How to detect a dialup connection?

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  86

How to detect a dialup connection?

Authordate of SubmissionUser LevelSushiLA D. Patel05 / 15 / 2003InterMediate

How to detect if the computer is connection to the net usning (windows form)? How to bring up how can Bring Up? Dial-up window so what the user can Dial to the net? (FAQ from the newsgroup)

Introduction: In the article we'll see how to check connectivity with internet using VB.NET and if its not connected give the client the flexibility to get connected Snippet:. To check if there is connection establish to internet we'll write function which Returns a Boolean Value. (True if connection if not). We'll Need To Use the namespace

Dim webreq As HttpWebRequestDim webresp As HttpWebResponse'Funtion returns tru or false base on the HttpStatusCodeFunction checkconnection (ByVal url As String) As BooleanDim strurl As String = urlDim bConnected As Boolean = FalseTrywebreq = WebRequest.Create (strurl) webresp = webreq.GetResponseIf webresp. StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK ThenbConnected = TrueElsebConnected = FalseEnd IfReturn bConnectedCatch ex As ExceptionbConnected = FalseReturn bConnectedFinallywebresp = NothingEnd TryEnd Function

As a part of user interface lets have a Textbox (where the user can enter the URL) and Button control. On click of the button we'll check if the client is connected to internet. If not connected we'll bring up the " Network and Dial-Up Connections "(Here we'll use Shell command) If connected we'll open the browser window with the URL specified by the client. (We'll use Process class of System.Diagnostics namespace) .Here goes the code to be written on button click.Dim lNg As IntegerDim urlString As String = TextBox1.TextDim isConnected As Boolean = checkconnection (urlString) If isConnected ThenSystem.Diagnostics.Process.Start ( "iexplore", urlString) ElseDim ans As String = MsgBox ( "Do you want to connect?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "No Connected") If ans = vbYes ThenlNg = Shell ( "rundll32.exe shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl ,, 0") ElseMsgBox ( "Sorry canot connect you Chose No ... ") End IFEND IF

Sushila S. Patel, Microsoft .NET MVP

How To Check if your computer is connection to the Internet?

Authordate of SubmissionUser LevelSimohamed Attahri08 / 25 / 2003Beginner

How to check if your computer is connected to the internet with C #. It's much more easier that other tutorials I've seen in other sites. Indeed, we're going to use a simple API function InternetGetConnectedState, to return a boolean variable. This function takes two arguments: The first one is an integer used with out keyword, that means that after calling the function, the variable will contain an interger that describes the connection state (use of a modem, use of a proxy, offline mode .. Note That You Must Refer to for more information about this That Must Be set to 0. in this Tutorial, We'll Create a class with a static function That Returns True if connecture and false if not, using our api function in private stat. Check this out: use system; using system.Runtime; Using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class internets {

// Creating the extern function ... [DLLIMPORT ("Wininet.dll")] private extern static bool InternetGetConnectedState (Out Int Description, int ";

// Creating a Function That Uses the API Function ... public static bool isconnectedtidtointernet () {




Simohamed attahri simohamed attahri for help.


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