FreeBSD 4.9 Chinese Workstation Installation Process Introduction

zhaozj2021-02-16  122

Yesterday, I installed a new computer, huh, I finally jumped out of the Tii's world. I got into the new era. After a good machine, I didn't have the Windows thing, first install BSD, I installed it before I installed it. I like the messy stuff. One installation made me a big surprised. The stuff added in the current BSD is really much. The effect after Chinese is really good. What makes me feel good is that several software features I like to use are more powerful! I will record my Chinese and personalization processes below, I hope that I can use it in the future. Don't say that you don't say anything else, please update your Ports Tree first, the method is also very simple. Copy the Ports-Supfile in / usr / share / example / cvsup to / root. Change the update server for your favorite CVSUP server. After that: cvsup -g -l 2 / root / ports-support My favorite personalized software is gnuls, on the one hand, it is very functional, on the other hand, its color display is more in line with my visual effect: CD / usr / ports / misc / gnuls make install clean, I like Java, I will have Java on my BSD, and my development is also made under BSD, so I have to install the Eclipse I like. Its international package CD / USR / ports / java / jdk make install clean This process should let you go to the next few software and watch the tips. There is also a compile time requires Enable Linux Base. How to do yourself to sysinstall and see it. What is more important is that make JDK needs to come upon Linux's proc mount if you have no mount linux proc, will remind you during the Make process. I am simpler, join the following sentence to / etc / fstab Linprocs / Compat / Linux / Proc Linprocs RW 0 0 and Mount / Compat / Linux / Proc is fine. Eclipse is simpler: CD / USR / PORTS / JAVA / Eclipse make install clean cd / usr / ports / java / eclipse-langpack make install clean huh, everywhere, Java is also in my machine. It is necessary to pay attention to the installation of these stuffs to set your own environment.

On the shell, I like to use Bash, if you are using something else shell, you think about / etc / profile to change the relevant statement of your own shell: ps1 = '/ u @ / w $' alias ls = "gnuls --color --Show-control-chars" alias ll = "ls -l" export xmodifiers = '@ im = fcitx' export lang = zh_cn.euc export lc_cType = zh_cn.euc export java_home = / usr / local / Java export classpath =. Oh, you must see that I set the input method in Profile, but I am not installed! Don't worry, very simple: CD / usr / ports / Chinese / fcitx make install clean new FCITX 2 version is more beautiful, first of all, the interface is better than before, then the ~ / .fcitx / config file The configuration is Chinese, and it is good to make your habits. There is also the beginning of the PIN when entering the five pen, and use a button to switch the Chinese English mode. Already better than I like it. :) Window under FreeBSD is now more and more easy, and personalized is full, why don't you use it? I have turned it into my office and development platform. Let's first add X: CD / usr / ports / x11 / xfree86-4 make install clean to install an excellent desktop GNOME: CD / USR / PORTS / X11 / GNOME2 Make Install Clean enters GNOME when X is started. Add the following in ~ / .xinitrc: EXEC GNOME-Session simultaneously CHMOD X.xinitrc, allowing it to be executable. How to configure X? can not you do it? I don't want to say more, you use the x configuration in sysinstall. What else? Yes, it is Chinese font, copy SIMSUN.TTF to the / usr / x11 / lib / x11 / fonts / ttf directory. Compile TTMKFDIR: CD / USR / PORTS / X11-FONTS / TTMKFDIR Make Install Clean, I don't know why, now the compilation in Ports does not over, I use pkg_add -r to install TTMKFDIR. It doesn't matter.

After installing TTMKFDIR, we generate SIMSUN's font documentation: CD / USR / X11R6 / lib / x11 / fonts / ttf ttmkfdir> Fonts.dir CP Fonts.dir fonts.scale uses FC-Cache update: FC-Cache -f -V, you'd better check the fontdir in your XF86config, there is no TTF, this is a fragment of the font in my configuration file: section "FontPath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / TrueType / "FontPath" / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / MISC / "FontPath" / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / Speedo / "FontPath" / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TYPE1 / "Fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi / "fontpath" / USR / X11R6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi / "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / ttf / " Endsection is very important because X and GTK are used to find fonts using this path. I didn't write before, I can find SIMSUN in GNOME, but OpenOffice and XMMS can not find SIMSUN. In order to make a small font very clear, we set up the user's own font.conf, save the following content ~ / .font.conf: 13


Finally, in order to previously use GTK applications, we need to join a .gtkrc.mine file in the home directory, content is: style "gtk-default-zh-cn" {fontset = "- * - * - Medium-r- Normal - 12 - * - * - * - * - * - ISO10646-1, * - r- * "} The class" gtkwidget "style" gtk-default-zh-cn "is almost. Now you boldly use STARTX to enter the beautiful new world! In the initial fonts in GNOME, it is not SIMSUN, and the associated font is set to SIMSUN in the font settings. At the same time, the relevant fonts are also set to SIMSUN in Epiphany. However, there is only one desktop that can be used, just like only one windows, I still need a very good text processing integration tool OpenOffice: CD /usR/ports/chinese/openoffice-1.1-z_cn make install clean installation completion After opening a terminal, enter OpenOffice-1.1. The first time you enter this command will allow you to install an OpenOffice, use the minimized installation, which will generate a personal work directory in your home directory, this directory is almost 2m. After completing, enter this command, enter the OpenOffice integration office environment. The new 1.1 has been supported by Chinese. If you add SIMSUN, OO will use SIMSUN to display, and the Chinese font of the document is also default SIMSUN. Listening to music, our XMMS should appear: CD / usr / ports / chinese / xmms make install clean is installed, start XMMS, set two fonts in the font to SIMSUN, 12, size, you see one Winamp for FreeBSD. :) My machine is P4 2.6C / DDR 400 512M memory. I have always liked my own compilation and installation, and the above except for FreeBSD is compiled (TTMKFDIR) uses PKG_ADD -R. Used a night. It seems that HT is still very nice. Oh, this article is the use of just installed workmaking written. I really like this fcitx, cool, just a word, I hope to share my happiness with you. The following gives the time I installed several big stuff, whether you compile it yourself, determine yourself: OpenOffice about 5 hours jdk1.4 p6_2 about 2 hours gnome about 5 hours Eclipse for about 10 minutes


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