Code love

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  88

The National Day will go to the girlfriend. Because some other matters are in the body, they have to watch their girlfriends. This tidy is also more, and there is still a letter that there is still a letter. After returning, she is compressing four, the soul is embarrassed, so this code is Take (this C # code can be run directly) // ********************************************* ************************************ / / * LoveCabin.cs * // * Copyright 2004 by supercode * // * All rights reserved. * // * * // * purpose: Write for my girlfriend * /// * Author: Dengfeng (Supercode) * /// * Date: 2004/10/6 * // ***** *********************************************************** *********

Using system;

Namespace lovecabinforkornyclaire {class lovecabin {private static string malehost; private static string femalehost;

Public lovecabin (String setMaleHost) {// Although there is a handsome male girl to enter the love cottage // But the male and female owner of the love cottage will always be Korny and Claire MaleHost = "supercode"; femalehost = "claire"; // is two people Strong, dedicated to a poem devoteapoem ();

/ / It is difficult to say to take 10,000 times, but now you can sayLOVEYOUREPEATTENTHOUSAND ();

// What is the secret that is always together? DOITALWAYS ();

} // end lovecabin

Private void discountapoem () {string [] poems = new string [] {"I remember the magical moment", "I have appeared in front of me", "just like the fantasy of the flowers", "Just like the elf of pure beauty." "," In the ignorance of ignorance "," the harassment in the noisy life "," The gentle sound is a long time to me, "the cute face is in the dream"}; for (int i = 0; i < POEMS.LENGTH; I ) {IF (i == 4) Console.writeline (""); // Secking Poems (Dians) Console.WriteLine (Poems [i]);}

} // End Devoteapoem

Private void sayloveyourepeattenthouseand () {int counts = 1; while (counts <= 10 * 1000) {console.writeline ("i love you!"); counts ;}} // End SayLoveYouretethousand

PRIVATE VOID DOITALWAYS () {String [] Persons = new string [] {maleHost, femalehost}; int bit = 0; while (true) {string outstr = persons [bit] "love" persons "[(bit 1) % 2]; console.writeline (outstr); bit = ( bit)% 2;



} // end lovecabin

Class realisticworld {

[STATHREAD] static void main (String [] args) {// has a handsome male 靓女 想 进 爱 小 小 String man = "ahandsomeman"; string Woman = "acomelinessgirl"; lovecabin lc = new lovecabin (man, woman);} // End main

} // end realisticworld

} // end namespace


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