Pictures of PHP can display a variety of graphical reports. Vertical graph, horizontal diagram, painting column chart, folding c

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  62

Class imageReport {

VAR $ x; // Picture size X-axis

Var $ y; // Picture Size Y axis

Var $ r; // Back color R value

Var $ g; // ... g.

Var $ b; // ... b.

Var $ transparent; // Is transparent 1 or 0

VAR $ image; // picture object

// -------------------

Var $ arraysplit; / / Specify symbols for separating values

Var $ itemRay; // value

Var $ reporttype; // chart type, 1 is vertical column 2 is horizontal 3 is a fold line

Var $ border; // Distance

// -------------------

Var $ fontsize; // font size

Var $ fontcolor; // font color

VAR $ Numx = 1; // X axis starting magnetic value

VAR $ stepx = 1; // X axis Each scale interval value

// -------- Parameter setting function

Function SETIMAGE ($ SIZEX, $ SIZEY, $ R, $ G, $ B, $ Transparent) {

$ this-> x = $ sizex;

$ this-> y = $ sIZEY;

$ this-> r = $ r;

$ this-> g = $ g;

$ this-> b = $ b;

$ this-> Transparent = $ transparent;



$ this-> arraysplit = $ arraysplit;

$ this-> itemray = $ itmarray;

$ this-> reporttype = $ reporttype;

$ this-> border = $ boorder;


Function SetFont ($ fontsize) {

$ this-> fontsize = $ fontsize;


// x-axis flap setting

Function SetX ($ Numx = 1, $ Stepx = 1) {

$ this-> Numx = $ NUMX;

$ this-> stepx = $ stepx;


//----------------main body

Function printReport () {

// Establish a canvas size

$ this-> image = imagecreate ($ this-> x, $ this-> y);

// Set the color of the canvas background

$ background = ImageColoralLocate ($ this-> Image, $ this-> r, $ this-> g, $ this-> b);

IF ($ this-> Transparent == "1") {

// Back shades

ImageColorTransparent ($ this-> image, $ background);

} else {

// If you don't transparency, you can fill the background color.

ImageFilledRectangle ($ this-> Image, 0,0, $ this-> x, $ this-> y, $ background;


// paragraph text body small and color

$ this-> fontcolor = imagecolorallocate ($ this-> image, 255- $ this-> r, 255- $ this-> g, 255- $ this-> b);

Switch ($ this-> reporttype) {

Case "0":


Case "1":

$ this-> imagecolumns ();


Case "2":

$ this-> imagecolumnh ();

Case "3":

$ this-> imageline ();


Case "4":

$ this-> imagecircle ();



$ this-> printxy ();

$ this-> printall ();


/ / ----------- Print XY Cart Shaft

Function printxy () {

$ rulery = $ rulerx = "";

// Draw XY Card Barrier * /

$ color = imagecoloralloccate ($ this-> image, 255- $ this-> r, 255- $ this-> g, 255- $ this-> b);

$ xx = $ tris-> x / 10;

$ yy = $ this-> y- $ this-> y / 10;

ImageLine ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Border, $ this-> border, $ this-> border, $ this-> y- $ this-> border, $ color); // x axis

ImageLine ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Border, $ this-> Y- $ this-> border, $ this-> x $ this-> border, $ this-> y- $ this-> border, $ color); // Y axis

ImagesTring ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Fontsize, $ this-> Border-2, $ this-> y- $ this-> border 5, "0", $ color);

// Y-axis scale

$ Rulery = $ this-> y- $ this-> border;

$ I = 0;

While ($ Rulery> $ this-> border * 2) {

$ Rulery = $ Rulery- $ this-> border;

Images-> Image, $ this-> Border, $ Rulery, $ this-> border-2, $ rulery, $ color);

IF ($ this-> reporttype == 2) {// horizontal map

Images-> Fontsize, $ THIS-> Border-10, $ Rulery-2- $ THIS-> Border * ($ I .5), $ THIS-> Numx, $ Color;

$ this-> Numx = $ this-> stepx;


$ i ;


// x axis scale

$ rulerx = $ rulerx $ this-> border;

$ I = 0;

While ($ RULERX <($ THIS-> X- $ THIS-> Border * 2)) {

$ rulerx = $ rulerx $ this-> border;

// Imageline ($ this-> Image, $ this-> border, 10, $ this-> border 10, 10, $ color);

Imageline ($ THIS-> Image, $ RULERX, $ THIS-> Y- $ THIS-> Border, $ RULERX, $ THIS-> Y- $ THIS-> Border 2, $ Color;

/ / Scale value

IF ($ this-> reporttype == 1) {// vertical column

ImageString ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Fontsize, $ RULERX-2 $ THIS-> Border * ($ I .5), $ this-> Y- $ THIS-> Border 5, $ this-> Numx, $ color); $ this-> Numx = $ this-> stepx;

Else IF ($ this-> reporttype == 3) {// Pacing chart

ImageString ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Fontsize, $ RULERX-2, $ THIS-> Y- $ THIS-> Border 5, $ this-> Numx, $ Color;

$ this-> Numx = $ this-> stepx;


$ i ;



/ / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function imagecolumns () {

$ item_ARRAY = Split ($ this-> arraysplit, $ this-> itmarray);

$ Num = Count ($ Item_Array);

$ item_max = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

$ item_MAX = Max ($ Item_MAX, $ Item_Array [$ I]);


$ xx = $ this-> border * 2;

// Paste column

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

SRAND (Double) microtime () * 1000000);

IF ($ THIS-> R! = 255 && $ this-> g! = 255 && $ this-> b! = 255) {

$ R = rand ($ this-> r, 200);

$ G = rand ($ THIS-> G, 200);

$ B = rand ($ THIS-> B, 200);

} else {

$ R = Rand (50, 200);

$ G = rand (50, 200);

$ B = rand (50, 200);


$ color = imagecolorlocate ($ this-> Image, $ R, $ G, $ B);

// Cylindrical height

$ HEIGHT = ($ THIS-> Y- $ THIS-> Border) - ($ this-> Y- $ this-> border * 2) * ($ Item_Array [$ I] / $ Item_max);

ImageFilledRectangle ($ THIS-> Image, $ XX, $ HEIGHT, $ XX $ THIS-> Border, $ this-> Y- $ this-> border, $ color);

Images -> Fontsize, $ XX, $ Height- $ this-> Border, $ Item_Array [$ I], $ THIS-> FontColor;

// Used for interval

$ xx = $ × $ this-> border * 2;



// ----------- Cross-column

Function imagecolumnh () {

$ item_ARRAY = Split ($ this-> arraysplit, $ this-> itmarray);

$ Num = Count ($ Item_Array);

$ item_max = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

$ item_max = max ($ Item_MAX, $ Item_Array [$ I]);

$ yy = $ this-> y- $ this-> border * 2;

// Paste column

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

SRAND (Double) microtime () * 1000000);

IF ($ THIS-> R! = 255 && $ this-> g! = 255 && $ this-> b! = 255) {

$ R = rand ($ this-> r, 200);

$ G = rand ($ THIS-> G, 200);

$ B = rand ($ THIS-> B, 200);

} else {

$ R = Rand (50, 200);

$ G = rand (50, 200);

$ B = rand (50, 200);


$ color = imagecolorlocate ($ this-> Image, $ R, $ G, $ B);

// Cylindrical length

$ Leight = ($ this-> x- $ this-> border * 2) * ($ Item_Array [$ I] / $ Item_max);

$ Leight = $ Leight <$ this-> border? $ this-> border: $ leight;

ImageFilledRectangle ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Border, $ YY- $ THIS-> Border, $ Leight, $ yy, $ color);

Images -> Fontsize, $ Leight 2, $ YY- $ THIS-> Border, $ Item_Array [$ I], $ this-> fontcolor;

// Used for interval

$ yy = $ yy- $ this-> border * 2;



//--------------line chart

Function imageline () {

$ item_ARRAY = Split ($ this-> arraysplit, $ this-> itmarray);

$ Num = Count ($ Item_Array);

$ item_max = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

$ item_MAX = Max ($ Item_MAX, $ Item_Array [$ I]);


$ xx = $ this-> border;

// Paste column

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

SRAND (Double) microtime () * 1000000);

IF ($ THIS-> R! = 255 && $ this-> g! = 255 && $ this-> b! = 255) {

$ R = rand ($ this-> r, 200);

$ G = rand ($ THIS-> G, 200);

$ B = rand ($ THIS-> B, 200);

} else {

$ R = Rand (50, 200);

$ G = rand (50, 200);

$ B = rand (50, 200);


$ color = imagecolorlocate ($ this-> Image, $ R, $ G, $ B);

// Cylindrical height

$ HEIGHT_NOW = ($ THIS-> Y- $ THIS-> Border) - ($ this-> y- $ this-> border * 2) * ($ Item_Array [$ I] / $ Item_max);

IF ($ I! = "0")

Imageline ($ THIS-> Image, $ XX- $ THIS-> Border, $ HEIGHT_NEXT, $ XX, $ HEIGHT_NOW, $ Color; ImageString ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Fontsize, $ XX 2, $ HEIGHT_NOW- $ THIS-> Border / 2, $ Item_Array [$ I], $ this-> fontcolor;

$ height_next = $ height_now;

// Used for interval

$ xx = $ xx $ tris-> border;



//--------------pie chart

Function imagecircle () {

$ TOTAL = 0;

$ item_ARRAY = Split ($ this-> arraysplit, $ this-> itmarray);

$ Num = Count ($ Item_Array);

$ item_max = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

$ item_MAX = Max ($ Item_MAX, $ Item_Array [$ I]);

$ TOTAL = $ ITEM_Array [$ I];


$ yy = $ this-> y- $ this-> border * 2;

// Shadow part of the painting chart

$ E = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

SRAND (Double) microtime () * 1000000);

IF ($ THIS-> R! = 255 && $ this-> g! = 255 && $ this-> b! = 255) {

$ R = rand ($ this-> r, 200);

$ G = rand ($ THIS-> G, 200);

$ B = rand ($ THIS-> B, 200);

} else {

$ R = Rand (50, 200);

$ G = rand (50, 200);

$ B = rand (50, 200);


$ S = $ E;

$ Leight = $ Item_Array [$ I] / $ TOTAL * 360;

$ E = $ S $ Leight;

$ color = imagecolorlocate ($ this-> Image, $ R, $ G, $ B);

$ Colorarray [$ I] = $ color;

// Painting round

For ($ J = 90; $ J> 70; $ J - Imagefilledarc ($ THIS-> Image, 110, $ J, 200, 100, $ S, $ E, $ Color, IMG_ARC_PIE);

// Imagefilledarc ($ this-> Image, 110, 70, 200, 100, $ s, $ e, $ color, img_arc_pie);

// ImagefilledRectangle ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Border, $ YY- $ THIS-> Border, $ Leight, $ YY, $ color);

// Imagestring ($ this-> Image, $ this-> Fontsize, $ Leight 2, $ YY- $ THIS-> Border, $ Item_Array [$ I], $ THIS-> FontColor);

// Used for interval

$ yy = $ yy- $ this-> border * 2;


// Surface part of the painting chart

$ E = 0;

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

SRAND (Double) microtime () * 1000000);

IF ($ this-> r! = 255 && $ this-> g! = 255 && $ this-> b! = 255) {$ r = rand ($ this-> r, 200);

$ G = rand ($ THIS-> G, 200);

$ B = rand ($ THIS-> B, 200);

} else {

$ R = Rand (50, 200);

$ G = rand (50, 200);

$ B = rand (50, 200);


$ S = $ E;

$ Leight = $ Item_Array [$ I] / $ TOTAL * 360;

$ E = $ S $ Leight;

// $ color = $ colorarray [$ I];

$ color = imagecolorlocate ($ this-> Image, $ R, $ G, $ B);

// Painting round

// for ($ J = 90; $ J> 70; $ J - Imagefilledarc ($ this-> Image, 110, $ j, 200, 100, $ s, $ e, $ color, img_arc_pie);

Imagefilledarc ($ THIS-> Image, 110, 70, 200, 100, $ s, $ e, $ color, img_arc_pie;



// -------------- Complete print graphics

Function printall () {

ImagePNG ($ this-> image);

ImageDestroy ($ this-> image);



Function debug () {

Echo "x:". $ this-> x. "y:". $ this-> y;

Echo "Border:". $ this-> border;

$ item_ARRAY = Split ($ this-> arraysplit, $ this-> itmarray);

$ Num = Count ($ Item_Array);

Echo "Number of Number:". $ Num. "Numerical:";

For ($ I = 0; $ I <$ NUM; $ I ) {

Echo "" "$ item_Array [$ I];




// $ report-> debug (); // Elementary

/ *

Header ("Content-Type: Image / PNG");

$ report = new imageReport;

$ report-> setimage (600, 500, 255, 255, 255, 1); // parameter (length, high, back color R, g, b, is transparent 1 or 0)

$ TEMPARRAY = "0, 260, 400, 124, 48, 720, 122, 440, 475"; // Value, separated by specified symbol

$ report-> setItem (',', $ TEMPARRAY, 3, 23); // Parameter (Separate value specified symbol, numerical variable, style 1 is a vertical column Figure 2 is the horizontal pillar Figure 3 is a fold line diagram 4 ,distance)

$ report-> setfont (1); // font size 1-10

// $ report-> setx (1, 1); // Set the X-axis scale value (the starting scale value = 1, the scale interval = 1)

$ report-> printReport ();

* /



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