strfmt That Works Just Like "Sprintf".

Why has


A pchar is not exactly the sarm as a pointer to a char. As you already know,

In Pascal, You Can't Index a Character Pointer. To Be Able To Access To

Elements via indexing you would normally needed a pointer to an arrrey of

CHARACTERS. Even, you would need to de-reference the pointer before

Indexing it. The pchar is a new type what is treated in a special way by the

Compiler So That It Works Exactly Like a char Pointer IN C.


IN C , There all, there is the stack ibject: on the stack or on the

Heap. in Delphi, All Objects Are Created on The Heap. When You Declare A

Variable as an Object Type, you are actually declaring a pointer. in thisexample:

Var mylist:> TList <> color = "# 808080">; mybutton:



MYLIST IS ACTUALLY A Poin. Of Course, Unsteil

You Assign Something To Mylist, It Doesn't Point To a Valid Object. You Must

Create An Object An Assign It To Mylist Before You CAN Access Any Of It's

Methods or Properties.

In Delphi, Unlike C , An Object's Constructor Allocates It's OWN Memory, And

You Must Explicitly Call The Constructor:

MyList: =

TList.create; MyButton

: = TButton.create (Self);

This Is Equivalent to the Following C Statements:


TList; MyButton = New

TButton (this);

When you finish Using The Object, You Must Explicitly DEAllocate It's Memory

By Calling The Object's "Free" Method. "free"

Is Not The Object's Destructor; That One is Typically Called

"Destroy"; But "free" calls

"Destroy" after Performing Certain Checks. A Programmer Would

Normally Redefine "Destroy", But Call "Free".;;

This is the equivalent of using "delete" on Objects in

C :


MYList; delete


But Wait! Isn't Mylist a Pointer? Shouldn't it has to be dereferenced before

Calling free or any of it's methods? Yes, IT SHOULD, But Object Pointers Are

Different from Regular Pointers. They don't need Dereferencing (in Fact, They

Don't allow it). This Makes for a Simpler Syntax, And Code That's A Lot Easier

To read and maintain.

Virtual and


Just Like C , Object Pascal Has Virtual Methods (in Fact It Has Several Kinds of Virtual Methods). A Method Is Defined As Such

With the keyword "virtual". The Difference Here Is this by

You Redefine a Virtual Method You Have to Use the "Override"

Directive. if you don't, the New Method Will Just Hide The Old One, As if IT WAS

Static. for example:

For The Base Class Tmybase: TMYBASE


Class {Declare a Virtual Method

} Procedur e

Mymethod (Arg1


Integer; Virtual; Procedur E

Mycaller; end;

Procedure TMYBASE.MYMEMETHOD (arg1: integer); begin {Write the name of the class plus arg1

} WriteLn ('TMYBASE ['


']'); END;



/ font> mymethod (1);

When You Call Tmybase.mycaller, You get: 'TMYBASE


In a class deived from tmybase, the method "MyMethod & Q

UOT; Can Be Overridden Like this:

TMYCHILD = Class (TMYBASE) {Override the Virtual Method

} Procedur e

Mymethod; OVERRIDE; END;

Procedure TmyChild.Mymethod (arg1: integer); begin {Write the name of the class plus arg1


/ TT> Writeln ('TMYCHILD ['


']'); END;

Now, when you call tmychild.mycaller, You'll Get:

'TmyChild [1]'

A Hassle You Say? Maybe. But it gives you the flexibility of deciding WHETHER

Or not to override the Virtual method. if you do this instead:

TMYCHILD = Class (TMYBASE) {Don't Override The Virtual Method

} Procedur e

Mymethod (arg1: integer);

Procedure TmyChild.Mymethod (arg1: integer); begin {Write the name of the class plus arg1


/ TT> Writeln ('TMYCHILD [' INTSTR (Arg1)

']'); END;

"MyMethod" Will BE Treated (for polymorphic purposes)

As if The Original Definition Was Static. When You Call TmyChild.mycaller,

You'll get: 'TMYBASE [1]'.

You can not, by the Way, Override a static method.

Invoking redefined


You can use "inherited" to call the Most Recent Version of

An inherited method, EVEN if it is being redined or overridden in the current

Class. However, if you need to call an older version of the method, you are out

Of Luck.

Procedure <

Strong> TMYCLASS.MYMETHOD (arg1: integer); Begin <

/ font> {

Call the inherited virtual measure

} Inherite d

Mymethod (arg1); {call a Different Inherited Method

} Inherite d

OtherMethod;> End;

INSIDE An Event Handler, You are allowed to call the networkler without

Knowing it's name. You do this by calling "inherited" all by itself.

{Event Handler.


} Procedure

Wmpaint (VAR

Msg:> tMessage; <

Strong> Begin <

/ font> ...

Inherite D; ...


Inherited Constructionors and Destructors

One of The Greatest Sources of Bugs for C Programmmers Moving to Delphi IS

Forgetting to Call inherited Constructors and destructors explicitly.

Derived Class Constructors In C Can Explicitly Indicate Which Base Class

Constructor to Call, But The Compiler Will Automatical Call The Base Class'

DEFAULT CONSTRUCTOR IF NONE IS Specified. for this Reason, IT IS VERY Common To

Do this IN C :

TMYCLASS :: TmyClass {// your code he};


TMYCLASS :: TMYCLASS: TMYBASE {// Your code Here};

HOWEVER IN Object Pascal, IF you redefine a Constructor, You Mustexplicitly Call The inherited constructor. All classes have at Least One

Inherited Constructor and Destructor (The ones inherited from Tobject).

Const Ructor


/ font> {

Call the base class'} {constructor explicitly

} inherite d

Create; {Your Code Here


This Would Be The Same As The Following C Construct:

TMYCLASS :: TmyClass; {/ / Call the constructor of this //

Object's base class explicitly t

Mybase :: Tmybase; / / Your code he};

Do Not Attempt to Use A Similar Syntax with Object Pascal. While The Program

Would Compile, The Logic Would Be WRONG:

Const Ructor


/ font> {

This is not what you evpect

} TMYBASE.CREATE; {Your Code Here

} END;

This Constructor is indeed calling the constructor for the base class, but it

Is Just Creating An Independent Object of Type Tmybase. This Does Not Allocate

Memory for the Current Object, Nor Does IT ITIZE IT.

THE CALL TO The inherited constructor is generally the first Statement in A

Constructor. this is not a syntax request; you can call class methods and

Non-Member Functions and You CAN Access Local, Global Or Modular Variables

First; But if you try to access any of the class' data elements or methods

Before calling the inherited constructor, you'll get a recognor protection


As Sneaky As This Error Can Be, It's Nothing Compared to What happens when

You forget to call the inherited destructor. with the constructor, you at least

Get a gpf this tells you where the error occurred. with the destructor however, your problem is more difficult to detect: you just start running out of memory.

Depending On your Program, You May Notice Performance Degradations, Inain To

Allocate Memory, Running Out of Windows Resources, Locked Devices OR Files,


To Prevent this from happensing, always call the inherited destructor. This is

USUALLY DONE AT THE End of the New Destructor (But Again, this is not a

SyntActical Requirement:



/ font> {

Your code here

} Inherite d


One Other Thing About Destructors: Remember To

"OVERRIDE>" Them. The "free" Method Won't find your

NEW DESTRUCTOR if you don't. Neglecting this is just as bad as forgetting to

Call the inherited destructor.



Since there is no overloading in Object Pascal, you might be wondering how

You Can Have Multiple Constructors. The answer to this is very simple: the old

Fashioned WAY!

You Can Have As Many Constructors as you want, provided they each has

DiffERENT NAME. While In C All Constructors Have The Same Name As The Class,

In Object Pascal They Are Generally Called "Create". this is not a required,

Just A Standard. if you need extra constructors, you generally use the word

"Create" with something else. For example:


CreateCopy; Constructor

Createaschild (iParent: TOBJECT); Constructor

CreateFromFile (ifilename: string);

You can only override a constructor with another That Has The Same Name and

Parameter List (Even the Argument Names Are Important). if you only match the

Constructor's name, You'll Only Be "Hiding" The inherited constructor.if you are developing a Visual Control, Keep In Mind That All Controls

Must Have a Constructionor Declared Like this:

Const Ructor

Create (Aowner: Tcomponent); OVERRIDE;

IF you omit this declaration, delphi won't be able to instantiate your


Common base


Every Object Created in Delphi is a descendant of tobject.

If you don't specify a base class when declying your class, Delphi Derives IT

From Tobject Anyway. All Components Are Derived from

Tcomponent (Which of Course, Derives from

TOBJECT, And All Controls Are Derived from

TControl (Which is in turn derived from

Tcomponent, ETC.

The Importance of this Fact IS That It Gives The Visual Component Library A

Great Advantage Over C Class Libraries Like Owl and MFC. Since All Objects

Have A Common Ancestor, You Create Container Classes That Can Take Any Kind

Of Object, (or Components Only, or Controls Only, etc.) Neatly Doing Away with

One of the main reasons for requiring templates.

The Self


The "self" Pointer Is Object Pascal's Equivalent to C 'S

"this" Pointer. They are except In.

WHEN USED WITHIN a class method, self refers to the

Class and not to the object (the instance). this hardly Ever

Matters, Since Class Methods Are Very Rare, And You Can't Do A Great Deal in

Them Anyway.

Class Methods

Class Methods Are Me MEMBER FUNCES or Procedures That Act ON A Class Instead

Of an instance of a class.

You Can Call a Class Method in The Regular Manner, But You Can Also Call IT

WITHOUT HAVING An Object Instance. this is done by prepending the class name

Instead of the name of an instance. a class method's "self" Pointer Refers to aclass instead of an object.

IF you want to turn a method Into a class method, you just prepend the word

"Class" to it's declaration (and definition). The Compiler Will

NOT LET You Access Any Data Elements Or Regular Methods from Withnin A Class CAN Declare Local Variables Though. AN EXAMPLE OF A Class Method IS

The getclassname function:

Class Function


/ strong>:


Begin Result: = 'TMYCLASS'; END;

Constructors Are A Special Kind of Class Method. The Constructor's "Self"

Pointer Is A Regular Object Pointer, Not a class Reference; and you can access

Data Elements from With (Just Make Sure You Call That Inherited Construction)



Visibility and "Friends"

IN C We Are Used to the keywords: "public",

"private" and "protected". These is present

In Object Pascal As Well, But They Work A Little Different.

"Public" Works as expertted, but "private" and

"Protected" Have No Effect On On Other Classes Declared With

The Same Unit. in Other Words, All The Classes Declared in The Same Unit Are

Friends with each other. this is important, Since there is no

"Friend" Keyword in Delphi.

Delphi Also Has A "Published" Keyword Which Behaves Almost

Exactly Like "Public", But you Won't need to use it it unless you

Want to create Your Own Controls. Since there is nothing Similar in C , The

"Published" Keyword Is Beyond The Scope of this text.

The scope

Resolution Operator

C HAS The double-colon ("::"), but object Pascal, HAS No Separate Scope resolution operator.instead, The dot (".") Serves Multiple Duty.

WE Already Know That That Dot IS Used In Method Declarations, and for

Accessing Methods, Properties and Data Members. But when's a name conflict

Between A Stand-Alone Function or Procedure and a class method, you can precede

The Function Call with the name of the unit what contains the function and a





= :: (); x = :: getName (Handle);

Object Pascal

: = . (); x: => someunit. getname (Handle> <> color = "# 808080">);

As Discussed Earlier, you can not use the dot notation to call an inherited

Method, for this you will use the keyword "inherited <

/ strong> ".

Other Syntax


Here Are Some Relatively Trivial Items That Can Be Annoying To C


THE Assignment


Remember "=" is for

Comparison and ": =" is for

Assignment. You will offten find yourself Using C 's Operators. No Big DEAL, THE

Compiler Will Catch The Error, Because Pascal Doesn't Allow The Use of The

Assignment Operator in Evaluation Expressions, Nor Does It Permit Chained


The else>


The Statement Preceding An "Else" Must Never End in A

SEMICOLON. You will probably always forget this. Even seasoned Pascal

Programmers Forget It. The Compiler Will Catch IT, But it's rather annoying.

Incrementing and Decrementing Values

IN C , THE " & Q

UOT ;, "-", " =" - = "Operators Are A Very Useful (and fast) shorthand. in Delphi, There is Elegant,

Equivalents: "inc" and "dec".


Pascal code>


> <> color = "# 000000"> a; A ;

A: = a 1;

INC (A);

-> <> color = "# 000000"> a; A -;

A: = a - 1;

Dec (a);

A = 2;

A: = a 2;

INC (a, 2);

A - = 2;

A: = a - 2;

DEC (a, 2);

Although Inc and Dec Love Like Regular Procedures, The Fact That They Can

Have ONE or Two Parameters Gives US A Hint That They Are Not (There's NO

Overloading in pascal). in Fact, The Compiler Generates More Efficient Code for

The THAN for the regular assignment-and-addition or assignment-and-subtraction.

Inc and Dec Are Not Exact Equivalents for

" " and "-" Operators. Since the isy

Procedures, NOT functions, they don't return a value, so the can't be used in


- Your Buddha Mercy ※ Source:. The Big Greenwwn.du.

[From:] ※ Modified:. Mars at Jul 27

01:38:43 Modify this article. [From: thayer66-bp-196.]


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