IIS-based web server shelf

zhaozj2021-02-16  126

WEB-based server racks are built of IIS: Xu Zhao Yuan School: Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Introduction

I found more and more people like to connect to the network, they actively learn network technology: network structure, network components technology, TCP / IP, etc. ... but have few income, what reason? The reason is very simple, they did not practice.

More and more people like to have a network, they have released their homepage, which have no shortage in these pages, which also use various technologies, flash, javascript, vbscript, java applet, and more. But they don't learn some of the fundamentals of the network, they don't know how their website or web page is running, how to transfer it.

In order to uncover these secrets, we first start learning from the shelf business, learn how to make your website or web page to our Internet. I hope that this article can play the role of the brick introduction ...


This article mainly introduces the IIS of IIS now, from which you can get how to create a server on your machine to simulate real servers, you can also apply the operating technology on a real server, and you will Get the entire IIS Technical Wizard.


Most of the current network services are World Wide Web services, HTTP services, this everyone is very familiar. In order to provide such services, we have to set up the server to provide services. In general, the person we built web website is IIS or Apache. The former is Microsoft's products, as long as you have a Windows2K (or WinXP Pro) series, you can get it, we can set up IIS ASP CGI Perl or PHP MySQL by it. Apache servers are derived from the Web Server project of the US National Super Technology Computing Application Center (NCSA), using it we can build the following server Apache MySQL (more applications in Linux). Here we explain the assembly of the IIS server. (I don't talk about Apache because I have to assume that you will operate Linux / UNIX and MySQL, but this is a demanding.)

IIS installation

The premise of installing IIS is that you must have Win2k, no matter what version of Pro, Different or Servers, Advanced Server. If the latter is, then you can be lucky. You can skip this part. Because the system has installed it on the system.

The steps are as follows: (log in to the Administrator account to the server or on your machine)

1. Open the Control Panel -> Add / Remove Programs -> Add / Remove the Windows Components, the system displays the Windows Component Wizard after initialization.

2. In the Windows Component Wizard, select the item you need to install. Here Internet Information Services (IIS) is what we have to install, select it. Select other you need, but it is not necessary for us.

3. Click Next to install and configure IIS. In the installation process you require Win2K installation disks.

4. When the system configuration is complete, you will see an "Internet Service Manager" in the Control Panel -> Management tool, indicating that you have already installed successfully. Otherwise, please try again.

Basic settings of IIS

Start Internet Service Manager

Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Service Manager

2. Connect to the web server

The Internet information service is connected to the default web server when the service is started. However, it is possible to manage it by connecting to any IIS server on the network in the Internet Services Manager. The operation is as follows: Operation / Connection Enter the web server host name, IP address, or NetBIOS name in the computer name.

3. Start, terminate and suspend service

(1) In the Internet Service Manager, select the 'Startup Service', 'Termination Services' or 'Suspension Services' in 'Properties'.

(2) Operation of IIS Admin Svervice in the system, where this is required, or cause stop of other services, such as FTP.

IIS setting

Now let's talk about its configuration. Limited to the space we only discuss the more important options, simple options slightly.

1. "Web Site" tab

(1) Identification of the web site

Enter the WWW server IP address in the description. Select Advanced You can set multiple IPs, that is, your machine can be used as a few servers. In the TCP port, enter the port of the WWW server you provide, default is 80, we generally do not change. If you experiment IIS on your local machine, please enter

(2) Other

Contacts and logs We stay default. Explain this slightly.

2. "Performance" tab

You can set the properties that affect memory and bandwidth. (Please set your own, relatively simple)

3. "ISAPI Filter" tab

The ISAPI filter is a program that responds when a web server receives an HTTP request, and the application is different from the Web server time driver instead of the customer request. The ISAPI filter can be associated with a specific web server, and thereafter, the filter will be notified each time the associated event occurs. (Settlement)

4. "Main Directory" tab

This tab is used to configure the contents of the home directory location of the WWW server.

(1) Specify the location of the primary directory. That is, the source of the primary directory of your WWW server and so on.

Directory on this computer: indicates that the published information is sent to the local directory. The default is SystemRoot / INPUT / WWWROOT (SystemRoot represents the installation drive letter of the operating system.)

Sharing location on another computer: Side-published information from a shared directory on other computers. Such as the shared directory in the local area network.

Redirection to the URL: The browser turns the request to the URL to another new URL but cannot be redirected for the FTP directory.

(2) File Access Properties Settings

Script Resource Access: Allows users to access resource code that has already been set up, "Read" or "write", including the script of the ASP application.

Read: Allows the user to read or download or direct the directory and its related properties.

Write: Allows users to transfer files and their related properties to the server that has been used on the server, or change the content that can be rewritten. "Write" operation can only be performed in a browser that supports the PUT function of the HTTP1.1 protocol standard.

Directory Browse: Allows users to view hypertext lists of files and subdirectory in the virtual directory.

Log Access: Access to this directory can be recorded in the log file. Only logs that use the web site will be recorded.

Index This resource: Allows Microsoft Indexing Server to include this directory in the full-text index of the Web site.

(3) Application settings

Permission License: Decide how to allow the level of the web site or virtual directory resource ??? None: Only the static file is allowed to enter the HTML or image file.

Pure script: Only the script is allowed, such as an ASP script.

Scripts and executables: Access or perform various file types.

Application Protection: Select the protection method of running applications.

Low: WEB services to IIS are running in the same process.

Middle: Run with other applications in a separate common process.

High: running in other different independent processes.

"Configuration" allows your IIS to resolve more scripts. Later.

5. "Document" tab

(1) Enable the default document

Select this option to provide a default document at any time of the browser request specified document name. The default document can be the home page of the directory or an index page containing the site document directory list.

(2) Enable document footer

Select this option automatically automatically attaches a footprint in an HTML format to each document sent by the web server. Footer files are not a complete HTML document that includes HTML tabs that need to format page feet and appearance and functionality. 6. Directory Security tab

(1) Anonymous access and verification control.

Anonymous Access: Allow any user to access, query the username and password.

Basic verification: You will prompt the user to enter the username and password, and send it through the network "Non-encryption".

Integrated Windows Verification: Use hash technology to identify users instead of sending passwords through the network.

During IIS installation, the installer automatically creates an Internet Guest account iUser_hostname, uses the default anonymous login account. Typically, it is not recommended to use the "basic verification" mode because the basic verification mode is used to pass the username and password on the network, which is easy to be intercepted by hackers.

(2) IP address and domain name limit

Setting up network clients to access restrictions on WWW servers, providing or blocking specific users from accessing this Web site, directory, or file.

(3) Configure secure communication.

You must install a valid server certificate to use this option.

7. "HTTP Head" tab


8. Custom Error Information tab


9. Server Extensions tab


Let your IIS server support more scripting resolution

Now we have to make IIS implement ASP, CGI, Perl, and PHP MySQL

The software you need (you want for Windows): ActivePerl PHP MySQL

ActivePerl Download: http://sosciveperperl-

PHP download: http://sOSFF.cnzzz.com/sofi2/php-4.2.3-win32.zip

Mysql Download: http://gwbnsh.pchome.net/internet/server/dbserver/mysql3.23.46a-win.zip

The above is the reference download site and cannot guarantee its download performance. If you can't download, please search. (Search engine www.google.com, www.baidu.com)

First, ASP support:

IIS comes with the function, nothing, it supports the ASP operation.

Second, CGI, Perl support:

1. Install ActivePerl

Run the downloaded ActivePerL step by step (Note: Installation path Please select / USR / USR / under the root "

2. Configure IIS

Open "Internet Information Services" (in the management tool), point the properties of the default site

Select the "Main Directory" tab, then "Configure (G) ...", pop up dialog:

Then "Add (D)"

Additional C: /ure/bin/per.exe%S%S in the executable program or find Perl.exe by browsing

Extension .cgi

Recommend "C: /usr/bin/perl.exe", remember to add "% s% s" back, otherwise it is not possible to execute the CGI, after determination, add extensions in the same way .pl

Third, PHP, MySQL support:

1. Install PHP and MySQL

After running the downloaded PHP and MySQL step by step (where you can put it, you are now popular on the Internet, there is no installed PHP, no installation, you can copy directly)

2.PHP support:

2.1 Copy all files in the DLLS folder under the PHP directory to System / root / winnt / system32

2.2 Configuring IIS: Add. Add. PPHP finally replace "execution permission" here: "Script and executable", then determine OK!

At this point, your web server can parse ASP, CGI, and PHP.

If your settings are correct, type IP of your website in IE (this machine is set to You can access your webpage, you can debug dynamic web pages in your own machine.



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